Universiteit Leiden

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Marta Fiocco

Professor Applied Mathematics, in particular Medical Statistics

Prof.dr. M. Fiocco
+31 71 527 7144

Marta Fiocco is professor at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University and at Leiden University Medical Centre. Her research is in statistics applied to the medical field with focus in modelling oncological processes.

More information about Marta Fiocco

Marta Fiocco studied statistics at the University of Padua  (Italy); she received a PhD in mathematics from Leiden university in 1997. Her research has been  supported by NWO and ZonMW (The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development). She works at the Mathematical Department and  at the department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics at Leiden university Medical Centre. She is resident statistician at the Stichting Kinderoncologie Nederland  (www.skion.nl) where she is responsible for the design and statistical analysis concerning all ongoing studies.
Marta Fiocco's research addresses different topics: spatial stochastic process, complex models for survival data, meta-analysis, causal modelling, performance indicators. In the last years  her research focussed  in  particular on statistical models for oncological data. This research has been funded by KIKA (www.kika.nl) and KWF (www.kwf.nl). Some information concerning ongoing projects under the supervision of Marta Fiocco are  shortly described. For more information see daspo.

Research Projects: 

1) Personalised Sarcoma Care:
predicting outcome and improving the balance between prognosis and quality of life for sarcoma patients. Anja Ruten-Budde and Veroniek van Praag work on this topic. This project is a collaboration with dr. Michiel van der Sander from the Surgery and Orthopaedic Department at LUMC and it is supported by a grant from KWF (www.kwf.nl).

2) Meta-analysis of individual patient data to investigate dose-intensity relation with survival outcome for osteosarcoma patients. 
Dr. Carlo Lancia works on this topic. This project is a collaboration with dr. Jakob Anninga from the Department Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen and it is supported by grant 163 from KIKA (www.kika.nl

3) Dose-intensity relation with survival outcomes in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: a new analytic approach. 
Dr. Carlo Lancia and dr. Stéphanie van der Pas work on this topic. This project is a collaboration with Prof Rob Pieters medical director Princess Maxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology (Utrecht) and Dr. Hester de Groot from the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (Den Haag) and it is supported by grant 275 from KIKA (www.kika.nl

4) Accounting for competing risks and multiple surgeries in knee and hip arthroplasty surgery. 
Dr. Stéphanie van der Pas works on this topic. This project is a collaboration with Prof Rob Nelissen from the Orthopaedic Department at LUMC and with LROI (Landelijk Registratie Ortopedie Implantatie www.lroi.nl) . 

5) Model the time to return to work of unemployed people. 
Sanne Willems works with this topic. This project is in collaboration with UWV (administrative authority that implements employee insurances and provides labour market and data services www.uwv.nl) .

6) Individual Clinical Advanced decision-making  And Risk Evaluation for Ewing sarcoma . Sarah Bosma (PhD student at Leiden University Medical Center) works on this topic. This project is in collaboration with Prof. Uta Dirksen (Uniklinik Essen Germany).

Marta Fiocco is external statistical reviewer for a number of peer review journals:  Lancet Oncology, Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology , Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, European Journal of Cancer. She is a member of the  PSDM,  BMS/ANed, and member of the International Society for Clinical Biostatics. She was Study Advisor and Deputy Director of the Statistical Science master in Leiden.

Professor Applied Mathematics, in particular Medical Statistics

  • Science
  • Mathematisch Instituut
  • Mathematisch Instituut

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number BW1.50


Professor Applied Mathematics, in particular medical statistics

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Biomedical Data Sciences


  • Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum Universitair Docent
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