Narin Idriz
Guest Staff Member
- Name
- N.F. Idriz LLM
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Curriculum Vitae
Narin Idriz has been working as a PhD-candidate at Europa Insitute of Leiden University since June 2007. She graduated from the department of International Relations at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, after which she completed two master degrees: LLM in International Human Rights Law at Essex University, the UK, and Adv. LLM in European Business Law at Leiden University. Her research focuses on “The hierarchy of norms in EU primary law and its implications on the law of the EU enlargement”. In addition to her PhD research, she also teaches at the Master programme European Law.
- Introduction to EU law
- Privatissimum Internal Market
Guest Staff Member
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Tobler R.C. & Idriz N.F. (2022), ‘Citizenship of the Association’: the examples of Turkey and Switzerland. In: Kostakopoulou D. & Thym D. (Eds.), Research Handbook on European Union Citizenship Law and Policy. Navigating Challenges and Crises. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 320-342.
- Tezcan N. (2015), The Puzzle Posed by Demir for the Free Movement of Turkish Workers: A Step Forward, a Step Back, or Standstill?. In: Thym D Zoetewij Turhan M.H. (Ed.), Degrees of Free Movement and Citizenship. Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law no. 9. Groningen: Martinus Nijhoff. 233-247.
- Tezcan N. (27 May 2015), Legal constraints on EU Member States as primary law makers : a case study of the proposed permanent safeguard clause on free movement of persons in the EU negotiating framework for Turkey's accession (Dissertatie, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks no. 247. Supervisor(s): Hillion C.A.P. & Bogaert S.C.G. van den.
- Göçmen I. & Tezcan N. (2014), “Avrupa Birligi’ndeki Turk Vatandaslari ve Aile Birlesimi ” [Turkish Nationals in the EU and their Right to Family Reunification], Ankara Barosu dergisi 72(4): .
- Göçmen I. & Tezcan N. (2013), Yargi Araciligiyla Vizesiz Avrupa bir Hayal mi ? ” [Is Visa Free Europe by Judicial Fiat a Dream ?], Güncel Hukuk Dergisi : 48-51.
- Slot P.J. & Tezcan N.F. (2011), Free movement of persons between Turkey and the EU: The hidden potential of Article 41(1) of the additional protocol. In: Kabaalioglu H., Ott A. & Tatham A. (Eds.), EU and Turkey: Bridging the differences in a complex relationship. Istanbul: Economic Development Foundation. 67-92.
- Tezcan N.F.. Eur. J. Int. Law 13: 219-239.
- Slot P.J. & Tezcan N.F. (2011), À la recherche d'un cadre légal approprié pour les relations Ue-Russie, Revue du Marché Commun et de l'Union Européenne 546: 1-15.
- Tezcan N.F. (2010), Turkish Citizens' Rights in the EU. Istanbul: Economic Development Foundation Publications No: 228.
- Tezcan N. (2010), “Visa Hotline Project”. Background Paper: Turkish Citizens’ Rights in the EU.
- Tezcan N.F. & Slot P.J. (2010), Free movement of persons between Turkey and the EU: the hidden potential of Article 41(1) of the Additional Protocol. In: , CLEER Working Papers. The Hague: TMC Asser Instituut, Centre for the Law of EU External Relations. 1-19.
- Slot P.J. & Tezcan N.F. (2010), Recent developments in case law concerning free movement rights of persons under the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement. In: , Turkey-EC Association Law: Developments Since Ankara Agreement (The Rights of EU Citizens in Turkey and of Turkish Citizens in the EU Countries. Istanbul: Koc University. 111-136.
- Tezcan N.F. (2009), Free movement of persons between Turkey and the EU: to move or not to move?, Common Market Law Review 46(5): 1621-1665.
- Slot P.J. & Tezcan N.F. (2008), how to tackle EU's Energy dependency?. In: Morais L.S. & Pitta e Cunha P. de (Eds.), A Europe E os desafios do Século XXI. Coimbra: Almedina. 381-404.
- Tezcan N.F., Boot J. & Slot P.J. (2008), The Netherlands. In: Rodger Barry (Ed.), Article 234 and Competition Law, An Analysis. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. 443-509.