Natalie Everts
PhD Candidate
- Name
- Drs. N.C. Everts
- Telephone
- 071 5272768

Natalie Everts is a PhD candidate at the Institute for History.
Natalie Everts’ research interests include intercultural contact situations in the early modern era in Asia and Africa. Since 1996, she has published various articles on this theme. In the past she was editor of a source publication on the encounter between Dutch and indigenous Taiwanese on Formosa. Her main research project however is the intercultural community of Elmina (West-Africa) in the time of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. This study, that will result in a monograph, focuses on mixed marriages between Europeans and African women & their Eurafrican descendants, who occupied a range of different stations within the coastal society.
Key publications
‘Parrying Palavers, Coastal Akan Women & the Search for Security in the Eighteenth Century’ in M. Candido, A. Jones eds. Atlantic Encounters and Female Initiatives: Women in Coastal West and West Central Africa, 1500-1880 (Suffolk/Rochester NY: James Curry, Western Africa Series, 2019) 109-130.
‘Siraya Concepts of Marriage in Seventeenth-Century Sincan: Impressions Gathered from the Letters of Two Dutch Missionaries’ in Ya-chen Chen ed. (En)Gendering Taiwan, The Rise of Taiwanese Feminism (Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2018) 13-24.
‘Because I am an Uitlander’ ‘West India Company servant Willem Huydecoper’s clash with his colleagues’ in Geert Castryck, Silke Strickrodt and Katja Werthmann eds. Sources and Methods for African History and Culture, Essays in Honour of Adam Jones (Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2016) 117-134.
“Eenen Matthijs de Gietere:” de ongelukkige odyssee van een WIC cadet uit Elmina (1740-1775…) in Anita van Dissel, Maurits Ebben en Karwan Fatah Black red. Reizen door het Maritieme verleden van Nederland (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2015) 157-175.
“Omdat ik een Uijtlander ben” ‘WIC dienaar Willem Huydecopers clash met zijn confraters’ in Lodewijk Wagenaar red. Aan de Overkant, Ontmoetingen in dienst van de VOC en WIC (1600-1800) (Leiden: Sidestone Press 2015) 277-292.
‘Krijgsvolk in Elmina, Asafo, Compagniesgarnizoen en Tapoeyerkwartier, 1700-1815’ in V. Enthoven, H. den Heijer en H. Jordaan eds. Geweld in de West, Een militaire geschiedenis van de Atlantische wereld, 1600-1800. Caribbean Series vol. 33 (Leiden/Boston: Brill 2013) 75-107.
‘Als je geen meester hebt, zal een roofdier je pakken: Inheemse slavernij in de Akan samenleving aan de Goudkust in de achttiende eeuw’ in R. Daalder, D.J. Tang en L. Balai eds. Slaven en Schepen in het Atlantisch Gebied (Leiden/Amsterdam: Primavera Pers/ Stichting Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam 2013) 90-97.
‘Incorporating Euro-Africans in Akan Lineages and A Modest Development Towards A Euro-African Identity in Eighteenth Century Elmina’ in Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana, New Series 14 (2012) 79-104.
‘A Motley Company’ Differing Identities Among Euro-Africans in Eighteenth Century Elmina’ in T. Green ed. Brokers of Change, Atlantic Commerce and Cultures in Precolonial Western Africa, Proceedings of the British Academy 178 (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012) 53-69.
‘Huwen met de Blank’ West Afrikaanse Vrouwen & Interculturele Relaties in Prekoloniaal Elmina’ in J.Th. Lindblad en A. Schrikker red. Het verre Gezicht, Politieke en culturele relaties tussen Nederland en Azië, Afrika en Amerika (Franeker: Van Wijnen 2011) 181-196.
The Formosan Encounter. Notes on Formosa’s Aboriginal Society: A Selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources, I-IV, 1623-1668, eds. L. Blussé & N.C. Everts (Taipei: Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 1999-2010).
‘Social Outcomes of Trade Relations: Encounters between Africans and Europeans in the Hubs of the Slave Trade on the Guinea Coast’ in Wim Klooster ed. Migration, Trade, and Slavery in an Expanding World: Essays in Honor of Pieter Emmer (Leiden/ Boston: Brill 2009) 141-162.
‘Impressions of a Contact Zone: some reflections on the representation of Indigenous Culture in the Documents of the Formosan Encounter Source Publication’ in Chuen-rong Yeh ed. Conference of Taiwan Studies in the Netherlands & New Researches on Taiwan History, 3, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, (conference volume, Taipei 2008) 89-102.
Everts, N.C. & Milde, W., ‘We Thanked God for Submitting Us to Such Sore but Supportable Trials, Hendrick Noorden and His Long Road to Freedom’ in L. Blussé ed. Around and About Formosa, Essays in honor of Professor Ts’ao Yung-ho (Taipei: Ts’ao Yung-ho Foundation for Culture and Education, 2003) 243-272.
‘Brought up well according to European standards: Helena van der Burgh and Wilhelmina van Naarssen: two Christian women from Elmina’ in I. van Kessel ed. Merchants, Missionaries and Migrants, 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian Relations (Accra/Amsterdam: Sub-Saharan Publishers/KIT Publishers 2002) 100-109.
‘Jacob van Lamay van Tayouan: An Indigenous Formosan Who Became an Amsterdam Citizen’, in D. Blundell ed. Austronesian Taiwan, Linguistics, History, Ethnology and Prehistory (Berkeley/Taipei: University of California/Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines 2000) 151-156.
Ranjeva-Rabetafika, Y., Baesjou, R., Everts, N.C., ‘Of Paper and Men: A Note on the Archives of the VOC as a Source for the History of Madagascar’ Itinerario, 24, 1 (2000) 45-57.
De Dagregisters van Kasteel Zeelandia, Taiwan 1629-1662, vols. II-IV: 1641-1662, eds. J.L. Blussé, N.C. Everts, W. Milde, Ts’ao Yung-ho (Den Haag: RGP 229, 233, 241, 1995-2000).
Doortmont, M.R., Everts, N.C., & Vrij, J.J., ‘Tussen de Goudkust, Nederland en Suriname. De Euro-Afrikaanse families Van Bakergem, Woortman, Rühle, en Huydecoper’, De Nederlandse Leeuw 117 (2000) 170-212, 310-344.
‘Huwelijk naar ’s lands wijze. Relaties tussen Afrikaanse vrouwen en Europeanen aan de Goudkust (West Afrika), 1700-1817: Een aanpassing van de beeldvorming’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 4 (1998) 598-616.
Doortmont, M.R. & Everts, N.C., ‘Arij de Graaff (ca. 1729/30-1788): weeskind, WIC-dienaar en Gronings borgheer, zijn voor- en nageslacht’, De Nederlandse Leeuw 114 (1997) 197-218.
Doortmont, M.R. & Everts, N.C., ‘Vrouwen, familie en eigendom op de Goudkust (Ghana). De verwevenheid van Afrikaanse en Europese systemen van erfrecht in Elmina, 1760-1860’ in C. van Eijl, van (ed.), Geld en Goed. Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 17 (Amsterdam: Stichting beheer IISG, 1997) 114-130.
‘Cherchez la Femme: gender-related issues in eighteenth-century Elmina’, Itinerario, 20, 1, (1996) 45-57.
PhD Candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Nederlandse geschiedenis