Universiteit Leiden

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Marret Noordewier

Associate Professor

Dr. M.K. Noordewier
+31 71 527 8852

Marret Noordewier is an Associate professor at the unit of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology. She’s also Head of Research at the Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG).

More information about Marret Noordewier

Marret Noordewier is an Associate professor at the unit of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology. She’s also Head of Research at the Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG).

Research on emotions and uncertainty

In her research, Noordewier studies affective processes in situations that are unexpected, unknown, or in another way not understood. She studies the emotions associated with these situations (e.g., surprise, curiosity, confusion) and related concepts like uncertainty and lack of control. Other research interests include social exclusion and financial stress.

With her research, she aims to contribute to the question of when people enjoy the unknown and want to stay engaged with, for example, (technological) innovation and complex information, or when things turn out different than expected

At the Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG), Noordewier coordinates the research that is initiated by KCPEG.


  • Supervisor Master thesis and internship
  • Behavioural Economic Insights (MSc)

Short CV

Marret Noordewier graduated in Social Psychology at the University of Groningen. After that, she worked as a researcher in Groningen, before moving to Tilburg University to work in Social Psychology and Communication and Information Sciences. 

Currently, she works as Associate professor of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology and as Head of Research at Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG).

Associate Professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 2A34


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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