Nanne Timmer
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. N. Timmer
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2184
- 0000-0002-5364-2547

Nanne Timmer is an Associate Professor at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. 'As Senior Lecturer in Latin American cultural analysis, my research is intimately concerned with interculturality and cultural translation. In both my teaching and my research, one of my goals is to listen carefully to stories from specific and diverse cultural backgrounds, even when at first those stories might not be easy to understand. Both as a scholar and at a personal level, I am driven by a desire to engage with divergent social, political, and cultural contexts, never taking any meaning for granted. The richness and diversity of Latin American culture provides a never-ending source of inspiration for my research.'
More information about Nanne Timmer
PhD candidates
Fields of interest
- Latin American cultural analysis
- New Media, Civil Society, and the Internet in Cuba
- Interculturality, Cultural Translation, Migrant Literature
- Cuban Studies, Caribbean Studies
- Literature, Arts, Law and Politics
- The Body, Gender and Performance Studies
- Artistic Research/ Creative Pedagogies
- Urban Writing and Multilingual Poetry
As a Associate Professor in Latin American cultural analysis, my research is intimately concerned with interculturality and cultural translation. In both my teaching and my research, one of my goals is to listen carefully to stories from specific and diverse cultural backgrounds, even when at first those stories might not be easy to understand. Both as a scholar and at a personal level, I am driven by a desire to engage with divergent social, political, and cultural contexts, never taking any meaning for granted. The richness and diversity of Latin American culture provides a never-ending source of inspiration for my research.
I have taught at Utrecht University (Netherlands), the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil). I obtained my PhD at Leiden University in 2004 with a dissertation on postmodern Cuban literature (supervisor Luz Rodríguez Carranza). Since then, I have become interested in the relationships between subjectivity and discourse, art and politics, and the body and biopolitics.
These interests have been key in many of my recent research projects. In 2013, I edited, introduced and contributed to Ciudad y escritura. Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI (The City and Writing: Latin America at the beginning of the XXIst Century), a volume of essays on the Latin American megalopolis and its urban imaginaries. The scholars contributing to this volume examined fictional cartographies in São Paulo and Santiago de Chile, performance poetry in Mexico City, testimonies of violence and migration in Medellín and Lima, and the use of blogging to create virtual cities in Havana and San Juan.
In 2018, I edited, introduced and contributed to Cuerpos Ilegales. Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina (Illegal Bodies: Subject, Power, and Writing in Latin America), a volume of essays studying the ways that bodies are subjected to discourses of power and the possibilities for the arts to challenge legal, moral and political regimes. Among other cultural expressions, contributors discussed Chilean film; Argentinean, Mexican and Colombian performance art; Venezuelan poetry; and Cuban theatre.
One of my ongoing research interests is the tension between official and unofficial journals in Cuba. As part of my graduate research (1997), I studied the official journal Casa de las Américas. This was part of a larger project around Latin American cultural journals. Studying these journals sparked my interest in cultural historiography and in conceptualizing history in relation to politics. Some of my recent articles (2012 and 2021) focus on the underground poetry journal Diáspora(s) in the 90s and on online journals and communities in present-day Cuba, where a digital revolution and alternative journalism have had a substantial impact on culture and civil society. Debates around dramatization and theatricality in relation to the political are crucial to understand this specific context, which puts play, performance, and the law at stake.
Many of my earlier interests come together in my most recent book, El presente incómodo: subjetividad en crisis y novelas cubanas después del muro (2021) (The Uncanny Present: Subjectivity in Crisis and Cuban Novels After the Berlin Wall). In this book, I analyze cultural transitions and negotiations between art and politics in Cuba from 1989 to 2020. Through the close reading of thirteen novels, I study a problematic notion of temporality “entre muros” (after the fall of the Berlin Wall and before the construction of Donald Trump’s “Wall,” itself just before the COVID-19 pandemic) in both a specific national setting (“postsoviet” Cuba) and the global setting.
Another recent project relates to emerging forms of (eco)feminism in the Hispanic Caribbean. Here I am interested in sexual dissident identities, maternities, and post-apocalyptic representations of the environmental crisis. I address some of these themes in a first draft of “Vloedgolven en rukwinden in literatuur uit Cuba, Puerto Rico en de Dominicaanse Republiek” (“Tidal Waves and Gusts in Literature from Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic”) (2020). I have also recently been exploring some specific transcultural links such as the Chinese-Cuban and Surinamese-Hispanic connections.
The intercultural dimension of my work is guided by my interests in translation studies, the practice of translating as such, and the boundaries between translation and creative writing. These interests are reflected in Twaalf Verhalen en een Revolutie (Twelve Stories and a Revolution, 2016), an anthology of short stories that I collaborated with a group of former students to edit and translate from Spanish to Dutch; Speech van de dode moeder (Speech of the Dead Mother, 2019), a Cuban theatre piece by Carlos A. Aguilera that I translated from Spanish to Dutch; and Los hombrecitos hasselblad (2019), a collection Dutch poetry by Gerard Fieret that I selected, introduced, and translated to Spanish. I am interested not only in the limits between cultural contexts, but also between languages as such, as well as between the theory and practice of literature. These interests converge in creative writing projects such as the online journal El Nieuwe Acá, which I founded together with a group of former students. In my own creative work, I explore the tensions between performance and (multilingual) poetry, and the limits of scholarly writing.
Teaching activities
During my studies—in the Netherlands, Spain, and Cuba—I first started teaching language courses in my spare time. After my PhD I lectured courses at Utrecht University, Antwerp University and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil). At Leiden University, I have taught a range of courses in the BA and (R)MA Latin American Studies, the BA International Studies, the (R)MA Arts and Culture, the (R)MA Media Studies, the (R)MA Literary Studies, and at Leiden University College. You may have met me in one of the following courses, taught in Spanish, English, or Dutch:
- General BA courses on Latin American culture and literature: Latijns-Amerika in Woord en Beeld (BA1 Latin American Studies); Maskers, Identiteit en Latijns-Amerikaanse Cultuur (BA2 Latin American Studies); Het Beeld van de Ander (BA1 Latin American Studies); Culture of Latin America (BA1 International Studies)
- BA and MA courses on specific topics: Censorship and Arts (elective, BA2 International Studies); The Body in Latin American Literature ((R)MA Latin American Studies); La ciudad latinoamericana y su expresión cultural (BA and (R)MA Latin American Studies); Nuevos feminismos latinoamericanos ((R)MA Latin American Studies), Escribir la violencia en América Latina: humor, afecto y cuerpo (Interuniversitary course Masterlanguage)
- Methodological courses: Onderzoeksmethodologie Culturele Analyse Latijns-Amerika (BA3 Latin American Studies); Methods of Cultural Analysis and Critical Readings (MA Latin American Studies); Methods I, II, and III (RMA Latin American Studies); Cultural and Visual Analysis (BA2 Leiden University College)
- MA courses related to literary theory: Interculturality I: Key Concepts ((R)MA Media Studies: Comparative Literature and Literary Theory); Experiences of the Metropolis: From Baudelaire to Benjamin (team-taught, (R)MA Literary Studies and (R)MA Arts and Culture); Literature and Society: Narrative, Fiction and Voice (team-taught, (R)MA Literary Studies)
- Leiden Elective Academic Periodical, a new course which my colleague Astrid van Weyenberg and I developed to guide a group of (R)MA students in publishing a faculty-wide graduate journal
In my lecturing, the transmission of knowledge about my field of expertise (Latin American arts in society) is of equal importance to the way I teach, which involves skills training. I describe my educational vision in my SKO-portfolio (2019):
Far-reaching individualization and obsessive emphasis on success and happiness often lead our education system to become too focused on the pursuit of individual and materially measurable success. As a humanities scholar, I see it as my task to offer a counterbalance to these tendencies. Beyond training students in independent thinking, I particularly aspire to make students think critically about forms of coexistence and cooperation, and about their own roles in these ways of living together. When we talk about “excellence,” I would say that my motto is “excellence in living together,” reflecting my desire to stimulate social engagement. My goal is to produce academic professionals in the humanities who will be sensitive to issues relating to inclusivity, diversity, and social vulnerability when they begin participating in the labor force. I use my substantive experience with other cultures and forms of community to make students aware of the bubbles in which they live and think. I do this through the use of concrete cases in which I ask students not just to formulate their own points of view, but to discuss them with others. I also teach systematic methods of cultural analysis, inviting students to think about intercultural society while avoiding both dogmatism and relativism (e.g. “I’m OK, you’re OK”).
Students are only motivated to learn not when they passively absorb information, but when they are really touched by social issues, texts, or artworks, and when their work is project-based. Course projects that I have facilitated include compiling and translating a short story collection from Spanish to Dutch (Twelve Stories and a Revolution), organizing a colloquium (Cuerpos Illegales), creating a blog, and publishing a graduate journal (Leiden Elective Academic Periodical). Through these projects, I aim to engage students in active research. In this, I fully agree with the “inquiry-based learning” principle in Leiden University’s educational vision. I believe that it is important to allow everyone to speak up and express themselves as clearly as possible. In my seminars, allowing room for creativity, individuality, respect, and safety is essential for fruitful debate.
Key publications
Timmer, N. (ed.) (2018): Cuerpos ilegales. Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina. (Illegal Bodies: Subject, Power, and Writing in Latin America) Leiden: Almenara
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Latijns-Amerikaanse L&C
- Timmer N. (2024), Extinción o supervivencia de las especies: hormigas, tataguas y mosquitos en la obra de Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas, 452ºF. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada (30): 165-181.
- Timmer N. & Churampi Ramirez A.I. (2024), Entre gallos, perros, hurones y mosquitos: zoonarrativas y supervivencia según Arelis Uribe, María Fernanda Ampuero y Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas. In: Bustamante Escalona F. & Amaro L. (Eds.), Carto(corpo)grafías: Nuevo reparto de las voces en la narrativa de autoras latinoamericanas del siglo XXI. Iberoamericana. Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert. 183-209.
- Timmer N. (2024), Un nuevo arte de hacer cultura: ¿Publicaciones independientes, autónomas o alternativas? Dossier de entrevistas con cuatro editores cubanos. Praha: Incubadora. [other].
- Timmer N. & Ponte B. (2024), Lichaam, taal en cuirheid; over het werk van Sayak Valencia, Terras (26): 111-113.
- Timmer N. (2023), La palabra y el miedo: ‘Sí sí el big bang’ de Maria Barnas, Rialta Magazine : .
- Timmer N. 17 July 2023, Ruculudens, Javier Llaxacondor entrevista a Nanne Timmer. Poetas Ruculistas. Radio Universidad de Chile [podcast].
- Timmer N. (2023), Schrijven met gespleten tong, Terras (24): 186-196.
- Timmer N. (2023), Quests for a change of territories: forms of dystopia and transfiction in La autopista: the movie, by Jorge Enrique Lage, Theory in Action 16(4): 56-68.
- Timmer N. (2023), Coreografías del cordón umbilical. In: Martínez Fiterre P. (Ed.), Condición de cuerpo. Santiago de Querétaro: Rialta Ediciones. 5-8.
- Timmer N. (2023), Conversación con Paola Martínez Fiterre. In: Martínez Fiterre P. (Ed.), Condición de cuerpo. Santiago de Querétaro: Rialta Ediciones. 161-183.
- Timmer N. (19 October 2023), Gioconda Belli: ‘La poesía es la palabra llevada al máximo de su capacidad expresiva’: interview with Gioconda Belli. Leiden (Universiteit Leiden). [blog entry].
- Timmer N. (19 October 2023), Gioconda Belli: ‘In de dichtkunst wordt het woord naar zijn maximale uitdrukkingsvermogen gebracht’: interview met Gioconda Belli. Leiden (Universiteit Leiden). [web article].
- Timmer N. & Martin Hidalgo D. (2022), Cartoneras going east: deslizamientos orientalistas en la poesía cubana. In: Phaf-Rheinberger I. & Hagimoto K. (Eds.), Geografías caleidoscópicas: América Latina y sus imaginarios intercontinentales. Frankfurt/ Madrid: Vervuert/ Iberoamericana. 159-180.
- Timmer N. (2022), Plagios y contagios: las zonas fronterizas de la traducción y la escritura, Rialta Magazine 62(abril): .
- Timmer N. (2021), Afectos y desafectos. Lectura de Clausewitz y yo de Carlos A. Aguilera, Revista Penúltima : .
- Timmer N. (2021), Voces quebradas y lazos familiares en Penínsulas rotas, de Magdalena López, Trópico Absoluto .
- Timmer N. (2021), El presente incómodo: subjetividad en crisis y novelas cubanas después del muro. Nueva Crítica Hispanoamericana. Buenos Aires: Corregidor.
- Timmer N. (2021), Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas: Contra el poder hurón, Rialta Magazine 54(agosto) Ensayo y crítica: .
- Timmer N (2021), Martha Luisa Hernandez Cadenas: against the ferret power, No Country Magazine : .
- Timmer N. (2021), La literatura como ilegalidad en revistas cubanas: delito, Estado y derecho en Diáspora(s) y Cacharro(s). In: Minnes M. & Rempel N. (Eds.), Netzwerke - Werknetze. Transareale Perspektiven auf relationale Ästhetiken, Akteure und Medien (1910-1989).. Hildesheim/New York: Georg Olms Verlag. 349-377.
- Timmer N. (2021), La casa atrincherada: Bildung y tragicomedia en La casa y la isla, de Ronaldo Menéndez. SOCARE International Congress 2021 „Between mobilities and demarcations of boundaries: Education and the politics of education in the Caribbean“ 5 March 2021 - 13 March 2021. Erlangen.
- Timmer N (2021), Cuerpos enfermos: casa, escuela y género en La casa y la isla de Ronaldo Menéndez y Los caídos de Carlos Manuel Álvarez”. XLIII Congreso Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana: Cuerpos: miradas poéticas, significaciones políticas 6 July 2021 - 9 July 2021. Université de Reims.
- Timmer N.: Dorta W., Rojas R., Rodríguez Iglesias L. & Álvarez C.M. 2 September 2021, A vueltas con Carlos Manuel Álvarez: una conversación sobre su última novela. Rialta Ediciones [podcast].
- Timmer N. (2020), Una torre y una autopista: distopías y territorialidades en novelas postcubanas de Carlos A. Aguilera y Jorge Enrique Lage. In: Salto G. & Calomarde N. (Eds.), Devenir/escribir Cuba en el siglo XXI: (post) poéticas del archivo insular. Buenos Aires: Katatay. 105-127.
- Timmer N. (2020), Vloedgolven en rukwinden: natuurgeweld in literatuur uit Cuba, Puerto Rico en de Dominicaanse Republiek, Terras 18: 46-51.
- Timmer N. (2020) Brevísima relación de la construcción de Curaçao. Review of: Soto van der Plas Christina (2019), Curaçao: Costa de cemento, pueblo de prisión. Mexico: Secretaría de Cultura / Dirección General de Publicaciones / Fondo Editorial Tierra Adentro. Tierra Adentro .
- Timmer N. (2020), Place becoming space: nation and deterritorialisation in Cuban narrative of the twenty-first century. In: López M. & Vera-Rojas M.T. (Eds.), New perspectives on Hispanic Caribbean studies. London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 67-83.
- Timmer N. & López Labourdette A. (2019), La nación narrada. Propuestas para una cartografía de la novela cubana contemporánea, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (829-830): 18-32.
- Timmer N. & Fieret G. (Eds.) (2019), Los hombrecitos hasselblad. Barcelona: Kriller71.
- Timmer N. (2019), Leer el agua: una reseña de Delta, Artishock : .
- Timmer N. (2019), El piano Legna: masticando «un eterno suspirar» en forma de. In: Cuesta M. & Sklodowska E. (Eds.), Lecturas atentas Una visita desde la ficción y la crítica a las narradoras cubanas contemporáneas. Leiden: Almenara. 271-282.
- Timmer N. (2019), Paranoia in het Oosten: Een inleiding op het werk van Carlos A. Aguilera. In: Aguilera C.A. (Ed.), Speech van de dode moeder. Haarlem: In de Knipscheer. 7-14.
- Timmer N. & Nagle M. (2019), Nawoord. In: Maia A.P. (Ed.), De Ziel in het Bloed. Amsterdam: Zirimiri Press.
- Aguilera Carlos A. (2019), Speech van de dode moeder [Discurso de la madre muerta] (translation: Timmer N.): In de Knipscheer.
- Timmer N. (2019), Agitación y cultura: Luis Costillo y Nanne Timmer sobre Gerard Fieret. RealAudio. Mérida: Canal Extremadura. [audio].
- Timmer N. (2019), Theater vertalen en vertolken: Speech van de dode moeder, Terras (17): 46-52.
- Timmer N. (2019), Ensayo y postficción: realidad y goce de la escritura en Con hambre y sin dinero (2018), de Ena Lucía Portela, Caracol 18 Dossier : Estudios caribeños: ficciones y metáforas del presente(18 (jul- dez 2019)): 237-257.
- Timmer N. (22 August 2019), Havana Fastforward: ruins and highways in contemporary narrative (Invited Lecture): Conference: Revolutionary Havana (Lecture). Bergen University: Research Group Radical Philosophy and Literature.
- Timmer N., Sterling A., Salgado C., López Labourdette A., Bethel-Bennet I. & Oliver D. (2019), Los estudios caribeños hoy: Conference. Online, (Madrid Platform Yo Soy el Otro). [other].
- Timmer N. (9 April 2018), Afecto y desterritorialización en la literatura actual cubana desde los noventa hasta el presente (Keynote): Jornada:III Diálogo de Buenos Aires: Imágenes de la cultura caribeña (Lecture). Buenos Aires: MALBA/Universidad de Buenos Aires .
- Timmer N. (Ed.) (2018), Cuerpos Ilegales. Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina. Leiden: Almenara.
- Timmer N. (2018), Pensar el cuerpo: vida y derecho. In: Timmer N. (Ed.), Cuerpos Ilegales. Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina. Leiden: Almenara. 7-20.
- Timmer N. (2018), El cuerpo-plaga. Sujeto, animal y Estado en Discurso de la madre muerta de Carlos A.Aguilera. In: Timmer N. (Ed.), Cuerpos Ilegales. Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina. Leiden: Almenara. 307-324.
- Timmer N. (2018), La poética de lo prohibido en Boring Home, de Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo. In: Pino Angeles Mateo del & Soler Nieves Pascual (Eds.), Cartografía del limbo. Devenires literarios de La Habana a Buenos Aires. Madrid: Verbum. 117-130.
- Timmer N. (2018), El cuerpo como espacio liminal: cartografías y bioescrituras latinoamericanas contemporáneas. In: Masseno Al., Ribeiro Fortuna D. & Santos M. dos (Eds.), Bioescritas-Biopoéticas: pensamento em trânsito. São Paulo: Pontocom. 131-142.
- Timmer N. (2018), La figura del delito y la disputa por la legitimidad en revistas cubanas como Diáspora(s) y Cacharro(s). Latin American Studies in a Globalized World 23 May 2018 - 26 May 2018.
- Timmer N. (2017), Dos poemas (Universidad de Puebla). [other].
- Timmer N. (2017), Twaalf verhalen en een revolutie: La Isla de Cuba. Baarn: Marmer Boeken Bv.
- Timmer N. (2017), Resonancias Sarduyanas: deseo barroco y referencialidad en la narrativa cubana de los noventa. In: , Cámara de eco. Homenaje a Severo Sarduy. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
- Timmer N. (2016), Sarduyanas: deseo barroco y referencialidad en la literatura cubana de los noventa, Revista Laboratorio (15): 1-17.
- Timmer N. (2016), Cartografía de la no-nación: escritura y oralidad en Las analfabetas, de Legna Rodríguez, Telar: Revista del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios Latinoamericanos (17): 38-53.
- Timmer N. (2016), Ciudad y escritura: Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI. Leiden: Almenara.
- Timmer N. (2016), Seis poemas de Gerard Fieret (Introducción y traducciones), Crítica Nov-Dec(173): 119-124.
- Timmer N. (2016), Ilhas, roteiros e diáspora(s): poesia cubana pós-noventa. In: Scramim S., Siscar M. & Pucheu A. (Eds.), Linhas de Fuga; Poesía, Modernidade e Contemporaneidade. Sao Paulo: Editora Iluminuras. 19-30.
- Timmer N. (2016), Pensar la ciudad: caos y pertenencia. In: Timmer N. (Ed.), Ciudad y escritura: Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI. Leiden: Almenara Press. 7-14.
- Timmer N. (2016), La Habana virtual: internet y la transformación espacial de la ciudad letrada. In: Timmer N. (Ed.), Ciudad y escritura. Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI. Leiden: Almenara Press. 289-305.
- Timmer N. (2015), La imaginación del cuerpo, su entorno y de lo natural en Desde los blancos manicomios de Margarita Mateo, Revista Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e HispanoAmerica 20: 139-149.
- Timmer N. (2015), Identidad sin rostro o rostro sin identidad en "Llamadas telefónicas" de Roberto Bolaño. In: Aguilar P. & Basile T. (Eds.), Bolaño en sus cuentos. Leiden: Almenara. 91-99.
- Timmer N. (2015), Sujeto y comunidad; voz, isla y muerte en la narrativa cubana del Siglo XXI, Mitologías hoy ; Revista de pensamiento, crítica y estudios literarios latinoamericanos 12(December): 66-77.
- Timmer N. (2014), The Island and the Madhouse: Rethinking the Subject and the Archipelago in Recent Cuban Literature, Discourse : Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 36(1): 54-70.
- Timmer N. (2014), Cuerpo fragmentado y legalidad en la narrativa cubana postsoviética. . (Coloquio Cuerpos (i)Legales), Leiden University.
- Timmer N. (2014), Corpses, Corpus and Cuerpos; Body and Law in Latin American Literature. . Leiden University.
- Timmer N. (2013), La imaginación del cuerpo, su entorno y de lo natural en Desde los blancos manicomios de Margarita Mateo, Revista Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e HispanoAmerica (17): .
- Timmer N. (2013), La Habana virtual: internet y la transformación espacial de la ciudad letrada. In: Timmer N. (Ed.), Ciudad y escritura. Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Timmer N. (2013), Zoé Valdés. In: Corral W., Castro J., Birns N. & Birns N. (Eds.), The Contemporary Spanish American Novel: Bolaño and After. New York: Bloomsbury.
- Timmer N. (2013), Pensar la ciudad: caos y pertenencia. In: Timmer N. (Ed.), Ciudad y escritura: Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Timmer N. (Ed.) (2013), Ciudad y escritura: Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Timmer N. (2013), La Habana virtual: la transformación espacial de la ciudad letrada, Ciberletras (30): .
- Timmer N. (2012), Devorarse otra vez; El canibalismo como topos y la disolución de límites en Friendly Cannibals y el ´Manifiesto Antropófago´. In: Mateo del Pino A. (Ed.), Comidas bastardas. Gastronomía, tradición e identidad en América Latina. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio. 97-106.
- Timmer N. (2012), Lo neobarroco en el cambio de siglo; lecturas sarduyanas y la narrativa cubana contemporánea. In: Mateo del Pino A. (Ed.), Ángeles Maraqueros. Trazos neobarrocos en las poéticas latinoamericanas. Buenos Aires: Kataty.
- Timmer N. (2012), Infrarrealismo, realvisceralismo e imagen en la poesía de Roberto Bolaño. Caballero Vázquez M., Rodríguez Carranza L. & Soto van der Plas C. (Eds.), Imágenes y Realismos en América Latina. Simposio Internacional. Imágenes y Realismos en América Latina. Simposio Internacional.. Leiden.
- Timmer N. (2012), Logopedia. Antwerpen: Bokeh. [other].
- Timmer N., Neuhaus B. & Pérez Cino W. (2011), Einstein´s Three Fingers. Den Haag: Doublepoint. [other].
- Timmer N. (2010), Ficcionalidad y vida literaria: Miss Barnes y la poética Portela, La Habana Elegante 48(Otoño-invierno): .
- Timmer N. (2010), Review of: Miller P. (2010), Elusive Origins: The Enlightenment in the Modern Caribbean Historical Imagination. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. Corrientes. Revista nórdica de estudios iberoamericanos 2.
- Timmer N. (2010), El relato de una casa deshabitada: voz, sujeto y nación en 'Silencios' de Karla Suárez, Confluencia 25(2): 159-167.
- Timmer N. (2010), Cannibalism as a creative exchange between cultures: the Brazilian avant-garde, Made in Mirrors : 24-25.
- Timmer N. (2009), El recuerdo de una imaginación o la imaginación de un recuerdo; los sesenta en novelas cubanas contemporáneas. Wiesebron M. (Ed.), XV Congreso Internacional de Ahila. XV Congreso Internacional de Ahila. 1808-2008: Crisis y problemas en el Mundo Atlántico. Leiden.
- Timmer N. (2009), Crisis de representación en tres novelas cubanas, Grumo 7(augustus): .
- Timmer N. (2007), De máscaras e poses, o turismo no conto cubano contemporâneo. In: Antelo R. & Barros Camargo M.L. (Eds.), Pós-Crítica. Florianópolis: Letras Contemporáneas. 11-25.
- Timmer N. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Regazzoni S. (2006), Alma Cubana: Transculturación, Mestizaje e Hibridismo/ The Cuban Spirit: Transculturation, Mestizaje and Hybridism. Madrid/ Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana/ Vervuert. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 82.
- Timmer N. (2007), Miradas, mascaradas y espectáculos de lo invisible, Revolución y Cultura 5-6: 16-21.
- Timmer N. (2007), La crisis de representación en tres novelas cubanas: La nada cotidiana de Zoé Valdés, El pájaro, pincel y tinta china de Ena Lucía Portela y La última playa de Atilio Caballero, Revista Iberoamericana LXXIII(218-219): 119-136.
- Timmer N. (2007), Huellas de Severo Sarduy en la literatura cubana más reciente; una lectura de Sibilas en Mercaderes, de Pedro de Jesús, Espéculo. Revista de estudios literarios XII(34): .
- Timmer N. (2006), Dreams that Dreams Remain: Three Cuban Novels of the 90s. In: D'haen Th.L. & Vermeulen P. (Eds.), Cultural Identity and Postmodern Writing. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.
- Timmer N. (2006) Guerrear por la identidad. Review of: Maeseneer R. de & Hecke A. van (2004), El artista caribeño como guerrero de lo imaginario. Madrid: Iberoamericana. Foro Hispánico 29: 167-169.
- Timmer N. (2005), De la ciudad letrada hacia la ciudad virtual; Cuba y su vida literaria después de los noventa, Sentidos dos Lugares. Anais do Encontro Regional da Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada. . Rio de Janeiro: Publicação em CD.
- Timmer N. (22 June 2004), Y los sueños, sueños son. Sujeto y representación en tres novelas cubanas de los noventa (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Rodríguez-Carranza L.M.L.
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