Merlijn Breunesse
- Name
- Dr. M.R.E. Breunesse
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-4355-3479

Merlijn Breunesse is a lecturer at the Centre for the Arts in Society.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Latijnse T&C
- Breunesse M.R.E. & Diessel H. (2023), Iconicity in spatial deixis:: a cross-linguistic study of 180 demonstrative systems. In: Gentens C., Ghesquière L., McGregor W.B. & Linden A. van (Eds.), Reconnecting form and meaning: in honour of Kristin Davidse. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 185-207.
- Coventry K.R., Gudde H.B., Diessel H., Collier J., Guijarro-Fuentes P., Vulchanova M., Vulchanov V., Todisco E., Reile M., Breunesse M.R.E., Plado H., Bohnemeyer J., Bsili R., Caldano M., Dekova R., Donelson K., Forker D., Park Y., Pathak L. S., Peeters D., Pizzuto G., Serhan B., Apse L., Hesse F., Hoang L., Hoang P., Igari Y., Kapiley K., Haupt-Khutsishvili T., Kolding S., Priiki K., Mačiukaitytė I., Mohite V., Nahkola T., Tsoi S.Y., Williams S., Yasuda S., Cangelosi A., Duñabeitia J.A., Mishra R.K., Rocca R., Šķilters J., Wallentin M., Žilinskaitė-Šinkūnienė E. & Incel O.D. (2023), Spatial communication systems across languages reflect universal action constraints, Nature Human Behaviour 7: 2099-2110.
- Breunessem M.R.E. & Fantoli M. (2022), Quia, quoniam, and information management in Plautus, Journal of Latin Linguistics 21(2): 163-185.
- Breunesse M.R.E. (2021), Haec urbs est Thebae: Proximal Deixis in the Prologue to Plautus’ Amphitruo, Mnemosyne 76(2): 230-257.
- Breunesse M.R.E. (2021), (Inter)subjectification and the Latin demonstratives: a corpus study. Rodríguez A.M.M. (Ed.), Linguisticae Dissertationes. Current Perspectives on Latin Grammar, Lexicon and Pragmatics. Selected Papers from the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics. 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics 17 June 2019 - 21 June 2019. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas. 765-782.
- Diessel H. & Breunesse M.R.E. (2020), A typology of demonstrative clause-linkers. In: Næss Å., Margetts A. & Treis Y. (Eds.), Demonstratives in discourse. Berlin: Language Science Press. 305-342.
- Breunesse M.R.E. & Gils L. van (2019), Cicero and political agency in Late-Republican Rome. In: Castelli S. & Sluiter I. (Eds.), Agents of change in the Greco-Roman and early modern periods. Leiden: Brill. 129-147.
- Breunesse M.R.E. (2019), Cicero vs. Mark Antony: identity construction and ingroup/outgroup formation in Philippics One and Three. In: Gils L. van, Kroon C. & Risselada R. (Eds.), Lemmata Linguistica Latina: Vol. 2: clause and discourse. Berlin: De Gruyter. 448-463.