Marijn Nagtzaam
- Name
- Dr. M.A.M. Nagtzaam
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-9504-9880

Marijn Nagtzaam is a lecturer at the Institute of Political Science.
Marijn Nagtzaam is a lecturer at the Institute of Political Science. In 2019 he defended his PhD-thesis, a study of the causes and consequences of intra-party preference voting in the Netherlands and Belgium.
His main areas of interest include elections and political representation.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Kopecky P., Louwerse T.: Mickler T., Nagtzaam M., Otjes S. & Vonno C. van , Rudy Andeweg: een veelzijdig en betrokken politicoloog. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Otjes S.P. (2023), Voorkeursdrempels in kaart. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken.
- Otjes S.P. & Nagtzaam M.A.M. (2023), Het Effect van Met één stem meer keus. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Otjes S.P., Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Well R.L. van (2022), Scrutiny and policymaking in local councils: how parties use council tools, Local Government Studies 49(5): 1110-1134.
- Well R.L. van, Otjes S.P. & Nagtzaam M.A.M. (14 October 2022), Analyse van raadsinstrumenten laat zien: ook in gemeenteraden heerst het monisme. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Louwerse T.P. (2022), Geographical representation under a single nationwide district: the case of the Netherlands, Legislative Studies Quarterly : 1-32.
- Hosli M.O., Kantorowicz J.J., Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Haas M.I. (2022), Turnout in European parliament elections 1979-2019, European Politics and Society : .
- Otjes S.P., Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Well R.L. van (2021), The use of parliamentary tools by local councillors.
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. (9 October 2019), Second-order electoral personalization. Intra-party preference voting in Belgium and the Netherlands (Dissertatie. Politieke Wetenschap, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Andeweg R.B. & Holsteijn J.J.M. van, Louwerse T.P.
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. (2018), Negative Motivations for Preference Votes: The Effect of the Party Leader. ECPR Joint Sessions, University of Nicosia 10 April 2018 - 14 April 2018. Cyprus: ECPR Joint Sessions, University of Nicosia.
- Van Holsteijn J.J.M. & Nagtzaam M.A.M. (20 March 2018), Stem op een echte kandidaat, niet op een lijstduwer. NRC.Next & NRC Handelsblad.
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Erkel P.F.A. van (2017), Preference votes without preference? Institutional effects on preference voting: An experiment, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 27(2): 172-191.
- Meffert M.F. & Nagtzaam M. (2016), Voting for radical right-wing parties: The role of fear. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (01/09/2016-04/09/2016, Philadelphia). Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association 1 September 2016 - 4 September 2016.
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Van Erkel P.F.A. (2016), Preference votes without preference? Institutional effects on preference voting: an experiment. Paper presented at the 15th Dutch-Belgian Politicologenetmaal, Brussels, Belgium. 15th Dutch-Belgian Politicologenetmaal 2 June 2016 - 3 June 2016.
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Van Erkel P.F.A. (2016), Preference votes without preference? Institutional effects on preference voting: an experiment. Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 10nd ECPR General Conference 7 September 2016 - 10 September 2016.
- Nagtzaam M.A.M. (2015), Second-order electoral personalization. Paper presented at the 14th Dutch-Belgian Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht, Netherlands. 14th Dutch-Belgian Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht 11 June 2015 - 12 June 2015.
- Meffert M.F. & Nagtzaam M.A.M. (2014), Voting for right-wing populist parties: The role of fear. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. .
- Meffert M.F. & Nagtzaam M.A.M. (2014), Fear, out-group attitudes, and voting for right-wing populist parties. Paper presented at the 13th Dutch-Belgian Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht, Netherlands. Politicologenetmaal 2014 12 June 2014 - 13 June 2014.
- Meffert M.F. & Nagtzaam M.A.M. (2014), Voting for right-wing populist parties: The role of fear. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Rome, Italy. .