Marjo de Graauw
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. M. de Graauw
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6319

Marjo de Graauw is an assistant professor for the bachelor Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BFW). Besides providing curricular education, she actively pursues content and didactic innovation within and outside of the programme. Marjo is initiator and project leader of various educational innovation projects, such as the Science Skills Platform - a versatile digital learning environment where students can train skills they need during and after their studies, and - a web environment with interactive video protocols to better prepare students for their laboratory practicals. Marjo is also an honorary teaching fellow at the Leiden Teachers' Academy (LTA) and one of the first to obtain a Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) within Leiden University.
More information about Marjo de Graauw
Marjo has been actively promoting didactic and content innovation within the Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences programme and the Faculty of Science since 2013. Key points are:
- Improving the intertwining of education and (drug) research;
- Involving students more actively in solving socially relevant issues;
- Increasing (digital) activating learning;
- Increasing focus on skills development and job market preparation.
Marjo investigates the effectiveness of educational innovations from various design-oriented research projects. More information on the results of these educational innovation projects can be found in various news items, see also the overview below.
By participating in university-wide development and advisory groups, Marjo shares knowledge and experience within a broad network and contributes to the University’s strategic education policy.
Overview of some of Marjo de Graauw’s educational innovation projects
- Improving laboratory education with interactive video protocols. A. Zweemer, L. Holtman, Q. Verhoog, D. van der Es, M. Dilweg, I. Bot, T. Fariaby, A. Gerritsen, M. Ruler, M. de Graauw (2022); news item.
- Improved collaboration, research and writing skills when using the Science Skills Platform in the minor course Molecular Design. L. Brincker, W. de Vries, M. Schaaf, and M. de Graauw (2021); news item.
- A large-scale remote BSc-3 research course supported by a digital skills learning environment. L. Brincker, W. de Vries and M. de Graauw (2020); summary & news item.
- Successful implementation of the Brightspace FWN e-learning skills platform in a first year BSc research course. L. Brincker, W. de Vries and M. de Graauw (2020); summary & news item.
- Peer feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance; B. Huisman, N. Saab, J. van Driel and P. van den Broek (2018), Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43:6, 955-968.
- A questionnaire to assess students’ beliefs about peer-feedback; B. Huisman, M. de Graauw, N. Saab, J. Van Driel & P. Van Den Broek (2019); Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
- Training students to become REAL scientists; J. Geerling, M. Cleiren, S. Tax and M. de Graauw. Conference Netwerk Academische Communicatieve Vaardigheden – Expertmeeting.
- Stimuleren van een onderzoeksmindset tijdens tweedejaarse BSc practicum Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen. C. Groeneveldt, J. Geerling, M. de Graauw (2017); summary.
- Stimuleren van professionele ontwikkeling van de student: invoering van een leerlijn Academische Vorming. M. de Graauw, J. Geerling, N. Campagne, T. Bos, J. Elenbaas, E. Theunissen, M. Dilweg, L. Bijsterveld, A. Khoshchin, L. Commandeur, W. Remmerswaal (2016); summary.
- Bevorderen van hogere orde leren tijdens onderzoekspractica: Van student tot zelfstandig onderzoeker. J. Elenbaas, J. Geerling, M. de Graauw (2016); summary, news item
Assistant professor
- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Onderwijs
- Zhang Y., Wester L., He J., Geiger T., Moerkens M., Siddappa R., Helmijr J.A., Timmermans M.M., Look M.P., Deurzen C.H.M. van, Martens J.W.M., Pont C.M., Graauw M. de, Danen E.H.J., Berns E.M.J.J., Jansen M.P.H.M., Meerman J.H.N. & Water B. van de (2018), IGF1R signaling drives antiestrogen resistance through PAK2/PIX activation in luminal breast cancer, Oncogene 37(14): 1869-1884.
- Cao L., Graauw M. de, Yan K., Winkel L. & Verbeek F.J. (2016), Hierarchical classification strategy for Phenotype extraction from epidermal growth factor receptor endocytosis screening, BMC Bioinformatics 17: 196.
- Rudolph J.D., Graauw M. de, Water B. van de, Geiger T. & Sharan R. (2016), Elucidation of Signaling Pathways from Large-Scale Phosphoproteomic Data Using Protein Interaction Networks, Cell Systems 3(6): 585-593.
- Sobral-Leite M., Wesseling J., Smit V.T., Nevanlinna H., Miltenburg M.H. van, Sanders J., Hofland I., Blows F.M., Coulson P., Patrycja G., Schellens J.H., Fagerholm R., Heikkilä P., Aittomäki K., Blomqvist C., Provenzano E., Ali H.R., Figueroa J., Sherman M., Lissowska J., Mannermaa A., Kataja V., Kosma V.M., Hartikainen J.M., Phillips K.A., Phillips K.A., Couch F.J., Olson J.E., Vachon C., Visscher D., Brenner H., Butterbach K., Arndt V., Holleczek B., Hooning M.J., Hollestelle A., Martens J.W., Deurzen C.H. van, Water B. van de, Broeks A., Chang-Claude J., Chenevix-Trench G., Easton D.F., Pharoah P.D., García-Closas M., Graauw M. de & Schmidt M.K. (2015), Annexin A1 expression in a pooled breast cancer series: association with tumor subtypes and prognosis, BMC Medicine 13: 156.
- Roosmalen W. van, Le Devedec S.E., Golani O., Smid M., Pulyakhina I., Timmermans A.M., Look M.P., Zi D., Pont C., Graauw M. de, Naffar-Abu-Amara S., Kirsanova C., Rustici G., Hoen P.A.C. 't, Martens J.W.M., Foekens J.A., Geiger B. & Water B.J. van de (2015), Tumor cell migration screen identifies SRPK1 as breast cancer metastasis determinant, Journal of Clinical Investigation 125(4): 1648-1664.
- Graauw M. de, Cao L., Winkel L., Miltenburg M.H.A.M. van, Dévédec S.E. le, Klop M., Yan K., Pont C.M., Rogkoti V.M., Tijsma A., Chaudhuri A., Lalai R.A., Price L.S., Verbeek F.J. & Water B. van de (2014), Annexin A2 depletion delays EGFR endocytic trafficking via cofilin activation and enhances EGFR signaling and metastasis formation, Oncogene 33(20): 2610-2619.
- Fredriksson L., Wink S., Herpers B.H.A., Benedetti G., Hadi M., Bont H.J.G.M. de, Groothuis G., Luijten M., Danen E.H.J., Graauw M. de, Meerman J.H.N. & Water B. van de (2014), Drug-induced endoplasmic reticulum and oxidative stress responses independently sensitize toward TNFα-mediated hepatotoxicity, Toxicological Sciences 140(1): 144-159.
- Benedetti G., Fokkelman M., Yan K., Fredriksson L., Herpers B., Meerman J., Water B. van de & Graauw M. de (2013), The nuclear factor κB family member RelB facilitates apoptosis of renal epithelial cells caused by cisplatin/tumor necrosis factor α synergy by suppressing an epithelial to mesenchymal transition-like phenotypic switch, Molecular Pharmacology 84(1): 128-38.
- Calpe-Berdiel L., Zhao Y., Graauw M. de, Ye D., Santbrink P.J. van, Mommaas A.M., Foks A.C., Bot M., Meurs I., Kuiper J., Mack J.T., Eck M. van, Tew K.D. & Berkel T.J.C. van (2012), Macrophage ABCA2 deletion modulates intracellular cholesterol deposition, affects macrophage apoptosis, and decreases early atherosclerosis in LDL receptor knockout mice, Atherosclerosis 223(2): 332-341.
- Qin Y., Stokman G., Yan K., Ramaiahgari S.C., Verbeek F.J., Graauw M. de, Water B. van de & Price L.S. (2012), cAMP signalling protects proximal tubular epithelial cells from cisplatin-induced apoptosis via activation of Epac, British Journal of Pharmacology 165(4b): 1137-1150.
- Fredriksson Lisa, Herpers Bram, Benedetti Giulia, Matadin Quraisha, Puigvert Jordi C., De Bont Hans, Dragovic Sanja, Vermeulen Nico P.E., Commandeur Jan N.M., Danen E.H.J., De Graauw Marjo & Van de Water Bob (2011), Diclofenac inhibits tumor necrosis factor-α-induced nuclear factor-κB activation causing synergistic hepatocyte apoptosis, Hepatology 53(6): 2027-2041.
- Cao L., Yan K., Winkel L., Graauw M. de & Verbeek F.J. (2011), Pattern recognition in high-content cytomics screens for target discovery: case studies in endocytosis. Loog M., Wessels L., Reinders M.J.T. & Ridder D. (Eds.), Pattern recognition in bioinformatics. IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics PRIB 2011 2 November 2011 - 4 November 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 7036. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. 330-342.
- Qin Y., Alderliesten M.C., Stokman G., Pennekamp P., Bonventre J.V., Heer E. de, Ichimura T., De Graauw M., Price L.S. & Water B. van de (2011), Focal adhesion kinase signaling mediates acute renal injury induced by ischemia/reperfusion, The American Journal of Pathology 179(6): 2766-2778.
- Graauw M. de, Miltenburg M.H. van, Schmidt M.K., Pont C.M., Lalai R.A., Kartopawiro J., Pardali E., Le Dévédec S.E., Smit V.T., Wal A. van der, Veer L.J. van 't, Cleton-Jansen A.-M., Dijke P. ten & Water B. van de (2010), Annexin A1 regulates TGF-beta signaling and promotes metastasis formation of basal-like breast cancer cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(14): 6340-6345.
- Graauw M. de, Tijdens I., Smeets M.B., Hensbergen P.J., Deelder A.M. & Water B. van de (2008), Annexin A2 Phosphorylation Mediates Cell Scattering and Branching Morphogenesis via Cofilin Activation, Molecular and Cellular Biology 28(3): 1029-1040.
- Graauw M. de, Le Devedec S., Tijdens R.B., Smeets M.B., Deelder A.M. & Water B. van de (2007), Proteomic analysis of alternative protein tyrosine phosphorylation in 1,2-dichlorovinyl-cysteine-induced cytotoxicity in primary rat renal proximal tubular cells, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 322(1): 89-100.
- Alderliesten M.C., Graauw M. de, Oldenampsen J., Qin Y., Pont C., Buren L. van & Water B. van de (2007), ERK Activation during Renal Ishcemia/Reperfusion Mediates Focal Adhesion Dissolution and Renal Injury, The American Journal of Pathology 171(2): 452-462.
- Alderliesten M., Graauw M. de, Oldenampsen J., Qin Y., Pont C.M., Buren L. van & Water B. van de (2007), Extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation during renal ischemia/reperfusion mediates focal adhesion dissolution and renal injury, The American Journal of Pathology 171(2): 452-462.
- Graauw M. de (7 June 2007), Molecular and cellular responses to renal injury : a (phospho)-proteomic approach (Dissertatie. Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (LACDR), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Water B. van de, Dijke P. ten.
- Water B. van de, Graauw M. de, Dévédec S.E. le & Alderliesten M.C. (2006), Cellular stress responses and molecular mechanisms of nephrotoxicity, Toxicology Letters 162: 83-93.
- Graauw M. de, Hensbergen P. & Water B. van de (2006), Phospho-proteomic analysis of cellular signaling, Electrophoresis 27(13): 2676-2686.
- Water B. van de, Graauw M. de, Le Devedec S.E. & Alderliesten M. (2006), Cellular stress responses and molecular mechanisms of nephrotoxicity, Toxicology Letters 162(1): 83-93.
- Graauw M. de, Hensbergen P. & Water B. van de (2006), Phospho-proteomic analysis of cellular signaling, Electrophoresis 27: 2676-2686.
- Graauw M. de, Tijdens R.B., Cramer R., Corless S. & Timms J.F. (2005), Heat shock protein 27 is the major differentially phosphorylated protein involved in renal epithelial cellular stress response and controls focal adhesion organization and apoptosis, Journal of Biological Chemistry 280(33): 29885-29898.
- Imamdi R.M.A.A., Graauw M. de & Water B. van de (2004), Protein kinase C mediates cisplatin-induced loss of adherens junctions followed by apoptosis of renal proximal tubular epithelial cells, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 311(3): 892-903.