Michael Field
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. M.H. Field
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1686
- m.h.field@arch.leidenuniv.nl

Mike Field is Associate Professor in Archaeobotany at the Faculty of Archaeology. He is also Head of the Bioarchaeology Laboratories.
More information about Michael Field
After finishing his Ph.D. studies, which focused on the taphonomy of plant remains in lacustrine and fluvial environments, Michael Field spent four years in the Sub-department of Quaternary Research in the Botany School, Cambridge University working on the creation of the Last Interglacial (Eemian) pollen database. The open-cast mines (Tagebau) of central Europe caught Mike’s eye on his travels because of the large Pleistocene sections exposed by the exploitation of the brown coal. His next funded project was undertaken in the Laboratory of Geology and Geophysics at Leipzig University in eastern Germany where he investigated macroscopic plant remains from the Tagebau. After this he was awarded an EU Marie-Curie Research Fellowship and spent two years in the Laboratory of Botanical History and Palynology, Aix-Marseille III in France. This laboratory worked on some of the impressive French long palynological sequences. His plant macrofossil work complimented some of the palynological investigations that had already been published. Returning to England he spent a number of years as a Senior Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Quaternary Science, Coventry University. Often as part of a multidisciplinary team he contributed to the understanding of western European Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene landscapes in which early hominids lived and evolved. A short spell was spent in research management in the British Higher Education sector before arriving in Leiden.
Apart from his interest in European vegetation history and the reconstruction of Pleistocene environments he is also a keen field botanist. For example, he received funding from the British Government to investigate the response of the vegetation to the volcanic eruption on the Caribbean island of Montserrat.
Mike has extensive excavation experience, for example, digging at the Palaeolithic sites at Barnham, Boxgrove, Clacton-on-Sea and High Lodge in England.
Associate Professor
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Bio-Archaeology
- Hofman C.L., Pagán-Jiménez J.R., Field M.H., Hooghiemstra H., Vermeer J.A.M., Jorissen P., Knippenberg S., Bérard B. & Hoogland M.L.P. (2021), Mangrove archives: unravelling human-environment interactions from deeply buried deposits at the site Anse Trabaud, Martinique, Lesser Antilles (1290–780 cal BP), Environmental Archaeology : .
- Attema P., Alessandri L., Bakels C., Doorenbosch M., Field M., Gorp W. van, Haas T. de, Leusen M. van, Tol G. & Sevink J. (2019), VECCHIE E NUOVE RICERCHE MULTIDISCIPLINARI NEL TERRITORIO DI SEZZE E NELLE ZONE ADIACENTI (AGRO PONTINO, LAZIO), IpoTesi di Preistoria 11(1): 103-118.
- Field M.H. & Lewis S.G. (2019), The first Pleistocene fossil records of Urtica kioviensis Rogow. (Urticaceae) and Potamogeton sukaczevii Wieliczk. (Potamogetonaceae) in the British Isles, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28(1): 1-8.
- Lewis S.G., Ashton N., Field M.H., Hoare P.G., Kamermans H., Knul M., Mücher M.J., Parfitt S.A., Roebroeks W. & Sier M.J. (2019), Human occupation of northern Europe in MIS 13: Happisburgh Site 1 (Norfolk, UK) and its European context, Quaternary Science Reviews 211: 34-58.
- Brianta R.M., Bates M.R., Boreham S., Field M.H. & et al. (2019), Early Ipswichian (last interglacial) sea level rise in the Channel region: Stone Point Site of Special Scientific Interest, Hampshire, England, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 130(1): 1-26.
- Field M.H., Ntinou M., Tsartsidou G., Berge Henegouwen D. van, Risberg J., Tourloukis V., Thompson N., Karkanas P., Panagopoulou E. & Harvati K. (2018), A palaeoenvironmental reconstruction (based on palaeobotanical data and diatoms) of the Middle Pleistocene elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) butchery site at Marathousa, Megalopolis, Greece, Quaternary International 497: 108-122.
- Van Vliet-Lanoë B., Authemayou C., Gregoire G., Le Roy P., Perrot J., Hallegouët B., Andrieux-Ponel V., Field M.H., Frechen M. & Molliex S. (2018), Evidences of Quaternary seismic activity on reactivated variscan structures in intraplate context (Bay of Brest and Crozon Peninsula, western Brittany), Quaternary Research 91(1): 301-324.
- Doorenbosch M. & Field M.H. (2018), A Bronze Age palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from the Fondi basin, southern Lazio, central Italy, Quaternary International 499(part B): 221-230.
- Castilla-Beltrán A., Hooghiemstra H., Hoogland M.L.P., Pagan Jimenez J.R., Geel B. van, Field M.H., Prins M., Donders T., Herrera Malatesta E.N., Ulloa Hung J., McMichael C.H., Gosling W.D. & Hofman C.L. (2018), Columbus' Footprint in Hispaniola: A paleoenvironmental record of Indigenous and Colonial impacts on the landscape of the central Cibao Valley, northern Dominican Republic, Anthropocene 22: 66-80.
- Hofman C.L., Hoogland M.L.P., Hooghiemstra H., Field M.H., Pagan Jimenez J.R., Vermeer J.A.M. & Kool W. (2017), Anse Trabaud commune de Sainte-Anne, Martinique:reconstruction d’un village amérindien. Son insertion dans le réseau d’échanges Antillais entre 600 et 1200 après J.-C. Rapport final, prospection thématique, sondages et fouille 2012 et 2015.
- Doorenbosch M. & Field M.H. (2017), A Bronze Age palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from the Fondi Basin, Lazio, central Italy. Mediterranean Palynology APLE-GPPSBI-APLF Symposium, Barcelona. 4 September 2017 - 6 September 2017. [conference poster].
- Field M.H., Gibson S.M. & Gibbard P.L. (2017), East-West European Middle Pleistocene correlation – the contribution of the first British record of Aracites interglacialis Wieliczk, Acta Palaeobotanica 57(1): 101-108.
- Alessandri L., Attema P.A.J., Doorenbosch M., Field M.H., Sevink J., Gorp W. van & Leusen M. van (2016), The Avellino event: did a major volcanic eruption lead to mass migration in the Pontine Plain and Fondi basin during the Bronze Age?. EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) Conference. [conference poster].
- Hoogland M.L.P., Hofman C.L., Hooghiemstra H. & Field M.H. (2015), Under the mangrove: Coastal dynamics and deeply buried deposits at the stie of Anse Trabaud, Martinique. International Association for Caribbean Archaeology. Sint Maarten.
- Doorenbosch M., Field M.H., Alessandri L., Attema P.A.J., Bakels C.C., Gorp W. van, Leusen M. van & Sevink J. (2015), The Avellino event: distal palaeoecological impacts of the great Bronze Age eruption of Mount Vesuvius. MediterraneanPalynology Symposium 2015, Rome. 8 September 2015 - 10 September 2015. [conference poster].
- Schreve D.C., Howard A.J., Currant A.P., Brooks S., Buteux S.T.E., Coope G.R., Crocker B.T., Field M.H., Greenwood M., Greenwood M., Greig J. & Toms P. (2013), A Middle Devensian woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) from Whitemoor Haye Quarry, Staffordshire (UK): palaeoenvironmental context and significance, Journal of Quaternary Science 28: 118-130.
- Field M.H. (2013), Identification of a population of Ranunculus achenes extracted from Middle Pleistocene sediments exposed at Belhus Park, Essex, UK, Acta Palaeobotanica 53(2): 181-189.
- Field M.H. (2013), Identification of a population of Ranunculus achenes extracted from Middle Pleistocene sediments exposed at Belhus Park, Essex, UK, Acta Palaeobotanica 53(2): 181 - 189.
- Field M.H. (2012), Plant macrofossil investigation of the Palaeolithic sediments from the Lynford Quarry, Mundford, Norfolk, UK. In: Boismier W.A., Gamble C. & Coward F. (Eds.), Neanderthals Among Mammoths. Excavations at Lynford Quarry, Norfolk.. Swindon: English Heritage. 126-129.
- Hofman C.L., Hoogland M.L.P., Mickleburgh H.L., Laffoon J.E., Weston D.A. & Field M.H. (2012), Life and death at precolumbian Lavoutte, Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles, Journal of Field Archaeology 37(3): 209-225.
- Hofman C.L., Hoogland M.L.P., Mickleburgh H.L., Laffoon J.E., Field M.H. & Weston D.A. (2012), Life and death at Lavoutte, Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles, as revealed from rescue excavations, Journal of Field Archaeology 37(3): 209-225.
- Field M.H. (2012), The first British record of Actinidia faveolata C.Reid & E.M.Reid, Quaternary International 271: 65-69.
- Hofman C.L., Hoogland M.L.P., Weston D.A., Laffoon J.E., Mickleburgh H.L. & Field M.H. (2012), Rescuing the dead. Settlement and mortuary data from rescue excavations at the precolonial site of Lavoutte, Saint Lucia, Journal of Field Archaeology 37(3): 209-225.
- Field M.H. (2012), Confirmation of the presence of Cucubalus baccifer L. (Caryophyllaceae) in the British Pleistocene, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 43/44: 247-249.
- Parfitt S.A., Ashton N., Lewis S.G., Abel R.L., Coope G.R., Field M.H., Gale R., Hoare P.G., Larkin N.R., Lewis M.D., Karloukovski V., Maher B.A., Peglar S.M., Preece R.C., Whittaker J.E. & Stringer C.B. (2010), Early Pleistocene human occupation at the edge of the boreal zone in northwest Europe, 466: 229-233.
- Parfitt S.A., Coope G.R., Field M.H., Peglar S.M., Preece R.C. & Whittaker J.E. (2010), Middle Pleistocene biota of the early Anglian 'Arctic Fresh-water Bed' at Ostend, Norfolk, UK, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 121: 55-65.
- Field M.H. & Peglar S.M. (2010), A palaeobotanical investigation of the sediments from the West Runton Mammoth site, Quaternary International 228: 38-45.
- Kolfschoten M. van, Field M.H., Sier M., Langereis C.J., Vasiliev I., Westerhof W., Meijer T. & Wallinga J. (2009), A new, recently discovered, Early Pleistocene mammal Fauna from Tegelen Maalbeek (The Netherlands), SEQS 2009 conference volume : .
- Kolfschoten M. van, Field M.H., Sier M., Langereis C.J., Vasiliev I., Westerhof W., Meijer T. & Wallinga J. (2009), A new, recently discovered, Early Pleistocene mammal Fauna from Tegelen Maalbeek (The Netherlands), SEQS 2009 conference volume : .