Maaike de Jong
PhD candidate / self funded
- Name
- Dr. M.J.M. de Jong
- Telephone
- 071 5272727

PhD candidate / self funded
- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Biopharmaceutics
- Jong M.J.M. de (23 January 2025), CD8+ T-cells in atherosclerosis: recognizing their contribution (Dissertatie. Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Slütter B. & Kuiper J.
- Jong M.J.M. de, Schaftenaar F.H., Depuydt M.A.C., Lozano Vigario F., Janssen G.M.C., Peeters J.A.H.M., Goncalves L., Wezel A., Smeets H.J., Kuiper J., Bot I., Veelen P. van & Slütter B.A. (2024), Virus-associated CD8+T-cells are not activated through antigen-mediated interaction inside atherosclerotic lesions, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 44: 1302-1314.
- Jong M.J.M. de, Depuydt M.A.C., Schaftenaar F.H., Liu K., Maters D., Wezel A., Smeets H.J., Kuiper J., Bot I., Gisbergen K. van & Slütter B.A. (2024), Resident memory T cells in the atherosclerotic lesion associate with reduced macrophage content and increased lesion stability, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 44(6): 1318–1329.
- Prange K., Bel-Bordes G., Depuydt M.A.C., Kempkes R.W.M., Jong M.D.M. de, Mol B.M., Slütter B., Bot I., Neele A.E., Kleijn D.P.V. de, Borst G.J. de, Kuiper J., Pasterkamp. G., Mokry M. & Winther M.P.J. de (2024), Human atherosclerotic plaque macrophages associate with clinical presentation and follow diverse lineage differentiation routes, Cardiovascular Research 120(Supplement 1): cvae088.168.
- Depuydt M.A.C., Schaftenaar F.H., Prange H.H.M., Boltjes A., Hemme E., Delfos L., Mol J. de, Jong M.J.M. de, Bernabé Kleijn M.N.A., Peeters J.A.H.M., Goncalves L., Wezel A., Smeets H.J., Borst G.J. de, Foks A.C., Pasterkamp G., Winther M.P.J. de, Kuiper J., Bot I. & Slütter B. (2023), Single-cell T cell receptor sequencing of paired human atherosclerotic plaques and blood reveals autoimmune-like features of expanded effector T cells, Nature Cardiovascular Research 2: 112-125.
- Duijn J. van, Jong M.J.M. de, Benne N., Leboux R.J.T., Ooijen M.E. van, Kruit N., Foks A.C., Jiskoot W., Bot I., Kuiper J. & Slütter B. (2021), Tc17 CD8+ T-cells accumulate in murine atherosclerotic lesions, but do not contribute to early atherosclerosis development, Cardiovascular Research 117(14): 2755-2766.