Universiteit Leiden

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Marije Schneider


Mr. M.A. Schneider
+31 71 527 6667

Marije works as a lecturer in the Department of Social Law and specializes in employment contract law, dismissal law, and civil service law. Marije graduated from Leiden University in 2006. After completing her studies, she worked as a lawyer at Pels Rijcken for thirteen years, focusing on labor and civil service law. Since 2018, she has been affiliated with the university.

More information about Marije Schneider

Marije serves as the academic director of the Master of Laws program and the master coordinator of the Master of Employment Law. She teaches various courses, such as Employment Contract Law and Collective Labor Law, and is involved in the undergraduate course Labor Law. Marije is actively involved in educational innovation in blended learning and quality assurance.

In addition to her work, Marije is active in various areas. She is the chair of the Complaints Committee for undesirable behavior at the University of Amsterdam, chair of the Advisory Committee on legal position objections at the LUMC, and a reader at Dedicon, a foundation that makes educational materials accessible to people with visual impairments.


  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Publiekrecht
  • Sociaal Recht

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number B1.22


  • Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum Voorzitter van de Adviescommissie rechtspositionele bezwaren
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam voorzitter Klachtencommissie ongewenst gedrag
  • Ontslagcommissie gemeenten Vice-voorzitter Ontslagcommissie gemeenten
  • Vereniging Ambtenaar & Recht Bestuurslid
  • Servicepunt71 Vicevoorzitter Regionale Arbeidsgeschillencommissie Servicepunt71
  • Dedicon Voorlezer
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