Universiteit Leiden

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Marcel de Groodt

PhD candidate / PhD fellow

Mr. M. de Groodt
+31 71 527 2727

Marcel de Groodt joined the Institute of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law as a Phd fellow on September 1, 2022.

More information about Marcel de Groodt

Marcel de Groodt joined the Institute of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law as a Phd fellow on September 1, 2022.
He studied Law at the University of Amsterdam and completed the Master's degree in Criminal Law (Public Law) in 2019 with a thesis research on the compatibility of Predictive identification and the presumption of innocence.
After working as a lecturer in criminal law at the University of Amsterdam for three months, he worked as a lecturer in criminal law and junior researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam from June 2020 to August 2022. His work there consisted of teaching working group courses in various criminal law undergraduate subjects, teaching working groups and coordinating the master's course in Financial Economic Criminal Law, and conducting research, commissioned by the WODC, on "self-investigation into and self-reporting of corporate fraud and corruption".


His doctoral research focuses on the impact and limits of private criminal investigations. This research involves mapping, in a criminal law sense, different forms of corporate private investigations (such as the gatekeeper function of banks and the use of algorithms on the (dark) web by commercial parties) and what implications these forms of investigation have, or should have, within criminal procedural law.


His work includes teaching various criminal law undergraduate courses and supervising undergraduate and graduate theses.

PhD candidate / PhD fellow

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie
  • Straf- en Strafprocesrecht

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number B3.38



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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