Miko Flohr
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. M. Flohr
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2753
- m.flohr@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0010-5884
Miko Flohr is a lecturer in Ancient History studying the social and economic history of the Greco-Roman world, with a special interest in urban commerce and everyday work in Roman Italy, particularly in Pompeii, Ostia and Rome. Educated as a classicist, and with a Ph.D. in archaeology, he teaches on urban, social and political history of the Greco-Roman world from an interdisciplinary perspective, from the belief that the future of Ancient History lies in integrating textual and material sources.
I am a lecturer in Ancient History with a research focus on the urban, social and economic history of the Greco-Roman world. I studied Classics and subsequently completed a Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, both in Nijmegen, and was Assistant Director of the Oxford Roman Economy Project before moving to Leiden in 2013.
Curriculum vitae
After studying Classics in Nijmegen, I did a Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology at Radboud University (Supervisors: Moormann & De Haan), Nijmegen, which I completed in 2010. From 2010 until 2013, I was assistant director of the Oxford Roman Economy Project at the Faculty of Classics of the University of Oxford (led by Alan Bowman and Andrew Wilson), and Supernumerary Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford.
My dissertation, The World of the Fullo. Work Economy and Society in Roman Italy (OUP 2013), was a study in the archaeology and history of urban manufacturing in particularly Pompeii, Ostia and Rome, and was followed by an NWO VENI-project on the emergence and history of the ‘taberna’ in Roman Italy (2013-2017), and by volumes on urban craftsmen and traders (ed., with Andrew Wilson, OUP 2016), and on The Economy of Pompeii (ed., with Andrew Wilson, OUP 2017). In recent years, I have also published on Roman textile economies, and on the economics of domestic decoration (AJA 123.1, 2019). I am currently preparing a monograph on architecture and commerce in Roman Italy, and working on projects about houses and inequality and technological innovation. Key question underlying most of this research is the impact of Roman imperial hegemony on urban communities and everyday life, and the extent to which this shapes the archaeological and epigraphic record.
My teaching covers a broad range of themes. I have taught courses on the history of money, on urban change in the Hellenistic world, on the demography of the Roman metropolis, on ancient Mediterranean ‘globalization’, and on the Emperor in the Roman world. In 2019, I will be teaching on urban monumentalization, and on Roman Italy. I am available for supervision on a wide range of topics, including those listed below.
Fields of Interest
Roman History; Roman Empire; Hellenistic World; ancient geography; urbanism and urban communities; urban space; houses and domestic life; funerary culture; textiles and dress; economic history; ancient technology and innovation; crafts and manufacturing; Hellenistic and Roman trade; Roman emperorship; the Roman army; Roman Italy; the provinces of the Roman west; Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor; Pompeii, Ostia, Rome, Delos; urban archaeology; material culture.
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Oude Geschiedenis
- Flohr M., Mols S.T.A.M. & Tieleman T.L. (Eds.) (2025), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 7. Leiden: Brill.
- Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (Eds.) (2025), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell .
- Flohr M. (2025), Urban planning and development. In: Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (Eds.), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell . 93-110.
- Flohr M. (2025), Urban housing in the ancient Mediterranean. In: Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (Eds.), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell .
- Hemelrijk E.M. & Flohr M. (2025), Urban social structures in the Roman world. In: Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (Eds.), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell . 361-374.
- Flohr M., Tieleman T.L. & Mols S.T.A.M. (2025), Anchoring, Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity— an Introduction. In: Flohr M., Mols S.T.A.M. & Tieleman T.L. (Eds.), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 7. Leiden: Brill. 1-18.
- Flohr M. (2025), From Ashlar to Brick: Anchoring and Innovation in Roman Building Practice. In: Flohr M., Mols S.T.A.M. & Tieleman T.L. (Eds.), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 7. Leiden: Brill. 90-114.
- Flohr M. & Bowes K. (Eds.) (2024), Valuing labour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Mnemosyne Supplements no. 481. Leiden: Brill.
- Flohr M. & Bowes K. (2024), Introduction: value at work. In: Flohr M. & Bowes K. (Eds.), Valuing labour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Mnemosyne Supplements no. 481. Leiden: Brill. 1-20.
- Flohr M. (2023), Sanctuary and workshop: religion and commerce in Roman urban space. In: De Cazanove O., Pollini A., Monteix N. & Esposito A. (Eds.), Travailler à l'ombre du temple: Activités de production et lieux de culte dans le monde antique. Archéologie de l'artisanat antique no. 11. Naples: Centre Jean Bérard. 33-45.
- Flohr M. (2023), Prosperity and inequality: imperial hegemony and neighbourhood formation in the cities of Roman Italy. In: Haug A., Hielscher A. & Krüger A.-L. (Eds.), Neighbourhoods and city quarters in antiquity: design and experience. Decorative Principles in Late Republican and Early Imperial Italy no. 7. Berlin: De Gruyter. 155-171.
- Flohr M. (2023), Sociale media en de academische vrijheid. In: Verburgt L.M. & Duyvendak J.W. (Eds.), Academische vrijheden in Nederland: wat staat er op het spel?. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 189-200.
- Flohr M. (2023), Manufacturing in the Roman World. In: Reden S. von & Ruffing K. (Eds.), Handbuch Antike Wirtschaft. Handbücher zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Oldenburg: De Gruyter. 719-742.
- Flohr M. (2023), Urban heterogeneity and technological innovation in the Roman Empire, Journal of Urban Archaeology 8: 127-145.
- Flohr M. (2023), ‘En wij dan?’: Het dekolonisatieonderzoek en de postkoloniale ontheemden, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 136(3): 263-270.
- Flohr M. (2023), Voorbij het Gouden Schiereiland: Zuidoost-Azië en de Romeinse wereld, Hermeneus 95(4): 25-28.
- Flohr M. (2023), Review of: Scotti F. (2020), Lana, Purpura, Versicoloria. I legati tessili fra diritto romano e archeologia. Milan: Jovene Editore. Quaderni Lupiensi di Storia e Diritto 12: 490-492.
- Flohr M. (2023), Review of: Greaves S. & Wallace-Hadrill A., Rome and the colonial city: rethinking the grid. Impact of the ancient city no. 3. Oxford: Oxbow. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 35(69): 46-47.
- Flohr M. (2022), The topography of Ancient Rome: the archaeological map as a teaching aid. In: Storms M. (Ed.), Maps that made history. 1000 years of world history in 100 old maps. Tielt: Lannoo. 234-237.
- Flohr M. (2022), An institutional revolution? The early tabernae of Roman Italy. In: Droß-Krüpe K. & Ruffing K. (Eds.), Markt, Märkte und Marktgebäude in der antiken Welt. Philippika - Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen no. 100. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz. 421-435.
- Flohr M. (2022), Between aesthetics and investment. Close-reading the tuff façades of Pompeii. In: Maschek D. & Trümper M. (Eds.), Architecture and the Ancient Economy. Analysis Archaeologica. Monograph Series no. 5. Rome: Edizioni Quasar. 155-172.
- Flohr M. (2022), Spaces and Places. In: Harlow M. & Laurence R. (Eds.), A Cultural History of Shopping in Antiquity no. 1. London: Bloomsbury. 41-65.
- Flohr M. (2022), Pecunia non olet?: De klassieke traditie en de koloniale wereld. In: Kuin N.I., Huig E. & Liebregts M. (Eds.), De huid van Cleopatra: etniciteit en diversiteit in oudheidstudies. Hilversum: Verloren. 159-172.
- Flohr M. (2021), Information landscapes and economic practice in the Roman world. In: Rosillo-López C. & García Morcillo M. (Eds.), Managing Information in the Roman Economy. Palgrave Studies in Ancient Economies . Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. 205-228.
- Flohr M. (2021), Beyond Pompeii and Ostia: commerce and urban space in Roman Italy. In: Vermeulen F. & Zuiderhoek A. (Eds.), Space, Movement and the Economy in Roman Cities in Italy and Beyond. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 39-67.
- Flohr M. (2021), Innovation and invention. In: Goldberg S. (Ed.), Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-9.
- Flohr M. (2020), Goed boeren in de schaduw van de metropool, Satricum Nieuwsbrief 26(1): 3-5.
- Flohr M. (2020), Performing commerce: everyday work and urban life in Roman Italy. In: Haug A. & Merten S. (Eds.), Urban Practice: Repopulating the Ancient City. Studies in Classical Archaeology no. 8. Turnhout: Brepols. 67-80.
- Flohr M. (2020), Review of: Terpstra T. (2019), Trade in the Ancient Mediterranean. Private Order and Public Institutions. The Princeton Economic History of the Western World. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften 20(5).
- Flohr M. (Ed.) (2020), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge.
- Flohr M. (2020), From urban space to urban history: an introduction. In: Flohr M. (Ed.), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 1-16.
- Flohr M. (2020), Hilltops, heat, and precipitation: Roman urban life and the natural environment. In: Flohr M. (Ed.), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 66-85.
- Flohr M. (2020), Fora and commerce in Roman Italy. In: Flohr M. (Ed.), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 198-220.
- Flohr M. & Monteix N. (Eds.) (2020), Shops, Workshops and Urban Economic History in the Roman World. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology no. 42. Heidelberg: Propylaeum.
- Flohr M. (2020), Commerce and architecture in late Hellenistic Italy: the emergence of the taberna row. In: Flohr M. & Monteix N. (Eds.), Shops, Workshops and Urban Economic History in the Roman World. Heidelberg: Propylaeum. 1-11.
- Flohr M. (2020), Textile production. In: Whitmarsh T. (Ed.), Oxford Classical Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press. 1-11.
- Flohr M. (2020), From the forum to the gate. Commercial investment and Ostia's Cardo. In: Meer L.B. van der & Kamermans H. (Eds.), Designating Place. Archaeological Perspectives on Built Environments in Ostia and Pompeii. Archaeological Studies Leiden University no. 50. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 108-120.
- Flohr M. (2020), Of Knowledge and Skills. Anchoring Innovation in Everyday Technical Practice. [working paper].
- Flohr M. (2019), Prosperity, investment, and the history of Pompeii's urban economy. In: Maiuro M. & Balbo M. (Eds.), Popolazione, risorse e urbanizzazione nella Campania antica. Dall'età preromana alla tarda antichità. Pragmateiai no. 31. Bari: Edipuglia. 75-90.
- Flohr M. (2019) Meer vrouwen, meer rituelen: een ruimhartiger Atheens burgerschap. Review of: Blok J. (2017), Citizenship in Classical Athens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 132(2): 300-302.
- Flohr M. (2019), Review of: Vermeulen F. (2017), From the Mountains to the Sea: The Roman Colonisation and Urbanisation of Central Adriatic Italy. BABESCH Supplement no. 31. Leuven: Peeters. Bryn Mawr Classical Review .
- Flohr M. (2019), Artisans and Markets: the Economics of Roman Domestic Decoration, American Journal of Archaeology 123(1): 101-125.
- Flohr M. & Hunink V.J.Chr. (2019), Een gulle gever zonder naam. De nieuwe grafinscriptie uit Pompeii, Hermeneus 91(1): 26-32.
- Flohr M. (2018), Database of Pompeian Houses. [database].
- Flohr M. (2018), Skeletons in the cupboard?: Femurs and food regimes in the Roman world. In: Erdkamp P.P.M. & Holleran C. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of diet and nutrition in the Roman world. London: Routledge. 273-280.
- Flohr M. (2018), Tabernae and commercial investment along the western decumanus in Ostia. In: De Ruyt C., Morard Th. & Van Haeperen F. (Eds.), Ostia Antica. Nouvelles études et recherces sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cité Actes du colloque international (Rome-Ostia Antica, 22-24 septembre 2014). Rome 143-153.
- Flohr M. (2018), Work and workplaces. In: Lytle E. (Ed.), A cultural history of work in antiquity. The Cultural Histories. London: Bloomsbury.
- Flohr M. (2018), Review of: Hawkins C. (2016), Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Roman Studies 108: 225-226.
- Flohr M. (2018) Review of "Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World", Erdkamp P.P.M., Verboven K., Zuiderhoek A. Review of: Erdkamp P.P.M., Verboven K. & Zuiderhoek A. (2015), Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Latomus 77(3): 815-817.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2017), Introduction. Investigating an Urban Economy. In: Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (Eds.), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-19.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2017), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2017), Beyond smell. The sensory landscape of the Roman fullonica. In: Flohr M. (Ed.), Senses of the Empire: Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture. London: Routledge. 39-53.
- Flohr M. (2017), Textiles, trade and the urban economies of Roman Asia Minor. In: Flohr M. (Ed.), Wirtschaft als Machtbasis. Beiträge zur Rekonstruktion vormoderne Wirtschaftssysteme in Anatolien. Byzas no. 22 21-42.
- Flohr M. (2017), Fulling. In: Goldberg S. (Ed.), Oxford Classical Dictionary. Digital Edition: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2017), Review of: Dardenay A. & Rosso E. (2013), Dialogues entre sphère publique et sphère privée dans l'espace de la cité romaine. Vecteurs, acteurs, significations. Scripta Antiqua no. 56. Paris: Ausonius Editions. Bonner Jahrbücher 215: 465-466.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2016), Roman Craftsmen and Traders. Towards an Intellectual History. In: Wilson A.I. & Flohr M. (Eds.), Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2016), Introduction. In: Wilson A.I. & Flohr M. (Eds.), Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wilson A.I. & Flohr M. (Eds.) (2016), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2016), Tabernae Publicae. Commercie en de publieke zaak in Romeins Italië, Lampas: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici 49(1): 67-88.
- Flohr M. (2016), Innovation and Society in the Roman World. In: , Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2016), Quantifying Pompeii: Population, Inequality and the Urban Economy. In: Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (Eds.), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 53-84.
- Flohr M. (2016), The wool economy of Roman Italy. In: Flohr M. (Ed.), Textiles, Trade, and Theories. From the Ancient Near East to the Mediterranean. Karum - Emporion - Forum. Beiträge zur Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte des östlichen Mittelmeerraums und Altvorderasiens no. 2. Münster: Ugarit. 49-62.
- Flohr M. (2016), Pompeii in perspectief, Leidschrift 31(1): 41-60.
- Flohr M. (2016), Constructing Occupational Identities in the Roman World. In: Verboven K. & Laes C. (Eds.), Work, labour and professions in the Roman World. Impact of Empire. Leiden: Brill. 147-172.
- Flohr M. (2016) Wetten, burgerschap en bloei: de economie van de Griekse polis. Review of: Bresson A. (2016), The making of the ancient Greek economy: institutions, markets, and growth in the city-states.. Princeton. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 129(4): 644-645.
- Flohr M. (2015), Review of: Monteix N. (2010), Les lieux de métier: boutiques et ateliers d'Herculanum. Collection des Ecoles francaises d'Athènes et de Rome no. 344. Rome: École Française. BABESCH 90: 249-250.
- Flohr M. (2014), De Economie van Romeins Italië. In: Hupperetz W., Karper O., Versluys M.J. & Naerebout F. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins 48-52.
- Flohr M. (2014), Costruire tabernae: l'investimento commerciale nelle città dell'Italia romana, Forma Urbis (19.9): 42-44.
- Flohr M. (2014), Towards an Economic History of Textile Manufacturing and Trade in the Roman World. In: Dross-Krüpe K. (Ed.), Textile trade and distribution in antiquity. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz.
- Flohr M. (2014), Review of: Temin P. (2012), The Roman Market Economy. The Princeton Economic History of the Western World. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. Mnemosyne 67(4): 688-691.
- Flohr M. (2014), Review of: Hofmann-Salz J. (2011), Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der römischen Eroberung. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Provinzen Hispania Tarraconensis, Africa Proconsularis und Syria. Historia. Einzelschriften. no. 218. Stuttgart: Steiner. Gnomon 86(2): 151-155.
- Flohr M. (2014), Economy, Roman. In: , Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Flohr M. (2014), Review of: Esposito A. & Sanidas G. (2012), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 134.
- Flohr M. (2014), Review of: Tran N. (2013), Dominus Tabernae. Le statut de travail des artisans et des commerçans de l'occident romain. Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome no. 360. Rome: École française de Rome. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014(10.09).
- Flohr M. (2013), The World of the Fullo. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2013), Ulula, quinquatrus and the occupational identity of fullones in early imperial Italy. In: Gleba M. & Pasztokai-Szeöke J. (Eds.), Making Textiles in pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities. Oxford: Oxbow. 192-207.
- Flohr M. (2013), Review of: Mayer E. (2012), 'The Ancient Middle Classes. Urban Life and Aesthetics in the Roman Empire 100 BCE - 250 CE. Harvard: Harvard University Press. Journal of Roman Studies 103: 308-309.
- Flohr M. (2013) Roman Movement. Review of: Laurence R. & Newsome M. (2011), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Classical Review 63(1): 187-189.
- Flohr M. (2013), The textile economy of Pompeii, Journal of Roman Archaeology 26: 53-78.
- Flohr M. (2012), Economie in de Oudheid: risico mijden en winst maken. In: Haan N. de & Mols S. (Eds.), Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Klassieke Oudheid. Zwolle: WBooks. 199-211.
- Flohr M. (2007), Nec quicquam ingenuum habere potest officina? Spatial contexts of urban production at Pompeii, AD 79, BABESCH 82(1): 129-148.
- Flohr M. (2003), Fullones and Roman Society. A Reconsideration, Journal of Roman Archaeology 16: 447-450.