Marcel Schaaf
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. M.J.M. Schaaf
- Telephone
- 071 5274975
- 0000-0002-5859-8936

My research focuses on the action of the glucocorticoid receptor, which is an intracellular receptor that belongs to the family of steroid receptors.
More information about Marcel Schaaf
PhD Candidates
Former PhD candidates
My research focuses on the action of the glucocorticoid receptor, which is an intracellular receptor that belongs to the family of steroid receptors. These receptors act like transcription factors upon activation by a ligand, by activating or repressing the transcription of target genes. The glucocorticoid receptor mediates the effects of glucocorticoid hormones like cortisol, which are secreted by the adrenal gland after stress and in a diurnal rhythm, and affect a wide range of systems like our metabolism, immune system, growth, and behavior. The glucocorticoid receptor is also activated by synthetic glucocorticoids like dexamethasone and prednisolone, which are widely used to treat immune-related disorders like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. We study the molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoid receptor action in cell lines, but also in vivo, using the zebrafish as a model system. I have two main research themes:
1. Advanced imaging of glucocorticoid receptor activity
Although it is known that GR (like all steroid receptors) acts as a transcription factor by binding to specific sequences in our genome, it is largely unknown how GR finds these sequences and what happens to the receptor after DNA binding. In order to gain more insight into the intranuclear behavior of GR, we study the GR in the nucleus of a living cell using single-molecule microscopy techniques. This is done in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt and Dr. John van Noort of the Leiden Institute of Physiscs. Using our detailed analysis we are able to distinguish specific subpopulations of GR molecules and investigate the role of these populations in the process of transcription initiation.
2. Mechanisms of glucocorticoid receptor action in zebrafish
Like all vertebrate animals, zebrafish express a GR that mediates the effects of glucocorticoid hormones. The zebrafish GR is highly similar to its ortholog in humans and therefore we use the zebrafish as a model organism to unravel the molecular mechanisms of GR action in vivo. We study the immune-suppressive effects of GR in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Annemarie Meijer, using zebrafish inflammation and infection models. Furthermore, we are studying individual variation in the regulation of cortisol secretion. We have found several genes to be involved in the negative feedback of cortisol on its own production and we are investigating the cortisol secretion of zebrafish with different ‘personalities’.
Following my expertise in advanced imaging technology and my role as coordinator of the Microscopy Unit of the Institute of Biology, I am responsible for the coordination of the 2nd year BSc course Microscopy and Imaging. In addition, I am coordinator of the course Medical Biotechnology, which is part of the minor Biotechology, and I give guest lectures on steroid signaling in other courses, also outside the Biology curriculum of Leiden University. Furthermore, numerous undergraduate students have found their way to my group for BSc and MSc thesis projects.
Associate professor
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
Associate professor/guest
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
- Mever M. van, Mamani-Huanca M., Faught L.E., Lopez-Gonzalvez A., Hankemeier T., Barbas C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Ramautar R. (2024), Application of a capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry metabolomics workflow in zebrafish larvae reveals new effects of cortisol, Electrophoresis 45(5-6): 380-391.
- Radoslaw J., Jong B. de, Hage P. van, Rhiemus M., Steenis F. van, Noort S.J.T. van, Schmidt T. & Schaaf M.J.M (2022), Analysis of the H-Ras mobility pattern in vivo shows cellular heterogeneity inside epidermal tissue, Disease Models & Mechanisms 15(2): dmm049099.
- Xie Y., Papadopoulou P., Wit B. de, D'Engelbronner J.C., Hage P. van, Kros A. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2022), Two types of liposomal formulations improve the therapeutic ratio of prednisolone phosphate in a zebrafish model for inflammation, Cells 11(4): 671.
- Rock S., Rodenburg F.J., Schaaf M.J.M. & Tudorache C. (2022), Detailed analysis of zebrafish larval behaviour in the light dark challenge assay shows that diel hatching time determines individual variation, Frontiers in Physiology 13: 827282.
- Schaaf M.J.M. & Meijer O.C. (2022), Immune modulations by glucocorticoids: from molecular biology to clinical research, Cells 11(24): 4032.
- Xiong Y., Halima M., Che X.Y., Zhang Y.M., Schaaf M.J.M., Li M.H., Gao M., Guo L.Q., Huang Y., Cui X.M. & Wang M. (2022), Steamed panax notoginseng and its saponins inhibit the migration and induce the apoptosis of neutrophils in a zebrafish tail-fin amputation model, Frontiers in Pharmacology 13: 946900.
- Davis R., Luchtenburg F., Richardson M.K., Schaaf M.J.M., Tudorache C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), The importance of individual variation for the interpretation of behavioural studies: ethanol effects vary with basal activity level in zebrafish larvae, Psychopharmacology 238: 3155-3166.
- Xie Y., Xie J., Meijer A.H. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2021), Glucocorticoid-induced exacerbation of mycobacterial infection is associated with a reduced phagocytic capacity of macrophages, Frontiers in Immunology 12: 618569.
- Hosseini R., Lamers G.E.M., Bos E., Hogendoorn P.C.W., Koster A.J., Meijer A.H., Spaink H.P. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2021), The adapter protein Myd88 plays an important role in limiting mycobacterial growth in a zebrafish model for tuberculosis, Virchows Archiv 479(2): 265-275.
- Xie Y., Meijer A.H. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2021), Modeling inflammation in zebrafish for the development of anti-inflammatory drugs, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8: 620984.
- Bernardello M., Gora R.J., Hage P. van, Castro-Olvera G., Gualda E.J., Schaaf M.J.M. & Loza-Alvarez P. (2021), Analysis of intracellular protein dynamics in living zebrafish embryos using light-sheet fluorescence single-molecule microscopy, Biomedical Optics Express 12(10): 6205-6227.
- He M., Halima M., Xie Y., Schaaf M.J.M., Meijer A.H. & Wang M. (2020), Ginsenoside Rg1 acts as a selective glucocorticoid receptor agonist with anti-inflammatory action without affecting tissue regeneration in zebrafish larvae , Cells 9(5): 1107.
- Puyskens A., Stinn A., Vaart M. van der, Kreuchwig A., Protze J., Pei G., Klemm M., Guhlich-Bornhof U., Hurwitz R., Krishnamoorthy G., Schaaf M.J.M., Krause G., Meijer A.H., Kaufmann S.H.E. & Moura-Alves P. (2020), Aryl hydrocarbon receptor modulation by tuberculosis drugs impairs host defense and treatment outcomes , Cell Host and Microbe 27(2): 238-248.e7.
- Bos R. van den, Cromwijk S., Tschigg K., Althuizen J., Zethof J., Whelan R., Flik G. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2020), Early life glucocorticoid exposure modulates immune function in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae, Frontiers in Immunology 11: 727.
- Jaikumar G., Slabbekoorn H.W., Sireeni J., Schaaf M.J.M. & Tudorache C. (2020), The role of the glucocorticoid receptor in the regulation of diel rhythmicity, Physiology and Behavior 223: 112991.
- Sireeni J., Bakker N., Jaikumar G., Obdam D., Slabbekoorn H.W., Tudorache C. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2020), Profound effects of glucocorticoid resistance on anxiety-related behavior in zebrafish adults but not in larvae, General and Comparative Endocrinology 292: 113461.
- Xie Y., Tolmeijer S., Oskam J.M., Tonkens T., Meijer A.H. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2019), Glucocorticoids inhibit macrophage differentiation towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype upon wounding without affecting their migration, Disease Models & Mechanisms 12(5): 037887.
- Brun N.R., Hage P. van, Hunting E.R., Haramis A.-P.G., Vink S.C., Vijver M.G., Schaaf M.J.M. & Tudorache C. (2019), Polystyrene nanoplastics disrupt glucose metabolism and cortisol levels with a possible link to behavioural changes in larval zebrafish, Communications Biology 2: 382.
- Keizer V.I.P., Coppola S., Houtsmuller A.B., Geverts B., Royen M.E. van, Schmidt T. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2019), Repetitive switching between DNA-binding modes enables target finding by the glucocorticoid receptor, Journal of Cell Science 132(5): jcs217445.
- Luchtenburg F.J., Schaaf M.J.M. & Richardson M.K. (2019), Functional characterization of the cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 in zebrafish larvae using behavioral analysis, Psychopharmacology 236(7): 2049-2058.
- Palstra A.P., Mendez S., Dirks R.P. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2019), Cortisol acting through the glucocorticoid receptor is not involved in exercise-enhanced growth, but does affect the white skeletal muscle transcriptome in zebrafish (danio rerio), Frontiers in Physiology 9: 1889.
- Meijer O.C., Buurstede J.C. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2018), Corticosteroid Receptors in the Brain: Transcriptional Mechanisms for Specificity and Context-Dependent Effects, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 39(4): 539-549.
- Gissendanner C.R., Baldwin W.S. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2018), Non-Mammalian Nuclear Receptors: From Evolution to Human Disease, Nuclear Receptor Research 5: 101366.
- Tudorache C., Slabbekoorn H.W., Robbers Y., Hin E., Meijer A.H., Spaink H.P. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2018), Biological clock function is linked to proactive and reactive personality types, BMC Biology 16: 148.
- Chatzopoulou A., Schoonheim P.J., Torraca V., Meijer A.H., Spaink H.P. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2017), Functional analysis reveals no transcriptional role for glucocorticoid receptor beta-isoform in zebrafish, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 447: 61-70.
- Schaaf M.J.M. (2017), Nuclear receptor research in zebrafish, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 59(1): R65-R76.
- Schaaf M.J.M. (2017), The First Fifteen Years of Steroid Receptor Research in Zebrafish; Characterization and Functional Analysis of the Receptors, Nuclear Receptor Research 4: 101286.
- Amin B., Slabbekoorn H., Schaaf M.J.M. & Tudorache C. (2016), "Early birds" take it easy: diurnal timing is correlated with overall level in activity of zebrafish larvae, Behaviour 153(13-14): 1745-1762.
- Carattino A.J., Keizer V.I.P., Schaaf M.J.M. & Orrit M.A.G.J. (2016), Background suppression in imaging gold nanorods through detection of anti-Stokes emission, Biophysical Journal 111(11): 2492-2499.
- Chatzopoulou Chatzi A., Heijmans J.P., Burgerhout E., Oskam N., Spaink H.P., Meijer A.H. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2016), Glucocorticoid-Induced Attenuation of the Inflammatory Response in Zebrafish, Endocrinology 157(7): 2772-2784.
- Hosseini R., Lamers G.E.M., Soltani H.M., Meijer A.H., Spaink H.P. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2016), Efferocytosis and extrusion of leukocytes determine the progression of early mycobacterial pathogenesis, Journal of Cell Science 129(18): 3385-3395.
- Tudorache C., Braake A. ter, Tromp M., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2015), Behavioral and physiological indicators of stress coping styles in larval zebrafish, Stress 18(1): 121-128.
- Neo Y.Y., Parie L., Bakker F., Snelderwaard P.C., Tudorache C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2015), Behavioral changes in response to sound exposure and no spatial avoidance of noisy conditions in captive zebrafish, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9: 28.
- Harkes R., Keizer V.I.P., Schaaf M.J.M. & Schmidt T. (2015), Depth-of-Focus Correction in Single-Molecule Data Allows Analysis of 3D Diffusion of the Glucocorticoid Receptor in the Nucleus, PLoS ONE 10(11): e0141080.
- Geurtsen A., Lamers Maarten H. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2015), Interactive Digital Gameplay Can Lower Stress Hormone Levels in Home Alone Dogs — A Case for Animal Welfare Informatics. Chorianopoulos K., Divitini M., Baalsrud Hauge J., Jaccheri L. & Malaka R. (Eds.), Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2015 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 9353). 14th International Conference, ICEC 2015 29 September 2015 - 2 October 2015. Trondhei,: Springer International Publishing. 238-251.
- Chatzopoulou Chatzi A., Upasana R., Meijer A.H., Alia A., Spaink H.P. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2015), Transcriptional and metabolic effects of glucocorticoid receptor alpha and beta signaling in zebrafish, Endocrinology 156(5): 1757-1769.
- Royen M.E. van, Cappellen W.A. van, Geverts B., Schmidt T., Houtsmuller A.B. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2014), Androgen receptor complexes probe DNA for recognition sequences by short random interactions, Journal of Cell Science 127(7): 1406-1416.
- Groeneweg F.L., Royen M.E. van, Fenz F.S., Keizer V.I.P., Geverts B., Prins J., Kloet E.R. de, Houtsmuller A.B., Schmidt T. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2014), Quantitation of Glucocorticoid Receptor DNA-Binding Dynamics by Single-Molecule Microscopy and FRAP, PLoS ONE 9(3): 90532.
- Hosseini R., Lamers G.E.M., Hodzic Z., Meijer A.H., Schaaf M.J.M. & Spaink H.P. (2014), Correlative light and electron microscopy imaging of autophagy in a zebrafish infection model, Autophagy 10(10): 1844-1857.
- Tudorache C, Ter Braake A, Tromp M, Slabbekoorn H & Schaaf MJ. (2014), Behavioural and physiological indicators of stress coping styles in larval zebrafish, Stress 19(Nov): 1-23.
- Tudorache C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2013), Covariation between behaviour and physiology indicators of coping style in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Journal of Endocrinology 219(3): 251-258.
- Palstra A.P., Schaaf M.J.M. & Planas J.V. (2013), Exercise physiology of zebrafish: Swimming effects on skeletal and cardiac muscle growth, on the immune system, and the involvement of the stress axis. In: Palstra A. & Planas J. (Eds.), Swimming physiology of fish: Towards using exercise to farm a fit fish in sustainable aquaculture.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 323-342.
- Kanwal Z., Zakrzewska A., Den Hertog J., Spaink H.P., Schaaf M.J. & Meijer A.H. (2013), Deficiency in hematopoietic phosphatase Ptpn6/Shp1 hyperactivates the innate immune system and impairs control of bacterial infections in zebrafish embryos, Journal of Immunology 190(4): 1631-1645.
- Raterink R., Kloet F.M. van der, Li J., Wattel N.A., Schaaf M.J.M., Spaink H.P., Berger R., Vreeken R.J. & Hankemeier T. (2013), Rapid metabolic screening of early zebrafish embryogenesis based on direct infusion-nanoESI-FTMS, Metabolomics 9: 864–873.
- Porta F., Lamers G.E., Morrhayim G., Chatzopoulou A., Schaaf M.J.M., Dulk H. den, Backendorf C., Zink J.I. & Kros A. (2013), Folic acid modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles for cellular and nuclear targeted drug delivery, Advanced Healthcare Materials 2(2): 281-286.
- Meckel T., Semrau S., Schaaf M.J.M. & Schmidt T. (2012), Robust assessment of protein complex formation in vivo via single-molecule intensity distributions of autofluorescent proteins, Journal of Biomedical Optics 16: 76016.
- Ziv L., Muto A., Schoonheim P.J., Meijsing S.H., Strasser D., Ingraham H.A., Schaaf M.J.M., Yamamoto K.R. & Baier H. (2012), An affective disorder in zebrafish with mutation of the glucocorticoid receptor, Molecular Psychiatry 18: 681-691.
- Meckel T.M., Semrau S., Schaaf M.J.M. & Schmidt T. (2011), Robust assesment of protein complex formation in vivo via single molecule intensity distibutions of autofluorescent proteins, Journal for Biomedical Optics 16(076016): .
- Schaaf M.J.M. & Schmidt T. (2011), In Vivo Single-Molecule Microscopy Using the Zebrafish Model System. In: Sako Y. & Ueda M. (Eds.), Cell Signaling Reactions: Single-Molecular Kinetic Analyses.
- Schoonheim P.J., Chatzopoulou A. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2010), The zebrafish as an in vivo model system for glucocorticoid resistance, Steroids 75(12): 918-925.
- Vaart M. van der & Schaaf M.J.M. (2009), Naturally occurring C-terminal splice variants of nuclear receptors, Nucl. Recept. Signal. 7: e007.
- Sarabdjitsingh R.A., Meijer O.C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2009), Subregion-specific differences in translocation patterns of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in rat hippocampus, Brain Res. 1249: 43-53.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Koopmans W., Meckel T.M., Noort S.J.T. van, Snaar B.E., Schmidt T. & Spaink H.P. (2009), Single-molecule microscopy reveals membrane microdomain organization of cells in a living vertebrate, Biophysical Journal 97(4): 1206-1214.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Chatzopoulou Chatzi A. & Spaink H.P. (2009), The zebrafish as a model system for glucocorticoid receptor research, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A. Molecular Integrative Physiology 153(1): 75-82.
- Brittijn S.A., Duivesteijn S.J., Belmamoune M., Bertens L.M.F., Bitter W., Bruijn J.D. de, Champagne D.L., Cuppen E., Flik G., Broucke-Grauls C.M. van den, Janssen R., Jong I.E.M. de, Kloet E.R. de, Kros A., Meijer A., Metz J.R., Sar A.M. van der, Schaaf M.J., Schulte-Merker S., Spaink H.P., Tak P.P., Verbeek F.J., Vervoordeldonk M.J., Vonk F., Witte F., Yuan H. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Zebrafish development and regeneration: new tools for biomedical research, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 835-850.
- Fitzsimons C.P., Ahmed S., Wittevrongel C., Schouten T.G., Dijkmans T.F., Scheenen W.J., Schaaf M.J.M., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2008), The microtubule associated protein Doublecortin-like regulates the transport of the glucocorticoid receptor in neuronal progenitor cells, Molecular Endocrinology 22: 248-262.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Champagne D., Laanen I.H. van, Wijk D.C. van, Meijer A.H., Meijer O.C., Spaink H.P. & Richardson M.K. (2008), Discovery of a functional glucocorticoid receptor {beta}-isoform in zebrafish, Endocrinology 149(4): 1591-1599.
- Zhu Y., Hanna R.N., Schaaf M.J.M., Spaink H.P. & Thomas P. (2008), Candidates for membrane progestin receptors: past approaches and future challenges, Comparative Biochemistry Physiology C Toxicology Pharmacology 148(4): 381-389.
- Vreugdenhil E., Fitzsimons C.P., Kolk S.M., Schaaf M.J.M. & Lucassen P.J. (2007), Doublecortin-Like, a Microtubule Associated Protein Expressed in Radial Glia is Crucial for Neuronal Precursor Division and Radial Process Stability, European Journal of Neuroscience 25: 635-648.
- Schaaf M.J.J., Willetts L., Hayes B.P., Maschera B., Stylianou E. & Farrow S.N. (2006), The relationship between intranuclear mobility of the NF-kappa B subunit p65 and its DNA binding affinity, Journal of Biological Chemistry 281(31): 22409-22420.
- Schaaf M.J., Lewis-Tuffin L.J. & Cidlowski J.A. (2005), Ligand-selective targeting of the glucocorticoid receptor to neclear subdomains is associated with decreased receptor mobility, Molecular Endocrinology 19(6): 1501-1515.
- Schaaf M.J. & Cidlowski J.A. (2003), Molecular determinants of glucocorticoïd receptor mobility in living cells: the importance of ligand affinity, Molecular and Cellular Biology 23(6): 1922-1934.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Stam F.J., Jong I.E.M., Swaab D.F., Ravid R., Vreugdenhil E., Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2003), Very low levels of the glucocorticoid receptor B isoform in the human hippocampus as shown by Tagman RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry, Molecular Brain Research 116: 17-26.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Stam F.J., Jong I.E.M., Swaab D.F., Ravid R., Vreugdenhil E., Cidlowski J.A., Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2003), Very low levels of the glucocorticoid receptor beta-isoform in the human hippocampus as shown by Taqman RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry, Molecular Brain Research 116: 17-26.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Stam F.J., Jong I.E.M., Swaab D.F., Ravid R., Vreugdenhil E., Cidlowski J.A., Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2003), Very low levels of the glucocorticoid receptor beta isoform in the human hippocampus as shown by Taqman RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry, Molecular Brain Research 116: 17-26.
- Schaaf M.J. & Cidlowski J.A. (2002), The glucocorticoïd receptor beta-isoform: a perspective on its relevance in human health and disease (Ernst Schering Res Found). [other].
- Schaaf M.J.M. & Cidlowski J.A. (2002), AUUUA motifs in the 3'UTR of human glucocorticoïd receptor alpha and beta mRNA destabilize mRNA and decrease receptor protein expression, Steroids 67(7): 627-636.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Glucocorticoid receptor variants: clinical implications, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 81: 103-122.
- Vreugdenhil E., Kloet E.R. de, Schaaf M.J.M. & Datson N.A. (2001), Genetic dissection of corticosterone receptor function in the rat hippocampus, European Neuropsychopharmacology 11(6): 423-430.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Turner G., Datson N.A., Vreugdenhil E., Cidlowski J., Kloet E.R. de, Emery P., Sternberg E.M. & Detera-Wadleigh S.D. (2001), A human glucocorticoid receptor gene variant that increases the stability of the glucocorticoid receptor betaisoform mRNA is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 28: 2383-2388.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Workel J.O., Lesscher H., Vreugdenhil E., Oitzl M.S. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Correlation between hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression and memory performance in senescent rats, Brain Research 915: 227-233.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2000), Corticosterone effects on BDNF expression in the hippocampus (Review), Stress 3: 201-208.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Duurland R., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2000), Circadian variation in BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hipocampus, Molecular Brain Research 75(2): 342-344.
- Schaaf M.J., Sibug R.M., Duurland R., Fluttert M.F., Oitzl M.S., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (1999), Corticosterone effects on BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus during morris water maze training, Stress 3(2): 173-183.
- Vreugdenhil E., Datson N., Engels B., Jong J. de, Koningsbruggen S. van, Schaaf M.J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (1999), Kainate-elicited seizures induce mRNA encoding a CaMK-related peptide: a putative modulator of kinase activity in rat hippocampus, Journal of Neurobiology 39(1): 41-50.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Jong J. de, Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (1998), Downregulation of BDNF mRNA and protein in the rat hippocampus by corticosterone, Brain Research Bulletin 813: 112-120.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Hoetelmans R.W.M., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (1997), Corticosterone regulates expression of BDNF and trkB but not NT-3 and trkC mRNA in the rat hippocampus, Journal of Neuroscience Research 48: 334-341.
- Vreugdenhil E., Jong J. de, Schaaf M.J., Meijer O.C., Busscher J., Vuijst C. & Kloet E.R. de (1996), Molecular dissection of corticosteroid action in the rat hippocampus. Application of the differential display techniques, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 7(2): 135-146.