Ludo Juurlink
Director of Leiden Learning Innovation Centre
- Name
- Dr. L.B.F. Juurlink
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9341
- 0000-0002-5373-9859

Ludo is the Director of Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre. He has served the university for over 20 years as a scientist, teacher, and educational innovator. Trained in chemistry, (chemical) education, and management, he is an Associate Professor in Chemistry with a research group in gas-surface reaction dynamics. He has also served on many faculty and university (educational) committees, initiated interdepartmental pedagogical research, received a Comenius Leadership Fellow Award, and has been a member of the Leiden Teachers Association and University Council. In his current role, he helps the university develop a modern support structure for academic teaching and innovation.
More information about Ludo Juurlink
PhD candidates
Former PhD candidates
Ludo was raised in Deurne, in the province Noord-Brabant in the south of the Netherlands. After finishing high-school in 1990, he went to Technical University Delft for a degree in Chemical Engineering, where he left after finishing his propadeuse in 1992. He moved to Tiburg for a teacher training in Chemistry at the Hogeschool Katholieke Leergangen Tilburg. He graduated there in 1995, having also spent 5 months working at New York University (New York, USA) in the research lab of Assis. Prof. Stacey F. Bent (now at Stanford University). While in New York, he got interested in continuing his education in the USA. He moved to the Boston area in August of 1995 for a Ph.D. program at Tufts University (Massachusetts, USA). He graduated with a Ph.D. in chemistry from the gas-surface dynamics group of Assoc. Prof. Arthur L. Utz in August 2000.
He moved back to the Netherlands to start a post-doctoral position in the research group of Prof. dr. Aart W. Kleyn, now the group of Prof.dr. Marc Koper.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Nationality: Dutch
Date of birth: 1 March 1972
ORCID id: 0000-0002-5373-9859
Professional positions
2013 - present Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Assistant Professor-1 in Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
2008 - 2013 Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Director of Leiden University’s Junior Science Lab (0.5fte)
Assistant Professor-2 and -1 at Catalysis and Surface Chemistry (0.5 fte)
2005 - 2008 Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Researcher-3 at Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
2002 - 2005 Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Researcher-3 at Surfaces and Catalysis (0.5 fte)
Program coordinator for Sustainable Molecular Science & Technology (0.5fte)
2000 - 2002 Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
Post-doctoral fellow at Surfaces and Catalysis
supervisors: prof. dr. Aart W. Kleyn and dr. Mischa Bonn
2015 Senior Qualification Higher Education (SKO)
Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
2012 Basic Qualification Higher Education (BKO)
Leiden University (the Netherlands)
2000 PhD on “Eigenstate-resolved measurements of methane dissociation on Ni(100)”
Tufts University (Medford, MA, USA)
promoter: prof. dr. Arthur L. Utz
external reviewer: prof. dr. Cynthia M. Friend (Harvard University)
1995 BSc Chemical Education
Hogeschool Katholieke Leergangen Tilburg, Tilburg, the Netherlands)
2nd degree Teachers Certificate; 1st degree Teachers Certificate (unfinished)
1992 Propedeuse Chemical Technology
Delft University of Technology (Delft, the Netherlands)
1990 VWO
St.-Willibrord Gymnasium (Deurne, the Netherlands)
Teaching nominations and awards
2017 Teaching Fellow at Leiden University’s Teachers Academy (LTA)
2016 Nominated for Faculty of Science teaching award at Leiden University
2016 Nominated for Teacher of the Year for MST at TU Delft
2015 Nominated for Faculty of Science teaching award at Leiden Univerity
2012 Nominated for Leiden University’s Teaching Award
2010 Nominated for the National Academic Chemistry Teacher Award (KNCV Onderwijsprijs)
2006 Awarded the Leiden University Chemistry Department teaching award
1996 Awarded the Tuft University Chemistry Department teaching assistant award
Educational and institutional board positions
2017 - present Leiden Teaching Academy, Leiden University
member as Teaching Fellow
2016 - 2017 Curriculum review committee Molecular Science & Technology
member on behalf of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry
2015 - 2017 Honours Academy Examination Committee, Leiden University
member on behalf of Faculty of Science
2015 - 2017 Honours Academy Examination Committee, Faculty of Science
executive member
2015 - 2017 Program board Molecular Science & Technology
2013 - 2015 Institutional Advisory Board, Leiden Institute of Chemistry
scientific staff member
2012 - 2014 Program board Molecular Science & Technology
2011 - 2017 Educational Board of the Holland Research School Molecular Catalysis
member on behalf of Leiden Institute of Chemistry
2003 - 2009 Educational Board of the Royal Dutch Chemistry Society (KNCV)
2016 - present Chemistry
BSc level, Leiden University College
(5ec, class size ranging from 6 to 20 students)
2015 - present Dynamics of Molecule-Surface Reactions
MSc level Chemistry, Leiden University
(6ec, class size ~10 students, co-taught with prof. dr. Geert-Jan Kroes)
2014 - present Surface Science
MSc level Physics and Chemistry, Leiden University
(6ec, class ~10 students, co-taught with dr. Irene Groot in 2014, sole teacher since 2016)
2006 - present General and Inorganic Chemistry
BSc level Molecular Science & Technology, Leiden University and Delft University of Technology
(6 ec, class size increasing over years up to ~180 students in 2017, co-taught with dr. Erik Kelder)
2007 - 2013 Physical Chemistry and Kinetics
BSc. level Molecular Science & Technology, Leiden University and Delft University of Technology
(6 ec, class size increasing up to ~80 students, co-taught with prof. dr. Marc Koper)
2005 - 2006 General Chemistry
BSc. Level combined class for Scheikunde, SMST and BFW, Leiden University (6ec, class of 130 students)
2003 - 2008 Chemistry Kinetics and Dynamics
MSc. level Chemistry, Leiden University
(class size up to ~20 students, co-taught with dr. Gerrit Lodder)
2003 - 2006 various short thematic courses on Sustainability in Chemistry
BSc. level Sustainable Molecular Science Technology, Leiden University and Delft University of Technology
Smaller parts of courses are taught for:
2015 - present LaTeX and Mendeley
MSc/PhD level, Holland Research School for Molecular Chemistry
2013 - present Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
MSc/PhD level, Holland Research School for Molecular Chemistry
2012 - 2013 Dynamics of Molecule Surface Interaction
MSc/PhD level for Chemistry at Leiden University with prof. dr Geert-Jan Kroes and prof. dr. Dan Auerbach (6 ec, class of 20+ students)
2009 - present Catalysis and Surface Science
Dutch national MSc/PhD level course for the Dutch Institute for Research in Catalysis (NIOK)
Educational research and/or development grants
Digital progress assessment of BSc. chemistry students
Leiden University’s Teachers Academy project award
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: Leiden University
Award Period: 2017-2022
Amount: 25k€
Effectief onderwijzen van het micro-macrodenken in de scheikunde door middel van demonstratie-experimenten
DUDOC program
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink, prof. dr. Mathieu Noteborn and prof. dr. Jan van Driel
Agency: Ministerie van OC&W
Award Period: 2016-2021
Amount: 1 PhD
digitale Voortgangstoets Chemie
CROHO grant
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: Leiden University
Award Period: 2015-2017
Amount: 40 k€
Diverse projecten rond ontwikkeling van het Junior Science Lab en het Regionaal Steunpunt Leiden
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink i.s.m. prof. dr. Jan Kijne en prof. dr. Edgar Groenen
Agencies: Gemeente Leiden, Platform Beta-Techiek, Ministerie OC&W
Award Period: 2003-2007
Amount: 1-2 M€ (estimated total)
Bouwen aan een duurzame Toekomst
Ontwikkeling van het laboratorium voor profielwerkstukondersteuning (later JSL)
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: Gratama Stichting
Award Period: 2003-2007
Amount: 40 k€
EU educational programs
2016 ERASMUS+ exchange program with KPI, Kiev, Ukraine
Participated in writing the EU-grant proposal and the execution of the awarded program
Educational publications record
- Misconceptions in the Exploding Flask Demonstration Resolved through Students’ Critical Thinking, Spierenburg, R., Jacobse L., dr Bruin, I., van den Bos D.J., Vis D.M., and Juurlink L.B.F., JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION 94, 1209 (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00281
- Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation of Simple Alcohols by Transition Metals, Jacobse L. , Vink S.O. , Wijngaarden S., and Juurlink L.B.F., JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION 94, 1285 (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00909
- Scheikunde voor in bed, op het toilet en in bad, Ludo B.F. Juurlink. BBNC uitgevers (Amersfoort, the Netherlands) ISBN13: 9789045317595
- Chemistry in Conflict: An OPCW Educational module, F. Clark, H. van Daalen, I. Howland, H. de Vries, and L.B.F. Juurlink, ORGANISATION FOR PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS (OPCW), the Hague, the Netherlands
Research grants
CO2 to formate - the critical step in catalytic CO2 hydrogenation
Materials four Sustainability programme
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink, dr. Joost Bakker, and dr. Jörg Meyer
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2017-2021
Amount: 2 PhD and 1 PD (1 PhD for LJ)
Perfecting Metal Crystals
STW Open Technology program
PI: prof. dr. Harold Zantvliet and dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: STW
Award Period: 2017-2021
Amount: 2 PhD (1 PhD for LJ)
Bridging the pressure and materials gap in methanol steam reforming
Catalytic C1 Chemistry
PI: dr. Irene Groot and dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2016-2020
Amount: 1 PhD
A comparison of curved and flat cobalt polished surfaces: surface quality and influence of polishing direction
Kennis-Innovatie Mapping
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2014
Amount: 1 PD (3 months)
State-resolved gas-surface reaction dynamics of CO2 dissociation and plasma activation of CO2
CO2 neutral fuels programme
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink and dr. Michael Gleeson
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2013-2017
Amount: 1 PhD and 1 PD (both shared)
Kwaliteitsbepaling van een gekromd éénkristallijn katalytisch zacht metalen oppervlak
Kennis-Innovatie Mapping
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2013
Amount: 1 PD (3 months)
Solving water: solvent effects in the electrocatalytic reactions of water
PI: prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper and dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2011-2015
Amount: 3 PhD (1 PhD for LJ)
The large reveals the small
Advanced Sustainable Processes by Engaging Catalytic Technologies-3
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2009-2011
Amount: 1 PD
An alternate mechanism for methane conversion
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2009-2013
Amount: 1 PhD
Defect densities all at once
Advanced Sustainable Processes by Engaging Catalytic Technologies-2
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: NWO
Award Period: 2008-2010
Amount: 1 PD
Effects of defects in reactions of hydrogen and methane
Internal LIC funding competition
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink, dr. Roar Olson, prof. dr. Geert-Jan Kroes
Agency: Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Award Period: 2005-2009
Amount: 1 PhD (shared)
Hydrogen through metal surfaces
Internal LIC funding competition
PI: dr. Ludo Juurlink
Agency: Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Award Period: 2004-2008
Amount: 1 PhD
Scientific indicators
As of February 7, 2018:
H-index: 20
i10-index: 33
citations: 1329
Scientific board membership
2017 - present American Vacuum Society (AVS) – Surface Science Division
Organized conferences
2012 Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces
December 3-7, Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands, co-organizers prof.dr. Marc T.M. Koper (Leiden University) and prof. dr. Axel Groß (Ulm University)
Daily supervised PhD students
2016 dr. Cansin Badan Surface Structure Dependence of Water Related Adsorbates on Platinum
Promoter: prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper, co-promotor: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
2015 dr. Angela den Dunnen Surface structure dependencies in catalytic reactions of oxygen and water
Promoter: prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper, co-promotores: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink and dr. A. Yanson, Leiden University
2014 dr. Dmytro Bashlakov Interaction of Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide with Pt(111) at intermediate pressure and temperature
Promoter: prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper, co-promotor: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink and dr. A. Yanson, Leiden University
2012 dr. Christine Hahn Steps away from flat land
Promotor prof. dr. Aart W. Kleyn, co-promotor dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
2010 dr. Janneke van der Niet A surface science view of the reactivity and localization of water on nano-structured platinum
Promoter prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper, co-promotor dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
2009 dr. Irene Groot The fight for a reactive site
Promotores prof. dr. Aart W. Kleyn and prof. G.-J. Kroes, co-promotor: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
2009 dr. Junjun Shan The interaction of water and hydrogen with nickel surfaces
Promotor prof. dr. Aart W. Kleyn, co-promotor: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
Co-supervised PhD students
2016 dr. Matthijs van Spronsen Oxidation Catalysis on Pt and Au Complexity of Simple Chemistry
Promoter: prof. dr. Joost Frenken, co-promotores: dr. Irene Groot and dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
2016 dr. Manuel Kolb Water-related adsorbates on stepped Platinum surfaces
Promoter: prof. dr. Marc Koper, co-promotor: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden
2016 dr. Isis Ledezma The role of water in hydrogen electrocatalysis
Promoter: prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper, co-promotor: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
2015 dr. Ruud Kortlever Selective and efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction on nanostructured catalysts
Promoter: prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper, co-promotor: dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
2013 dr. Klaas-Jan Schouten Electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction : a mechanistic study
Promotor prof. dr. Marc T.M. Koper, co-promotor dr. Ludo B.F. Juurlink, Leiden University
PhD review committee
2017 dr. Marien Bremmer Transmission Electron Microscopy on live catalysts, Leiden University
2017 dr. Rik Mom Imaging complex model catalysts in action, Leiden University
2016 dr. Mark Wijzeman Hydrogen dissociation on metal surfaces, Leiden University
2015 dr. Francisco Nattino Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations on reactions of molecules with metal surfaces, Leiden University
2014 dr. Fedoseev Sergeevich Atom addition reactions in interstellar ice, Leiden University
2013 dr. Jian Yang Promotion of the electrocatalytic reduction of nitrate, Leiden University
2011 dr. Kenneth Nielsen Site selectivity of specific reaction steps important for catalysis, DTU Denmark
2011 dr. Krishna Prasanna Dissociative chemisorption of methane on Ni(111), Leiden University
2010 dr. Hirokazu Ueta Knocking on Surfaces, Leiden University
2010 dr. Meindert Lippits Catalytic behavior of Cu, Ag and Au: A comparison, Leiden University
2001 dr. Robin Milot Quantum and classical scatteringof methane scattering, TU Eindhoven
Invited lectures
- Stereodynamics (September 2-7, 2018) Arosa, Switserland
- National Institute of Material Science (April 11, 2018) Tokyo, Japan
- Groningen University (January 17, 2018) Groningen, the Netherlands
- HRSMC Winterschool, Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy, (December 11-15, 2017) Han-sur-Less, Belgium
- International Conference On Molecular Energy Transfer (January 15-20, 2017) Innsbruck, Austria
- AVS International Symposium (November 6-11, 2015) Nashville, USA
- Summer School on Interfaces and Energy, (September 4-9,2016), Max Planck Institute Göttingen, Germany
- Chengdu Plasma Chemistry Summer School (July 3-6, 2016) Chengdu, China
- Open University (May 25, 2016)Milton-Keynes, United Kingdom
- HS Leiden (April 21, 2016) Leiden, the Netherlands
- International Conference On Molecular Energy Transfer (October 11-15, 2015) Chengdu, China
- Gordon Conference: Reactions at surfaces (February 9-13, 2015) Ventura (CA) USA
- Holland Research School for Molecular Chemistry: Lustrum Symposium (November 20-21, 2014) KNAW (Amsterdam) the Netherlands
- Scattering of Atoms and Molecules from Surfaces (November 4-8, 2013) Potsdam, Germany
- Gordon Conference: Dynamics at surfaces (August 11-16, 2013) Salve Regina (RI) USA
- Winterschool Chemical Reaction Dynamics at Surfaces EPFL & Max Planck Institute (March 11-16, 2013) Tegernsee, Germany
- Symposium in honor of prof. dr. Avelino Corma (January 10, 2013) TU Delft, the Netherlands
- Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (November 2012) Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
- Reedijk symposium (October 26, 2012) Leiden University, the Netherlands
- Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces (November 30-December 3, 2011) Bordeaux, France
Director of Leiden Learning Innovation Centre
- Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre
Associate professor / Guest
- Science
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- LIC/ES/Catalysis and Surface Chemistry