Naomi Truan
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. N.A.L. Truan
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1650
- 0000-0003-1023-4663

As a sociolinguist, I critically explore the ways in which language reflects, reinforces, or contests social inequalities, in the online and offline worlds. Passionate about languages, open science, and research-led, student-driven higher education, I bring an interdisciplinary perspective to the study of linguistic practices and ideologies in transnational spaces, challenging traditional notions of ‘language’. As a member of the Heritage Language Lab Leiden and a Research Fellow at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre on Governance of Migration and Diversity, I contribute to advancing knowledge at the intersection of language, mobility, and diversity.
More information about Naomi Truan
PhD candidates
Books & publications
Research Trainee Programme
Leiden Language Blog
French in multilingual contexts: A student’s perspective on doing fieldwork – PART III
French in multilingual contexts: A student’s perspective on doing fieldwork – PART II
French in multilingual contexts: A student’s perspective on doing fieldwork – PART I
Research project Investigating German in the Netherlands: A student’s point of view - PART III
Research project Investigating German in the Netherlands: A student’s point of view - PART II
Research project Investigating German in the Netherlands: A student’s point of view - PART I
Fields of interest
- Multilingualism
- Migration
- Globalization
- Digital communication
- Social media
- Parliamentary debates
- Political discourse
- Person reference
- Pronouns
My research investigates the role of e.g. German within multilingual and transnational contexts, analyzing how language ideologies shape its use and perception alongside other linguistic and semiotic resources. Drawing on qualitative methods, including interviews and ethnographic and discourse analysis, I explore how speakers negotiate linguistic diversity and identities. Trained in corpus linguistics and pragmatics, I also incorporate quantitative approaches to my work on e.g. gender-inclusive language or digital interactions.
Among other themes, I welcome BA, MA and PhD theses and collaborations on language ideologies, multilingualism, creative online practices, gender.
Grants and awards
2022: Open Science Award for Research Data from the French Ministry of Science and Research
2021: Student Teaching Award for Online Teaching of the University of Leipzig
2018: Graduate Student Travel Award of the American Pragmatics Association
Fellowships and grants
2021-2022: Junior Fellow of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald
2018: Fulbright Scholarship Program
2016-2019: German Academic Exchange Service
2016-2019: Deutsch-Französische Hochschule
2018: Arthur King Peters Memorial Travel Grant
2014-2015: Alfred Töpfer Stiftung F.V.S.
2012-2013: Internationales Parlamentsstipendium des Deutschen Bundestages
Curriculum vitae
Prior to my appointment at Leiden University, I was a full-time researcher and lecturer in German Linguistics at the University of Leipzig. During my PhD in cotutelle, I worked between the Free University Berlin and Sorbonne University in Paris. I am also an Alumna of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Greifswald (Germany).
Selected publications
In my dissertation, ‘The Politics of Person Reference’ (published with John Benjamins), I focused on:
- person reference and speech roles (see Truan 2021);
- pronouns and forms of address (see Truan 2015, Truan 2022);
- contrastive discourse analysis (see Truan 2019a);
- parliamentary discourse (see Truan 2016, Truan 2020, and most publications 2015-2019);
- populism (see Truan 2019a, Truan 2019b).
Since then, my research interests revolve around two areas:
1) language ideologies around multilingualism (sociolinguistics of German)
- language ideologies in transnational spaces (see Truan 2024a, Truan 2024b, Truan 2025);
- language ideologies and gender (see Truan & Oldani 2021);
- linguistic racism (see Oldani & Truan 2022)
2) language and identity in digital spaces
- gender and hashtags in Twitter protests (#CoronaEltern) (see Truan & Fischer 2023);
- the use of forms of address in online communities (T-form / V-form in German) (see Truan 2022);
- the creation of communities of practice, for instance people enacting their cats online (see Truan 2022);
- digital practices in the classroom and in higher education (see Truan & Dressel 2021, Truan & Dressel 2022).
Assistant professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Duits
- Truan N.A.L. (2024), Whose language counts?: Native speakerism and monolingual bias in language ideological research: challenges and directions for further research, European Journal of Applied Linguistics 12(1): 34-53.
- Truan N.A.L. (2024), Introduction: language ideologies—again?: New insights from a flourishing field, European Journal of Applied Linguistics 12(1): 1-13.
- Truan N.A.L. (2023), "I am a real cat" : French-speaking cats on Twitter as an enregistered variety and community of practice, Internet Pragmatics 6(1): 67-106.
- Truan N.A.L. & Fischer F. (2023), Die digitale Hashtag-Kampagne rund um #CoronaEltern und #CoronaElternRechnenAb: Twitter-Positionierungspraktiken in der Pandemie, Journal für Medienlinguistik 5(1): 1-33.
- Bock C. F. Busch F. Truan N.A.L. (2023), Introduction: the sociolinguistics of exclusion : indexing (non)belonging in mobile communities, Language & Communication 93: 192-195.
- Truan N.A.L. (2022), (When) can I say du to you? The metapragmatics of forms of address on German-speaking Twitter, Journal of Pragmatics 191: 227-239.
- Truan N.A.L. & Dressel D. (2022), Doing open science in a research-based seminar: students' positioning towards openness in higher education, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 23(3): 153-170.
- Oldani M. & Truan N.A.L. (2022), Navigating the German school system when being perceived as a student 'with migration background': students' perspectives on linguistic racism, Linguistics and Education 71: 101049.
- Truan N.A.L., Fahrer S., Heck T. & Röwert R. (2022), From theoretical debates to lived experiences: autoethnographic insights into open educational practices in German higher education, Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e86663.
- Truan N.A.L. & Romary L. (2022), Building, encoding, and annotating a corpus of parliamentary debates in TEI XML: a cross-linguistic account. TEI Conference 2019 17 March 2019 - 20 March 2019. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative.
- Truan N.A.L. (2021), The politics of person reference: third-person forms in English, German, and French. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Truan N.A.L. (2021), Narratives of dialogue in parliamentary discourse: constructing the ethos of the receptive politician, Journal of Language and Politics 20(4): 563-584.
- Truan N.A.L. & Oldani M. (2021), The view from within: gendered language ideologies of multilingual speakers in contemporary Berlin, Journal of Sociolinguistics 25(3): 374-397.
- Truan N.A.L. & Dressel D. (2021), Das eigene digitale Schreiben erforschen, Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung – Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion 4(1): 378-397.
- Tóth-Czifra E. & Truan N.A.L. (2021), Creating and analyzing multilingual parliamentary corpora. Research Data Management Workflows Volume 1. [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2019), Talking about, for, and to the people: populism and representation in parliamentary debates on Europe, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 67(3): 307-337.
- Truan N.A.L. (2019), Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen einer pragmatisch orientierten kontrastiven Diskursanalyse: Ein Vorschlag am Beispiel deutscher, französischer, und britischer Parlamentsdebatten, Diskurse – digital 1(3): 29-50.
- Truan N.A.L. (2019), The discursive construction of the people in European political discourse: semantics and pragmatics of a contested concept in German, French, and British parliamentary debate. In: Zienkowski J. & Breeze R. (Eds.), Imagining the peoples of Europe: populist discourses across the political spectrum. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 201-228.
- Truan N.A.L. (2018), Generisch, unpersönlich, indefinit?: Die Pronomina man, on, one und generisches you im politischen Diskurs. In: Vinckel-Roisin H., Gautier L. & Modicom P. (Eds.), Diskursive Verfestigungen: Schnittstellen zwischen Morphosyntax, Phraseologie und Pragmatik im Deutschen und im Sprachvergleich. Konvergenz & Divergenz. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 347-363.
- Truan N.A.L. (2018), Review of: Arendholz J., Bublitz W. & Kirner-Ludwig M., The pragmatics of quoting now and then. Discourse & Society 29(5): 592-594.
- Truan N.A.L. (2017), Zwischenrufe zwischen parlamentarischer Routine und Kreativität: Bundestagsdebatten über Europa aus dem Blickwinkel von unautorisierten Unterbrechungen, Cahiers d’Études Germaniques 73: 125-138.
- Truan N.A.L. (2017), Dire l’intégration: les rapports français et allemands sur l’intégration entre injonction à la neutralité et volonté d’influence (1991-2014), Mots: les langages du politique (114): 77-93.
- Bernier-Monod A., Dubslaff V., Lensing A., Truan N.A.L. & Zunino B. (2017), Le doctorat nouvelle mouture: pratiques et vécu en France et en Allemagne. Une enquête de l’association GIRAF-IFFD. In: Meise H., Nicklas T. & Roques C.E. (Eds.), Hybridisierungen = Hybridations. Reims: Les Éditions de l’Épure. 295-311.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), On the pragmatics of interjections in parliamentary interruptions, Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique (40): 125-144.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), "Les citations doivent être exactes!": Pratiques polémiques de la citation au parlement, Travaux Interdisciplinaires sur la Parole et le Langage (32): 93-122.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Convoquer autrui dans le discours politique: ethos et adresse indirecte dans les débats parlementaires allemands et britanniques contemporains sur l’Europe (1998-2015), Trajectoires (Special issue 1): .
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), France: the reluctance to use the word ‘populism’ as a concept. In: Aalberg T., Esser F., Reinemann C., Stromback J. & Vreese C. de (Eds.), Populist political communication in Europe: a cross-national analysis of European countries. New York: Routledge.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Review of: Wieczorek A.E. , Clusivity: a new approach to association and dissociation in political discourse. Journal of Language and Politics 15(5): 657-660.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the Assemblée nationale (2002-2012). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the Deutscher Bundestag (1998-2015). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the House of Commons (1998-2015). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. & Renard L. (2016), Rapports allemands sur l’intégration (1991-2014). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. & Renard L. (2016), Rapports français sur l’intégration (1991-2012). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language) 1. [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2015), Stratégies de contournement de l’adresse et délocution: le tiers du discours politique, Échanges de linguistique en Sorbonne 3(1): 52-71.
- Truan N.A.L. (2015), Faire intervenir des êtres collectifs dans et par le discours: de l’usage des syntagmes nominaux à valeur collective dans les discours conservateurs allemand et britannique, Tracés 29(3): 103-122.
- Truan N.A.L. (2015), Review of: Léon J. (2015), Histoire de l’automatisation des sciences du langage: ENS Éditions. Lectures .