Matus Rybak
- Name
- Dr. M. Rybak
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-1383-0746

- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Taylor D., Swinbank M., Smail I., Puglisi A., Morabito L., Birkin J., Chen C.-C., Frias Castillo M., Weiss A., Rybak M., Werf P. van der & Jimenez-Andrade E. (2024), Testing ISM models using ALMA-observed CO excitation of dusty star-forming galaxies, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024 348.
- Frias Castillo M., Rybak M., Hodge J., Werf P.P. van der, Abbo L.J., Ballieux F.J., Ward S., Harrison C., Calistro Rivera G., McKean J.P. & Stacey H.R. (2024), At the end of cosmic noon: Short gas depletion times in unobscured quasars at z ~ 1, Astronomy and Astrophysics 683: A211.
- Rowland L.E., Hodge J., Bouwens R., Piña P.E.M., Hygate A., Algera H., Aravena M., Bowler R., da Cunha E., Dayal P., Ferrara A., Herard-Demanche T., Inami H., Leeuwen I. van, de Looze I., Oesch P., Pallottini A., Phillips S., Rybak M., Schouws S., Smit R., Sommovigo L., Stefanon M. & Werf P.P. van der (2024), REBELS-25: discovery of a dynamically cold disc galaxy at z = 7.31, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 535(3): 2068-2091.
- Ishii N., Hashimoto T., Ferkinhoff C., Rybak M., Inoue A.K., Michiyama T., Donevski D., Fujimoto S., Salak D., Kuno N., Matsuo H., Mawatari K., Tamura Y., Izumi T., Nagao T., Nakazato Y., Osone W., Sugahara Y., Usui M., Wakasugi K., Yajima H., Bakx T.J.L.C., Fudamoto Y., Meyer R.A., Walter F. & Yoshida N. (2024), Detection of the [O i] 63 µm emission line from the z = 6.04 quasar J2054–0005, Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan : .
- Rybak M. & Sluse D (2024), Measuring mm-wave AGN corona sizes at cosmological distances via microlensing, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024. Padova, Italy 2379.
- Lee M., Schimek A., Cicone C., Andreani P., Popping G., Sommovigo L., Appleton P.N., Bischetti M., Cantalupo S., Chen C.-C., Dannerbauer H., De Breuck C., Di Mascolo L., Emonts B.H.C., Hatziminaoglou E., Pensabene A., Rizzo F., Rybak M., Shen S., Lundgren A., Booth M., Klaassen P., Mroczkowski T., Cordiner M.A., Johnstone D., van Kampen E., Liu D., Maccarone T., Saintonge A., Smith M., Thelen A.E. & Wedemeyer S. (2024), Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: The hidden circumgalactic medium, Open Research Europe 4: 117.
- Butler K.M., Werf P.P. van der, Topkaras T., Rybak M., Venemans B.P., Walter F. & Decarli R. (2023), Erratum: ``Molecular Outflows in z > 6 Unobscured QSO Hosts Driven by Star Formation'' (2023, ApJ, 944, 134), The Astrophysical Journal 949(2): 122.
- Butler K.M., Werf P.P. van der, Topkaras T., Rybak M., Venemans B.P., Walter F. & Decarli R. (2023), Molecular outflows in z > 6 unobscured QSO hosts driven by star formation, The Astrophysical Journal 944(2): 134.
- Frias Castillo M., Hodge J.A., Rybak M., Werf P.P. van der, Smail I., Birkin J.E., Chen C.-C., Chapman S.C., Hill R., Lagos C. del P., Liao C.-L., da Cunha E., Calistro Rivera G., Chen J., Jiménez-Andrade E.F., Murphy E.J., Scott D., Swinbank A.M., Walter F., Ivison R.J. & Dannerbauer H. (2023), VLA legacy survey of molecular gas in massive star-forming galaxies at high redshift, The Astrophysical Journal 945(2): 128.
- Hygate A.P.S., Hodge J.A., da Cunha E., Rybak M., Schouws S.T.M., Inami H., Stefanon M., Graziani L., Schneider R., Dayal P., Bouwens R.J., Smit R., Bowler R.A.A., Endsley R. Gonzalez V., Oesch P.A., Stark D.P., Algera H.S.B., Aravena M., Barrufet L., Ferrara A., Fudamoto Y., Hilhorst J.H.A., De Looze I., Nanayakkara T., Pallottini A., Riechers D.A., Sommovigo L., Topping M.W. & Werf P.P. van der (2023), The ALMA REBELS Survey: discovery of a massive, highly star-forming, and morphologically complex ULIRG at z = 7.31, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(2): 1775-1795.
- Rybak M., Marrewijk J. van, Hodge J.A., Andreani P., Calistro Rivera G., Graziani L., McKean J.P., Viti S. & Werf P.P. van der (2023), PRUSSIC: II. ALMA imaging of dense-gas tracers in SDP.81: evidence for low mechanical heating and a sub-solar metallicity in a z = 3.04 dusty galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 679: A119.
- Rybak M., Lemsom L., Lundgren A., Zavala J., Hodge J.A., de Breuck C., Casey C.M., Decarli R., Torstensson K., Wardlow J.L. & Werf P.P. van der (2023), Bright beacons? ALMA non-detection of a supposedly bright [O I] 63 micrometer line in a redshift-6 dusty galaxy, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 7(9): 188.
- Rybak M., Frias Castillo M. & Hodge J.A. (2023), Fuelling the obscured star formation at high redshift: surveying the CO(1-0) and HCN(1-0) emission in dusty galaxies. Rybak M., Frias Castillo M. & Hodge J.A. (Eds.), Physics and chemistry of star formation: the dynamical ISM across time and spatial scales. 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn Symposium 26 September 2022 - 30 September 2022. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothekj Köln. 22.
- Frias Castillo M., Rybak M., Hodge J., Werf P.P. van der, Riechers D.A., Vieira D., Rivera G.C., Martinez-Ramirez L.N., Walter F., Hodge J.A., Riechers D.A., Blok E. de, Narayanan D. & Wagg J. (2022), Kiloparsec-scale Imaging of the CO(1-0)-traced cold molecular gas reservoir in a z similar to 3.4 submillimeter galaxy, The Astrophysical Journal 930(1): 35.
- García-Vergara C.J., Rybak M., Hodge J.A., Hennawi J.F., Decarli R., González-López J., Arrigoni-Battaia F., Aravena M. & Farina E.P. (2022), ALMA reveals a large overdensity and strong clustering of galaxies in quasar environments at z ~ 4, The Astrophysical Journal 927(1): 65.
- Rybak M., Bakx T., Baselmans J., Karatsu K., Kohno K., Takekoshi T., Tamura Y., Taniguchi A., Werf P.P. van der & Endo A. (2022), Deshima 2.0: rapid redshift surveys and multi-line spectroscopy of dusty galaxies, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 209(5-6): 766-778.
- Taniguchi A., Bakx T.J.L.C., Baselmans J.J.A., Huiting R., Karatsu K., Llombart N., Rybak M., Takekoshi T., Tamura Y., Akamatsu H., Brackenhoff S., Bueno J., Buijtendorp B.T., Dabironezare S.O., Doing A.-K., Fujii Y., Fujita K., Gouwerok M., Hähnle S., Ishida T., Ishii S., Kawabe R., Kitayama T., Kohno K., Kouchi A., Maekawa J., Matsuda K., Murugesan V., Nakatsubo S., Oshima T., Pascual Laguna A., Thoen D.J., Werf P.P. van der, Yates S.J.C. & Endo A. (2022), DESHIMA 2.0: development of an integrated superconducting spectrometer for science-grade astronomical observations, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 209(3-4): 278-286.
- Rybak M., Hodge J.A., Greve T.R., Riechers D., Lamperti I., Marrewijk R.J.A. van, Walter F., Wagg J. & Werf P.P. van der (2022), PRUSSIC. I. A JVLA survey of HCN, HCO+, and HNC (1-0) emission in z ~ 3 dusty galaxiesLow dense-gas fractions in high-redshift star-forming galaxies: low dense-gas fractions in high-redshift star-forming galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 667: A70.
- Butler K.M., Werf P.P. van der, Rybak M., Costa T., Cox P., Weiß A., Michałowski M.J., Riechers D.A., Rigopoulou D., Marchetti L., Eales S. & Valtchanov I. (2021), Resolved neutral outflow from a lensed dusty star-forming Galaxy at z = 2.09, The Astrophysical Journal 919(1): 5.
- Rybak M., da Cunha E., Groves B., Hodge J.A., Aravena M., Maseda M.V., Boogaard L., Berg D., Charlot S., Decarli R., Erb D.K., Nelson E., Pacifici C., Schmidt K.B., Walter F., Wel A. van der & Bouwens R.J. (2021), Ultrafaint [C II] emission in a redshift = 2 gravitationally lensed metal-poor dwarf galaxy, The Astrophysical Journal 909(2): 130.
- Rybak M., Zavala J.A., Hodge J.A., Casey C. M. & Werf P.P. van der (2020), First detection of the [O I] 63 m emission from a redshift 6 dusty galaxy, Astrophysical Journal Letters 889(1): L11.
- Rybak M., Hodge J.A. & Calistro Rivera G. (2020), What drives the [CII]/FIR deficit in submillimeter galaxies?. da Cunha E., Hodge J., Afonso J., Pentericci L. & Sobral D. (Eds.), Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era. IAU Symposium 352 -- Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era 3 June 2019 - 7 June 2019 no. 352. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 293-294.
- Rybak M., Hodge J.A., Vegetti S., Werf P.P. van der, Andreani P., Graziani L. & McKean J.P. (2020), Full of Orions: a 200-pc mapping of the interstellar medium in the redshift-3 lensed dusty star-forming galaxy SDP.81, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494(4): 5542-5567.
- Hodge J.A., Smail I., Walter F., Cunha E., Swinbank A.M., Rybak M., Venemans B., Brandt W.N., Rivera G.C., Chapman S.C., Chen C.-C., Cox P., Dannerbauer H., Decarli R., Greve T.R., Knudsen K.K., Menten K.M., Schinnerer E., Simpson J.M., Werf P.P. van der, Wardlow J.L. & Weiss A. (2019), ALMA Reveals Potential Evidence for Spiral Arms, Bars, and Rings in High-redshift Submillimeter Galaxies, 876(2): 130.
- Rybak M., Calistro Rivera G.E., Hodge J.A., Smail I., Walter F., Werf P.P. van der, Cunha E., Chen C.-C., Dannerbauer H., Ivison R.J., Karim A., Simpson J.M., Swinbank A.M. & Wardlow J.L. (2019), Strong Far-ultraviolet Fields Drive the [C II]/Far-infrared Deficit in z 3 Dusty, Star-forming Galaxies, 876(2): 112.
- Calistro Rivera G.E.D., Hodge J.A., Smail I., Swinbank A.M., Weiss A., Wardlow J.L., Walter F., Rybák M., Chen C.C., Brandt W.N., Coppin K., Cunha E. da, Dannerbauer H., Greve T.R., Karim A., Knudsen K.K., Schinnerer E., Simpson J.M., Venemans B. & Werf P.P. van der (2018), Resolving the ISM at the Peak of Cosmic Star Formation with ALMA: The Distribution of CO and Dust Continuum in z 2.5 Submillimeter Galaxies, 863(1): 56.
- Lucas W.E., Rybák M., Bonnell I.A. & Gieles M. (2018), A clustered origin for isolated massive stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474(3): 3582-3592.
- Paraficz D., Rybák M., McKean J.P., Vegetti S., Sluse D., Courbin F., Stacey H.R., Suyu S.H., Dessauges-Zavadsky M., Fassnacht C.D. & Koopmans L.V.E. (2018), ALMA view of RX J1131-1231: Sub-kpc CO (2-1) mapping of a molecular disk in a lensed star-forming quasar host galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 613: A34.