Maxine David
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. M.E.L. David
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4118
- 0000-0003-1672-9077

Dr Maxine David is a Lecturer in European Studies at Leiden University. She is a Foreign Policy analyst, specialising in Russian and EU foreign policy. She has co-edited and contributed to a number of special issues and edited collections on EU-Russia relations. Maxine also researches and has published on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
More information about Maxine David
Fields of interest
- Foreign Policy;
- EU;
- Russia;
- International Intervention;
- Social Media;
- Teaching and Learning.
Maxine's areas of interest include Foreign Policy Analysis and the foreign policies of Russia, the European Union, the UK and USA and interactions between and among these actors.
Aside from the foreign policies of these actors, she is interested in a range of foreign policy issues, including the role of values, international intervention, regionalism and social media.
Grants and awards
Jean Monnet Module 2019-2022.
Curriculum vitae
Maxine has a PhD in International Studies and an MSc in European Politics, Business and Law from University of Surrey, UK.
She has an extensive, wide-ranging teaching portfolio and is currently teaching on EU-Russia Relations; Regionalism in World Politics, International Intervention, Research Methods and Understanding the EU as a Foreign Policy Actor: the Role of Disciplines and Disciplinarity.
Maxine: sits on the International Advisory Board of BJPIR (The British Journal of Politics and International Relations); is the Leiden Coordinator for the Europaeum 2 year Masters in European Politics and Society programme; and is a member of EUREN.
Key publications
Tatiana Romanova and Maxine David (eds) (2021) The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues. London: Routledge.
Michelle Bentley & Maxine David (2021) "Unpredictability as doctrine: Reconceptualising foreign policy strategy in the Trump era", Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 34:3, 383-406, DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2021.1877616.
David M. & Maurer H. (2021) "Reclaiming agency: skills, academics and students in the Social Sciences", European Political Science 21: 308–324.
M David and T Romanova (2019) "The EU in Russia’s House of Mirrors", JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review: 57: S1: 128-140.
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- History and International Studies
- David M.E.L. & L.D. (2024), Russia’s war on Ukraine: unbottled emotions and the conditioning of the EU’s Russia policy, Journal of European Integration 46(5): 661-684.
- David M.E.L., Guerrina R. & Wright K.A.M. (2023), Nakedly normative: a feminist (re‐)imagination of planetary politics, Journal of Common Market Studies : .
- David M.E.L., Garcia M., Haastrup T & Mattheis F. (2023), Disrupting and re-imagining European studies: towards a more diverse and inclusive discipline, Journal of Contemporary European Research 19(2): 151-162.
- David M.E.L., Guerrina R. & Wright K.A.M. (22 August 2023), Nakedly normative politics : exposing EU studies. The JCMS Blog: Insight from the Journal of Common Market Studies. Hoboken / London: Ideas on Europe (Wiley / UACES). [blog entry].
- David M.E.L. & Maurer H. (2022), Reclaiming agency: skills, academics and students in the Social Sciences, European Political Science 21: 308–324.
- David M.E.L. (2021), Unsocial media in the EU and Russia. In: Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues. Routledge international handbooks. Londen: Routledge. 323-334.
- David M.E.L. & Deyermond R. (2021), Russia in the liberal world order. In: Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues. Routledge international handbooks. Londen: Routledge. 405-416.
- Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (2021), Introduction: through a handbook: the study of EU–Russia relations. In: Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues. Routledge international handbooks. Londen: Routledge. 1-12.
- Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (Eds.) (2021), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations. Structures, Actors, Issues: Routledge.
- Bentley M. & David M.E.L. (2021), Unpredictability as doctrine: reconceptualising foreign policy strategy in the Trump era, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 34(3): 383-406.
- David M.E.L. & Kuhrt N. (2021), The Consequences of Foreign Policy: The Review and Russia (School of Security Studies, Centre for Defence Studies, King's College London). [other].
- David M.E.L. & Romanova T. (2019), The EU in Russia's house of mirrors, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(S1): 128-140.
- David M.E.L. (29 November 2019), Whose Multilateralism? EU-Russia Relations in the Diminished World Order. Moscow, Russia (Carnegie Moscow Center). [web article].
- David M.E.L. (17 December 2019), Чей мультилатерализм лучше? Отношения ЕС и России в условиях шаткого миропорядка. Moskva, Rossiya: Moskovskii Tsentr Karnegi (Moskovskii Tsentr Karnegi). [web article].
- David M.E.L. (1 August 2019), Russia’s Foreign Policy – Coping with Overextension and Uncertainty. Russia 2030. Berlin, Germany: Atlantic Community. [blog entry].
- David M.E.L. (10 March 2019), Brexit. The Great British Shame. Leiden International Relations Blog. Leiden, Netherlands: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- David M.E.L. (14 March 2019), Shaping Skilled and Motivated Students but Whose Role Should This Be?. Leiden International Relations Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- David M.E.L. (2018), UK-Russia relations: poisoned chalice or silver linings?, Palgrave Communications 4(113): 1-5.
- David M.E.L. (2017), Eclipsed by Russia: Trump's First 100 Days, Critical Studies on Security 5(2): 173-176.
- David M.E.L. (16 September 2017), LSE Impact Blog. Amidst criticism of the peer review process, the valuable contributions of reviewers should be defended. London, UK: LSE. [blog entry].
- David M.E.L. (2017), Russia's challenge to US hegemony and the implications for Europe. In: Regilme Salvador Santino F. & Parisot James (Eds.), American Hegemony and the Rise of Emerging Powers. Cooperation or Conflict.. London and New York: Routledge. 198-215.
- David M.E.L. (2017), Learning In and From International Relations. In: Blagojevic J., Stosic M. & Fridman O. (Eds.), # political. Belgrade, Serbia: Faculty of Media and Communciations, Singidunum University. 21-36.
- David M.E.L. (2016), US-Russia relations in Obama’s second term: a damage limitation exercise. In: Bentley M. & Holland J. (Eds.), The Obama Doctrine: A Legacy of Continuity in US Foreign Policy?. London: Routledge.
- David M.E.L. & Romanova T. (2016), Modernisation in EU-Russian Relations: Past, Present and Future. London: Routledge.
- David M.E.L. & Drake H. (Eds.) (2016), Foreword: 'Life is Going to Be Different in the Future'. Journal of Contemporary European Research.
- David M.E.L. (29 November 2016), Trump’s Foreign Policy: The Catalyst the European Union Needed?. LSE EUROPP Blog. London: LSE. [blog entry].
- David M.E.L. (23 September 2016), War of words; how Europe is fighting back against Russian disinformation. The Conversation.
- David M.E.L. (2015), Learning from Crisis: The Challenge for the Euro-Atlantic States. Sprūds A. & Bukovskis K. (Eds.), Riga Conference Papers 2015 Towards Reassurance and Solidarity in the Euro-Atlantic Community.. The Riga Conference 6 November 2015 - 7 November 2015. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs. 85-94.
- David M.E.L. (2015), Transitional Times. Russian Agency and International Intervention, Comillas Journal of International Relations 3: 100-115.
- David M.E.L. (2015), New Social Media: Modernisation and Democratisation in Russia, Perspectives on European Politics and Society 16(1): 95-110.
- David M.E.L. & Guerrina R. (2013), Gender and European External Relations: Dominant Discourses and Unintended Consequences of Gender Mainstreaming, Women's Studies International Forum 39: 53-62.
- David M.E.L., Gower J. & Haukkala H. (2013), National Perspectives on Russia: European Foreign Policy in the Making?. London: Routledge.
- David M.E.L. (2013), Ireland and the UK. In: David M.E.L., Gower J. & Haukkala H. (Eds.), National Perspectives on Russia: European Foreign Policy in the Making?. London: Routledge. 48-66.
- David M.E.L. (2011), A Less than Special Relationship - the UK’s Russia Experience, Journal of Contemporary European Studies 19(2): 201-212.