Universiteit Leiden

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Marjanka Schmidt

Professor by special appointment Genetic Epidemiology of cancer

Prof.dr.ir. M.K. Schmidt
+31 71 526 9111

Marjanka Schmidt is a professor of genetic epidemiology of cancer, especially breast cancer.

More information about Marjanka Schmidt

Genetic epidemiology

The chair ‘Genetic epidemiology of cancer, especially breast cancer’ is established to lead and guide developments in the research area of personalised prevention and personalised medicine, specifically concerning risk and prognosis of breast cancer; and potentially of other tumour types. Developments in the field of hereditary genetics are a focus. Big data, in national and international epidemiological databases, and biobanks play an important role.

Developments in genetics and increase of big data also beg the need to inform and help patients and researchers, especially in the NGS setting, with ethical, legal, and social issues (ESLI). Our research therefore focuses on two topics: (1) genetic determinants of risk of breast cancer, breast cancer subtypes, prognosis and late effects of breast cancer and its treatment; (2) Ethical, legal and social issues around biobanking, personalised medicine and NGS.

Inauguration speech 4 March 2022.

Professor by special appointment Genetic Epidemiology of cancer

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Divisie 4


  • French Breast Cancer Intergroup UNCANCER Scientific Advisory Board
  • European Journal of Cancer Board Member of the Addittorial Board
  • Coreon Secretaris
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