Universiteit Leiden

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Manon Schutter


Dr. M. Schutter
+31 71 527 2727

Short CV

Manon Schutter graduated (cum laude) as a Master of Science in Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University. Currently she works as a PhD candidate at the Social and Organizational Psychology department ( Leiden University) under supervision of prof. dr. Eric van Dijk, prof. dr. Wilco van Dijk, and dr. Erik de Kwaadsteniet. Her research focuses on the role of (dis)trust in economic decisions.


Trust is an essential component of economic and social relations. It can be seen as the glue that binds us together. But what determines whether we trust others? Reciprocity seems to play an important role in the process. Building on the Trust Game, we design experimental studies to investigate the connection of trust (and distrust) to the concept of reciprocity. How essential is reciprocity in the development of trust? More specifically, we aim to investigate to what extent trust depends on a close connection between persons, time, and place; all factors that are known to promote reciprocity. To increase the understanding of the role of reciprocity, we not only focus on the willingness to trust others; we also study reactions to trust and distrust.


  • Introduction to Social and Organisational Psychology (Bachelor)
  • Economic and Consumer Psychology (Bachelor)
  • Group Dynamics (Bachelor)
  • Psychology of Selling and Advertising (Master)
  • Master Thesis and Internship supervision (Master)


  • Jan Brouwer Award for best Master's thesis in humanities/social sciences (2015). Awarded by The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW). € 2.000,-
  • Van de Geer Award for best Master’s thesis of the Institute of Psychology (2014). Awarded by Leiden University. € 500,-


  • Dutch Association of Social Psychological Researchers (ASPO)
  • Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI; Centre for graduate training and research)

Relevant links

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  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden


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