Maedeh Nasri
- Name
- Dr. M. Nasri
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-8547-0946

Maedeh Nasri is a PhD candidate in the unit Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.
Short CV
Maedeh Nasri is a PhD candidate in the unit Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.
She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2016. During her final project she has worked on EEG signal processing and specifically on noise reduction methods. She obtained her research master’s degree in Control and Systems from the same university in 2018. During her master thesis she has worked on designing novel deep learning architectures to combine input data. She wrote her thesis about early Glaucoma detection based on image and biological parameters.
Her PhD project, supervised by Dr. Carolien Rieffe, is embedded in a larger research project called “Data-driven, urban policymaking for social inclusion of young, vulnerable people”. She mainly focuses on design algorithms that extract patterns representing individual and social behaviours of pupils; and their use of space; thus exploring the complex interaction patterns over time and in space of prosocial behaviour and its links with structural and functional developmental changes.
Teaching Experience
- C/C++ Programming
- Statistic and Probability
- Linear Algebra
Conference presentations
"Artificial Intelligence Using a Deep Learning Model of Neural Networks Detects Glaucomatous Damage on Digital Fundus Images", Maede Nasri, Shahin Yazdani, Heidar Ali Talebi, Mohammad Azam Khosravi, The 9th annual meeting of the Iranian Research Association for Vision and Ophthalmology, Spring 2019.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Nasri M. (3 December 2024), A compass towards equity: a data analysis framework to capture children’s behaviour in the playground context (Dissertatie. Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Rieffe C., Koutamanis A. & Baratchi M.
- Nasri M., Baratchi M., Tsou Y., Giest S., Koutamanis A. & Rieffe C.J. (2023), A novel metric to measure spatio-temporal proximity: a case study analyzing children’s social network in schoolyards, Applied Network Science 8: 50.
- Eichengreen A., Tsou Y., Nasri M., Klaveren L. van, Li B., Koutamanis A., Baratchi M., Blijd-Hoogewys E., Kok J. & Rieffe C. (2023), Social connectedness at the playground before and after COVID-19 school closure, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 87: 101562.
- Eichengreen A., Rooijen M. van, Klaveren L. van, Nasri M., Tsou Y., Koutamanis A., Baratchi M. & Rieffe C. (2023), The impact of loose‐parts‐play on schoolyard social participation of children with and without disabilities: a case study, Child: Care, Health and Development 50(1): e13144.
- Nasri M., Tsou Y.-T., Koutamanis A., Baratchi M., Giest S., Reidsma D. & Rieffe C. (2022), A novel data-driven approach to examine children’s movements and social behaviour in schoolyard environments, Children 9(8): 1177.