Martijn Witlox
Precision mechanics technician
- Name
- M.J.A. Witlox
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5788
Precision mechanics technician
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Fine Mechanical Department
- Qasim D., Witlox M.J.A., Fedoseev G., Chuang K.-J., Banu T., Krasnokutski S.A., Ioppolo S., Kästner J., Dishoeck E.F. van & Linnartz H.V.J. (2020), A cryogenic ice setup to simulate carbon atom reactions in interstellar ices, Review of Scientific Instruments 91(5): 054501.
- Kofman V., Witlox M.J.A., Bouwman J., Kate L. ten & Linnartz H. (2018), A multifunctional setup to record FTIR and UV-vis spectra of organic molecules and their photoproducts in astronomical ices, Review of Scientific Instruments 89(5): 053111.