Marleen Dekker
Scientific Director/Professor African Studies in particular Inclusive development in Africa
- Name
- Prof.dr. M. Dekker
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6715
- 0000-0001-8033-5692

For an overview of Marleen Dekker's research and publications, visit her profile on the ASCL website.
Marleen Dekker is Professor of Inclusive Development in Africa at Leiden University and Director of the African Studies Centre Leiden. She is trained as a human geographer and holds a PhD in Development Economics. Marleen Dekker's research is interdisciplinary in nature and analyses the role of social norms and networks in accessing markets and local socio-economic development. The focus of her work is on behavioural determinants of access to and use of formal and informal financial services, including informal insurance networks, community-based health insurance and intra-household resource sharing. In a new initiative, Marleen facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration with natural scientists to develop African air quality and climate change models.
Marleen has collaborated in several international research projects in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Togo, Kenya, Zambia and Nigeria on social networks, insurance, CSO advocacy, marriage and intra-household collaboration. From 2014 to 2021, Marleen was the coordinator of the Secretariat of INCLUDE, the Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies in Africa. The platform supports research, shares relevant knowledge with policy makers and practitioners and organises international policy dialogues on inclusive development themes both in The Netherlands and in African countries.
She is the academic coordinator of the LDE minor African Dynamics and the academic lead of the EUniWell SPOC: Decentring global epistemologies of Well-being. Marleen is a also member of INCLUDE knowledge platform, the AIV-COS as well as the NWO-NWA-SDG initiative group.
Scientific Director/Professor African Studies in particular Inclusive development in Africa
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Dekker M., Kazimierczuk A., Garland R., Stein Zweers D. & Levelt P. (2024), In the air tonight: satellite-based air quality data and inclusive development in Africa: a scoping review of the literature. ASC Working Paper Series no. 157. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (Eds.) (2024), Equity in COVID-19 : mitigation and policy responses in Africa. EADI Global Development Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (2024), Introduction. In: Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (Eds.), Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa. EADI Global Development Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-12.
- Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (2024), Recommendations and reflections. In: Dekker M., Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (Eds.), Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 365-369.
- Dekker M. (2024), Word of welcome. In: Veldkamp F. & Seuren G. (Eds.), A window on Africa: : African Studies Centre Leiden's 75th anniversary celebration. ASCL occasional publications no. 48. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 9-15.
- Amha A., Bruijn M.E. de , Dekker M., Dijk R.A. van, Ditmars M.D., Kaag M.M.A., Leliveld A.H.M. & Nijenhuis C.T. (7 November 2024), African Studies is vibrant! : And we need future generations to pass on the baton. ASCL Africanist blog . Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog entry].
- Lijfering S., Kazimierczuk A.H., Uche C.U., Akinyoade A. & Dekker M. (2023), Afrika: hulp & handel in perspectief - lessen uit het veld. Den Haag: Liaison Parlement en Wetenschap. [position paper].
- Dekker M. & Ditmars M. (4 September 2023), Bridging boundaries through virtual well-being exchange. ASCL Africanist Blog. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog entry].
- Dekker M. & Pouw N. (2022), Introduction to the special Issue: policies for inclusive development in Africa, European Journal of Development Research 34(5): 2137-2155.
- Swinkels C.E., Miroro O.O. & Dekker M. (2022), (In)decent work for youth in agro-industrial value chains in Uganda . In: Goulart P., Ramos R. & Ferrittu G. (Eds.), Global labour in distress, volume II: earnings, (in)decent work and institutions. Palgrave Readers in Economics. Cham: Springer. 317-322.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A.D., Sparrow R., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2021), Economic consequences of ill-health in rural Ethiopia, Health Systems & Reform 7(2): e1885577.
- Reinders S., Dekker M. & Falisse J.-B. (2021), Inequalities in higher education in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a scoping review of the literature, Development Policy Review 39(5): 865-889.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Hochleitner A. & Zuze L.T. (2021), Social norms and financial decision-making in Zambia : technical brief. Lusaka: fsd Zambia.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Mwansa F. & Zuze T.L. (2021), Financial decision-making gender and social norms in Zambia : report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results and subsequent qualitative follow-up. Lusaka: fsd Zambia.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Mwansa F. & Zuze T.L. (2020), Financial decision-making, gender and social norms in Zambia: preliminary report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results. CeDEx discussion paper series.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Mwansa F. & Zuze T.L. (2020), Financial decision-making, gender and social norms in Zambia: preliminary report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results. ASC Working Paper Series no. 147. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Awuh H.E. Dekker M. (2020), Entrepreneurship in microfranchising: an emerging market perspective, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies : .
- Reinders S.N. Dekker M. Falisse J.-B. (2020), Inequalities in higher education in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature, Development Policy Review : .
- Barr A., Dekker M., Janssens W., Kebede B. & Kramer B. (2019), Cooperation in polygynous households, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11(2): 266-283.
- Hees S.G.M. van, O'Fallon T., Hofker M., Dekker M., Polack S., Bank L.M. & Spaan E.J.A.M. (2019), Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review, International Journal for Equity in Health 18: 134.
- Hollander S. & Dekker M. (2019), Boosting productive employment in Africa: policy publication. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Reinders S., Dekker M., Kesteren F. van & Oudenhuijsen L.W. (2019), Inclusive development in Africa. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Dekker M., Moving forward in debates on inclusive development policies: INCLUDE’s renewed knowledge agenda. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [blog entry].
- Dekker M., Hollander S. & Kesteren F. van (2019), Seven principles for inclusive development policy-making. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [policy paper].
- Spierenburg M., Matelski M., Zijlstra S., Kempen L. van, Dekker M., Nangulu A. & Otundo B. (2019), Interim findings: civil society engagement with land rights advocacy in Kenya. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [working paper].
- Kazimierczuk A.H. & Dekker M., Youth are the present, not only the future?. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [blog entry].
- Matelski M., Otundo B., Zijlstra S., Dekker M., Kempen L. van, Nangulu A. & Spierenburg M. (2018), Civil society engagement with land rights advocacy in Kenya: what roles to play? Literature review. Leiden; Nijmegen: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL); Radboud University.
- Dekker M. (2018), Inclusive development : not business as usual!, Vice Versa Include special: 50-51.
- Dekker M., Simbanegavi W., Hollander S. & Miroro O. (2018), Boosting productive employment in Africa : what works and why?. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Kesteren F. van, Dekker M., Miroro O., Gassmann F. & Timár E. (2018), The business case for social protection in Africa. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Hollander S., Dekker M., Miroro O., Kesteren F. van & Bossuyt J. (2018), Strategic actors for inclusive development in Africa. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Janssens W., Kebede B. & Kramer B. (2017), Cooperation in polygynous households. IFPRI discussion paper no. 1625. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI.
- Dekker M. (2017), From macro to micro: how smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are coping with dollarization. In: Beek W.E.A. van, Damen J.C.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (Eds.), The face of Africa: essays in honour of Ton Dietz. ASCL occasional publications no. 28. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 63-74.
- Dekker M. & Hollander S. (2017), Boosting youth employment in Africa : what works and why?. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Hollander S., Dekker M. & Kesteren F. van (2017), Highlights of the strategic actors synthesis report. INCLUDE : Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Kesteren F. van, Dekker M. & Hollander S. (2017), The evidence base on what works to promote youth employment. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform for Inclusive Development Policies.
- Hollander S. & Dekker M. (2017), We need SMEs in the middle for job creation in Africa : key messages from INCLUDE’s ‘Productive Employment’ roundtable. Leiden: INCLUDE : Knowledge Platform for Inclusive Development Policies.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2015), Impact of Ethiopia's Community-Based Health Insurance on household economic welfare, The World Bank Economic Review : .
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2015), The formation of community-based organizations: an analysis of a quasi-experiment in Zimbabwe, World Development 66: 131-153.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2015), The impact of Ethiopia's community-based health insurance on household economic welfare: a policy brief. ASCL Infosheet no. 23. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dekker M. (2015), Resettlement in Zimbabwe: final destination from the zones of transition. In: Akinyoade A. & Gewald J.B. (Eds.), African roads to prosperity: people en route to socio-cultural and economic transformation. African dynamics no. 14. Leiden: Brill. 94-110.
- Wout M.L. van 't & Dekker M. (2014), Navigating through times of scarcity: the intensification of a gift-giving economy after dollarization in rural Zimbabwe. ASC Working Paper Series no. 115. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Vlaminck Z., Dekker M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Oberst U. (2014), Rome wasn't built in a day: the accessibility of social protection for informal workers: a mapping of 5 West African countries. Utrecht: CNV Internationaal.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Abebaw D., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2014), Shocks and coping strategies in rural Ethiopia: a policy brief. ASCL Infosheet no. 22. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Debebe Z.Y., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Abebaw D., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2013), Coping with shocks in rural Ethiopia. ASC Working Paper Series no. 110. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dekker M. (2013), Promoting gender equality and female empowerment: a systematic review of the evidence on property rights, labour markets, political participation and violence against women. ASC Working Paper Series no. 111. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dekker M. & Kinsey B. (2011), Coping with Zimbabwe's economic crisis: small-scale farmers and livelihoods under stress. ASC Working Paper Series no. 93. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Dekker M., Barr A. & Fafchamps M. (2011), Creating inclusive communities: the results of resettlement in Zimbabwe. ASCL Infosheet no. 10. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2010), The formation of community based organizations in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of a quasi-experiment. ASC Working Paper Series no. 90. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dekker M. & Dijk R.A. van (2010), Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa. African dynamics no. 9. Leiden: Brill.
- Dekker M. & Wilms A. (2009), Can health insurance be the magic bullet? The case of Microcare ltd. in Uganda. ASCL Infosheet no. 7. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2009), Bridging the gender divide: an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages. ASC Working Paper Series no. 87. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2008), Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms. ASC Working Paper Series no. 80. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2008), Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms. CSAE Working Paper Series no. 14. Oxford: Centre for the Study of African Economies. [working paper].
- Dekker M. (11 March 2004), Risk, resettlement and relations : social security in rural Zimbabwe (Dissertatie, Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde, VU University Amsterdam) Tinbergen Institute Research Series no. 331. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Gunning J.W., Dietz A.J.
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