Manja Koenders
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. M.A. Koenders
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7980

Manja Koenders is assistant professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology. Further she works as a research coordinator of the Bipolar Netherlands Cohort (BINCO) Study. Besides working at the section of Clinical Psychology, she works part-time as a GZ-psychologist at PsyQ Leiden. She is an active member in the field of bipolar disorders in the Netherlands. She holds a position in the board of the Dutch Society of Bipolar Disorders. Previously she was a member of the taskforce of the workgroup of the Dutch Bipolar Disorder Standard of Care. Currently, she is in the editorial board of the Dutch Handbook of Bipolar Disorders.
My research focuses on psychological mechanisms and treatment of bipolar disorder. My PhD research (finished in 2016, title: Tangled up in Mood: predicting the bipolar disease course) focused on psychosocial predictors of the bipolar disease course, such as stress and social support. My current interest is specifically focused on the role of emotion regulation problems and personality factors in bipolar disorders. Within a large multicenter cohort study (BINCO) we will collect data on these psychological factors and we will study its effects on the disease course and aim to identify targets for new psychological interventions for patients with bipolar disorder. Additionally, we are developing an emotion regulation therapy for patients with bipolar disorder.
PhD supervision
- Rahele Mesbah – Psychological and neurobiological vulnerabilities in bipolar disorder patients (2016-2023)
- Roanne Glas – Psychological mechanisms in bipolar disorder (2020-2026)
Clinical Psychology (bachelor course), Basic Therapeutic Skills (master course), Internship supervision, Thesis Supervision.
Ancillary positions
- GZ-Psycholoog Psyq Leiden
- Lecturer RINO postdoctoral education – course bipolar disorders
- Member of the board of the Dutch Society of Bipolar Disorders
- Member of the editorial board of the Dutch Handbook of Bipolar Disorders
2016-2017: Member of the workgroup ‘Standard of Care Bipolar Disorders’ - Trimbos
Assistant professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Glas R.V., Kleijn R.E. de, Regeer E.J., Kupka R.W. & Koenders M.A. (2024), Do you feel up when you go up?: a pilot study of a virtual reality manic‐like mood induction paradigm, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 63(1): 105-117.
- Wright K., Koenders M., Douglas K.M., Faurholt-Jepsen M., Lewandowski K.E., Miklowitz D.J., Morton E., Murray G., Richardson T., de Siqueira Rotenberg L., Sperry S.H., Van Meter A.R., Vassilev A.B., Weiner L., Weinstock L.M. & Mesman E. (2024), Psychological therapies for people with bipolar disorder: where are we now, and what is next?: ISBD Psychological Interventions Taskforce—Position paper, Bipolar Disorders : .
- Riedinger M.A., Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., Henderickx J.G.E., Smits W.K., El Filali E., Geleijnse J.M., Wee N.J.A. van der, Leeuw M. de & Giltay E.J. (2024), A healthy dietary pattern is associated with microbiota diversity in recently diagnosed bipolar patients: the Bipolar Netherlands Cohort (BINCO) study, Journal of Affective Disorders 355: 157-166.
- Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., Spijker A.T., Leeuw M. de, Hemert A.M. van & Giltay E.J. (2023), Dynamic time warp analysis of individual symptom trajectories in patients with bipolar disorder, Bipolar Disorders : 1-14.
- Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., van der Wee N.J.A., Giltay E.J., van Hemert A.M. & de Leeuw M. (2023), Association between the fronto-limbic network and cognitive and emotional functioning in individuals with bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis, JAMA Psychiatry 80(5): 432-440.
- Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (2022), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Koenders M.A. & Glas R. (2022), Psychologische factoren en persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling. In: Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (Eds.), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Koenders M.A. & Steenhuis D. (2022), Psychotherapie. In: Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (Eds.), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Koenders M.A., Kooij S., Dierssen J.W. & Ingenhoven T. (2022), Psychiatrische comorbiditeit. In: Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (Eds.), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Mesbah R., de Belas N.J., Rius-Ottenheim N., Van der Does A.J.W., de Leeuw M., Penninx B.W.J.H., van Hemert A.M., Giltay E.J. & Koenders M.A. (2021), Anger and cluster B personality traits and the conversion from unipolar depression to bipolar disorder , Depression and Anxiety : .
- Fried E.I., Koenders M.A. & Blom J.D. (2021), Bleuler revisited: on persecutory delusions and their resistance to therapy, The Lancet Psychiatry 8(8): 644-646.
- Koenders M.A., Mesbah R., Spijker A.T., Boere E., de Leeuw M., van Hemert A.M. & Giltay E.J. (2021), Effects of the covid-19 pandemic in a preexisting longitudinal study of patients with recently diagnosed bipolar disorder: Indications for increases in manic symptoms, Brain and Behavior 11(11): 1-10.
- Berg M.T. van den, Wester V.L., Vreeker A., Koenders M.A., Boks M.P., Rossum E.F.C. van & Spijker A.T. (2020), Higher cortisol levels may proceed a manic episode and are related to disease severity in patients with bipolar disorder, Psychoneuroendocrinology 119: 104658.
- Koenders M.A., Mesman E., Giltay E.J., Elzinga B.M. & Hilligers M.H.J. (2020), Traumatic experiences, family functioning and mood disorder development in bipolar offspring, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 59(3): 277-289.
- Koenders M.A., Dodd A.L., Karl A., Green M.J., Elzinga B.M. & Wright K. (2020), Understanding bipolar disorder within a biopsychosocial emotion dysregulation framework, Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 2: 100031.
- Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., Spijker A.T., Leeuw M. de, Boschloo L., Penninx B.W.J.H., Hemert A.M. van & Giltay E.J. (2019), Personality traits and the risk of incident (hypo)mania among subjects initially suffering from depressive and anxiety disorders in a 9-year cohort study, Journal of Affective Disorders 259: 451-457.
- Spijker A.T., Van Zaane J., Koenders M.A., Hoekstra R. & Kupka R.W. (2018), Bipolaire stoornissen en alcoholafhankelijkheid; praktische aanbevelingen voor behandeling op basis van een systematische literatuurstudie, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 60(2): 87-95.
- Koenders M.A. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2018), Stemmingsstoornissen. In: Simon E., De Hullu E., Smeets G. & Molen H.T. van der (Eds.), Klinische Psychologie. Diagnostiek en Behandeling. Groningen: Noordhoff. 205-222.
- Vogels R.J., Koenders M.A., Van Rossum E.F., Spijker A.T. & Drexhage H.A. (2017), T Cell Deficits and Overexpression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Anti-inflammatory Circulating Monocytes of Middle-Aged Patients with Bipolar Disorder Characterized by a High Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome, Frontiers in Psychiatry 8: e34.
- Koenders Manja (7 April 2016), Tangled up in mood : predicting the disease course of bipolar disorder (Dissertatie. Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Elzinga B.M. & Spinhoven P., Spijker A.T. & Giltay E.J.
- Koenders M.A. (7 April 2016), Tangled up in mood : predicting the disease course of bipolar disorder (Dissertatie. Psychology, Social Sciences, Leiden University). Leiden. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Elzinga B.M. & Spinhoven P., Spijker A.T. & Giltay E.J.
- Koenders M.A., De Kleijn R., Giltay E.J., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Spijker A.T. (2015), A network approach to bipolar symptomatology in patients with different course types, PLoS ONE 10(10): e141420.
- Koenders M.A., Nolen W.A., Giltay E.J., Hoencamp E. & Spijker A.T. (2015), The use of the prospective NIMH Life Chart Method as bipolar mood assessment method in research: A systematic review of different methods, outcome measures and interpretations, Journal of Affective Disorders 175: 260-268.
- Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Hoencamp E., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Spijker A.T. (2015), The bidirectional impact of perceived and enacted support on mood in bipolar outpatients: A two-year prospective study, Comprehensive Psychiatry 60: 59-67.
- Staufenbiel S.M., Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Elzinga B.M., Manenschijn L., Hoencamp E., Van Rossum E.F.C. & Spijker A.T. (2014), Recent negative life events increase hair cortisol concentrations in patients with bipolar disorder, Stress 17(6): 451-459.
- Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Spijker A.T., Hoencamp E., Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Stressful life events in bipolar I and II disorder: Cause or consequence of mood symptoms?, Journal of Affective Disorders 161: 55-72.
- Koenders M.A., Spijker A.T., Hoencamp E., Haffmans P.M., Zitman F.G. & Giltay E.J. (2014), Effects of mood state on divided attention in patients with bipolar disorder: Evidence for beneficial effects of subclinical manic symptoms, Psychiatry Research 220(1-2): 302-308.
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