Manon de Visser
PhD candidate
- Name
- Dr. M.C. de Visser
- Telephone
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0003-3681-6151

Together with her co-workers at IBL and Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Manon aims to unravel the evolutionary mysteries underlying the enigma of balanced lethal systems. Her focus is on Triturus newts. Furthermore, Manon regularly appears in the media. She has a passion for science communication and nature conservation.
Brief biography
In 2015 Manon obtained her BSc degree in Biology at the University of Utrecht after concluding a research essay and thesis focused on the influence of global warming on the development of sea turtle eggs. In 2018 she obtained her MSc degree in Biology at the University of Wageningen, where she invested in a double specialization and concluded two Major thesis and two Major internship projects. For one of her theses, Manon studied whole-genome re-sequence data of the pygmy hog (Porcula salvania), the smallest and most threatened pig species in the world.
Before her PhD started, Manon worked for a molecular research agency and she worked as an ecological consultant within the Netherlands, doing a lot of round the clock fieldwork. Also, she has been volunteering over the years, for instance at zoos and NGOs, in order to raise awareness regarding biodiversity loss and the need for conservation efforts for threatened and vulnerable species. In her current work related to amphibians, Manon also spends a lot of time on education, communication and public outreach.
‘I am fascinated by the resilience of nature, even though it is clear the natural world also needs our help. I believe that the successes achieved in investigating and protecting the natural world - two of our greatest duties, in my opinion - are mostly manifested by thinking out of the box and working together.’ After her PhD and current postdoc project, in which she focuses on the evolution of balanced lethal systems in Triturus newts, Manon aims to pursue a career in conservation genomics, evolutionary biology, and/or science communication.
Salamanders are relatively understudied in the field of genomics due to their gigantic genome sizes. Nevertheless, the Wielstra lab aims to unravel the evolutionary enigma that is ‘the balanced lethal system’ by looking at the DNA of Triturus newts as a case study. Namely, in all species of Triturus 50% of the eggs die before hatching, no matter the circumstances. This means half the reproductive effort is consistently wasted!
In a balanced lethal system, diploid individuals require two different versions of a chromosome in order to survive: this means all heterozygotes get to live (50%), whilst homozygotes die (50%, as observed in the newts). This seems to defy evolutionary theory as natural selection should generally not allow for the existence of such a disadvantageous phenomenon.
Manon's research includes identifying the genetic lethal factors and investigating their evolution. By applying phylogenetic approaches, she is studying the most likely ancestral constitution of the deviant chromosome pair in Triturus millions of years ago. She uses a sequence capture technique (Hyb-Seq) to overcome the current challenges of working with relatively large genomes. Also, she investigates how well the sequence capture technique performs in other salamanders, apart from the Triturus studies.
- Selected as 'Face of Science 2023' by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), The Youth Academy (De Jonge Akademie) and NEMO Kennislink, after being nominated by Associate Professor and marine biologist Dr Lisa Becking
- 1st prize for one-minute pitch at the Netherlands Society of Evolutionary Biology PhD & Postdoc meeting 2021 (NLSEB2021), for the pitch: "The balanced lethal system in Triturus: an evolutionary trap!"
- 3rd best oral presentation at the Programming For Evolutionary Biology Conference 2021 (miniPEB2021), Freie Universität Berlin, for the talk: "Studying the lethality and evolutionary origin of the balanced lethal system in Triturus newts".
- 1st prize for oral presentation within subtheme: “Global Health - Humans and Animals" at the University of Copenhagen EuroLeague of Life Sciences (ELLS) Student Conference 2017, for the MSc project "The Importance of Genomics for the Conservation Management of the Critically Endangered Pygmy Hog (Porcula salvania)".
- Best oral presentation at the Benelux International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE) meeting 2016, for the MSc project "The effect of exposure to visitors on stress in the critically endangered blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) and other primate species at Apenheul Primate Park, the Netherlands."
PhD candidate
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
- Kalaentzis K., Koster S., Arntzen J.W., Bogaerts S., France J.M., Franzen M., Kazilas C., Litvinchuk S.N., Olgun K. & Visser M.C. de Wielstra B.M. (2025), Phylogenomics resolves the puzzling phylogeny of banded newts (genus Ommatotriton), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 203: 108237.
- Mars J., Koster S., Babik W., France J., Kalaentzis K., Kazilas C., Martínez-Solano I., de Visser M.C. & Wielstra B. (2025), Phylogenomics yields new systematic and taxonomical insights for Lissotriton newts, a genus with a strong legacy of introgressive hybridization, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 204: 108282.
- Visser M.C. de (5 March 2025), On the origin of ‘bloopergenes’: unraveling the evolution of the balanced lethal system in Triturus newts (Dissertatie. Institute of Biology (IBL), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Richardson M.K., Wielstra B.
- Kazilas C., Dufresnes C., France J.M., Kalaentzis K., Martínez-Solano I., Visser M.C. de, Arntzen J.W. & Wielstra B.M. (2024), Spatial genetic structure in European marbled newts revealed with target enrichment by sequence capture, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 194: 108043.
- Struijk R.P.J.H., Prins N., Koster S., Putters N., Jansen N., Esselaar J., Visser M.C. de, France J.M. & Wielstra B.M. (2024), Knoflookpad in Callantsoog: verspreiding, voortplanting en geografische herkomst, RAVON 26(1): 2-5.
- Brouwer J. de, Helder B., France J.M., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), An isolated crested newt population in Dutch coastal dunes: distribution relict or introduction?, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 19-26.
- Koster S., Prins N., Dufresnes C., France J.M., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), The conservation paradox of an introduced population of a threatened species: spadefoot toads in the coastal dunes of the Netherlands, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 11-18.
- Kuijt. M., Oskam L., Boer I. den, Dufresnes C., France J.M., Gilbert M.J., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), The introduction of three cryptic tree frog species in the Dutch coastal dunes challenges conservation paradigms, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 1-10.
- Vliegenthart C., Vrede M. van de, Boer I. den, Gilbert M.J., Lemmers P., France J.M., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), The limits of mtDNA analysis for determining the provenance of invasive species: a midwife toad example, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 27-33.
- Visser M.C. de, Prins N., France J.M., Struijk R. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), Exotische amfibieën in de duinen ontmaskerd met mtDNA barcoding, Holland's Duinen 82(1): 25-29.
- Wielstra B.M., Boer I. den, France J.M., Visser M.C. de & Struijk R. (2023), MtDNA barcoding van exotische amfibieën in de duinen, RAVON 89(2): 26-29.
- Robbemont J., Van Veldhuijzen S., Allain S.J.R., Ambu J., Boyle R., Canestrelli D., Cathasaigh É.Ó, Cathrine C., Chiocchio A., Cogalniceanu D., Cvijanović M., Dufresnes C., Ennis C., Gandola R., Jablonski D., Julian A., Kranželić D., Lukanov S., Martínez-Solano I., Montgomery R., Naumov B., O’Neill M., North A., Pabijan M., Pushendorf R., Salvi D., Schmidt B., Sotiropoulos K., Stanescu F., Stanković D., Stapleton S., Šunje E., Szabolcs M., Vacheva E., Willis D., Zimić A., France J.M., Meilink W.R.M., Stark T., Struijk R.P.J.H., Theodoropoulos A., De Visser M.C. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), An extended mtDNA phylogeography for the alpine newt illuminates the provenance of introduced populations, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(3): 347-361.
- Kalaentzis K., Arntzen J.W., Aziz A., Berg V. van den, Beukema W., France J.M., Olgun K., Riemsdijk I. van, Üzüm N., Visser M.C. de & Wielstra B.M. (2023), Hybrid zone analysis confirms cryptic species of banded newt and does not support competitive displacement since secondary contact, Ecology and Evolution 13(9): e10442.
- Wielstra B.M., Visser M.C. de, Stark T. & Struijk R.P.J.H. (2023), Herkomst van exotische Alpenwatersalamanders blootgelegd, Schubben & Slijm 54: 8-9.
- Hiemstra A-F., Goot A. van der & Visser M.C. de (2022), Vogelnest als hibernaculum: salamanders overwinteren in vogelnesten, RAVON 24(4): 84.
- Visser M.C. de, Prins E., Bosse M, Crooijmans R. & Meulen T. ter (2022), Maximum longevity and juvenile mortality in zoo‐housed mangabeys, Zoo Biology 41(6): 522-532.
- Struijk R.P.J.H., Backx B., Demirkapu B., Visser M.C. de & Wielstra B.M. (2022), ‘Rise and fall’ van een populatie westelijke smaragdhagedissen in Scheveningen, RAVON 24(2): 24-27.
- Groot A. van der & Visser M.C. de Hiemstra A.F. (2022), Smooth newts Lissotriton vulgaris observed hibernating in a waterfowl nest, The Herpetological Bulletin 162: 41-42.
- Liu L., Bosse M., Megens H.-J., Visser M.C. de, Groenen M.A.M. & Madsen O. (2021), Genetic consequences of long‐term small effective population size in the critically endangered pygmy hog, Evolutionary Applications 14(3): 710-720.
- Visser M.C. de, France J.M., Meilink W.R.M. & Wielstra B.M. (2021), Een evolutionair raadsel: het dodelijke chromosoom 1 syndroom in Triturus-salamanders, RAVON 23(1): 9-12.
- Struijk R.P.J.H., Demirkapu B., Visser M.C. de & Wielstra B.M. (2021), Exotische smaragdhagedissen in de duinen bij Scheveningen, Kijk op Exoten (34): 12-13.
- Visser M.C. de, Liu L. & Bosse M. (2021), Pygmy hogs, Current Biology 31(8): R366-R368.
- Fahrbach M., Visser M. de & Wielstra B. (2021), The hybrid zone between the Italian and Northern Crested Newts (Triturus carnifex and T. cristatus) reaches Germany, Salamandra: German journal of Herpetology 57(3): 428-434.
- Meilink W.R.M., France J., Visser M.C. de & Wielstra B. (2021), Balanced lethal systems: an evolutionary mystery, Frontiers for Young Minds 9: 632945.
- Helder B., Brouwer J. de, Ouwehand J., Visser M. de & Wielstra B. (2021), Koi-kamsalamander, Schubben & Slijm 48: 8.
- Tuijl C. van, Bochove K. van & Visser M.C. de (2019), Genetic Structure of Badger Populations in a Fragmented Landscape: How Do Barriers Affect Populations on a Genetic Level?, Lutra 62(2): 65-76.
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