Marijn van Putten
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. M. van Putten MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1583
- 0000-0003-4670-0937

Marijn van Putten is assistant professor at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics and the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. His research focuses on the linguistics, transmission and history of the Quranic text and the Quranic reading traditions. Besides this, he also researches the linguistic history of Arabic and Berber. He is currently the PI of the ERC Consolidator project: Qurcan: The Canonization of the Quranic Reading Traditions.
More information about Marijn van Putten
Fields of interest
- Arabic historical linguistics
- Quranic reading traditions
- Textual criticism
- Codicology
- Berber historical linguistics
- Arabic grammatical tradition
Assistant professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Putten M. van (2025), Review of: Kantor B.P. (2023), The Standard Language Ideology of the Hebrew and Arabic Grammarians of the ʿAbbasid Period. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. Journal of Semitic Studies .
- Putten M. van (2025), Ṯamūd: Reading Traditions: the Arabic Grammatical Tradition; and the Quranic Text. In: Beek L. van (Ed.), Language Change in Epic Greek and Other Poetic Traditions. Leiden & Boston: BRILL. 176-189.
- Putten M. van (2024), The Berbero-Semitic adjective, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 87(1): 51-67.
- Putten M. van (2024), Textual criticism of the Quran. In: Finsterbusch K., Fuller R.E., Lange A. & Driesbach J.K. (Eds.), The comparative textual criticism of religious scriptures. Supplements to the Textual History of the Bible no. 8. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 152-172.
- Putten M. van (2024), Proto-Berber heavy verbs. In: Korangy A. & Bensoukas K. (Eds.), The handbook of Berber linguistics. Springer Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics no. 3. Singapore: Springer. 307-334.
- Putten M. van (2024), Reconstruction of the Proto-Berber light verbs, Études et Documents Berbères 2023(49-50): 295-318.
- Putten M. van (2024), The ark of the covenant’s spelling controversy: a historical linguistic perspective, Der Islam: journal of the history and culture of the middle east 101(2): 293-300.
- Putten M. van (2024), The Evolution of Maghribī Vocalisation. In: Déroche F. (Ed.), The Qur'an and its Handwritten Transmission. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 105-131.
- Putten M. van & Sidky H. (2024), Pronominal variation in Arabic among the grammarians, Qurʾānic reading traditions and manuscripts, Language & History : 1-55.
- Putten M. van (2024), Solecisms in the Qurʾān. In: , Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān Online. Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
- Putten M. van (2023), The morphosyntax of objects to participles in the Qurʾān, Journal of Semitic Studies 69(1): 305-330.
- Putten M. van (2023), Are these nothing but sorcerers? : A linguistic analysis of Q Ṭā-Hā 20:63 using intra-Qurʾānic parallels, Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association 8(1): 100-114.
- Witkam J.J. & Putten M. van (2023), Mamlūk Qurʾān Manuscripts: the Scribal appendices, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 14(2-4): 279-355.
- Putten M. van (2023), Mesopotamian ʾImālah in light of Quranic Reading Traditions, Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 77(1): .
- Putten M. van (2023), The development of the Hijazi orthography, Millennium 20(1): 107-128.
- Putten M. van (2022), Quranic Arabic: from its Hijazi origins to its classical reading traditions. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics no. 106. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Putten M. van (2022), When the readers break the rules: disagreement with the consonantal text in the canonical Quranic reading traditions, Dead Sea Discoveries: A Journal of Current Research on the Scrolls and Related Literature 29(3): 438-462.
- Putten M. van (2022), Dissimilation of ē to ā in the Qurʾānic consonantal text, Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association 6(1): 87-105.
- Muntazir A., Putten M. van, Ohta A., Akcapar S.K. & Willis M. (2022), The oldest manuscripts from India and their histories: a re-assessment of IO Loth 4 in the British Library, Cracow Indological Studies 24(2): 59-89.
- Putten M. van (2021), The regional recitations of al-Jazūlī’s Dalāʾil al-Ḫayrāt as reflected in its manuscript tradition, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 12(3-4): 372-395.
- Putten M. van (2021), Madd as orthoepy rather than orthography, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 12(2): 202-213.
- Putten M. van (2021), Copto-Arabica: the phonology of early Islamic Arabic based on Coptic transcriptions, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 171(1): 81-100.
- Putten M. van (2020), Classical and Modern Standard Arabic. In: Lucas C. & Manfredi S. (Eds.), Arabic and contact- induced change. Berlin: Language Science Press. 57-82.
- Putten M. van (2020), The history of the Maltese short vowels. In: Čéplö S. & Drobný J. (Eds.), Maltese linguistics on the Danube. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 59-89.
- Putten M. van (2020), A Judaeo-Arabic letter in early phonetic Judaeo-Arabic spelling: T-S 13J8.7, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 48: 49-78.
- Putten M. van (2020), Hišām's ʾIbrāhām: evidence for a canonical Quranic reading based on the Rasm, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 30(2): 231-250.
- Putten M. van (2019), Origin of the Plural Adjectives of the Fuʿāl Pattern in Modern Arabic Dialects. In: Miller C., Barontini A., Germanos M.A., Guerrero J. & Pereira C. (Eds.), Studies on Arabic Dialectology and Sociolinguistics. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of AIDA held in Marseille from May 30th to June 2nd 2017. Aix en Provence: Iremam.
- Putten M. van (2019), The Grace of God" as evidence for a written Uthmanic archetype: the importance of shared orthographic idiosyncrasies, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 82(2): 271-288.
- Evans C.A. & Putten M. van (2019), "I am the Messiah and I Can Revive the Dead" A Critical Note on T-S. NS 164.26, a Fragment of the Toledot Yeshu, Journal of the Jesus Movement in the Jewish Setting 6: 110-128.
- Putten M. van (2019), Arabe 334a. A vocalized Kufic Quran in a non-canonical Hijazi reading, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 10(3): 327-375.
- Putten M. van (2019), A newly discovered letter of the early Arabic alphabet: a distinction between Final Jīm and Final Ḥāʾ/Khāʾ and its Nabatean origins, Al-'Usur al-Wusta / The Journal of Middle East Medievalists 27(1): 112-164.
- Putten M. van (2019), Introducción al estudio diacrónico del bereber. In: Batista Rodríguez J.J. (Ed.), Estudios Sobre Toponimia Canaria Prehispánica. La Laguna: Academia Canaria De La Lengua. 225-307.
- Putten M. van & Stokes P.W. (2018), Case in the Qurˀānic Consonantal Text, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 108: 143-179.
- Putten M. van (2018), The feminine endings *-ay and *-āy in Semitic and Berber, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81(2): 205-225.
- Putten M. van (2018), Hamzah in the Quranic Consonantal Text, Orientalia 87(1): 93-120.
- Putten M. van (2018), Proto-Berber Mid Vowel Harmony, Nordic Journal of African Studies 27(3): .
- Al-Jallad A. & Putten M. van (2017), The Case for Proto-Semitic and Proto-Arabic Case: A Reply to Jonathan Owens, Romano-Arabica 17: 87-117.
- Putten M. van (2017), The Feminine Ending -at as a Diptote in the Qurʾānic Consonantal Text and Its Implications for Proto-Arabic and Proto-Semitic, Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 64(5-6): 695-705.
- Putten M. van (2017), Are Libyco-Berber Horizontal ṯ and Vertical h the Same Sign?. In: Nehmé L. & Al-Jallad A. (Eds.), To the Madbar and Back Again - Studies in the languages, Archaeology, and Cultures of Arabia Dedicated to Michael C.A. Macdonald. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 346-357.
- Putten M. van (2017), The Archaic Feminine Ending -at in Shammari Arabic, Journal of Semitic Studies 62(2): 357-369.
- Putten M. van (2017), The development of the triphthongs in Quranic and Classical Arabic, Arabian Epigraphic Notes 3: 47-74.
- Putten M. van & Benkato A. (2017), The Arabic Strata in Awjila Berber. In: , Arabic in Context. Celebrating 400 Years of Arabic at Leiden University. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics no. 89. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
- Putten M. van (2016), The origin of front vowel nominal prefixes in Berber" Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 166(1): 11-39.
- Souag L. & Putten M. van (2016), The origin of mid vowels in Siwi, Studies in African Linguistics 45(1&2): 189-208.
- Putten M. van (2015), Reflexes of the Proto-Berber glottal stop in Nefusa and Ghadames, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 105(303-314): .
- Putten M. van (2015), Noun Prefixes in Eastern Berber, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 88(1-4): 11-37.
- Putten M. van & Souag L. (2015), Attrition and revival in Awjila Berber. Facebook posts as a new data source for an endangered Berber language, Corpus 14: 23-58.
- Putten M. van (2015), Review of: Guth S. (2012), Die Hauptsprachen der Islamischen Welt.. Porta Linguarum Orientalium. Neue Serie. no. 25. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Bibliotheca Orientalis 72(1-2).
- Putten M. van (2014), A Grammar of Awjila Berber (Libya) Based on Paradisi’s Work. Berber Studies no. 41. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
- Putten M. van (2014), Some notes on the Historical Consonantism of Awjila, Folia Orientalia 51: 257-274.
- Putten M. van (1 October 2013), A Grammar of Awjila Berber (Libya) : based on Umberto Paradisi's material (Dissertatie, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Lubotsky A.M., Kossmann M.G.
- Putten M. van (2013), Some notes on the development of Awjila Berber vowels, Nordic Journal of African Studies 22(4): 236-255.
- Putten M. van (2012), Review of: Takács G. (2011), Studies in Afro-Asiatic Comparative Phonology: Consonants. Sprach und Oralität in Afrika no. 26. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 33(2).