Marjolein Hageman
Skill Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. M. Hageman
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2125

Dr. Marjolein Hageman comes from Paris and has dual nationality (Dutch and French). She studied French language and literature at the Sorbonne where she did a master's thesis entitled: Voltaire, la Tolérance et les Pays-Bas. In 2010, she obtained her doctorate in French literature. Her PhD thesis is entitled : La Réception du théâtre de Voltaire dans les Provinces-Unies au XVIIIème siècle. She has been teaching French and French literature at University College Roosevelt. Actually, her role is teaching French and French culture for the French department and International Studies, but also coordinating French studies for International studies.
More information about Marjolein Hageman
My research on Voltaire was focused on tolerance and which country could best embody the concept than the Netherlands. 2 countries, 2 cultures, 2 ideas all in one word. My 2 nationalities with 2 completely different concepts of tolerance, taught me that culture, history and language are not 3 different study items but are one if you wish to understand, deal and negotiate in a foreign language.
Fields of interest
Voltaire - His theater
French writers in the Netherlands
French-Dutch relations during the XVIIIth century
Curriculum vitae
Paris IV-Sorbonne University / Leiden University
PHD, Littérature et civilisation françaises, co-tutelle
2005 – 2010
Thesis : La Réception du théâtre de Voltaire dans les Provinces-Unies au XVIIIème siècle
Paris IV- Sorbonne University / Leiden University
Master littérature française
Thesis : Voltaire, la tolérance et les Pays-Bas
2002 – 2004
Paris IV- Sorbonne University
Teaching certificate
2000 – 2002
Paris IV- Sorbonne University
Bachelor : langue et littérature française
1997 – 2000
Lecturer International Studies, Coordinator of French
Leiden University, The Netherlands
September 2012 – today
- Teaching French language and culture
- Managing a team of 5 to 8 teachers
- Organizing the programs of the courses from A1 to C1
- Blended Learning: French grammar videos for students
Lecturer langue et culture françaises
Leiden University, The Netherlands
2007 – today
- Teaching French language acquisition: Oral, Grammar but also Translations, Civilisation (history, culture, sociology), Literature
- Preparing students for DELF/DALF exams
- Directing Bachelor thesis (6 of them), 2 Master thesis + 2d reader for Bachelor and Master thesis
- Organising an International Congress about Voltaire with students from Leiden and the Roosevelt Academy, especially directed to teachers of the secondary schools and any other people interesting in French culture.
Lecturer langue et culture françaises
Roosevelt Academy, University College Utrecht, The Netherlands
september 2007 – september 2012
- Teaching French language acquisition and French literature from the 17th until now
- Creating a French literature course to permit students to know the most important French writers but also the historical context and to be able to write over them and their works.
- Preparing and organising DELF/DALF in Roosevelt Academy
- Creating a theatre play with students
French teacher
Education Nationale, France
- Teaching French grammar and French literature in secondary schools
Key publications
La naturalisation des textes de Voltaire aux Pays-Bas (2006)
'La Réception du théâtre de Voltaire aux Pays-Bas' in Revue Voltaire (2007)
Skill Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Frans
- Chaouche S. & Martin R. (2013), Les pièces voltairiennes à grand spectacle et leurs implications sociales et politiques dans les Provinces-Unies au XVIIIe siècle (1736-1787) [Le Développement du "grand spectacle" en France: politiques, gestion, innovations (1715-1864)] (translation: Hageman M.), European Drama and Performance Studies European Drama and Performance Studies(1): .
- Hageman M. (15 September 2010), La réception du théâtre de Voltaire dans les Provinces-Unies au XVIIIème siècle (Dissertatie, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Menant S. & Smith P.J.
- Correction of articles in French + French class for kids
- Presentatie en culturele bezoeken en coaching lichamelijke expressie