Mischa Dekker
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. M.J.T. Dekker Ph.D.
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- m.j.t.dekker@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-5882-8412

Mischa Dekker is an Assistant Professor in the Violence and Violence Prevention research group at Leiden University. He graduated in philosophy and social sciences and subsequently completed a PhD in sociology at the University of Amsterdam and at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. Following his doctoral research on the politicization of street harassment in the Netherlands and France, Mischa Dekker was a Marie Curie fellow at KU Leuven and Sciences Po Paris. His research revolves around the politics of gender-based violence, with a focus on policy, social movements, and media coverage. In September 2024, he started a new research project supported by an NWO-Veni grant: “Why Is Sexual Violence Still Not a Man’s Problem? Comparing Post #MeToo Policy and Awareness Training in the Dutch and French Cultural Sectors”
Assistant professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Physical violence and public order
- Dekker Mischa J. T. (2024), Apprehension of reproducing racialized stigmas in storytelling on street harassment in France: ‘I feel I’d just be adding to the stereotype’: ‘I feel I’d just be adding to the stereotype’, Sociological Review : .
- Dekker Mischa (2024), How Boys Deflect Responsibility for Street Harassment: Class, Race, and Responses to Sexual Violence Awareness Programs, Men and Masculinities : .
- Dekker Mischa J. T. (2024), What Shapes Feminist Journalism? Comparing Dutch and French Reporting on Street Harassment, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly : .
- Dekker Mischa J. T. Duyvendak Jan Willem (2024), Journalists’ Apprehension of Being Politically Correct: A Source of Racial Stereotyping of Street Harassment Perpetrators in the Press, Journalism Studies 25(4): 379-398.
- Chevalier D.A.M. & Dekker M. (11 June 2024), Why is street harassment a public problem?. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden (Leiden Law School). [blog entry].
- Dekker Mischa (2023), How apprehensions impact policy implementation: A comparison of Dutch and French campaigns on street harassment, European Journal of Politics and Gender 6(1): 58-75.
- Dekker Mischa (2023), Straatintimidatie en stigmatisering, Agora: Magazine voor sociaalruimtelijke vraagstukken 39(4): .
- Dekker Mischa (2022), De strafbaarstelling van straatintimidatie en het risico van etnisch profileren: Een pragmatische ‘sociologie van kritiek’, Recht der Werkelijkheid 43: 8-30.
- Dekker Mischa (2021), Une mesure raciste ? Négocier le risque de stigmatisation dans la verbalisation du harcèlement de rue, Déviance et Société 45(1): 25-57.
- Gayet-Viaud Carole Dekker Mischa (2021), Le problème public du harcèlement de rue : dynamiques de publicisation et de pénalisation d’une cause féministe, Déviance et Société 45(1): 7-23.
- Dekker M.J.T. (12 May 2021), Politicizing street harassment: the constitution of a public problem in the Netherlands and France (Dissertatie, Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam). Supervisor(s): Duyvendak J.W.
- Dekker Mischa J.T. Duyvendak Jan Willem (2020), Justifying the protest camp: How Occupy movements’ ‘intimate protest’ challenged ideas about legitimate manifestation, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 7(4): 452-476.
- Dekker Mischa (2019), Faire réagir les témoins face au harcèlement de rue. Enquête sociologique sur la politisation des rapports de genre dans l’espace public, Politix 125(1): 87-108.
- Dekker Mischa (2018), Erik Neveu – Sociologie politique des problèmes publics, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales : .