Martin Baasten
- Name
- Dr. M.F.J. Baasten
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2257

Martin Baasten is a Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
Fields of interest
Biblical and Post-biblical Hebrew
Qumran Hebrew and Dead Sea Scrolls
Rabbinic Hebrew
History of the Hebrew Language
Comparative Semitics
Curriculum Vitae
2006 Defence of doctoral dissertation “The Non-Verbal Clause in Qumran Hebrew” (promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Gzella). Universiteit Leiden, October 2006.
2006– Lecturer of Biblical and Post-Biblical Hebrew, Dept. of Hebrew and Aramaic, Universtiteit Leiden.
2004–2005 Teacher of Midrash, Levisson Institute, Amsterdam (Academy for Progressive Jewish Rabbis).
2003–2004 Teacher of Biblical Hebrew and Medieval Jewish exegesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
2003 Teacher of Persian and Hellenistic Judaism, Faculty of Theology, Universiteit Leiden.
1999–2005 Teacher, Dept. of Hebrew and Aramaic, Universiteit Leiden.
1999– Student counsellor, Dept. of Middle Eastern Studies, Universiteit Leiden.
1999–2000 Lecturer of Biblical Hebrew, Theologische Faculteit, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant.
1993–1999 Teacher of Hebrew, Dept. of Hebrew and Aramaic, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
1993–1997 Ph.D. student, Centre of Non-Western Studies, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
1990–1992 Student of Semitic Languages (Major: Hebrew-Aramaic, minor: Arabic), Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, MA degree: December 1992.
1983–1990 Student of General History, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. MA degree: August 1990.
Teaching activities
• Biblical Hebrew
• Rabbinic Hebrew (Mishnah, Tosefta, Midrash, exegetical literature)
• Introduction to Rabbinic literature
• Modern Hebrew (conversation, advanced reading)
• Dead Sea Scrolls
• Qumran Hebrew / Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls
• History of Judaism (Rabbinic and Medieval periods)
• Medieval Jewish exegesis
• Biblical Aramaic
• History of Judaism (Persian and Hellenistic periods)
• History of Ancient Israel
• History of the Ancient Near East (Levant)
See Published work.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies