Marika Keblusek
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. M. Keblusek
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2360
- 0000-0003-2226-2514

Marika Keblusek is an Associate Professor at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Fields of interest
History of (early modern) collecting and collections; Visual culture in alba amicorum 1500-1700; The heraldic imagination 1500-1700; Cultural exchange in early modern Europe; Looted art and restitution; History of private libraries; Cultural history of early modern courts; British royalists in the Netherlands, 1640-1660; The history of art crime; and The contemporary museum landscape of Berlin.
My current research project focuses on the ethnographic and natural history collections of Bernardus Paludanus (1550-1633). Provisionally entitled Paper Worlds, and based on extensive primary archival materials – inventories; alba amicorum and visitor books; travel journals and correspondence – my book will trace the development and role of this prolific collection within the contemporary northern European knowledge networks of scholars, students, travellers and merchants.
Curriculum Vitae
1997 PhD (Leiden University)
1997-1998 guest curator Haags Historisch Museum exhibition Vorstelijk Vertoon
1997-2000 postdoc at the Sir Thomas Browne Institute (Leiden University)
1999 guest curator Haags Historisch Museum Japansch Magazijn
2000 researcher for Peter Tillou Fine Arts, Manhattan, New York City
2001-2006 project leader NWO project “Double Agents” (Leiden University)
2004-2005 member of curatorial team Rubenshuis Antwerp, Royalist refugees
2003-2008 extraordinary professorship Geschiedenis van Boekhandel en Uitgeverij (Tiele-stichting / Universiteit van Amsterdam)
2007-2008 director Scaliger Instituut, University Library, Leiden
2006- university lecturer (UD) at LUCAS, Department of Art History
Teaching activities
My BA- and MA-courses focus on the History and theory of collections; on Visual and material culture in the global Renaisssance; on Cultural memory and the museum landscape of Berlin; on Academic writing; and on Looted art, contested cultural heritage and restitution politics.
Publications (selection)
- (2017) ‘Playing by the rules: The Hague courts and the Acteonisation du Grand Veneur d’Hollande (1643)’, Zeventiende Eeuw 32, p. 235-250.
- (2016) ‘Zwischen Unschuldengel und Kokott. De literaire nalatenschap van Ernestine Costa’, De parelduiker 21-4, p. 2-14.
- (2014) ‘A frugal man in the “Kunstkammer”: Cultural exchanges between Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, and Philipp Hainhofer’, Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 41(1/2), p. 95-110.
- (2011, eds., with B.V. Noldus), Double agents: Political and cultural brokerage in early modern Europe, Leiden/Boston: Brill Publishers.
- (2010) ‘A tortoise in the shell: Royalist and Anglican experience of exile in the 1650s’. In: P. Major (ed.), Literatures of exile in the English Revolution and its aftermath, 1640-1690, Farnham: Ashgate, p. 79-90.
- (2009) ‘Commerce and cultural transfer: Merchants as agents in the early modern world of books’. In: M. North (ed.), Kultureller Austausch. Bilanz und Perspektiven der Frühneuzeitforschung, Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau Verlag, p. 297-307.
- (2006, eds with H. Cools and B. Noldus) Your humble servant: Agents in early modern Europe, Hilversum: Verloren.
- (2005) ‘Keeping it secret: The identity and status of an early modern inventor’, History of science 43, p. 37-56.
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- KG Musea en Collecties