Marike Knoef
Guest Researcher
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.G. Knoef
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7756
- 0000-0003-4134-4961

Marike Knoef (1983) is Dean of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management, and professor of Economics at Tilburg University. Until February 2023, she held the position of professor at the Economics department of Leiden University and she is currently a guest researcher there.
Full CV can be downloaded here
Marike Knoef (1983) is Dean of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management, and professor of Economics at Tilburg University. Until February 2023, she held the position of professor at the Economics department of Leiden University and she is currently a guest researcher there.
Marike conducts research in the field of household finance, pensions, aging, social security, labor, and health.
- PhD thesis 'Essays on Labor Force Participation, Aging, Income and Health', Tilburg University (2006-2011)
- B.Sc. Econometrics and Operations Research (cum laude) and M.Sc. Mathematical economics & Econometric methods (cum laude), Tilburg University (2001-2006)
Main positions
- Dean of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University
- Responsible for the organization of research and educational programs, impact, human resources, and financial management of the School
- Professor of Economics, Tilburg University
- Research in the field of household finance, aging, social security, health and labor economics
- Crown member of the Social and Economic Council (SER)
- Chair of the committee Socio-Economic differences in Health
- Chair of SCOOR-RMZO
- Member of the committee Social security and Health Care (with a focus on the sustainability of elderly care)
Main other positions
- Direct0r Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar) (2020-2023)
- Member commission Parameters, chaired by Femke de Vries (2022)
- Member commission on financial capacity of citizens, chaired by Henk Don (2020-2021)
- Chair ODISSEI Data Collection Committee (2020-)
- Member of scientific committee that provides advice to the Dutch government and social partners on the detailing of the pension agreement of June 2019 (2019-2020)
- Expert in the working group ‘Information & Communication’ in the detailing of the pension agreement of June 2019 (2019-2020)
- Member of committee parameters, chaired by Jeroen Dijsselbloem (2019)
- Member of committee parameters, re-assessing parameters and the current method to determine the risk-free term structure that is used in the Netherlands to value pension liabilities (2019)
- Visiting lecturer Nyenrode Business University (2019-2023)
- Member of the Leiden University Fund Committee for Academic Expenditure (2018-2023)
- Visiting lecturer Erasmus School of Accounting & Assurance, executive programme “Certified Pension Executive” (2017-2023)
- Visiting lecturer Science Works. Policy research and evaluation (2016-2017)
- Visiting lecturer TIAS School for Business and Society. Masterclass pension innovation (2015-2023)
- Social and Economic Council, co-author advisory report on the future of the Dutch pension system, 2 days a week (July 2014 - January 2015)
- Researcher CentERdata (2006-2012)
- Scientific committee member European Association of Labour Economists conference 2019
- Nominated for Huibregtsen Prize 2018. The Huibregtsen Prize is intended for a scientifically innovative research project that offers a social application
- World Cultural Council special recognition award: distinction for leading scientists (2017)
- Scientific organiser Netspar International Pension Workshop 2015-2020
- Advisor project “Effect child subsidies on household expenditures”, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (2018)
- Scientific committee ‘Gender Gaps in the Labor Market’ conference 2016, Warsaw, Poland
- Member think tank ‘Long systems: pensions, health care, labour market, social security and education’, De Argumentenfabriek (by Frank Kalshoven)
- Scientific committee member European Society for Population Economics conference 2015
- Research fellow Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (2015-)
- Scientific committee Dutch Economists Day 2014
- Member of the client board of Statistics Netherlands (2014-)
- Leiden Congress Ambassador (2013-)
- Board member Dutch Institute for Social Security, (2008-2018)
Selected refereed publications
- Eliciting preferences for income redistribution: A new survey item. Journal of Public Economics, 214, 2022, with Jochem de Bresser
- Preferences for in-kind and in-cash home care insurance, Journal of Health Economics 84, 2022 (with Jochem de Bresser and Raun van Ooijen)
- Cutting One's Coat According to One's Cloth: How did the Great Recession affect retirement resources and expenditure goals? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021 (with Jochem de Bresser and Lieke Kools)
- Family and government insurance: Wage, earnings, and income risks in the Netherlands and the U.S., Journal of Public Economics, 193, 2021 (with De Nardi, Fella, Paz-Pardo and Van Ooijen)
- Health and Consumption Preferences: Estimating the Health State Dependence of Utility using Equivalence Scales, European Economic Review, 113, 46-62, 2019 (with Lieke Kools)
- Job-Search Requirements for Unemployed at the End of Working Life: Effects on Unemployment Dynamics and Self-Employment Probabilities, Journal of Human Resources, 52(2), 491-530, 2017 (with Jim Been)
- How to stimulate Single Mothers to leave Welfare for Work; Evidence from a Field Experiment, Journal of Population Economics, 29(4), 1025-1061, 2016 (with Jan van Ours)
- Can the Dutch Meet their Own Retirement Expenditure Goals?, Labour Economics, 34, June, 100-117, 2015 (with Jochem de Bresser)
- Changes in the Income Distribution of the Dutch Elderly between 1989-2020: a Dynamic Microsimulation, Review of Income and Wealth, 59(3), 460-485, 2013 (with Rob Alessie and Adriaan Kalwij)
- The Association between Individuals Income and Remaining Life Expectancy at the Age of 65 in the Netherlands, Demography, 50(1), 181-206, 2013 (with Adriaan Kalwij and Rob Alessie)
- Gemeente Rotterdam, The effects of debt cancellation (2020)
- ZonMW, Reintegration in BOLD cities II (2020)
- National Pension Hub Grant, Global Risk Institute, “Optimal pension design for heterogeneous individuals with behavioral biases” (2019)
- Netspar topicality grant ‘Willingness to pay for flexibility in pension arrangements for the self-employed’ (2019)
- Netspar topicality grant ‘Design of freedom of choice and customized products in pension arrangements’ (2017)
- Pensioenlab en Netspar grant ‘Pension awareness of young adults’ (2017)
- ZonMw grant ‘Big data and work reintegration’ (2016)
- Instituut Gak grant ‘Self-sufficiency and social protection’ (2016)
- Netspar large vision grant ‘Uncertainty over the life cycle: implications for pensions and saving behaviour’ (2016)
Netspar topicality grant ‘What is an adequate pension’ (2016)
Pension and consumption expectations, Autoriteit Financiële Markten (2014)
- Netspar topicality grant ‘Pensioeninkomens in internationaal perspectief’ (2014)
- Netspar/NWO large vision grant 'Pension savings and consumption needs of current and future retirees' (2013)
- Netspar topicality grant 'Pensioeninkomens, consumptiebehoeften en ouderenzorg' (2013)
- Netspar topicality grant 'Pension reforms and the financial well-being of Dutch elderly households' (2011)
- Welfare State Economics MPA / EG (coordination)
- Labour market policy and social security (coordination)
- MA-Theses MPA
Media video
July 2023 BNR Newsradio, Effect of employment on healt
July 2023 Podcast Social and Economic Council ‘Impact in the polder’, #1 Socio-economic disparities in health
May 2023 BNR’s Big Five, How to communicate about the new pension reform
March 2023 Radar, Uncertainties in the transition of the pension system
Jan 2023 TV Eenvandaag, Early retirement
Jan 2023 NPO Radio 1, Retirement decisions
September 2022 The purchasing power of the elderly, Meldpunt
August 2022 NPO radio 1, Spraakmaker in the radio program “Spraakmakers”, about the Dutch pension reform
July 2022 NPO radio 1,, about the indexation of pensions
May 2022 Tweede Hans: de pensioenpodcast #2: Het appeltje voor de dorst, Maxvandaag
April 2022 Inflatie: mensen passen hun gedrag aan. NOS journaal 7 april 2022
Inflatie flink gestegen. NOS journaal 1 april 2022
February 2022 Broadcast Pensioen Pro Live, discussion about risk attitudes of pension participants
September 2021 Vrouwen krijgen gemiddeld 40 procent minder pensioen, NOS journaal 29 september 2021
April 2021 NOS journaal “Paying for your savings: is that really strange?” NOS artikel
January 2021 NOS radio, about the financial position of pension funds
June 2020 "Uncertainty in the new Dutch pension contracts "
May 2020 BNR nieuwsradio “A new sustainable pension system”
January 2020 Radio EenVandaag, about doing the work of two people
November 2019 NOS journaal (Dutch public news programme), about abolishment (or delay) of pension cuts
November 2019 Radio EenVandaag, about heavy jobs and the retirement age
August 2019 Nieuwsuur, about retirement decisions
August 2019 Hollandse zaken, about the pension system
July 2019 NOS journaal (Dutch public news programme) "Pension funds have to cut pensions, but why?"
June 2019 NPO De Dag "Is een AOW genoeg om van rond te komen"
April 2019 BNR Newsradio, Fiscaal aantrekkelijk pensioensparen
Nov 2018 BNR Newsradio, Pensions system Contribution Pensioen3daagse
Oct 2018 “Dromen over een goed pensioen; origami en datascience”, (pdf) (video)
Aug 2018 BNR nieuwsradio, Zakendoen, about the statutory retirement age
May 2018 NPO Radio, De Dag #82. Waarom we weinig over ons pensioen weten
March 2018 BNR nieuwsradio, De Werkverkenners. Pension literacy
February 2018 Microlearnings (example) for pension professionals, Stichting Pensioen Opleidingen (SPO)
February 2017 News item about physically demanding jobs and retirement at “Nieuwsuur”
March 2017 Pension item Dutch news website in the run-up to the elections
July 2017 News item about health and the retirement age on “Nieuwsuur”
Guest Researcher
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
- Economie
- Been J., Suari-Andreu E. & Knoef M. (2025), The short-run effects of unexpected job loss on health, American Journal of Health Economics : .
- Been J., Suari-Andreu E., Knoef M.G. & Alessie R. (2024), Consumption and time use responses to unemployment: implications for the lifecycle model, LSE Economica 91(361): 1-32.
- Been J., Ewijk C. van, Knoef M.G., Mehkopf R. & Muns S. (2024), Households' heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 27: 100499.
- Collewet M.M.F., Fairley K., Kessels R., Knoef M.G. & Vliet O.P. van (2024), The design of welfare: unraveling taxpayers’ preferences. Department of Economics Research Memorandum no. 2024.02. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Stam M.T.C., Knoef M.G. & Ramakers A.A.T. (2024), Crime over the welfare payment cycle, Economic Inquiry 62(3): 1309-1334.
- Stam M.T.C., Knoef M.G. & Ramakers A.A.T. (2024), Mandatory activation of welfare recipients: less time, less crime?, Labour Economics 90: 102571.
- Berkel J. van, Bruijn E. de, Waardenburg M., Grouw Y. la, Bennekom E. van, Horst H. van der, Tonnon S., Haggenburg-Mohammed M., Haveman-Nies A., Madern T., Knoef M.G. & Vet E. de (2024), Realist Approach to Social Policies (RASP) study to reduce socioeconomic health inequalities through systems change: protocol for a research project combining mixed-methods realist research with institutional action research, BMJ Open 14(6): e088571.
- Biesenbeek C., Been J., Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Knoef M.G. (2024), De toereikendheid van pensioenen: naar een completer beeld van pensioeninkomen van de Nederlandse bevolking. DNB Analyse. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank.
- Biesenbeek C., Been J., Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Knoef M.G. (2024), Retirement savings adequacy in the Netherlands: towards a more comprehensive picture of retirement income of the Dutch population. DNB Analysis. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank.
- Bruijn E. de, Vethaak H.T., Koning P.W.C. & Knoef M.G. (2024), Bijstand veelvoorkomende bron van schulden, Economisch Statistische Berichten 109(4837): 420-423.
- Simonse O., Knoef M.G., Dillen L.F. van, Dijk W. van & Dijk E. van (2023), Psychological barriers to take-up of healthcare and child support benefits in the Netherlands, Journal of European Social Policy 33(3): 353-372.
- Bruijn E.J. de, Vethaak H.T., Koning P.W.C. & Knoef M.G. (2023), Afboeking bijstandsschuld nauwelijks effect op werk en mentale gezondheid, Economisch Statistische Berichten 108(4825): 428-431.
- Rutten A., Knoef M. & Vuuren D. van (2023), Hogere AOW-leeftijd stimuleert ook arbeidsparticipatie jongere partner, Gerōn: Tijdschrift over ouder worden & samenleving 28(2): .
- Brounen D., Ewijk C. van, Gielen A., Knoef M. & Mastrogiacomo M. (2023), Laat pensioenfondsen overwaarde huis te gelde maken via participatiehypotheek, Economisch Statistische Berichten 108(4820): 182-185.
- Bruijn E.J. de, Vethaak H., Koning P. & Knoef M. (2023), Debt relief for the financially vulnerable: impact on employment, welfare receipt, and mental health. IZA Discussion Paper Series no. 16336. Bonn: IZA – Institute of Labor Economics.
- Been J. & Knoef M.G. (2023), Student loans, spending, and parental transfers: insights from a nudge in student loan policy in the Netherlands, Economics of Education Review 96: 1-16 (102457).
- Been J., Knoef M. & Vethaak H. (2023), A panel data sample selection model to estimate life-cycle earning profiles: how important is selection into full-time and part-time employment?. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 05/2023‐026. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Verhoef P., Groenen P., Heijltjes M., Witteloostuijn A. van, Bulte E., Beetsma R., Vliet O.P. van, Kranenburg H. van, Frijns B., Brouwer W., Houtum G. van, Boudarouk T., Knoef M.G., Marrewijk C. van, Hassoldt A. & Majoor B. (2023), The challenges of transition: economics and business: science for sustainable prosperity. s.l.: Council of Deans in Economics and Business.
- Knoef M., Loon R.P. van Turlings M., Toorn M. van, Weehuizen F., Dees B. & Goossens J. (2022), Matchmaking in pensioenland: welk pensioen past bij welke deelnemer?. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 202. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Knoef M.G. (2022), De hervorming van het pensioenstelsel: iedereen heeft er mee te maken (Tweede Kamer). [position paper].
- Knoef M. (2022), Inflatie vanuit burgerperspectief. Den Haag, Rondetafelgesprek Inflatie, Tweede Kamer. [102073344].
- Been J., Suari-Andreu E. & Knoef M.G. (2022), The short-run effects of unexpected job loss on health Netspar Academic Series no. DP 05/2022‐016. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Bresser J. de, Knoef M.G. & Ooijen R. van (2022), Preferences for in-kind and in-cash home care insurance, Journal of Health Economics 84: 102626.
- Knoef M.G. (2022), Verhoogt risicopreferentie-onderzoek vertrouwen?, Pensioen bestuur & management 2022(2): .
- Collewet M.M.F., Fairley K., Kessels R., Knoef M.G. & Vliet O.P. van (2022), Nederlanders zijn voor een genereuze én activerende bijstand, Economisch Statistische Berichten 107(4813): 412-415.
- Suari-Andreu E., Schwartz T., Lent M. van & Knoef M. (2022), Job insecurity and health: evidence from older European workers. IZA Discussion Paper Series no. 15735. Bonn: IZA Institute of Labor Economics. [working paper].
- Knoef M. & Goudswaard K. (9 November 2022), Effecten van de hervorming van het pensioenstelsel. Economisch Statische Berichten (ESB). [blog entry].
- Kali S., Been J., Knoef M.G. & Marwijk Kooy A.G. van (2022), De gevolgen van arbeidsmarktkeuzes voor het pensioen van vrouwen: oplossingsrichtingen ter voorkoming van de gender pension gap, Vakblad Financiële Planning 2022(4): 4-10 (VFP 2022/40).
- Been J., Knoef M.G. & Mourik C. van (2022), The causal effect of retirement on health: a meta-analysis. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 06/2022‐019. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Been J., Suari-Andreu E. & Knoef M. (2022), Effecten van onverwacht baanverlies op gezondheid, Gerōn: Tijdschrift over ouder worden & samenleving 24(4): .
- Bresser J. de & Knoef M.G. (2022), Eliciting preferences for income redistribution: a new survey item, Journal of Public Economics 214: 104724.
- Goossens J.T.G., Knoef M.G. & Ponds E.H.M. (2022), Can estimated risk and time preferences explain real-life financial choices?. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 06/2022‐024. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Goossens J.T.G. & Knoef M.G. (2022), COVID-19 crisis: are preferences and trading behavior affected during extreme events?. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 06/2022-023. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Rutten A.T.G.J., Knoef M.G. & Vuuren D.J. van (2022), Employment effects of Incentivized Gradual Retirement plans. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 05/2022-014. Tilburg: Netspar.
- De Nardi M., Fella G., Knoef M.G., Paz-Pardo G. & Ooijen R. van (2022), Family and government insurance: wage, earnings, and income risks in the Netherlands and the U.S. Netspar Design Papers no. 181. Tilburg: Netspar.
- De Nardi M., Fella G., Knoef M.G., Paz-Pardo G. & Ooijen R. Van (2021), Family and government insurance: wage, earnings, and income risks in the Netherlands and the U.S, Journal of Public Economics 193: 104327.
- Bresser J. de, Knoef M.G. & Kools L. (2021), Cutting one's coat according to one's cloth: how did the Great Recession affect retirement resources and expenditure goals?, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 188: 126-166.
- Koopmans P.L., Knoef M.G. & Lent M. van (2021), The Demand for Retirement Products: The Role of Withdrawal Flexibility and Administrative Burden (De vraag naar pensioenproducten: de rol van flexibele opname en administratieve lasten) Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 197. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Kali S., Been J., Knoef M.G. & Marwijk Kooy A.G. van (2021), Oplossingsrichtingen voor de gender gap in Nederlandse tweedepijlerpensioenen, Tijdschrift voor Pensioenvraagstukken 2021(6): 25-33 (TPV 2021/47).
- Kali S., Been J., Knoef M.G. & Marwijk Kooy A.G. van (2021), Gelijke rechten, maar geen gelijke pensioenen: de gender gap in Nederlandse tweedepijlerpensioenen Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 178. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Been J., Gielen A., Knoef M. & Moroni G. (2021), Activering werkloze grootvaders beïnvloedt leerresultaten van kleinkinderen. In: Gielen A., Webbink D. & Weel B. ter (Eds.), Ongelijk Nederland: Een drieluik over migratie, onderwijs en de coronacrisis. Preadviezen voor de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staathuishoudkunde no. 2021. Amsterdam: ESB & Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde. 65-70.
- Bijlsma M., Klaauw B. van der & Knoef M.G. (2021), De data-agenda van de overheid dient zich ook op de data zelf te richten, Economisch Statistische Berichten 106(4800): 388-391.
- Rutten A., Knoef M.G. & Vuuren D. van (2021), Hogere AOW-leeftijd stimuleert doorwerken van jongere partner, Economisch Statistische Berichten 106(4801): 442-445.
- Bresser J. de, Knoef M.G. & Ooijen R. van (2021), Preferences for In-Kind and In-Cash Home Care Insurance. CentER Discussion Paper Series no. 2021-033. Tilburg: Center for Economic Research.
- Been J., Suari Andreu E., Knoef M.G. & Alessie R. (2021), Consumption and time use responses to unemployment. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 187. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Knoef M.G., Been J. & Putten M. van (2020), Raising pension awareness through letters and social media: evidence from a randomized and a quasi-experiment. Netspar Design Papers no. 147. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Been J., Knoef M.G. & Dalhuijsen J. (2020), Early-life financial behavior, intergenerational transfers, and employment: Insights from a nudge in student loan policy. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 06/2020-017. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Zoonen L. van, Schokker L., Schuring M., Knoef M.G., Burdorf A., Yildiz B., Kooij M. van & Moors F. (2020), Wat werkt voor wie? Resultaten van het onderzoek naar de inzet van big data voor het verbeteren van het re-integratietraject. Leiden-Delft-Rotterdam: Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities.
- Yildiz B., Schuring M., Knoef M.G. & Burdorf A. (2020), Chronic diseases and multimorbidity among unemployed and employed persons in the Netherlands: a register-based cross-sectional study, BMJ Open 10(e035037): 1-9.
- Zijlstra W., Bresser J. de & Knoef M.G. (2020), Keuzes tijdens de pensioenopbouw: de effecten van nudging met volgorde en standaardopties. Netspar Design Papers no. 157. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Been J., Suari Andreu E., Knoef M.G. & Alessie R. (2020), Consumption responses to unemployment shocks. Netspar Academic Series no. DP 01/2020-005. Tilburg: Netspar.
- De Nardi M., Fella G., Knoef M., Paz-Pardo G. & Ooijen R. van (2020), Family and government insurance: Wages, earnings, and income risks in the Netherlands and the US, – CEPR’s policy portal (6 November 2020): .
- Been J. & Knoef M.G. (2020), Effecten van versobering WW op het uittreedgedrag van oudere werkenden. In: Heerma van Voss G.J.J. & Marwijk Kooy A.G. van (Eds.), De oudere werkende en het sociaal recht. Monografieën Sociaal Recht no. 76. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 159-174.
- Broeders T., Been J. & Knoef M. (2020), Ouders springen meer bij door het afschaffen van de basisbeurs voor studenten, Economisch Statistische Berichten 105(4792): 554-556.
- Baars J., Dillingh R., Driessen C., Knoef M., Muns S., Tielen M., Meer H. van der, Soest A. van & Vuuren D. van (2019), Flexibel met Pensioen. Netspar Industry Series - occasional no. 02 / 2019.
- De Nardi M., Fella G., Knoef M.G., Paz-Pardo G. & Ooijen R. van (2019), Family and Government Insurance: Wage, Earnings, and Income Risks in the Netherlands and the U.S. NBER Working Paper Series no. 25832.
- Vollaard B., Knoef M. & Dijk T. van (2019), Het effect van een alternatief detentieregime op gedrag en gezondheid van gedetineerden. Een experiment in een penitentiaire inrichting. Tilburg & Leiden: Tilburg University & Universiteit Leiden.
- Schuring M., Yildiz B., Burdorf A., Zoonen L. van, Schokker L., Slotboom M., Knoef M., Kooij M. van & Moors F. (2019), Re-integratie in BOLD Cities: Wat zijn de kansen, risico’s en (on)mogelijkheden in het gebruik van big data om de effectiviteit en kwaliteit van gemeentelijke re-integratie te verbeteren? [Eindrapportage]. Leiden-Delft-Rotterdam: Centre for Big, Open & Linked Data (BOLD) Cities.
- Knoef M.G. (2019), Met datascience een passend pensioenadvies, Pensioen bestuur & management 16(1): 39-40.
- Kools L. & Knoef M. (2019), Health and consumption preferences; estimating the health state dependence of utility using equivalence scales, European Economic Review 113: 46-62.
- Bresser J. de, Knoef M.G. & Kools L. (2018), Cutting One's Coat According to One's Cloth: How did the Great Recession affect retirement resources and expenditure goals?. Netspar Academic Series no. 05/2018-029. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Muns S., Knoef M. & Soest A. van (2018), Verschil in levensverwachting tussen lage en hoge inkomens is verder gestegen, Me Judice : .
- Ooijen R. van, Bresser J. de & Knoef M.G. (2018), Health and household expenditures. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 103. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Knoef M.G. (2018), Toenemende spreiding in de drukverdeling van inkomensheffingen, Weekblad Fiscaal Recht 2018(7256): 1245-1253 (WFR 2018/180).
- Knoef M.G. (2018), Big Data voor gepersonaliseerde dienstverlening, Sociaal Bestek 80(5): 17.
- Das M. & Knoef M.G. (2018), Experimental and Longitudinal Data for Scientific and Policy Research: Open Access to Data Collected in the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences (LISS) Panel. In: Crato N. & Paruolo P. (Eds.), Data-Driven Policy Impact Evaluation: How Access to Microdata is Transforming Policy Design. Cham: Springer. 131-146.
- Knoef M.G. (2018), Dromen over een goed pensioen: origami en datascience, TPEdigitaal 12(2): 82-94.
- Knoef M.G., Been J., Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P. & Rhuggenaath J. (2017), De toereikendheid van pensioenopbouw na de crisis en pensioenhervormingen. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 68. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Been J. & Knoef M.G. (2017), Job-Search Requirements for Unemployed at the End of Working Life: Effects on Unemployment Dynamics and Self-Employment Probabilities, Journal of Human Resources 52(2): 491-530.
- Zwinkels W., Knoef M.G., Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P. & Been J. (2017), Zelfstandigen zonder pensioen?, Economisch Statistische Berichten 102(4750): 254-256.
- Kools L. & Knoef M.G. (2017), Bestedingsbehoeften bij een afnemende gezondheid na pensionering. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 78. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Bresser J. de, Knoef M.G. & Kools L. (2017), Pensioenwensen voor en na de crisis. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 85. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Zwinkels W., Knoef M.G., Been J., Caminada K. & Goudswaard K.P. (2017), Zicht op zzp-pensioen. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 91. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Brüggen L. & Knoef M.G. (2017), Pensioen: de beperkte aandacht voor sparen voor later. In: Dur R. (Ed.), Gedragseconomie en beleid. Preadviezen voor de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staathuishoudkunde no. 2017. Amsterdam: KVS. 31-37.
- Vriend S., Knoef M.G., Lammers M. & Weel B. ter (2017), Inkomensmobiliteit in Nederland: 2001-2014. SEO-rapport no. 2017-10. Amsterdam: SEO Economisch Onderzoek.
- Ooijen R. van, Bresser J. de & Knoef M.G. (2017), Meer eigen verantwoordelijkheid in ouderenzorg: wensen en mogelijkheden. Netspar Brief no. 9. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Kools L. & Knoef M.G. (2017), Health and the Marginal Utility of Consumption: Estimating Health State Dependence using Equivalence Scales. Netspar Academic Series no. 04/2017-008. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Knoef M.G., Been J., Alessie R., Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Kalwij A. (2016), Measuring retirement savings adequacy: developing a multi-pillar approach in the Netherlands, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 15(1): 55-89.
- Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P., Been J. & Knoef M.G. (2016), Pensioenen en inkomensongelijkheid onder ouderen in Europa. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper no. 58. Tilburg: Netspar.
- Knoef M.G. & Ours J.C. van (2016), How to stimulate single mothers on welfare to find a job: evidence from a policy experiment, Journal of Population Economics 29(4): 1025-1061.
- Kools L. & Knoef M.G. (2016), Bestedingsbehoeften na pensionering, Pensioen magazine 21(2): 23-27.
- Knoef M.G., Goudswaard K.P., Been J. & Caminada C.L.J. (2015), Veel variatie in de pensioenopbouw van Nederlandse huishoudens. Netspar Brief no. 02.
- Knoef M., Goudswaard K.P., Been J. & Caminada C.L.J. (2015), Nederlandse pensioenopbouw in internationaal perspectief. Netspar Industry Paper Series: Design Paper.
- Knoef M.G. & Bresser J. de (2015), Can the Dutch meet their own retirement expenditure goals?, Labour Economics (34): 100-117.
- Been J. & Knoef M.G. (2015), The necessity of self-employment towards retirement: evidence from labor market dynamics and search requirements for unemployment benefits. Netspar Discussion Papers.
- Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P. & Knoef M.G. (2015), Belasting aan de top: geen spoor van groeiende ongelijkheid, Me Judice (14 maart 2015): .
- Knoef M.G., Goudswaard K.P., Been J. & Caminada C.L.J. (2014), Pensioenopbouw in internationaal perspectief. In: Bovenberg L., Ewijk C. van & Nijman Th. (Eds.), Toekomst voor aanvullende pensioenen. Preadviezen voor de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staathuishoudkunde 97-130.
- Bresser J. de & Knoef M.G. (2014), Can the Dutch Meet Their Own Retirement Expenditure Goals?. Netspar Discussion Papers no. 10/2014-046.
- Knoef M.G., Hussem A., Soede A. & Bresser J. de (2014), Pensioen, consumptiebehoeften en ouderenzorg. Netspar Design Papers no. 31.
- Knoef M.G. & Ours J.C. van (2014), Bevordering arbeidsparticipatie bijstandsmoeders, Economisch Statistische Berichten 99(4693): 548-551.
- Been J., Knoef M.G., Caminada C.L.J. & Goudswaard K.P. (2014), Drie scenario’s voor de pensioenopbouw in Nederland, Pensioen magazine 19(4): 16-20.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Knoef M.G. (2014), Vermogen in Nederland gelijker verdeeld sinds negentiende eeuw, Me Judice (27 juni 2014): .
- Knoef M.G., Alessie R.J.M. & Kalwij A.S. (2013), Changes in the Income Distribution of the Dutch Elderly between 1989-2020: a Dynamic Microsimulation, Review of Income and Wealth 59(3): 460-485.
- Kalwij A.S., Alessie R.J.M. & Knoef M.G. (2013), The Association between Individuals Income and Remaining Life Expectancy at the Age of 65 in the Netherlands, Demography 50(1): 181-206.
- Knoef M.G., Been J., Alessie R.J.M., Goudswaard K.P., Kalwij A.S. & Caminada C.L.J. (2013), Measuring retirement savings adequacy: a multi-pillar approach in the Netherlands. Netspar Design Papers no. 25. Tilburg: Tilburg University.
- Wilkens M., Knoef M.G., Been J., Gielen M. & Vuuren D.J. van (2013), De toekomstige inkomenspositie van AOW’ers: drie scenario’s voor 2025. CPB Achtergronddocument.
- Knoef M.G., Goudswaard K.P., Caminada C.L.J. & Been J. (2013), Pensioeninkomens in de toekomst, Economisch Statistische Berichten 98(4674 / 4675): 734-737.
- Kalwij A.S., Alessie R.J.M. & Knoef M.G. (2013), Pathways to Retirement and Mortality Risk in the Netherlands, European Journal of Population 29(2): 221-238.
- Knoef M.G., Been J., Alessie R.J.M., Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Kalwij A. (2012), De toereikendheid van pensioeninkomens in Nederland; een meerpijlerbenadering. In: Asbeek Brusse W. & Montfort C.J. van (Eds.), Wonen, zorg en pensioenen. Hervormen en verbinden. Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. 83-116.
- Knoef M.G., Alessie R.J.M. & Kalwij A.S. (2012), De inkomensverdeling en levensverwachting van ouderen. Netspar Design Papers no. 8. Tilburg: Tilburg University.
- Knoef M.G., Adriaens H. & Nelissen J. (2011), Vitaliteitsregeling zal vooral gebruikt worden voor deeltijdpensioen, Me Judice (30 nov 2011): .
- Knoef M.G. (2 September 2011), Essays on Labor Force Participation, Aging, Income and Health (Dissertatie, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Tilburg University) CentER dissertation series no. 292. Tilburg: CentER for Economic Research, Tilburg University. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Soest A.H.O. van & Alessie R.J.M., Kalwij A.
- Knoef M.G. & Kooreman P. (2011), The Effects of Cooperation: A Structural Model of Siblings' Caregiving Interactions. IZA Discussion Paper Series no. 5733. Tilburg: Tiburg University.
- Knoef M.G. & Kooreman P. (2011), Informele zorg en interacties tussen broers en zussen, Economisch Statistische Berichten 96(4620): 602-605.
- Euwals R., Knoef M.G. & Vuuren D. van (2011), The Trend in Female Labour Force Participation. What to Expect for the Future?, Empirical Economics 40(3): 729-753.
- Kalwij A.S., Alessie R.J.M. & Knoef M.G. (2010), Gezondheid en de uittreedroutes van oudere werknemers, Economisch Statistische Berichten september 2010(95(4593)): 556-558.
- Adriaens H., Knoef M.G. & Nelissen J. (2010), Beperkte consumptie vrijgevallen spaarloon, Economisch Statistische Berichten november 2010(95(4598)): 717-718.
- Knoef M.G., Alessie R.J.M. & Kalwij A.S. (2010), De inkomensverdeling van toekomstige ouderen in Nederland, Economisch Statistische Berichten april 2010(95(4582)): 202-205.
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