Maria Zisimopoulou
PhD candidate
- Name
- M. Zisimopoulou MA
- Telephone
- 071 5272727

My research is focused on the work of the Aristotelian philosopher Alexander of Aphrodisias. More specifically I shall try to identify Alexander’s innovations in Aristotelian philosophy by the reconstruction of the ethical debate that took place during the Early Roman Empire (1st century BCE until 2nd century CE). Main topics of the research will be the nature and perception of good and evil, the psychology of pleasure and pain, the development of virtue and the extent of the determination of action by virtue (and vice) as well as the notions of responsibility and free choice.
Curriculum vitae
I was born and raised in Athens (Greece). I received my BA degree in Philosophy at the University of Patras in 2014 and my MA from the University of Freiburg in December 2017. I am interested in History of Philosophy at large and particularly in ancient philosophy and ethics. The subject of my master thesis was the conception of the notion «eudaimonia» in Nikomachean Ethics by Aristotle. Since March 2018 I am PhD candidate in Leiden University under the supervision of Prof. dr. F.A.J. de Haas and Dr. R.M. van den Berg.
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte