Marco Cinelli
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. M. Cinelli
- 0000-0001-5822-3627

Marco Cinelli is an Assistant Professor at Leiden University College (LUC) in the Hague and a guest researcher at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of Leiden University. His research focuses on the development of tools to support decision-making for complex problems with multiple stakeholders and conflicting interests. The key drivers of his work are the frameworks and methodologies that can be used to guarantee a sustainable and resilient future for the generations to come. He leads the interdisciplinary laboratory Decision Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience (DESIRE).
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Research Output
Marco Cinelli is an Assistant Professor at Leiden University College, where he leads the interdisciplinary laboratory Decision Engineering for SustaInability and REsilience (DESIRE). The DESIRE laboratory aims at:
- Providing state-of-the-art, adaptable and transparent strategies to formulate, model and support better decision-making;
- Developing and applying decision support tools to tackle sustainability and resilience-related challenges;
- Training future decision engineers to tackle complex decision-making.
His research is focused on the development of Decision Support Systems (DSS) with Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). The main frameworks he uses include sustainability, resilience and risk assessment, while the main application areas are energy systems and technologies assessment, materials and processes development, and chemical safety. Marco shapes these DSS also in collaboration with colleagues at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of Leiden University, where he holds a guest researcher position.
He is the primary developer of the MCDA Methods Selection Software (MCDA-MSS) which is the most comprehensive software for supporting complex decision-making and for recommending MCDA methods. In addition, he (co-)leads the development of other MCDA-based software, including the MCDA Index Tool, the Composite Indicator Analysis and Optimization tool, and the Weighting Methods Selection Software.
He is also Co-Chair of the Weighting Subtask of the Global Life Cycle Impact Assessment project of the Life Cycle Initiative (United Nations Environment Programme), aiming at establishing a comprehensive, consistent and global methodology to support life cycle-based environmental evaluations.
Before joining LUC, between September 2018 and September 2021, Marco was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow at (i) the Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland, (ii) the Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response (CESER) (formerly National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL)) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Cincinnati, USA and (iii) the Institute of Computing Science at Poznan University of Technology, Poland. Between April 2017 and August 2018, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Future Resilient Systems (FRS) Programme of Singapore-ETH Centre in Singapore. Prior to this, he was an early career fellow at the Intstitute of Advanced Study and research assistant in the Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing Group of WMG Department, University of Warwick (UK). He also held, between May 2016 and February 2017, a visiting scientist position at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra (VA), Italy. Marco received his Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Warwick (UK) in 2016.
Academic expertise
- Decision support systems
- Sustainability, resilience, risk assessment
- Energy systems analysis
- Evaluation metrics
- Sustainable nanotechnology
- Remediation of contaminated land
- Decision Analysis in Energy Systems
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Research Design in Earth, Energy and Sustainability
- Global Challenges: Sustainability
- Energy and Resource Management
Assistant Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
Work address
Anna van BuerenpleinAnna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague
Room number 4.22
Visiting Scholar / Guest
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Subasi A.B., Askham C., Sandorf E.D., Dias L.C., Campbell D., Tas E.F., Itsubo N., Nagawa C.B., Kyarimpa C.M., Djerma M., Bazie B.S.R. & Cinelli M. (2024), Weighting factors for LCA - a new set from a global survey, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 29(11): 2107–2136.
- Arias Calvo A., Cinelli M., Moreira M.T. & Cucurachi S. (2024), A composite indicator for evaluating safety and sustainability by design and circularity in emerging technologies, Sustainable Production and Consumption 51: 385-403.
- Ziyeh P. & Cinelli M. (2023), A framework to navigate eco-labels in the textile and clothing industry, Sustainability 15: 14170.
- Cinelli M., Kadziński M., Miebs G., Gonzalez M. & Słowiński R. (2022), Recommending multiple criteria decision analysis methods with a new taxonomy-based decision support system, European Journal of Operational Research 302(2): 633-651.
- Cinelli M., Burgherr P., Kadzinski M. & Slowinski R. (2022), Proper and improper uses of MCDA methods in energy systems analysis, Decision Support Systems 163: 113848.
- Piaggio D., Castaldo R., Cinelli M., Cinelli S., Maccaro A. & Pecchia L. (2021), A framework for designing medical devices resilient to low-resource settings, Globalization and Health 17: 64.
- Kadzinski M., Martyn K., Cinelli M., Slowinski R., Corrente S. & Greco S. (2021), Preference disaggregation method for value-based multi-decision sorting problems with a real-world application in nanotechnology, Knowledge-Based Systems 218: 106879.
- Lindén D., Cinelli M., Spada M., Becker W., Gasser P. & Burgherr P. (2021), A framework based on statistical analysis and stakeholders’ preferences to inform weighting in composite indicators, Environmental Modelling and Software 145: .
- Cinelli M., Gonzalez M., Ford R., McKernan J., Corrente S., Kadzinski M. & Slowinski R. (2021), Supporting contaminated sites management with Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: demonstration of a regulation-consistent approach, Journal of Cleaner Production 316: .
- Prado V., Cinelli M., Haar S.F. ter, Ravikumar D., Heijungs R., Guinée J.B. & Seager T.P. (2020), Sensitivity to weighting in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25: 2393–2406.
- Gasser P., Suter J., Cinelli M., Spada M., Burgherr P., Hirschberg S., Kadzinski M. & Stojadinovic B. (2020), Comprehensive resilience assessment of electricity supply security for 140 countries, Ecological Indicators 110: 105731.
- Gasser P., Cinelli M., Spada M., Burgherr P. & Stojadinovic B. (2020), Indices under the spotlight: an approach to unveil and manage the implicit tradeoffs between indicators. Beer M. & Zio E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th European safety and reliability conference . 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference 22 September 2019 - 26 September 2019. Singapore/Chennai: Research Publishing Services. 3445-3452.
- Cinelli M., Spada M., Kim W., Zhang Y. & Burgherr P. (2020), MCDA Index Tool: an interactive software to develop indices and rankings, Environment Systems and Decisions 41: 82-109.
- Cinelli M., Kadzinski M., Gonzalez M. & Slowinski R. (2020), How to support the application of multiple criteria decision analysis?: Let us start with a comprehensive taxonomy, Omega 96: .
- Kadzinski M., Martyn K., Cinelli M., Slowinski R., Corrente S. & Greco S. (2020), Preference disaggregation for multiple criteria sorting with partial monotonicity constraints: application to exposure management of nanomaterials, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 117: 60-80.
- Gasser P., Cinelli M., Labijak A., Spada M., Burgherr P., Kadzinski M. & Stojadinovic B. (2020), Quantifying electricity supply resilience of countries with robust efficiency analysis, Energies 13(7): 1535.
- Bertola N.J., Cinelli M., Casset S., Corrente S. & Smith I.F.C. (2019), A multi-criteria decision framework to support measurement-system design for bridge load testing, Advanced Engineering Informatics 39: 186-202.
- Cinelli M., Spada M., Kadziński M., Miebs G. & Burgherr P. (2019), Advancing Hazard Assessment of Energy Accidents in the Natural Gas Sector with Rough Set Theory and Decision Rules, Energies 12(21): 4178.
- Cinelli M. (2019), A review on resilience assessment of energy systems, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 6(5): 273-299.
- Jasinski D., Cinelli M., Dias L.C., Meredith J. & Kirwan K. (2018), Assessing supply risks for non-fossil mineral resources via multi-criteria decision analysis, Resources Policy 58: 150-158.
- Windsor R., Cinelli M. & Coles S. (2018), Comparison of tools for the sustainability assessment of nanomaterials, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 12: 69-75.
- Cinelli M., Coles S.R., Nadagouda M.N., Biaszczynski J., Slowinski R., Varma R.S. & Kirwan K. (2017), Robustness analysis of a green chemistry-based model for the classification of silver nanoparticles synthesis processes, Journal of Cleaner Production 162: 938-948.
- Reale F., Cinelli M. & Sala S. (Eds.) (2017), Towards a research agenda for the use of LCA in the impact assessment of policies. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment: Springer Heidelberg.
- Cinelli Marco Coles Stuart R. Sadik Omowunmi Karn Barbara Kirwan Kerry (2016), A framework of criteria for the sustainability assessment of nanoproducts, Journal of Cleaner Production 126: 277-287.
- Cinelli M., Coles S.R., Nadagouda M.N., Blaszczynski J., Slowinski R., Varma R.S. & Kirwan K. (2015), A green chemistry-based classification model for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles, Green Chemistry 17(5): 2825-2839.
- Cinelli M., Coles S.R. & Kirwan K. (2014), Analysis of the potentials of multi criteria decision analysis methods to conduct sustainability assessment, Ecological Indicators 46: 138-148.
- Hristozov D.R., Gottardo S., Cinelli M., Isigonis P., Zabeo A., Critto A., Tongeren M. van, Tran L. & Marcomini A. (2014), Application of a quantitative weight of evidence approach for ranking and prioritising occupational exposure scenarios for titanium dioxide and carbon nanomaterials, Nanotoxicology 8(2): 117-131.
- Cinelli M., Coles S.R., Jorgensen A., Zamagni A., Fernando C. & Kirwan K. (2013), Workshop on life cycle sustainability assessment: the state of the art and research needs-November 26, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18: 1421-1424.