Nele Mentens
Professor Computer Science
- Name
- N. Mentens
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4799
- 0000-0001-8753-7895

Nele Mentens is a Professor of Applied Cryptography and Security at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS). She received her master and PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. She has been an associate professor at KU Leuven since 2014 and a professor at Leiden University since 2020.
More information about Nele Mentens
PhD candidates
Nele Mentens obtained a master degree in electrical engineering (micro-electronics) at KU Leuven in 2003. Afterwards, she joined the COSIC group as a PhD researcher under the supervision of Bart Preneel and Ingrid Verbauwhede. In 2007, she obtained a PhD in Engineering Science with the title "Secure and Efficient Coprocessor Design for Cryptographic Applications on FPGAs".
From 2007-2014, Nele was teaching at KHLim university college and affiliated to KU Leuven as a post-doctoral researcher. Since 2014, she is an associate professor at KU Leuven and an academic staff member of the COSIC research group. She founded the research group ES&S at the KU Leuven Campus in Diepenbeek, where she is teaching digital design and cryptology in the Faculty of Engineering Technology. In 2020, Nele joined LIACS at Leiden University as a professor of applied cryptography and security.
Nele was a visiting researcher at Ruhr University Bochum in 2013 and at EPFL in 2017. She was/is the PI in around 20 finished and ongoing research projects with national and international funding. She serves/served as a program committee member of renowned international conferences on security and hardware design, such as NDSS, USENIX Security Symposium, ACM CCS, Asiacrypt, CHES, DAC, DATE, FPL, ESSCIRC and ESWEEK. She was the general co-chair of FPL'17 and the program chair of EWME'18, PROOFS'18, FPL'20, CARDIS'20, RAW'21 and VLSID'22. Nele is (co-)author in over 100 publications in international journals, conferences and books. She received best paper awards and nominations at CHES'19, AsianHOST'17 and DATE'16. Nele serves as an expert for the European Commission and as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), and IEEE Security & Privacy. She is an associate editor-in-chief for IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (CASM).
More information can be found on Nele's personal webpage.
Professor Computer Science
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- board member
- hoogleraar