Universiteit Leiden

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Ludo Renault

Head of Facility NeCEN

Dr. L.L.R. Renault
+31 71 527 1420

Ludo Renault is the head of NeCEN facility and a research scientist at Leiden University.

More information about Ludo Renault

After obtaining a PhD in Neurosciences using X-ray crystallography as the main structural biology technique from Marseille University, France, Ludo Renault then joined Prof. Henning Stahlberg’s laboratory at UC Davis CA, USA as a post-doctoral researcher in high-resolution cryo Transmission Electron Microscopy. Between 2009 and 2012, he joined Prof. Howard Young's group at the University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada where he performed single particle and 2d/3d crystallography studies of prion peptides and cardio-vascular related proteins. In 2012 he joined CRUK (now part of The Crick, London UK) as a cryo-Electron Microscopy specialist to help develop the single particle approach with a focus on DNA-binding proteins. During that period, he developed image processing skills and contributed to many high impact factors papers.

In February 2016, Ludo Renault joined NeCEN as facility manager and in February 2018 he became Head of the facility.

Ludo Renault is participating in EU research project Instruct as an EM expert, a reviewer and moderator and as the Netherlands representative in the instruct access committee. Ludo Renault is also involved in the Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure (a multi-sites EM infrastructure) as the co-chair of the access committee and in the iNEXT project as service provider. Since November 2018 he is also taking part in the Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructure from Milano-Bicocca University Italy; the first international management development program tailored to Research Infrastructures needs.

Head of Facility NeCEN

  • Science

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number GW1.03


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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