Maria Boletsi
Associate professor
- Name
- Prof.dr. M. Boletsi
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2357
- 0000-0003-0152-5127

Maria Boletsi is Associate Professor in Film and Literary Studies of Leiden University.
More information about Maria Boletsi
PhD candidates
Curriculum vitae
Maria Boletsi is Associate Professor in Film and Literary Studies at LUCAS and (since 2018) Endowed Professor of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam, where she holds the Marilena Laskaridis Chair. She received her Ph.D. with honors from Leiden University (Barbarism, Otherwise 2010) and holds cum laude degrees in Cultural Analysis (research MA, University of Amsterdam), Comparative Literature (BA, University of Amsterdam), and in Classics and Modern Greek Literature (BA, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Μaria has been research fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS theme-group fellowship, 2022), DFG-Mercator fellow at Bonn University (2019), Stanley Seeger Research fellow at Princeton University (2016), visiting scholar at Geneva University (2016) and Columbia University (2008-2009), and a participant in the Cornell School of Criticism and Theory (2006). She is a member of the editorial / advisory boards of the Journal of Modern Greek Studies, the Journal of Greek Media and Culture, and the book series Thamyris/Intersecting by Brill and Greek / Modern Intersections by University of Michigan Press. She is also Chair of the Advisory Board of the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (since 2019) and member of the Humanities Roundtable of the Dutch Research Council (NWO; since 2021), the Scientific Council of the Netherlands Institute in Athens (NIA, since 2024), and the International Scientific Committee of C.P. Cavafy Archive of the Onassis Foundation (since 2023). Since September 2024, she is elected external member of the Governing Council of the Hellenic Open University. At LUCAS, she was co-leader of the Modern & Contemporary Studies Research Cluster with Sara Polak from 2020 to 2023. She is currently program director of the Research MA Arts, Literature, and Media.
Maria’s research is situated in comparative literature, literary and cultural theory, conceptual history, Modern Greek literature and culture, and Anglophone literature. In her work, she tries to bring literature, art, and other forms of cultural expression to bear on urgent societal questions (post-9/11 processes of othering, debates on terrorism, intersecting crises, post-truth, the environmental crisis) and to situate the study of local cases in global debates and transnational frameworks. Her projects are usually structured around concepts (e.g., barbarism, crisis, futurity, spectrality, the weird), which serve as flexible methodological tools for interdisciplinary research. In her current research, she proposes the term ‘weird turn’ to study contemporary ‘spillovers’ of the genre of the weird in ecology, politics, science, scholarship and other domains (see “Weird Turn” below). Since 2014, part of her work has revolved around crisis rhetoric and alternative ‘grammars’ and imaginaries emerging from recent crisis-scapes, particularly in Greece, Europe, and the Mediterranean. In another long-term project, which started from her Ph.D. dissertation and evolved into a collaborative project (completed in 2023), she explored the workings of the figure of the barbarian in cultural theory, literature, culture, and public rhetoric in European modernity. The work of the Greek poet C.P. Cavafy has also been a constant reference point in her work since 2005. She recently completed a monograph on spectrality in Cavafy’s poetics and his poetry’s contemporary afterlives (Specters of Cavafy; 2024).
For her research projects and key publications, see below or visit her page:
Maria has been teaching at LUCAS since 2010, mainly in the BA Film- en Literatuurwetenschap (Film and Literary Studies), the MA Media Studies (track: Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory) and the Research MA Arts, Literature and Media. Her courses cover a wide range of topics in modern and contemporary literature, culture, and politics, literary and cultural theory, and conceptual history. Most MA courses she has designed are research-based (e.g. Conceptual History as a Task for Comparative Literature: Barbarism; Literature, Art, and the Political after 9/11; Crisis, Literature, and the Contemporary). She is also supervising several Ph.D. candidates at the universities of Leiden, Amsterdam, and Oslo.
Fields and topics of interest
- Literary, cultural, and political theory
- Modern Greek literature and culture
- Anglophone literature
- Environmental Humanities
- History of Concepts
- Weird fiction
- Posthumanist theory
- Futurity, utopianism, future imaginaries
- Intersections of literature, art, and politics
- Crisis narratives
a. The Weird Turn
I am currently in the process of developing a new project, in which I propose the term weird turn to explore a 21st-century turn to speculative fiction, non-positivist epistemologies, and representational modes that twist realism in response to interconnected crises and radical uncertainty about the future, crowned by the environmental emergency. I see this turn as a spillover of weird fiction in domains beyond literature - theory, philosophy, science, technoscience/AI, economy, politics, activism, education.
Although in the 20th century the weird was mainly used for a marginalized fictional genre, the concept gained valence in the 21st century owing to “New Weird” writers and the canonization of “Old Weird” writers like H.P. Lovecraft, and has recently veered towards several domains beyond literature (“weird science,” “global weirding,” “weird realism,” “weird utopianism,” “weird economies,” “weird geography” etc.). Rather than an escape to fantasy or a complete meshing of fiction and reality, the weird marks an entanglement of fiction and reality that also insists on their distinction. I am interested in the emancipatory potential of the weird turn to give shape to radical environmental imaginaries, as well as its controversial and pathological aspects (e.g., its ‘spillover’ in ecofascism and conspiracy cultures) in this context.
b. Grammars of Crisis and Alternative Imaginaries
Since 2014, I have been studying contemporary crisis rhetoric in different contexts, with an emphasis on the Greece and the Mediterranean. Proposing grammatical categories as conceptual tools, in this project I explore the normative operations of ‘grammars of crisis’ that impose restrictive diagnoses of the present, alongside the potential of grammatical categories for articulating alternative imaginaries. I am particularly interested in mobilizations of the middle voice in literature, street art, and protest cultures. As a grammatical category in which the subject remains inside the action, the middle voice has disappeared in modern languages, yet middle voice constructions are still functional in many languages. The middle voice has also been theorized as a mode that unsettles dualisms and creates indeterminacy between e.g., agency and patiency, subject and object. Can the middle voice offer alternatives to the dominant distinction between active and passive subjects in crisis-rhetoric? Can it articulate alternative conceptions of subjectivity, agency, and responsibility to those propagated by the neoliberal governmentality of crisis today?
I have been working on this project individually and collaboratively, through various research groups and networks, e.g., LUCAS network “Crisis and Critique”; ASCA research group “Crisis, Critique and Futurity”; OSL Research group “Crisis and Critique: Rethinking Europe and the Global South”; Cultural Analysis network “Greek Studies Now.” The project output includes several workshops, conferences, and events, 8 articles and chapters, and 2 co-edited volumes: From Crisis to Critique: Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes (Palgrave 2020) & (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique (Palgrave 2021) (see “Key publications”).
c. European History of Barbarism (completed)
In 2013, I received an NWO Internationalisation grant for the project “Barbarian: History of a Fundamental European Concept from the 18th Century to the Present” (2013-2016). This collaborative project focused on the modern European history of the ‘barbarian,’ particularly through its manifestations in literature. Responding to the contemporary popularity of the term ‘barbarism’ in Western public rhetoric, the project contributes to a critical and historically grounded understanding of this concept’s past and contemporary uses, and foregrounds its foundational role in modern European histories and identities.
The project sprang from a collaboration among scholars from Leiden University, the University of Geneva, Bonn University, Fribourg University, and (since 2017) Oxford University and the University of Amsterdam. The project’s first part was funded by the NWO (PI: Maria Boletsi) and the SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation; PI: Markus Winkler). The project was completed in 2023. Its main output is the 2-volume co-authored monograph Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature, and the Arts: Volume I focuses the 18th to the early 20th century (2018) and Volume II on the 20th and 21st centuries (2023).
Go here for more information.
d. Spectrality in Poetry (completed)
This project, which resulted in my new monograph Specters of Cavafy (University of Michigan Press, 2024), emerged from my long-term preoccupation with the Greek poet Constantine P. Cavafy (1863-1933), the best-known modern Greek poet and an important figure in modernism and world literature. Drawing from recent theorizations of the ‘specter’ as a conceptual metaphor in cultural theory, I develop spectrality as a theoretical and analytical lens for revisiting Cavafy’s poetry and its bearing on our present. The monograph brings together theories of spectrality, performativity, irony, and affect, in order to trace the workings of a) the spectral as a central metaphor in Cavafy’s idiosyncratic modernist poetics and b) his poetry’s ‘afterlives’ in contemporary settings: in the Western cultural and political imaginary since 1989 and in Greece today.
Key publications
- Maria Boletsi, Specters of Cavafy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2024.
- Markus Winkler and Maria Boletsi, with Jens Herlth, Laura Lonsdale, Christian Moser et al. Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 2: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2023.
- Markus Winkler, with Maria Boletsi, Jens Herlth, Christian Moser, Julian Reidy and Melanie Rohner. Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 1: From the Enlightenment to the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2018.
Reviewed by: Leire Urricelqui, Arcadia 54 (2), 2019: 289–293.
- Maria Boletsi, Sarah de Mul, Isabel Hoving, and Liesbeth Minnaard. De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving [The Lightness of Literature: Engagement in the Multicultural Society]. Leuven: Acco, 2015.
Reviewed by: Sander Bax, Spiegel der Letteren 58 (3), 2016: 427-431.
- Barbarism and Its Discontents. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013.
Reviewed by:
- Susan J. Jarratt in Comparative Literature Studies 52 (3), 2015.
- Lary May in Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 28/29, 2012/2013.
Edited volumes and encyclopedias
- Mixed Media and Public Art. Ed. by Maria Boletsi and Kristina Gedgaudaite. Section of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict. Ed. by Ihab Saloul and Britt Baillie. Palgrave, 2024-ongoing.
- (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique. Co-edited with Natashe Lemos-Dekker, Kasia Mika, Ksenia Robbe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique. Co-edited with Janna Houwen and Liesbeth Minnaard. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Reviewed by:
Francesca Zaccone, The Journal of Greek Media and Culture 8.1, 2022. 113-115.
- Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild: Encounters in the Arts and Contemporary Politics. Co-edited with Tyler Sage. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018.
- Barbarism Revisited: New Perspectives on an Old Concept. Co-edited with Christian Moser. Leiden and Boston: Brill / Rodopi, 2015.
- Inside Knowledge: (Un)doing Ways of Knowing in the Humanities. Co-edited with C. Birdsall, I. Sapir, and P. Verstraete. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009.
Special Journal issues
- Literature and Public World Making. Ed. by Maria Boletsi, Marc Farrant, Divya Nadkarni, and Marco de Waard. Parallax 30.1 (2024).
- Greece and the South: Grammas of Comparison, Protest, and Futurity. Ed. by Maria Boletsi & Dimitris Papanikolaou. Journal of Greek Media and Culture. 8.2 (2022).
- Ruins in Contemporary Greek Literature, Art, Cinema, and Public Space. Edited by Maria Boletsi & Ipek A. Celik-Rappas. Journal of Modern Greek Studies. 38.2 (2020).
Key articles & book chapters
- “The Politics of Weird Aesthetics: Fictionality in New Forms of Protest.” Parallax. 30.1 (2024). (open access)
- “Grammar and Its Political Affordances: The Resonance of the Middle Voice from the Greek Crisis Decade to ‘Post-Crisis’ Imaginaries.” In Memory and the Language of Contention. Ed. by Sophie van den Elzen and Ann Rigney. Leiden: Brill (in press, forthcoming 2024).
- “Weirding Europe: Fiction and Ghostliness as Grammars of Resistance in Kivu Ruhorahoza’s Europa, ‘Based on a True Story’ (2019).” In E(n)stranged: Rethinking Defamiliarization in Literature and Visual Culture. Ed. by Nilgun Bayraktar and Alberto Godioli. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan (in press; forthcoming 2024).
- “Literature and Public World-Making: Introduction.” Marco de Waard, Maria Boletsi, Marc Farrant, and Divya Nadkarni. Parallax. 30.1 (2024). (introduction to special issue)
- “Greece and the Global South: Gestures of Spatial Disobedience.” Maria Boletsi & Dimitris Papanikolaou. Journal of Greek Media and Culture. 8.2 (October 2022): 129-141. (introduction to special issue).
- “Introduction: From Crisis to Critique.” Co-authored with Janna Houwen and Liesbeth Minnaard. Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique. Ed. Maria Boletsi, Janna Houwen, and Liesbeth Minnaard. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 1-24. Open Acess:
- “Rethinking Stasis and Utopianism: Empty Placards and Imaginative Boredom in the Greek Crisis-Scape.” Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique. Ed. Maria Boletsi, Janna Houwen, and Liesbeth Minnaard. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 267- 290.
- “Recasting the Indebted Subject in the Middle Voice.” Social Science Information. 58.3 (2019): 430-453. (open access:
- “Faith, Irony, Salt, and Possible Impossibilities: J. M. Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus in Conversation with Zbigniew Herbert’s ‘From Mythology’.” Mehigan T., Moser C. (Eds.) The Intellectual Landscape in the Works of J.M. Coetzee. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2018. 133-157.
- “Crisis, Terrorism, and Post-Truth: Processes of Othering and Self-Definition in the Culturalization of Politics.” Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild: Encounters in the Arts and Contemporary Politics. Ed. Maria Boletsi and Tyler Sage. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018. 17-50.
- “The Revenge of Fiction in New Languages of Protest: Holograms, Post-truth, and the Literary Uncanny.” Frame: Journal of Literary Studies 31.2 (2018): 13-34.
- “Europe and Its Discontents: Intra-European Violence in Dutch Literature after 9/11.” 9/11 in European Literature: Negotiating Identities Against the Attacks and What Followed. Ed. Svenja D. Frank. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 283-322.
- “The Unbearable Lightness of Crisis: (Anti-)Utopia and Middle Voice in Sotiris Dimitriou’s Close to the Belly.” Greece in Crisis: Culture and the Politics of Austerity. Ed. Dimitris Tziovas. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2017. 256-81.
- “From the Subject of the Crisis to the Subject in Crisis: Middle Voice on Greek Walls.” Journal of Greek Media and Culture. 2.1 (2016). 3-28.
This article was translated in Greek and German and included in 3 languages in:
The Documenta 14 Reader. Ed. Quinn Latimer and Adam Szymczyk. Prestel / Random House, 2017. 431-68.
- “Still Waiting for Barbarians after 9/11? Cavafy’s Reluctant Irony and the Language of the Future.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 32.1 (2014): 55-80. 10.1353/mgs.2014.0018
- “Barbarian Encounters: Rethinking Barbarism in C.P. Cavafy’s and J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians.” Comparative Literature Studies 44. 1-2 (2007): 67-96.
- “How to Do Things with Poems: Performativity in the Poetry of C.P. Cavafy.” Arcadia: International Journal of Literary Studies 41. 2 (2006): 396-418.
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Literatuurwetenschap
- Boletsi M. (2025), Grammar and its Political Affordances: The Resonance of the Middle Voice from the Greek Crisis Decade to ‘Post-Crisis’ Imaginaries. In: Elzen S. van den & Rigney A. (Eds.), Memory and the Language of Contention. Mobilizing Memories. Leiden & Boston: BRILL. 248-281.
- Boletsi M. (2024), Specters of Cavafy. Greek / Modern Intersections. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
- Boletsi M. (2024), There’s something about the weird: waarom we monsters, aliens, geesten, zombies en cyborgs nodig hebben om door onze werkelijkheid te navigeren, Karakter: tijdschrift van wetenschap 87: 2-5.
- Boletsi M. (2024), Weirding Europe: Fiction and Ghostliness as Grammars of Resistance in Kivu Ruhorahoza’s Europa, ‘Based on a True Story’ (2019). In: Bayraktar N. Godioli A. (Ed.), E(n)stranged: Rethinking Defamiliarization in Literature and Visual Culture. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 93-124.
- Boletsi M. (2024), The politics of weird aesthetics: fictionality in new forms of protest, Parallax 30(1): 26-61.
- Waard M. de, Boletsi M., Farrant M. & Nadkarni D. (2024), Literature and public world-making: introduction, Parallax 30(1): 1-25.
- Boletsi M. (2023), Τραυλίσματα, βαρβαρισμοί και εθνική λογοτεχνία [Stammering, barbarisms, and national literature], Χάρτης 53: .
- Winkler M. & Boletsi M. (2023), Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature, and the Arts: Vol. II: Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries. Schriften zur Weltliteratur / Studies on World Literature no. 15. Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
- Boletsi M. (2023), Barbarians and Civilizational Rhetoric from the End of the Cold War to the Present. In: Winkler M. & Boletsi M. (Eds.), Barbarian: explorations of a Western concept in theory, literature and the arts. Vol. 2: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Schriften zur Weltliteratur / Studies on World Literature no. 15. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. 256-286.
- Boletsi M. & WInkler M. (2023), From ‘socialism or barbarism to ‘ecosocialism or barbarism’: climate barbarism, ecofascism, and ecological civilization. In: Winkler M. & Boletsi M. (Eds.), Barbarian: explorations of a Western concept in theory, literature and the arts: vol. 2: the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Schriften zur Weltliteratur / Studies on World Literature no. 15. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. 305-324.
- Boletsi M. (2023), Barbarians in the contemporary art scene: three biennials on barbarism (Istanbul, Limerick, Athens). In: Winkler M. & Boletsi M. (Eds.), Barbarian: explorations of a Western concept in theory, literature and the arts. Vol. 2: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Schriften zur Weltliteratur / Studies on World Literature no. 15. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. 400-423.
- Boletsi M. (2023), Twenty-first Century drama adaptations of medea by male authors from minor European literatures: Tom Lanoye and Dimitris Dimitriadis. In: Winkler M. & Boletsi M. (Eds.), Barbarian: explorations of a Western concept in theory, literature and the arts. Vol. 2: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Schriften zur Weltliteratur / Studies on World Literature no. 15. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. 390-399.
- Boletsi M. (2023), Afterword. In: Winkler M. & Boletsi M. (Eds.), Barbarian: explorations of a Western concept in theory, literature and the arts. Vol. 2: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Schriften zur Weltliteratur / Studies on World Literature no. 15. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. 425-428.
- Boletsi M. (2022) On stammering, barbarisms, and national literature. Review of: Zanou K. (2018), Transnational patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800-1850: stammering the nation.. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 8: 231-245.
- Boletsi M. & Papanikolaou D. (2022), Greece and the Global South: gestures of spatial disobedience, Journal of Greek Media and Culture 8(2): 129-141.
- Boletsi M. & Papanikolaou D. (Eds.) (2022), Special issue "Greece and the South: Grammars of Comparison, Protest, and Futurity". Journal of Greek Media and Culture: Intellect.
- Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N., Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.) (2021), (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Boletsi M., Mika K., Robbe K. & Lemos Dekker N. (2021), Epilogue: The Ends of Crisis. In: Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N., Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.), (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique. Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society. Cham: Palgrave. 91-96.
- Boletsi M., Mika K., Robbe K. & Lemos Dekker N. (2021), Introduction. In: Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N.. Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.), (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique. Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society. Cham: Palgrave. 1-11.
- Boletsi M. (2021), Voice: Active, Passive, Middle. In: Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N., Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.), (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique. Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society. Cham: Palgrave. 39-43.
- Boletsi M. (2021), Grammars of Crisis: Introduction. In: Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N, Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.), (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique. Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society. Cham: Palgrave. 23-28.
- Boletsi M. (2021), 'Σωτήρη, τώρα τι θα κάνουμε χωρίς λογαριασμούς;’ Το ασανσέρ, το χρέος, και η απόρριψη της στυγνής αισιοδοξίας [‘Sotiris, Now What’s Going to Happen to Us Without Bills?’ The Elevator, the Debt, and the Rejection of Cruel Optimism], Χάρτης = MAP (Monthly Magazine of Speech & Art) (32): .
- Boletsi M. (2020), Living between the “back then” and the “not yet”: barbarians, crisis, and temporality in Margaret Atwood’s story “The Bad News”. In: Berner H., Reidy J., Rohner M. & Wagner M. (Eds.), Narren, Götter und Barbaren: Ästhetische Paradigmen und Figuren der Alterität in komparatistischer Perspektive. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag. 357-373.
- Boletsi M., Houwen J.J.M. & Minnaard E. (Eds.) (2020), Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Boletsi M. (2020), Rethinking stasis and utopianism: empty placards and imaginative boredom in the Greek crisis-scape. In: Boletsi M., Houwen J. & Minnaard L. (Eds.), Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique. Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 267-290.
- Boletsi M. Houwen J.J.M. Minnaard E. (2020), Introduction: from crisis to critique. In: Boletsi M., Houwen J.J.M. & Minnaard E. (Eds.), Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to CritiqueLanguages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-24.
- Boletsi M. & Celik Rappas I.A. (2020), Introduction: Ruins in Contemporary Greek Literature, Art, Cinema, and Public Space, Journal of Modern Greek Studies 38(2): vii-xxv.
- Boletsi M. & Celik-Rappas I.A. (Eds.) (2020), Ruins in Contemporary Greek Literature, Art, Cinema, and Public Space. Special section of The Journal of Modern Greek Studies. Journal of Modern Greek Studies.
- Boletsi M. Papanikolaou D. (5 June 2020), Why Rethink Modern Greek Studies Today: Notes from the Front of Cultural Analysis. Blogspot of Rethinking Modern Greek Studies in the 21st Century: A Cultural Analysis Network. Oxford: The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH). [blog entry].
- Boletsi M. (2020), Die Landschaft des Göttlichen in Konstantinos P. Kavafis’ Dichtung. In: Häfner R. & Winkler M. (Eds.), Götter-Exile: Neuzeitliche Figurationen antiker Mythen. Myosotis. Forschungen zur europäischen Traditionsgeschichte no. 7. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. 203-227.
- Boletsi M. (2019), Reading irony through affect: the non-sovereign ironic subject in C.P. Cavafy's diary. In: Alphen E. van & Jirsa T. (Eds.), How to do things with affects: affective triggers in aesthetic forms and cultural practices. Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race no. 34. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 17-39.
- Boletsi M. (2019), Recasting the Indebted Subject in the Middle Voice, Social Science Information 58(3): 430-453.
- Boletsi M. (2018), Faith, Irony, Salt, and Possible Impossibilities: J. M. Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus in Conversation with Zbigniew Herbert’s ‘From Mythology’. In: Mehigan T. & Moser C. (Eds.), The Intellectual Landscape in the Works of J.M. Coetzee. Rochester, NY: Camden House. 133-157.
- Boletsi M. (2018), Towards a Visual Middle Voice: Crisis, Dispossession and Spectrality in Spain’s Hologram Protest, Komparatistik: Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 2017: 19-35.
- Winkler M., Boletsi M., Herlth J., Moser C., Reidy J. & Rohner M. (2018), Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Μodern Theory, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 1: From the Enlightenment to the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
- Boletsi M. (2018), The Revenge of Fiction in New Languages of Protest: Holograms, Post-truth, and the Literary Uncanny, Frame: Journal of Literary Studies 31(2): 13-34.
- Boletsi M. (2017), Who’s afraid of barbarians? Interrogating the Trope of ‘Barbarian Invasions’ in Western Public Rhetoric from 1989 to the Present, Groniek 49(211): 115-130.
- Boletsi M. (2017), The Unbearable Lightness of Crisis: (Anti-)Utopia and Middle Voice in Sotiris Dimitriou’s Close to the Belly. In: Tziovas D. (Ed.), Greece in Crisis: The Cultural Politics of Austerity. London & New York: I.B. Tauris. 256-281.
- Boletsi M. (2017), Vom Subjekt der Krise zum Subjekt in der Krise: Medium auf griechischen Wänden (reprint / translation). In: Latimer Q. & Szymczyk A. (Eds.), Der documenta 14 Reader: Prestel. 431-68.
- Boletsi M. (2017), Από το υποκείμενο της κρίσης στην κρίση του υποκειμένου: Η μέση φωνή στους Ελληνικούς τοίχους (reprint / translation). In: Latimer G. & Szymczyk A. (Eds.), Documenta 14 Reader: Prestel. 431-68.
- Boletsi M. (2017), From the Subject of the Crisis to the Subject in Crisis: Middle Voice on Greek Walls (reprint). In: Latimer Q. & Szymczyk A. (Eds.), The Documenta 14 Reader: Prestel. 431-68.
- Boletsi M. & Sage T. (Eds.) (2017), Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild: Encounters in the Arts and Contemporary Politics. Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
- Boletsi M. (2017), Crisis, Terrorism, and Post-Truth: Processes of Othering and Self-Definition in the Culturalization of Politics. In: Boletsi M. & Sage T. (Eds.), Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild: Encounters in the Arts and Contemporary Politics. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 17-50.
- Boletsi M. & Sage T. (2017), Introduction: Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild. In: Boletsi M. & Sage T. (Eds.), Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild: Encounters in the Arts and Contemporary Politics. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 1-14.
- Boletsi M. (2017), Europe and Its Discontents: Intra-European Violence in Dutch Literature After 9/11. In: Frank Svenja D. (Ed.), 9/11 in European Literature: Negotiating Identities Against the Attacks and What Followed. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 283-322.
- Boletsi M. (2017), Crisis Narratives and Grammars of Resilience in Greece: The Middle Voice in Artistic Interventions since the Crisis. ['Art and Activism: Resilience Techniques in Times of Crisis international conference', Research Center for Material Culture of the National Museum of World Cultures, Leiden, The Netherlands, December 13, 2017]. .
- Boletsi M. (2016), From the Subject of the Crisis to the Subject in Crisis: Middle Voice on Greek Walls, Journal of Greek Media and Culture 2(1): 3-28.
- Boletsi M. (2016), Review of: Papanikolaou Dimitris (2014), “Made just like me”: The homosexual Cavafy and the poetics of sexuality. Athens: Patakis. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 34(1): 195-200.
- Boletsi M. (2016), Recasting the Past from the Future: Utopia and Middle Voice in Sotiris Dimitriou’s Fiction. .
- Boletsi M. (2016), Middle Voice, the Language of Protest, and the Rhetoric of Crisis in Present-day Europe. .
- Boletsi M., Hoving I., Minnaard L. & Mul S. de (2015), De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving. Leuven: Acco.
- Boletsi M., Mul S. de, Hoving I. & Minnaard E. (2015), De lichtheid van literatuur. Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving. Leuven, Den Haag: Acco.
- Boletsi M. & Moser C. (2015), Barbarism Revisited: New Perspectives on an Old Concept. Amsterdam / New York: Brill / Rodopi.
- Boletsi M. & Moser C. (2015), Introduction. In: Boletsi M. & Moser C. (Eds.), Barbarism Revisited: New Perspectives on an Old Concept. Leiden and Boston: Brill / Rodopi. 11-28.
- Boletsi M. (2015), Waiting for the Barbarians after 9/11: Functions of a Topos in Liminal Times. In: Boletsi M. & Moser C. (Eds.), Barbarism Revisited: New Perspectives on an Old Concept. Leiden and Boston: Brill / Rodopi. 355-375.
- Boletsi M. (2015), Nieuwgriekse studies in Nederland: Licht aan het eind van de tunnel?, Lychnari (2): 34-36.
- Boletsi M. (2015), “The Violence of Haste and the Felicity of Misuse: C.P. Cavafy, Walter Benjamin, and the Greek Crisis.” Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA) 24rd Symposium, Georgia State University, Atlanta, U.S. October 15-18, 2015. .
- Boletsi M. (2015), “From the Subject of the Crisis to the Subject in Crisis: Middle Voice on Greek Walls.” Greece in Crisis: Culture and the Politics of Austerity workshop. University of Birmingham, UK. May 23, 2015. .
- Boletsi M. (2015), “In Praise of Contiguity: Faith, Irony, Salt, and Possible Impossibilities in J. M. Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus.” The Intellectual Landscape in the Works of J.M. Coetzee symposium. The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. April 1-2, 2015. .
- Boletsi M. (2014), The Barbarism(s) of Multilingualism: Outweirding the Mainstream in Guillermo Gómez-Peña's Performance Literature. In: Minnaard L. & Dembeck T. (Eds.), Challenging the Myth of Monolingualism. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi. 149-170.
- Boletsi M. (2014), Wall-building and the Paradoxes of Globalization: Franz Kafka’s ‘The Great Wall of China’. In: Jiande L. & Alphen E. van (Eds.), Literature, Aesthetics, and History: The Forum of Cultural Exchange Between China and the Netherlands. Beijing: China Social Science Press. 121-133.
- Boletsi M. (2014), Warten auf die Barbaren in der bildenden Kunst. Zwei Inszenierungen von Konstantinos Petrou Kavafis’ Gedicht. In: Dauven-van Knippenberg Carla, Moser Christian & Wendt Daniel (Eds.), Texturen des Barbarischen. Exemplarische Studien zu einem Grenzbegriff der Kultur. Amsterdam German Studies : Forschungen - Berichte - Texte. Heidelberg: Synchron. 195-214.
- Boletsi M. (2014), Οι σύγχρονες ζωές των βαρβάρων του Καβάφη: Μεταξύ λογοτεχνίας, τέχνης και πολιτικού λόγου [The contemporary lives of Cavafy's 'barbarians': Between literature, art, and political discourse], The Athens Review of Books 48(February): 51-53.
- Boletsi M. (2014), Still Waiting for Barbarians after 9/11? Cavafy’s Reluctant Irony and the Language of the Future, Journal of Modern Greek Studies 32(1): 55-80.
- Boletsi M. (2014), Boletsi, Maria. “Middle Voice and the Subject in/of Crisis: The Case of a Greek Wall-Writing.” 5th European Congress of Modern Greek Studies: Continuities, Discontinuities, Ruptures in the Greek World (1204-2014): Economy, Society, History, Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. October 2, 2014. .
- Boletsi M. (2013), Mehrsprachigkeit und ihre Herausforderungen: Barbarismen in Guillermo Gómez-Peña's Performance-Literatur, KultuRRevolution 65(2): 47-57.
- Boletsi M. (2013), Barbarism and Its Discontents. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Boletsi M. (2013), Some Thoughts on Uses of Barbarism After 9/11. In: Guggenbichler Maria (Ed.), Sister from Another Mister. Amsterdam & Munich: Wet Cartoons / Drippy Bone Books. 16-18.
- Boletsi M. (2013) Review of Inleiding in de Nieuwgriekse literatuur. Van de 12de tot de 21ste eeuw [Introduction to Modern Greek literature. From the 12th to the 21st century]. Review of: Borghart P. (2012), Inleiding in de Nieuwgriekse literatuur. Van de 12de tot de 21ste eeuw. Gent: Academia Press. Journal of Modern Greek Studies .
- Boletsi M. (2013), De reizen van de barbaren en de centrifugale Grieksheid van Kavafis, Lychnari (5): .
- Boletsi M. (2013), I thermokrasia tis eironeias ston K.P. Kavafi [The Temperature of Irony in C.P. Cavafy], To Dentro [Tο Δέντρο] 193-194: 83-88.
- Boletsi M. (2013), A Liminal Topos between Old and New Realities: ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ after 9/11.” Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA) 23rd Symposium, Indiana University, Bloomington. November 16, 2013. .
- Boletsi M. (2013), Recasting U.S. Culture from its Margins: Queer Ethnopoetics in Performance Art. International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) 20th Congress, University of Paris-Sorbonne, Paris. July 19, 2013. .
- Boletsi M. (2013), “The Barbarism(s) of Multilingualism: Guillermo Gómez-Peña Poetic Performance Texts.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) 2013 Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto. April 6, 2013. .
- Boletsi M. (2012), Cannibalism and Literary Indigestibility: Figurations of Violence in Bart Koubaa’s De leraar, Journal of Dutch Literature 3(2): 39-67.
- Boletsi M. (2011), Second Personhood as Political Art. In: Aydemir Murat & Peeren Esther (Eds.), Eighty-Eight: Mieke Bal PhDs 1983-2011. Amsterdam: ASCA Press. 190-198.
- Boletsi M. (2011) Hellenism and the Postcolonial Imagination. Yeats, Cavafy, Walcott (review). Review of: McKinsey Martin (2010), Hellenism and the Postcolonial Imagination. Yeats, Cavafy, Walcott. no. 2. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 29(2): 296-298.
- Boletsi M. (2010), Migratory Objects in the Balkans: When the Sound of the Other Sounds Strangely Familiar. In: Davis R.G., Fischer-Hornung D. & Kardux J.K. (Eds.), Performing Migration: Aesthetic Practices and Politics in Media and Music. London and New York: Routledge. 145-169.
- Boletsi M. (1 September 2010), Barbarism, otherwise : Studies in literature, art, and theory (Dissertatie. Institute for Cultural Disciplines (LUICD), Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Alphen E.J. van & Bal M.G.
- Boletsi M. (2009), Barbarism as a Mode of (Not) Knowing. In: Birdsall C., Boletsi M., Sapir I. & Verstraete P. (Eds.), Inside Knowledge: (Un)doing Ways of Knowing in the Humanities. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. 57-75.
- Boletsi M. (2009), Introduction. In: Birdsall C., Boletsi M., Sapir I. & Verstraete P. (Eds.), Inside Knowledge: (Un)doing Ways of Knowing in the Humanities. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. 1-13.
- Boletsi M. (Ed.) (2009), Prisma Groot Woordenboek Nieuwgrieks-Nederlands/Nederlands-Nieuwgrieks. Houten: Het Spectrum (lid van redactieteam).
- Boletsi M., Birdsall C., Sapir I. & Verstraete P. (Eds.) (2009), Inside Knowledge: (Un)doing Ways of Knowing in the Humanities. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
- Boletsi M. (2009), The Travels of a Literary Topos: C. P. Cavafy’s ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ and its Visual Restagings, Cavafy Forum : .
- Boletsi M. (2008), A Place of her Own: Negotiating Boundaries in Jamaica Kincaid’s A Small Place and My Garden (Book). In: Aydemir Murat & Rotas Alex (Eds.), Migratory Settings no. 19. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 229-246.
- Boletsi M. (2007), Barbarian Encounters: Rethinking Barbarism in C.P. Cavafy’s and J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians, Comparative Literature Studies 44(1-2): 67-96.
- Boletsi M. (2006), Between Hospitality and Hostility: Crossing Balkan Borders in Adela Peeva’s ‘Whose is this Song?’. In: Boer I.E., Bal M., Eekelen M. van & Spyer P. (Eds.), Uncertain Territories: Boundaries in Cultural Analysis. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 239-258.
- Boletsi M. (2006), How to Do Things With Poems: Performativity in the Poetry of C.P. Cavafy, Arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft 41(2): 496-418.