Maria Hadjigavriel
PhD candidate / guest
- Name
- M. Hadjigavriel
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6052

Maria Hadjigavriel is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Archaeology.
Office days
Tuesday to Thursday
I am a PhD candidate and Teaching Assistant within the Near East department at the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden. My research concerns primarily the Archaeology of Cyprus in Prehistory, specifically the Late Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age, with a focus on pottery technology and interactions with Anatolia.
Curriculum Vitae
I arrived at the Faculty of Archaeology in Leiden in 2016 for a Research Master, after obtaining my degree in History and Archaeology from University of Cyprus. My thesis, entitled "Connectivity Through Pottery Horizons: Tracing Interactions in Late Chalcolithic Cyprus" investigated intra-insular and extra-insular interactions through the study of pottery technology.
Since September 2019, I have started my PhD research under the supervision of Prof. Peter M.M.G. Akkermans and Dr. Bleda S. Düring. My project is entitled "Cyprus in Context: Tracing Interactions in the 3rd Millennium BC Eastern Mediterranean". The aim of this research is to investigate how objects and technologies were appropriated in cultural contexts of the eastern Mediterranean, and especially in Cyprus in the Late Chalcolithic (ca.2900/2700-2400 BC) and the Philia Phase (ca. 2400-2350/2250 BC), with a focus on the exchange of pottery technologies.
When it comes to fieldwork, I am participating in the Palloures Archaeological Project, the excavation of Leiden University at the Chalcolithic site Chlorakas-Palloures in Cyprus, directed by Dr. Bleda S. Düring.
PhD candidate / guest
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Near Eastern
Education staff member
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archeologie Onderwijs- en Studentzaken
- Hadjigavriel M. (2021), A tale of red and black: reconstructing transfer of knowledge in Late Chalcolithic Cyprus, Archaeological Review from Cambridge 35(2): 80-97.
- Hadjigavriel M. (2021), Review of: Solomidou-Ieronimidou M. (2017), Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2011-2012. Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities no. 49. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities. Bibliotheca Orientalis 78(3-4): 510-514.
- Hadjigavriel M. (2019), Connectivity through Pottery Horizons: Tracing Interactions in Late Chalcolithic Cyprus. Dusane 2019, Leiden. 24 April 2019 - 24 April 2019. [conference poster].
- Hadjigavriel M. (2019), Pottery and Interactions Between Communities in Late Chalcolithic Cyprus [Κεραμική και Επαφές μεταξύ Κοινοτήτων στην Ύστερη Χαλκολιθική Κύπρο] (translation: Hadjigavriel M.), Chroniko 71(1): .
- Hadjigavriel Μ. (2019), The Cypro-Archaic Figurines from the Ayia Irini Sanctuary: Technology and Archaeological Signifcance [Κοροπλαστικά Έργα την Εποχή των Κυπριακών Πόλεων-Βασιλείων: Τεχνολογία και Χρήση] (translation: Hadjigavriel M.), Chroniko 77(1): .
- Hadjigavriel M. (2019), The necropolis of Ayia-Paraskevi in Cyprus: Evidence for Extra-Insular Interactions in the Bronze Age [Η Νεκρόπολη της Αγίας Παρασκευής: Μαρτυρίες για τις Επαφές της Κύπρου κατά την Εποχή του Χαλκού] (translation: Hadjigavriel M.), Chroniko (93): .