Martin van Exter
Professor Optics
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.P. van Exter
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5927
- 0000-0003-0839-3219

More information about Martin van Exter
Professor Optics
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Koks C. & Exter M.P. van (2024), Probing microcavity resonance spectra with intracavity emitters, Physical Review A 109(4): 043523.
- Koks C & Exter M.P. van (2022), Observation of mode-mixing in the spatial eigenmodes of an optical microcavity, Optics Express 30(2): 700-706.
- Hissink E.S., Koks C. & Exter M.P. van (2022), Nonparaxial corrections for short cavities and fibers, Physical Review A 106(5): 053505.
- Koks C., Baalbergen F.B. & Exter M.P. van (2022), Observation of microcavity fine structure, Physical Review A 105(6): 063502.
- Exter M.P. van, Wubs M., Hissink E. & Koks C. (2022), Fine structure in Fabry-Perot microcavity spectra, Physical Review A 106(1): 013501.
- Exter M.P., Hissink E.S. & Koks C. (2022), From effective-index model to phase-plate model, Journal of Optics 24(8): 084001.
- Koks C. & Exter M.P. van (2021), Microcavity resonance condition, quality factor, and mode volume are determined by different penetration depths, Optics Express 29(5): 6879-6889.
- Snijders H.J., Kok D.N.L., Stolpe M.F. van de, Frey J.A., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2020), Extended polarized semiclassical model for quantum-dot cavity QED and its application to single-photon sources, Physical Review A 101(5): 053811.
- Vos E.W. de, Dood M.J.A. de & Exter M.P. van (2019), Surface plasmon laser with two hole arrays as cavity mirrors, Optica 6(1): 92-95.
- Mariani F., Löffler W., Aas M., Ojambati O.S., Hong P., Vos W.L. & Exter M.P. van (2018), Scattering media characterization with phase-only wavefront modulation, Optics Express 26(3): 2369-2379.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Post V.P., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Fiber-Coupled Cavity-QED Source of Identical Single Photons, Physical Review Applied 9(3): 031002.
- Tenner V.T., Dood M.J.A. de & Exter M.P. van (2018), Two-mode surface plasmon lasing in hexagonal arrays, Optics Letters 43(2): 166-169.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Flayac H., Savona V., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2018), Observation of the Unconventional Photon Blockade, Physical Review Letters 121(4): 043601.
- Renema J.J., Gaudio R., Wang Q., Gaggero A., Mattioli F., Leoni R., Exter M.P. van, Fiore A. & Dood M.J.A. de (2017), Probing the hotspot interaction length in NbN nanowire superconducting single photon detectors, Applied Physics Letters 110(23): 233103.
- Mariani F., Leòn-Perez F. de, Vendel K.J.A., Martin-Moreno L. & Exter M.P. van (2017), Angle resolved transmission through metal hole gratings, Optics Express 25(8): 9061-9070.
- Tenner V.T., Dood M.J.A. de & Exter M.P. van (2016), Surface plasmon dispersion in hexagonal, honeycomb and kagome plasmonic crystals, Optics Express 24: 29624.
- Gaudio R., Renema J.J., Zhou Z., Verma V.B., Lita A.E., Shainline J., Stevens M.J., Mirin R.P., Woo Nam S., Exter M.P. van, Dood M.J.A. de & Fiore A. (2016), Experimental investigation of the detection mechanism in WSi nanowire superconducting single photon detectors, Applied Physics Letters 109(3): 031101.
- Tenner V.T., Dood M.J.A. de & Exter M.P. van (2016), Measurement of the phase and intensity profile of surface plasmon laser emission, Photonics 3(6): 942-946.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Bakker M.P., Langman E.C., Gossard A., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2016), Purification of a single-photon nonlinguarity, Nature Communications 8(7): 12578.
- Mariani F. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Scattering of guided light by a single hole in a dielectric slab, Optics Express 23(17539): .
- Bakker M.P., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Barve A., Coldren L., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 91(24): 241305.
- Wang Q., Renema J.J., Engel A., Exter M.P. van & Dood M.J.A. de (2015), Local detection efficiency of a NbN superconducting single photon detector explored by a scattering scanning near-field optical microscope, Optics Express 23(09): 24873-24887.
- Bakker M.P., Barve A.V., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Polarization degenerate solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 91(11): 115319.
- Bakker M.P., Snijders H., Löffler W., Barve A.V., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Homodyne detection of coherence and phase shift of a quantum dot in a cavity, Optics Letters 40: 3173-3176.
- Renema J.J., Wang Q., Gaudio R., Komen I., Sahin D., Schilling A., Exter M.P. van, Fiore A., Engel A. & Dood M.J.A. (2015), Position-dependent local detection efficiency in a nanowire superconducting single-photon detector, Nano Letters 15(4541): .
- Renema J.J., Rengelink R.J., Komen I., Wang Q., Gaudio R., Hoog K.P.M. op 't, Zhou Z., Sahin D., Fiore A., Kes P., Aarts J., Exter M.P. van, Dood M.J.A. de & Driessen E.F.C. (2015), The effect of magnetic field on the intrinsic detection efficiency of superconducting single-photon detectors, Applied Physics Letters 106: 092602.
- Wang Q., Renema J.J., Gaggero A., Mattioli F., Leoni R., Exter M.P. van & Dood M.J.A. de (2015), How noise affects quantum detector tomography, Journal of Applied Physics 118(134501): .
- Beijnum F. van, Veldhoven P.J. van, Geluk E.J., Hooft G.W. 't & Exter M.P. van (2014), Loss compensation of extraordinary optical transmission, Applied Physics Letters 104(061112): .
- Hetharia D., Exter M.P. van & Löffler W. (2014), Spatial coherence and the orbital angular momentum of light in astronomy, Physical Review A 90(6): 063801.
- Yorulmaz S.C., Exter M.P. van & Dood M.J.A. de (2014), The role of spatial and temporal modes in pulsed parametric down-conversion, Optics Express 22: 5913-5926.
- Beijnum F. van, Meeussen A.S., Retif C. & Exter M.P. van (2014), Rayleigh scattering of surface plasmons by sub-wavelength holes, Optics Express 22 (9): 10316-10331.
- Tenner V.T., Delft A.N. van, Dood M.J.A. de & Exter M.P. van (2014), Loss and scattering of surface plasmon polaritons on optically-pumped hole arrays, Journal of Optics 16 (11)(114019): .
- Renema J.J., Gaudio R., Wang Q., Zhou Z., Gaggero A., Mattioli F., Leoni R., Sahin D., Dood M.J.A. de, Fiore A. & Exter M.P. van (2014), Experimental test of theories of the detection mechanism in a nanowire superconducting single photon detector, Physical Review Letters 112(11): 117604.
- Bakker M.P., Brave A.V., Zhan A., Coldren L.A., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Polarization degenerate micropillars fabricated by designed elliptical oxide apertures, Applied Physics Letters 104(151109): .
- Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2013), Quantum entanglement of orbital angular momentum. In: Andrews D.L. & Babiker M. (Eds.), The Angular Momentum of Light. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 385-406.
- Renema J.J., Gaudio R., Frucci G., Sahin D., Zhou Z., Gaggero A., Mattioli F., Leoni R., Dood M.J.A. de, Fiore A. & Exter M.P. van (2013), Detector Tomography of Superconducting Single Photon Detectors, Superconducting news forum 27(1): .
- Renema J.J., Frucci G., Zhou Z., Mattioli F., Gaggero A., Leoni R., Dood M.J.A. de, Fiore A. & Exter M.P. van (2013), Universal response curve for nanowire superconducting single-photon detectors, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 87(17): 174526.
- Bakker M.P., Suntrup D.J., Snijders H., Truong T.A., Petroff P.M., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2013), Fine tuning of micropillar cavity modes through repetitive oxidations, Optics Letters 38(17): 3308-3311.
- Bonato C., Hagemeier J., Gerace D., Thon S.M., Kim H., Andreani L.C., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2013), Far-field emission profiles from L3 photonic crystal cavity modes, Photonics and nanostructures-Fundamentals and applications 11(1): 37-47.
- Exter M.P. van, Tenner V.T., Beijnum F. van, Dood M.J.A. de, Veldhoven P.J. van, Geluk E.J. & Hooft G.W. 't (2013), Surface plasmon dispersion in metal hole array lasers, Optics Express 21(22): 27422-27437.
- Beijnum F. van, Veldhoven P.J. van, Geluk E.J., Dood M.J.A. de, Hooft G.W. 't & Exter M.P. van (2013), Surface plasmon lasing observed in metal hole arrays, Physical Review Letters 110(20): 206802.
- Bakker M.P., Suntrup D.J., Snijders H., Truong T.A., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2013), Monitoring the formation of oxide apertures in micropillar cavities, Applied Physics Letters 102(10): 101109.
- Beijnum F. van, Retif C., Smiet C.B., Liu H., Lalanne P. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Quasi-cylindrical wave contribution in experiments on extraordinary optical transmission, 492: .
- Bonato C., Gudat J., Vries K. de, Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Optical modes in oxide-apertured micropillar cavities, Optical Letters 37(22): 4678-4680.
- Dood M.J.A. de, Yorulmaz S.C., Torren A. van der, Renema J.J. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Spatially Entangled 4-photons States from a Periodically Poled KTP Crystal. Quantum Information and Measurement.
- Bonato C., Gudat J., Nieuwenburg E. van, Bakker M., Beirne G.J., Thon S.M., Kim H., Truong T.-A., Suntrup T., Petroff P., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Cavity-QED with quantum dots in oxide-apertured micropillars. Hasan Z.U., Hemmer P.R., Lee H. & Santori C.M. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE. Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication V, 827212.
- Hagemeier J., Bonato C., Truong T.-A., Kim H., Beirne G.J., Bakker M., Exter M.P. van, Luo Y., Petroff P. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), H1 photonic crystal cavities for hybrid quantum information protocols, Optics Express 20(22): 24714-24726.
- Exter M.P. van, Woudenberg J., Di Lorenzo Pires H. & Peeters W.H. (2012), Bosonic, fermionic, and anyonic symmetry in two-photon random scattering, Physical 85: 033823.
- Renema J.J., Frucci G., Zhou Z., Mattioli F., Gaggero A., Leoni R., Dood M.J.A. de, Fioro A. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Modified detector tomography technique applied to a superconducting multiphoton nanodetector, Opt. Express 20: 2806-2813.
- Torren A.J.H. van der, Yorulmaz S.C., Renema J.J., Exter M.P. van & Dood M.J.A. de (2012), Spatially entangled four-photon states from a periodically poled potassium-titanyl-phosphate crystal, Phys. Rev. A 85: .
- Ricci F., Löffler W. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Instability of higher-order optical vortices analyzed with a multi-pinhole interferometer, Optics Express 20(20): 22961-22975.
- Renema J.J., Frucci G., Dood M.J.A. de, Gill R., Fiore A. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Tomography and state reconstruction with superconducting single-photon detectors, Physical Review A 86: 062113.
- Beijnum F. van, Sirre J., Retif C. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Speckle correlation functions applied to surface plasmons, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85: 035437.
- Renema J.J., Frucci G., Dood M.J.A. de, Fiori A. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Quantum state reconstruction with a Single-element SSPD at Telecommunication Wavelengths, Laser Science OSA: .
- Pires H.D., Woudenberg J. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Statistical properties of two-photon speckles, Phys. Rev. A 85: .
- Löffler W., Exter M.P. van, Hooft G.W. 't, Nienhuis G., Broer D.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), Search for Hermite-Gauss mode rotation in cholesteric liquid crystals, Optics Express 19(14): 12978-12983.
- Gudat J., Bonato C., Nieuwenburg E. van, Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Permanent tuning of quantum dot transitions to degenerate microcavity resonances, Applied Physics Letters 98(12): 121111.
- Bonato C., Nieuwenburg E. van, Gudat J., Thon S.M., Kim H.K., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Strain tuning of quantum dot optical transitions via laser-induced surface defects, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84: 075306.
- Beijnum F. van, Retif C., Smiet C.B. & Exter M.P. van (2011), Transmission processes in random patterns of subwavelength holes, Optics Letters 36(3666): .
- Pires H.D., Coppens F.M.G.J. & Exter M.P. van (2011), Type-I spontaneous parametric down-conversion with a strongly focused pump, Physical Review A 83: 033837.
- Peeters W.H., Moerman J.J.D. & Exter M.P. van (2010), Observation of two-photon speckle patterns (Appendix), Physical Review Letters 104(17): 173601.
- Lorenzo Pires H. di, Florijn H.C.B. & Exter M.P. van (2010), Measurement of the spiral spectrum of entangled two-photon states, Physical Review Letters 104(2): 020505.
- Lorenzo Pires H. di, Woudenberg J. & Exter M.P. van (2010), Measurement of spatial coherence of partially coherent light with and without orbital angular momentum, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 27: 2630.
- Lorenzo Pires H. di, Woudenberg J. & Exter M.P. van (2010), Measurement of the orbital angular momentum spectrum of partially coherent beams, Optics Letters 35: 889.
- Bonato C., Haupt F., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Gudat J., Ding D., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2010), CNOT and Bell-state analysis in the weak-coupling cavity QED regime, Physical Review Letters 104(16): 160503.
- Löffler W., Exter M.P. van, Hooft G.W. 't, Eliel E.R., Hermans K., Broer D.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2010), Polarization-dependent Goos-Hänchen shift at a graded dielectric interface, Optics Communications 283: 3367.
- Lorenzo Pires H. di & Exter M.P. van (2009), Near-field correlations in the two-photon field, Physical Review A 80: 053820.
- Lorenzo Pires H. di, Monken C.H. & Exter M.P. van (2009), Direct measurement of transverse-mode entanglement in two-photon states, Physical Review A 80: 022307.
- Merano M., Aiello A., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2009), Goos-Hänchen shift for a rough metallic mirror, Optics Express 17: 10864-10870.
- Exter M.P. van, Gudat J., Nienhuis G. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Spin quantum jumps in a singly charged quantum dot, Physical Review A 80: 023812.
- Bonato C., Ding D., Gudat J., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Tuning micropillar cavity birefringence by laser induces surface defects, Applied Physics Letters 95(25): 251104.
- Peeters W.H., Renema J.J. & Exter M.P. van (2009), Engineering of two-photon quantum correlation behind a double slit, Physical Review A 79: 043817.
- Merano M., Aiello A., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2009), Observing angular deviations in the specular reflection of a light beam, Nature Photonics 3: 337.
- Exter M.P. van, Altewischer E. & Woerdman J.P. (2009), Coherent polarization transfer through sub-wavelength hole arrays, 4th ICST conference Nano-Net 2009. 4th ICST conference Nano-Net 2009: Springer.
- Merano M., Aiello A., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2009), Observing angular deviations in the specular reflection of a light beam. . Optics Photonic news.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Venderbos J.W.F. & Exter M.P. van (2009), Two-photon speckle as a probe of multi-dimensional entanglement, Physical Review Letters 102(19): 193601.
- Lorenzo Pires H. di & Exter M.P. van (2009), Observation of near-field correlations in spontaneous parametric down-conversion, Physical Review A 79: 041801.
- Pors J.B., Aiello A., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2008), Angular phase plate analyzers for measuring the dimensionality of multi-mode fields, Physical Review A 77: 033845.
- Pors J.B., Oemrawsingh S.S., Aiello A., Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R., Hooft G.W. 't & Woerdman J.P. (2008), Shannon dimensionality of quantum channels and its application to photon entanglement, Physical Review Letters 101(12): 120502.
- Peeters W.H. & Exter M.P. van (2008), Optical characterization of periodically-poled KTP, Proc. Spie. .
- Dood M.J.A. de, Driessen E.F.C., Stolwijk D., Exter M.P. van, Verschuuren M.A. & Hooft G.W. 't (2008), Index matching of surface plasmons, Proc. Spie. .
- Dood M.J.A. de, Driessen E.F.C., Stolwijk D., Exter M.P. van, Verschuuren M.A. & Hooft G.W. 't (2008), Index matching of surface plasmons, Proc. SPIE. .
- Peeters W.H. & Exter M.P. van (2008), Optical characterization of periodically-poled KTiOPO4, Optics Express 16: 3961-3969.
- Stolwijk D., Driessen E.F.C., Verschuuren M.A., Hooft G.W. 't, Exter M.P. van & Dood M.J.A. de (2008), Enhanced coupling of surface plasmon modes, Optical Letters 33(363): .
- Dood M.J.A. de, Driessen E.F.C., Stolwijk D. & Exter M.P. van (2008), Observation of coupling between surface plasmons in index-matched hole arrays, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77(115437): .
- Merano M., Aiello A., Hooft G.W. 't, Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2007), Observation of Goos-Hänchen shifts in metallic reflection, Optics Express 15: .
- Exter M.P. van, Lee P.S.K., Doesburg S. & Woerdman J.P. (2007), Mode counting in high-dimensional orbital angular momentum entanglement, Optics Express 15: 6431-6438.
- Klaassen T., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2007), Characterization of scattering in an optical Fabry-Perot resonator, Applied Optics 46: 5210-5215.
- Peeters W.H., Verstegen E.J.K. & Exter M.P. van (2007), Orbital angular momentum analysis of high-dimensional entanglement, Physical Review A 76: 042302.
- Klaassen T., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2007), Characterization of a Fabry-Perot resonator with diamond-machined mirrors, Optics Communications 275: 385-388.
- Klaassen T., Hoogeboom A., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2006), Resonant trapping of scattered light in a degenerate resonator, Optics Communications 260: 365-371.
- Altewischer E., Ma X., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2006), Resonant Bragg scatter of surface plasmons on nanohole arrays, New Journal of Physics 8: 57.
- Lee P.S.K. & Exter M.P. van (2006), Spatial labeling in a two-photon interferometer, Physical Review A 73: 063827.
- Exter M.P. van, Aiello A., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2006), Effect of spatial filtering on the Schmidt decomposition of entangled photons, Physical Review A 74: 012309.
- Genet C., Altewischer E., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Optical depolarization induced by arrays of subwavelength metal holes, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71: .
- Genet C., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Huygens description of resonance phenomena in subwavelength hole arrays, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 22: 998-1002.
- Lee P.S.K., Pors J.B., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Simple method for accurate characterization of birefringent crystals, Applied Optics 44: .
- Lee P.S.K., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), How focused pumping affects type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion, Physical Review A 72: 033803.
- Altewischer E., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Analytic model of optical depolarization in square and hexagonal nanohole arrays, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 22: 1731-1736.
- Altewischer E., Oei Y.C., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Quantum decoherence versus classical depolarization in nanohole arrays, Physical Review A 72: 013817.
- Lee P.S.K., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Time-resolved polarization decoherence in metal hole arrays with correlated photons, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 23: 134-138.
- Klaassen T., Jong J. de, Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Transverse mode coupling in an optical resonator, Optics Letters 30: 1959-1961.
- Altewischer E., Ma X., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Fano-type interference in the point-spread function of nanohole arrays, Optics Letters 30: 2436-2438.
- Altewischer E., Genet C., Exter M.P. van, Woerdman J.P., Alkemade P.F.A., Zuuk A. van & Drift E.W.J.M. van der (2005), Polarization tomography of metallic nanohole arrays, Optics Letters 30: 90-92.
- Klaassen T., Hoogeboom A., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2004), Gouy phase of nonparaxial eigenmodes in a folded resonator, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 21: 1689-1693.
- Altewischer E., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2003), Nonreciprocal reflection of a subwavelength hole array, Optics Letters 28: 1906-1908.
- Lien Y., Togt E., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2003), Resonant excess quantum noise in lasers with mixed guiding, Optics Letters 28: 1668-1670.
- Altewischer E., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2003), Polarization analysis of propagating surface plasmons in a subwavelength hole array, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 20: 1927-1931.
- Aiello A., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2003), Ray chaos in optical cavities based upon standard laser mirrors, Physical Review E 68(046208): 1-4.
- Willemsen M.B., Exter M.P. van, Woerdman J.P., Monti di Sopra F. & Moser M. (2003), Polarization supermodes of phase-coupled arrays of vertical-cavity semiconductor lasers, Laser Physics 13: 324-327.
- Genet C., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2003), Fano-type interpretation of red shifts and red tails in hole array transmission spectra, Optics Communications 225: 331-336.
- Nes A.S. van de, Schleipen J.J.H.B., Hooft G.W. 't & Exter M.P. van (2002), Feedback effects at stable and unstable resonant external cavity lengths, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38: 1097-1101.
- Lee A.M. van der, Exter M.P. van, Assadian H.A., Druten N.J. van & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Threshold behavior of a laser with nonorthogonal polarization modes, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19: 1454-1460.
- Visser J., Nienhuis G., Dutra S.M., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Quantum-trajectory description of laser noise with depletion, Physical Review A 65: 063809.
- Altewischer E., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Plasmon-assisted transmission of entangled photons, 418: 304-306.
- Lien Y., Vries S.M. de, Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Lasers as Toda oscillators, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19: 1461-1466.
- Aiello A., Exter M.P. van, Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Does excess quantum noise exist in spontaneous processes?, Optics Communications 213: 81-87.
- Dingjan J., Altewischer E., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Experimental observation of wave chaos in a conventional optical resonator, Physical Review Letters 88(6): 064101.
- Dutra S.M., Joosten K., Nienhuis G., Druten N.J. van, Lee A.M. van der, Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Maxwell-Bloch approach to excess quantum noise, Physical Review A 59: 4699-4701.
- Willemsen M.B., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Correlated fluctuations in the polarization modes of a vertical-cavity semiconductor laser, Physical Review A 60: 4105-4113.
- Hendriks R.F.M., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Polarisatie van kleine halfgeleiderlasers, Van A tot Q 13: 17-23.
- Hendriks R.F.M., Exter M.P. van, Woerdman J.P., Weegels L. & Geelen A. van (1999), Polarization noise in elliptically polarized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B16: 832-834.
- Serrat C., Exter M.P. van, Druten N.J. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Transverse mode formation in microlasers by combined gain- and index guiding, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35: 1314-1321.
- Willemsen M.B., Khalid M.U.F., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Polarization switching of a vertical-cavity semiconductor laser as a Kramers hopping problem, Physical Review Letters 82(24): 4815-4818.
- Exter M.P. van, Willemsen M.B. & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Polarization modal noise and dichroism in vertical-cavity semiconductor lasers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 74: 2274-2276.
- Hendriks R.F.M., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Engineering the polarization-dependent saturation in quantum-well surface-emitting semiconductor lasers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35: 1057-1061.
- Hendriks R.F.M., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), How the carrier momentum influences the polarization properties of a vertical-cavity semiconductor laser, Physical Review A 59: 765-772.
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