Universiteit Leiden

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Marc Farreras I Bartra

PhD candidate

M. Farreras I Bartra MSc
+31 71 527 2727

Marc Farreras is a Ph.D. candidate at Leiden University, working in collaboration with QuSoft under the supervision of Alfons Laarman and John van de Wetering.

More information about Marc Farreras I Bartra

His research focuses on developing formal methods for quantum computing compilation and verification, utilizing advanced classical techniques such as decision diagrams, tensor networks, and ZX calculus.

Marc holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics and a Master's in Quantum Science and Technologies, both from the University of Barcelona. His previous research centered on applying classical and quantum algorithms to simulate physical systems, with his Master’s thesis specifically exploring the use of tensor networks to model the dynamics of such systems.

He is passionate about expanding his knowledge, connecting with others, and fostering friendships, always eager to explore new ideas and perspectives.

PhD candidate

  • Science
  • Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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