mat Immerzeel
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. M. Immerzeel
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9512

Mattheus Immerzeel is an assistant professor at International Studies.
More information about mat Immerzeel
Cultuur en Kunst van het Christelijk Oosten, in het bijzonder van het Syrische gebied
Doel van het onderzoek: - door middel van bronnenonderzoek te komen tot opheldering van bepaalde problemen m.b.t. de Syrische cultuurgeschiedenis (gezien in een ruim verband). - wetenschappelijk verslag te doen van documentatie- en conserveringsactiviteiten van (hoofdzakelijk Christelijke) kunstobjecten in het Midden-Oosten
- Immerzeel, M. (2005). Proskynataria from Jerusalem. Souvenirs of a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Series Byzantina, 3, pp. 9-24.
- Immerzeel, M. (2005). Proskynetaria - Inventory. Series Byzantina, 3, pp. 25-34.
- Aalst, V. van & Immerzeel, M. (2005). The Proskynetarion of Hernen Castle. Eastern Christian Art, 2, pp. 83-92.
- Immerzeel, M. (2005). The Wall Paintings in the Church of Mar Elian at Homs: A 'Restoration Project' of a nineteenth-Century Palestinian Painter. Eastern Christian Art, 1, pp. 149-166.
- Immerzeel, M. (2005). The Decoration of the Chapel of the Prophet Elijah in Ma'arrat Saydnaya. In Schmidt, A. & Westphalen, S. (Ed.), Christlichen Wandmalereien in Syrien. (SKCO, 14, pp. 28-155). Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag.
Assistant Professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculteitsbureau
- International Studies
- Immerzeel M. (2013), The Decorated Syrian Orthodox Churches of Saddad (Syria), Eastern Christian Art 8(2011): 57-82.
- Immerzeel M., Jeudy A. & Snelders B. (2011), A Mixed Company of Syrians, Saracens and Greeks. Artistic Interaction in Middle Eastern Christian Art in the Middle Ages. Knipp D. (Ed.), Siculo-Arabic Ivories and Islamic Painting 1100-1300, Proceedings of the International Conference, Berlin, 6–8 July 2007’. . München: Hirmer Verlag. 223-253.
- Immerzeel M. & Kleiterp L. (2011), The Church of Deir Mar Tuma in Saydnaya: A Reused Roman Temple, Eastern Christian Art 8(2011): 83-100.
- Immerzeel M. & Jeudy A. (2010), Christian Art in the Mamluk Period. Haddad M. (Ed.), Towards a Cultural History of the Mamluk Era. . Beirut: Ergon Verlag. 45-66.
- Immerzeel M. (2010), ‘Het Klooster van Saydnaya (Syrië)’, ZemZem 2 (2010), 57-68, ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 2: 57-68.
- Immerzeel M. (2010), A Representation of St Julian Saba in Deir Mar Musa’, Eastern Christian Art 7: 35-41.
- Immerzeel M. (2010), The Last Judgement in Saydnaya, Eastern Christian Art 7: 17-34.
- Haar Romeny R.B. ter, Atto N., Ginkel J.J. van, Immerzeel M. & Snelders B. (2009), The Formation of a Communal Identity among West Syrian Christians: Results and Conclusions of the Leiden Project, Church History and Religious Culture 89(1-3): 1-52.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), The Drawing of Grigorovich-Barsky, Eastern Christian Art 6: 111-118.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), Identity Puzzles. Medieval Christian Art in Syria and Lebanon. Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), Medieval Syrian Orthodox Church Decoration: Deir al-Surian and Deir Mar Musa3-238. Teule H., Fotescu Tauwinkl C., Haar Romeny B. ter & Ginkel J. van (Eds.), The Syriac Renaissance. . Leuven: Peeters Publishers. 223-244.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), A Play of Light and Shadow. The Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and Their Historical Context. Mikhail M. & Moussa M. (Eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Wadi al-Natrun. . Cairo: AUB Press. 246-271.
- Immerzeel M. (2008), Playing with Light and Shadow. The Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and Their Historical Context,, Eastern Christian Art 5: 59-74.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Les pères de l’Eglise dans les peintures murales médiévales du Liban et de la Syrie. Schmidt A. & Gonnet D. (Eds.), Les Pères grecs dans la tradition syriaque. . Paris: Geuther. 185-194.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Icon Painting in the County of Tripoli of the Thirteenth Century. Hourihane C. (Ed.), Interactions, Artistic Interchange Between the Eastern and Western Worlds in the Medieval Period. . Penn State: Penn State university Press. 67-83.
- Immerzeel M. & Hélou N. (2007), Les peintures murales de Kaftûn, Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises 11: 315-316.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Monasteries and Churches of the Qalamun (Syria): Art and Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages, Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 7: 74-98.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Les peintures murales de Kaftûn, Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises 11: 315-316.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Some Remarks about the Name of the Monastery and an Enigmatic Scene, Eastern Christian Art 4: 127-131.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), The Inscriptions, ECA 4, Eastern Christian Art 4: 133-185.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), The Monastery of Our Lady of Saydnaya and Its Icon, Eastern Christian Art 4: 13-26.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), The Decoration of the Chapel of the Prophet Elijah in Ma'arrat Saydnaya. In: Schmidt A. & Westphalen S. (Eds.), Christlichen Wandmalereien in Syrien. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. 28-155.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), Proskynetaria - Inventory, Series Byzantina 3: 25-34.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), Proskynataria from Jerusalem. Souvenirs of a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Series Byzantina 3: 9-24.
- Immerzeel M. & Hélou N. (2005), Kaftun. The Wall Paintings, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16: 453-458.
- Aalst V. van & Immerzeel M. (2005), The Proskynetarion of Hernen Castle, Eastern Christian Art 2: 83-92.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), The Wall Paintings in the Church of Mar Elian at Homs: A 'Restoration Project' of a nineteenth-Century Palestinian Painter, Eastern Christian Art 1: 149-166.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), The Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian: A waqf of the Takritans in Fustat?. Immerzeel M. & Vliet J. van der (Eds.), Coptic Studies on the Treshold of a New Millennium. Proceedings of the seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, leiden, 27 august - 2 september 2000. . Leuven: Peeters. 1303-1320.
- Immerzeel M. & Vliet J. van der (Eds.) (2004), Coptic studies on the threshold of a new millennium. Proceedings of the seventh International congress of Coptic studies, Leiden, 27 August-2 September 2000. Leuven: Peeters.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), Medieval Wall paintings in Lebanon: Donors and Artists, Chronos 10: 7-47.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), A Play of light and shadow: The Stuccoes of Dayr al-Suryan and their Historical Context, Coptica. Journal of the Saint Mark Foundation and Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society 3: 104-129.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), Holy Horsemen and Crusader Banners. Equestrian Saints in Wall Paintings in Lebanon and Syria, Eastern Christian Art 1: 29-60.
- Immerzeel M. & Snelders B. (2004), The Thirteenth-century Flabellum from Deir al-surian in the Musée Royal de Mariemont (Morlanwelz, Belgium). with an appendix by Lucas Van Rompay on the Syriac Inscriptions, Eastern Christian Art 1: 113-140.
- Immerzeel M. (2003), Divine Cavalry. Mounted Saints in Middle Eastern Christian Art. Ciggaar K. & Teule H. (Eds.), East and West in the Crusader States. Context-Contacts-Confrontations III, Acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle in september 2000. . Leuven/Dudley: Peeters. 265-286.
- Immerzeel M. (2002), The 'Joint Problem'. Non-Monolithic Sarcophagi from the Fourth Century. Koch G. & Kirchhainer K. (Eds.), Akten des Symposiums "Frühchristliche Sarkophage". Marburg, 30.06-07.07.1999. . Mainz am Rhein: Philipp Von Zabern. 119-127.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), Documentation Methods. A Manual for the Registration and Description of Art Objects. Zayat E. & Immerzeel M. (Eds.), Documentation and Conservation of Art in Syria. Papers of the Workshop held at Damascus 16-19 September 1996. . Leiden: CNWS/NVIC. 45-53.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), Leiden's Egyptian Experience: The ENCCAP Project. Zayat E. & Immerzeel M. (Eds.), Documentation and Conervation of Art in Syria. Papers of the Workshop held at Damascus University 16-19 September 1996. . Leiden: CNWS/NVIC. 15-20.
- Zayat E. & Immerzeel M. (Eds.) (2000), Documentation and Conservation of Art in Syria. Papers of the Workshop held at Damascus University 16-19 September 1996. Leiden: CNWS/NVIC.
- Chavannes-Mazel C., Immerzeel M., Innemee K.C., Loon G.J.M. van, Rompay L. van & Veelenturf I.K. (Eds.) (2000), P.P.V. van Moorsel, Called to Egypt. Collected Studies on Painting in Christian Egypt. Leiden: NINO.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), The Crowned Altar. The stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and their historical background, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 3: 40-62.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), Inventory of Lebanese Wall Paintings, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 3: 3-19.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), Wonen in de woestijn. In: NN NN (Ed.), Catalogus Kopten en Ethiopiërs. Tweeduizend jaar mystiek en christendom langs de Nijl. Uden: Museum voor Religieuze Kunst. 24-34.
- Innemee K.C., Immerzeel M., Rompay L. van & Mols L.E.M. (Eds.) (1999), . Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), Wandschilderingen in Libanon, Het Christelijk Oosten 51: 99-121.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), Proskyneteria from Jerusalem, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 2: 53-62.
- Immerzeel M. & Loon G.J.M. van (1999), Inventory of Coptic Wall Paintings. Part One. Wall Paintings in Monasteries and Churches. Additions and corrections, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 2: 6-12.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), A Matter of Lide and Death. The Mosaic from Shahba (Philippopolis) in the National Museum in Damascus, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 2: 63-71.
- Innemee K.C., Mols L.E.M., Rompay L. van & Immerzeel M. (Eds.) (1998), . Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East.
- Immerzeel M., Innemee K.C. & Mommers M. (1998), Syrian Icons and Wall-Paintings, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 1: 56-72.
- Immerzeel M. (1998), Iconen in het Nabije Oosten, Het Christelijk Oosten 49(3-4): 233-258.
- Loon G.J.M. van & Immerzeel M. (1998), Inventory of Coptic Wall-paintings. Part One: Wall-paintings in Monasteries and Churches, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 1: 6-55.
- Immerzeel M. (1998), Iconen uit Syrië en Egypte, Eikonikon 56: 3-12.
- Immerzeel M. (1997), Syrische Iconen - Syrian Icons. Collectie / Collection Antoine Touma. Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon.
- Immerzeel M. (1997), Coptic Art. In: Doorn-Hander N. van & Vogt K. (Eds.), Between Desert and City: the Coptic Orthodox Church Today. Oslo: NOWS. 275-288.
- Jongste P.F.B. & Immerzeel M. (1995), Ancient Maps of Egypt, Essays on Coptic Art and Culture 2: 1-15.