Universiteit Leiden

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Marat Markert


Dr. M. Markert
+31 70 800 9934

Marat Markert is a lecturer at International Studies.

More information about Marat Markert

Fields of interest

History and theory of EU integration; EU policy-making process; transnational law enforcement cooperation/EU Justice and Home Affairs policies.

Research and teaching experience

My research interest covers EU affairs broadly defined (including history and theory of EU integration; emergence, functioning and change of EU institutions etc.). From 2008 to 2014, I have been a doctoral researcher at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, where I investigated the institutional set-up, as well as the policy-making dynamics in the EU’s area of Police and Criminal Justice Cooperation. Outside my own (narrow) research focus, I have participated in several international collaborative research projects as a country expert (see  here and  here). 

Before joining the BAIS program, I taught introduction courses/seminars on EU politics at Leiden University and Istituto Lorenzo de’Medici in Florence, and have been a guest lecturer/speaker at various international study abroad programs in Italy. 

At BAIS I teach the following courses: Configuring the World, Macroeconomics, Economics: Europe and Politics: Europe.

International and work experience

I have lived, studied and worked abroad including France, The Netherlands, Russia and Italy. In Maastricht, the European city of the Netherlands par excellence, I studied European Studies (2003-2006). During that time, I spent two consecutive summers as a research intern at the German foreign policy think-tank Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin. Moreover, given my interest in Russian politics at that time, I also interned at the German Embassy in Moscow, Russia, where I worked in the Press and Public Relations Department. By 2008, I decided that I had seen and lived enough through cold winters in the “north” and decided to move to Italy, where I worked as a PhD researcher until January 2014.


Markert. M (2014) Tacit procedural politics: institutional change and member states' strategies in police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, In: Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 27(1), pp. 106-126 

Markert, M (2014) Striving for autonomy? Preferences and strategies of governments in the EU’s police and criminal justice cooperation, PhD Thesis, Florence: European University Institute 

Maurer, A. et al (2007)  Vom Verfassungs- zum Reformvertrag: Die Ratifikationsverfahren zum EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Verhandlungen zum Mandat der Regierungskonferenz 2007, Diskussionspapier FG 1, 2007/ 08. Juli 2007, SWP Berlin 

Maurer, A. et al (2006)  Die Ratifikationsverfahren zum EU-Verfassungsvertrag: Wege aus der Krise II, Diskussionspapier FG 1, 2006/ 04. April 2006, SWP Berlin


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculteitsbureau
  • International Studies

Work address

Schouwburgstraat 2
2511 VA The Hague
Room number B1.10


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