Mojdeh Kobari
PhD candidate
- Name
- Mr. M. Kobari
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0009-0008-3283-5690
Mojdeh Kobari is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology.
Mojdeh Kobari works as a PhD candidate at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. She studied law at Leiden University. After her bachelor's degree, she studied at King's College London for a year. In August 2020 she completed her master's degree in Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law, after which she started working as a lecturer at the Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law. She has been working as a PhD candidate since September 2022.
Mojdeh conducts research into the premises underlying the legal regulation of digital investigations into cybercrime and the effect of those premises in legal practice. Her research is part of the research program 'Criminal Justice: Legitimacy, Accountability and Effectivity'.
PhD candidate
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie
- Straf- en Strafprocesrecht
- Oerlemans J.J. & Kobari M. (2024), Cybercriminaliteit en opsporing. In: van der Wagen W., Oerlemans J.J. & Weulen Kranenbarg M. (Eds.), Basisboek cybercriminaliteit. Den Haag: Boom. 287-343.
- Sander D.B., Wijngaard S.J.C. van den & Kobari M. (2022), De reikwijdte van artikel 359a Sv: vormverzuimen bij en onrechtmatigheden buiten het voorbereidend onderzoek, Delikt en delinkwent 52(5): 447-472 (DD 2022/32).
- Redactiesecretaris Tekst & Commentaar Strafrecht en Strafvordering