Milco Wansleeben
- Name
- Drs. M. Wansleeben
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2930
- 0000-0001-6895-6058
Milco Wansleeben is lecturer for statistical analysis and computer courses.
Office days
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Development of digital applications applied during archaeology fieldwork, by adding tailor-made extensions to existing off-the-shelf Geographical Information Systems and database, using programming languages like Python, VBA and Java.
Teaching activities
Teaching various digital applications in archaeology, like Geographical Information Systems (GIS), statistics, spatial analysis, databases and predictive modelling. Teaching always involves both theory and practical's, to give the students the opportunity to acquire the technical skill needed in the field of archaeology.
Curriculum vitae
Milco Wansleeben was born in 1961. He studied Physical Geography in Utrecht and Prehistory in Leiden and has been part of the staff of the Faculty in Leiden since graduation in 1987. He is currently appointed as lecturer for statistical analysis and computer courses. He has been involved in the development of computer applications for the Faculty from the very early start. He has participated in various projects that initiated the use of computers in archaeological fieldwork and research. He played a role in the national archaeological database Archis, digital fieldrecording, ArchWEB and Archeonet projects. In collaboration with DANS the EDNA-project was initiated that brought digital archiving of primary archeological data to the attention of Dutch archaeologists.
Milco Wansleeben was IT coordinator at several archaeological excavations. He did research on the transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers in the Southeastern part of the Netherlands (Meuse Valley Project). This was one of the very early examples of the implementation of GIS in archaeological research. GIS and quantitative methods have been a focus for research and teaching throughout the years.
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Digital Archaeology
- Wansleeben M., Laan W. & Visser R. (2023), Data exchange protocol in Dutch archaeology. In: Kalaycı T., Lambers K. & Klinkenberg V. (Eds.), Digital archaeology: promises and impasses. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 51. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 33-45.
- Brandsen A., Verberne S., Lambers K & Wansleeben M. (2022), Can BERT dig it? Named entity recognition for information retrieval in the archaeology domain, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 15(3): 1-18.
- Brandsen A., Verberne S., Lambers K. & Wansleeben M. (2021), Usability evaluation for online professional search in the Dutch archaeology domain. arXiv. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Brandsen A., Verberne S., Lambers K. & Wansleeben M. (2020), Creating a Dataset for Named Entity Recognition in the Archaeology Domain. Calzolari N., Béchet F., Blache P., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J. & Piperidis S. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings LREC 2020. The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2020 11 May 2020 - 16 May 2020. Marseilles: The European Language Resources Association. 4573–4577.
- Brandsen A., Lambers K., Verberne S. & Wansleeben M. (2019), User Requirement Solicitation for an Information Retrieval System Applied to Dutch Grey Literature in the Archaeology Domain, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2(1): 21-30.
- Brandsen A., Verberne S. & Wansleeben M. (2018), Named Entity Recognition in Dutch Archaeological Research Reports. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN) 28, Nijmegen. 26 January 2018 - 26 January 2018. [conference poster].
- Wansleeben M. (2017), A visual spatial analysis of Stone Age sites, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 47: 11-17.
- Wansleeben M. (2014), Ruimtelijke analyse van de zeefresiduen en de archeologische indicatoren. In: Hamburg T., Tol A.J., Moor J.J.W. & Lammers-Keijsers Y.M.J. de (Eds.), Afgedekt verleden. Opsporing, waardering en selectie van prehistorische archeologische vindplaatsen in Flevoland. Leiden: Archol BV. 193-214.
- Bakels C.C., Fennema K., Porck J.F. & Wansleeben M. (Eds.) (2014), We discovered that...times are a-changin and much stays the same. Contributions on the occasion of the retirement of Hans Kamermans. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology.
- Wansleeben M. & Laan W. (2012), Ruimtelijke analyse. In: Hamburg T., Müller A. & Quadflieg B. (Eds.), Mesolithisch Swifterbant. Leiden: Archol BV. 85-112.
- Wansleeben M. & Laan W. (2012), The archaeological practice of discovering Stone Age sites, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 43/44: 253-261.
- Wansleeben M., Laan W. & Knippenberg S. (2011), Ruimtelijke analyse. In: Lohof E., Hamburg T. & Flamman J. (Eds.), Steentijd opgespoord. Archeologisch onderzoek in het tracé van de Hanzelijn - Oude Land. Leiden: Archol BV. 79-113.
- Verhagen P., Sueur C. & Wansleeben M. (2011), Setting a standard for the exchange of archaeological data in the Netherlands. Jerem E., Redó F. & Szeverényi V. (Eds.), On the Road to reconstructing the Past, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Budapest. . Budapest 577-580.
- Amkreutz L.W.S.W., Verhart L.B.M. & Wansleeben M. (2008), Hazendonk layers over and over again. In: Fokkens H. & et al. (Eds.), Between foraging and farming: an extended broad spectrum of papers presented to leendert Louwe Kooijmans. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology.
- Sueur C., Verhagen J.W.H.P. & Wansleeben M. (2008), Advies archeologische uitwiselingsprotocollen SIKB. Amersfoort: Vestigia.
- Wansleeben M. & Dries M. van den (2008), Wegwijzer Digitaal Deponeren - Archeologie. Amsterdam: Aksant.
- Laan W. & Wansleeben M. (2007), Doordacht digitaal documenteren bij archeologisch veldwerk. In: Jansen R. & Louwe Kooijmans L.P. (Eds.), Tien jaar Archol: van contract tot wetenschap. Leiden: Archol BV. 115-122.
- Wansleeben M. & Louwe Kooijmans L.P. (2006), The archaeological remains: a critical spatial approach. In: Louwe Kooijmans L.P. & Jongste P.F.B. (Eds.), Schipluiden. A Neolithic settlement on the Dutch North Sea Coast c. 3500 CAL BC. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology Leiden University. 67-89.
- Deeben J., Hallewas D.P., Kamermans H., Leusen M. van, Verhagen P., Wansleeben M. & Zoetbrood P. (2003), Predictive Modelling for Archaeological Resource Management: Development of Best Practice. Doerr M. & Sarris A. (Eds.), The Digital Heritage of Archaeology. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. . Athens: Hellenistic Ministry of Culture. 430-430.
- Haanen P., Kappers M., Schnitger W. & Wansleeben M. (2001), Automatisering: methoden, processen en technische gegevens. In: Hogestijn J.W.H. & Peeters J.M.H. (Eds.), De mesolithische en vroeg-neolithische vindplaats Hoge Vaart-A27 (Flevoland) no. Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg 79. Amersfoort: Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek. 27 pp.
- Kamermans H. & Wansleeben M. (1999), Predictive modelling in Dutch archaeology, joining forces. Barceló J.A., Briz I. & Vila A. (Eds.), New techniques for old times - CAA98. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Computer Applications in Archaeology. Bar International Series. Oxford: Archaeopress. 225-230.
- Uitvoering en advisering van computertoepassingen bij archeologisch onderzoek.