Louise Müller
- Name
- Dr. L.F. Müller
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- l.f.muller@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3261-2653

Louise Müller is University Lecturer in African Literature and Media at the Department of African Languages and Cultures, LUCAS, Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She studied Philosophy, World History and African Studies with a focus on literature, religion, media, politics and issues of gender. She specialized in Akan and Yoruba oral literature, politics, religion and film (Ghana, Nigeria West Africa, Ghallywood, Nollywood), religious education in Zambia (Southern Africa) and Greco-Egyptian mythology and philosophy (North Africa). She has conducted fieldwork in Ghana, in southeast Amsterdam and in Zambia and travelled in various countries of Africa.
More information about Louise Müller
She published on religion and chieftaincy in Ghana, religion, migration and identity in Africa and the diaspora in Europe, African philosophers and their philosophies, and gender issues in African film. Her last research project concerns the Greco-Egyptian origins of myths and philosophy.
Key publications
2017 |
Müller, L.F. ‘The Greco-Egyptian origins of Western myth and philosophy, In: Festschrift on African philosophy. |
2014 |
Müller, L.F. ‘On the demonization and discrimination of Akan and Yoruba women in Ghanaian and Nigerian video films’ Research in African Literatures, vol. 45. No. 4., 104-120. |
2013 |
Müller, L.F. Religion and Chieftaincy in Ghana. Lit Verlag, Berlin (pag. |
Müller, L.F. ‘Ghanaian films and chiefs as indicators of religious change among the Akan in Kumasi and its migrants in southeast Amsterdam’ In: Hefner, R., Hutchinson, J., Mels, S, Timmerman, C. Religions in Movement: the local and the global in contemporary faith traditions. Routledge studies in Religion, 467-503 (pag. 33). |
2012 |
Müller, L.F. ‘Sophie Oluwole: politiek filosofe (1935 -)’ In: C.Ceton, Burg, I v.d., Halsema, A., Vasterling, V. en Vintges, K. Vrouwelijke filosofen: een historisch overzicht, Atlas, 441-446 (pag. 6.). |
2011 |
Müller, L.F. ‘Spirits of migration meet the migration of spirits among the Akan diaspora in Amsterdam, the Netherlands’, African and Black Diaspora: an international journal, vol. 4. No.1, 75-97 (pag. 22.). |
2011 |
Müller, L.F. ‘The persistence of Asante Chieftaincy in Ghana in the colonial period (1896-1957): explanations for an enigma’, Africana Studia vol. 14. No. 2, 61-85 (pag. 24.). |
2010 |
Müller, L.F. ‘Dancing golden stools’, Fieldwork in Religion, vol. 5. No.1, 31-54 (pag. 23.). |
2008 |
Müller, L.F. ‘The reality of spirits: a historiography of the Akan concept of mind’, in: Quest: an African Journal of Philosophy, vol. 22, No. 2, 163-185 (pag. 22.). |
Grants and awards
Edinburgh College Award
University of Edinburgh College Award: scholarship for my PhD research.
Prins Bernard Cultuur Fonds, Sidney Perry Foundation: scholarship for fieldwork in Ghana.
Erasmus exchange Program Award: bursary for EU exchange program between Leiden University and the University of Edinburgh.
VSB bursary for my Msc in African Studies, University of Edinburgh, Centre of African Studies.
University of Edinburgh Small Project Grant: bursary for fieldwork in Zambia as part of my Msc in African Studies, University of Edinburgh, Centre of African Studies.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Interdisciplinair
- Müller Louise (Müller L.F.) (2025), Placide Tempels’ ‘Bantu Philosophy’: A study of its introduction and reception, Journal of Oriental and African Studies 2: 1-19.
- Müller Louise F and Boon Cheong Chew (2025), Chapter 8: Ghanaian Ubuntu and Malaysian Confucian Sustainable Plastic Waste Management and Leadership Styles in Afro-Asiatic Intercultural Perspective. In: Sophia Chirongoma Ezra Chitando Musa W Duba and Beatrice Dedaa Okyere-Manu (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ubuntu, Inequality and Sustainable Development. Johannesburg/London: Palgrave Macmillan Cham. 123-137.
- Müller Louise & Roothaan Angela (2023), Introduction. In: Bolaji Bateye & Masaeli Mahmoud MÜLLER Louise F Roothaan Angela (Eds.), Beauty in African Thought: Critical Perspectives on the Western Idea of Development. Maryland, USA: Rowman and Littlefield. 1-11.
- Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (2023), Beauty in African thought: critical perspectives on the western idea of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue. Maryland, USA: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (Eds.) (2023), Well-being in African philosophy: insights for a global ethics of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue no. 15. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (2023), Introduction. In: Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (Eds.), Well-being in African philosophy: insights for a global ethics of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue no. 15. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. 1-11.
- Müller L.F. (2023), Human well-being in intercultural philosophical perspective: a focus on the Akan philosophy of Wiredu, Gyekye, and Appiah. In: Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (Eds.), Well-being in African philosophy: insights for a global ethics of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue no. 15. Maryland: Roman and Littlefield. 13-49.
- Müller L. (2023), Sophie Olúwolé of Nigeria 1935–2018. In: Waithe M. & Dykeman T. (Eds.), Women philosophers from non-Western traditions: the first four thousand years. Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences no. 19. Cham: Springer.
- Dorvlo K. & Müller L.F. (2022), Caught in the Cosmic Web: Ghanaian Folk Tales in the Twenty-First Century. Weesp: Stichting Quest for Wisdom Foundation.
- Müller L.F. & Venkatachalam M. (2022), The notion and imagination of space and time in British colonial and African intercultural philosophical cinema, Filosofie & Praktijk 43(3/4): 148-165 (10).
- Müller L.F. (2021), Saint Nicholas’ beleaguered black companion(s): a study of the contested nature and Late Antique history of Santa’s helpers in the Dutch Saint Nicholas feast, Akroterion 65: 123-142.
- Müller L.F Dorvlo K. Muijen A.S.C.A. (2021), The Adinkra Game: An Intercultural Communicative and Philosophical Praxis. In: Metsärinne M. Korhonen R. Heino T. Esko M. (Ed.) Cultures at School and at Home. no. 2nd Rauma: Rauma Teacher Training School, University of Turku. 192-224.
- Müller L.F., Frank R., Vries M. & Scheer A. (2021), Confessions of a Black Pete, : .
- Müller L.F. (7 January 2020), Adinkra – Intercultural Communication Game. Weesp: Quest for Wisdom Foundation (Quest for Wisdom Foundation). [web article].
- Muller L.F. (17 April 2020), Corona is een pandemie met een mondiale filosofie. wijsheidsweb: Quest for Wisdom. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (2020), De kracht van Interculturele Communicatie. Online: HVN (Haags Vrouwennetwerk), March 2020: 3.
- Müller L.F. (2020), Veerkracht. Online: HVN (Haags Vrouwen Netwerk), June: 1.
- Müller L.F. (15 April 2020), Corona is een pandemie met een mondiale filosofie. Online: Quest for Wisdom . [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (30 March 2020), The Yogācāra Dialectics of Gender. Report of the SWIP lecture of dr Jingjing Li at Leiden University, Institute for Philosophy. online: http://www.swip-filosofie.nl/the-yogacara-dialectics-of-gender/ (SWIP). [web article].
- Müller L.F. (15 May 2019), African (Akan) wisdoms. Online: Quest for Wisdom. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (18 July 2019), De vitale kracht: een schilderij, een gedicht. Online: Quest for Wisdom. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (2019), Christians in Africa. In: Chryssides G.D. & Gregg S.E. (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London: Bloomsbury. 151-157.
- Müller L.F. (26 November 2019), Why there are still tribal heads in Africa and what has this to do with their religion?. Tribal heads in Africa and their religion. Weesp: Quest For Wisdom Foundation. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. & Muijen H.S.C.A. (2019), The game Adinkra. ISBN 9789492127068 (Quest for Wisdom Foundation). [other].
- Müller L.F. (2019), Denkruimtes en de Interculturele Dialoog. The Hague: HVN (HVN), : .
- Müller L.F. (2019) Negotiating Theories of Nature for a More Complete Environmental Philosophy. Review of: Roothaan Angela (2019), Indigenous, Modern and Postcolonial Relations to Nature: Negotiating the Environment: Routledge. Polylog 42: 133-136.
- Müller L.F. (2018), The Greco-Egyptian origins of western myths and philosophy. In: Mosima Pius (Ed.), Papers in Intercultural Philosophy and Transcontinental Comparative Studies no. 24. Haarlem: Shikanda Press. 251-280.
- Müller L.F. (2017), Sophie Oluwole: politiek filosofe (1935 -). In: Ceton C., Burg I. van der, Halsema A., Vasterling V. & Vintges K. (Eds.), Vrouwelijke filosofen: een historisch overzicht no. 9789045007687. Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 441-446.
- Müller L.F. (6 July 2016), 2016 – Africa Day – Sport in Africa. 2016 – Africa Day – Sport in Africa. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F., West German economic miracle: the transformation from an economically backwards country into a competitive one. West German economic miracle: the transformation from an economically backwards country into a competitive one. Online: Atumpan. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (9 July 2015), Musée Branly in Paris and the connectivity of water. Musée Branly in Paris and the connectivity of water. Online: NVAS Afrika Studies. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (2014), On the Demonization and Discrimination of Akan and Yoruba Women in Ghanaian and Nigerian Video Movies, Research in African Literatures 45(4): 104-120.
- Müller L.F. (2014), Afrikaanse traditie als wijsheidsbron, Filosofie Magazine 3: .
- Müller L.F., De informatiemaatschappij. De informatiemaatschappij. Online: Atumpan. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (2013), Religion and Chieftaincy in Ghana no. 2. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
- Müller L.F (2013), Ghanaian Films and chiefs as indicators of religious change among the Akan in Kumasi and its migrants in Southeast Amsterdam’. In: Robert W Hefner John Hutchinson Sara Mels Christiane Timmerman (Ed.), Religion in Movement no. 9780415818759. London: Routledge. 467-503.
- Müller L.F. (3 July 2013), I slowly came to the realisation that the secondary sources on Asante religion and chieftaincy were incomplete: African Classics. I slowly came to the realisation that the secondary sources on Asante religion and chieftaincy were incomplete: African Classics. Online: Africa in Words. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F., Why there are still tribal heads in Africa and what has this to do with their religion?: Academia. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (3 July 2013), Piet was waarschijnlijk een gelijkwaardige partner van Sinterklaas: 1.
- Müller L.F. (2013), Sangomapriester in de polder. In: Van Beek W. (Ed.), Afrika en Afrika. Leiden: African Studies Centre. 21-25.
- Müller L.F. (11 July 2012), Afrikaanse film in Nederland. Afrikaanse film in Nederland: NEMO Kennislink. [blog entry].
- Müller L.F. (2012), New West African Films burning hot on the media menu of the black diaspora in southeast Amsterdam. Leiden: NVAS (Leiden University), NVAS Newsletter (1): 5-6.
- Müller L.F. (2011), Spirits of migration meet the migration of spirits among the Akan diaspora in Amsterdam, the Netherlands’, African and Black Diaspora: an International Journal 4(1): 75-97.
- Müller L.F. & Van Gorp Jasmijn (2011), Media and Diaspora project. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.
- Müller L.F. (2010), Dancing Golden Stools: Indigenous Religion as a Strategy for Identity Construction in Ghana, Fieldwork in Religion 5(1): 32-57.
- Müller L.F. (2010), The persistence of Asante Chieftaincy in Ghana in the colonial period (1896-1957): explanations for an enigma, Africana Research Bulletin 15(2): 61-85.
- Müller L.F. (2008), The reality of spirits: a historiography of the Akan concept of mind, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 22(2): 163-183.
- Müller L.F. (2007), Truth claims in the empirical study of religious experiences?, 111(1): 17.
- Müller L.F. (2006), BASR Conference report, Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions 109(1): 20-21.
- Müller L.F. (2004), A comparison between four African scholars: Idowu, Mbiti, Okot p’Bitek and Appiah, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 18(1): 109-125.
- Müller L.F. (2002), Een interculturele filosofische studie naar het bewustzijn van Ashanti volkshoofden in Ghana. Rotterdam: Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
- Nelis Huub & Van Steensel K.M. (2000), Jongeren als experts/ Stille revolutionairen. Bijdrages uit het stagerapport van Louise Müller. Den Haag: Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.
- Müller L.F. (2000), Internet Generatie: de broncode ontcijferd. Bijdrages uit het stagerapport van Louise Müller. Den Haag: Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.
- Müller L.F. (2000), Politiek voor mensen van morgen: een onderzoek naar de politieke mening en actievorm van jongeren in Nederland. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
- Müller L.F. (1999), Review of: Kaplan R.D. (1999), Het einde van Amerika. Utrecht: Het Spectrum. ROest : tijdschrift van de Faculteit der Historische en Kunstwetenschappen en Faculteitsvereniging Histartes 0: 54-55.
- Müller L.F. (1999), Review of: Ball E. (1999), Slaven in de familie [Slaves in the family]. Amsterdam: Arena. ROest : tijdschrift van de Faculteit der Historische en Kunstwetenschappen en Faculteitsvereniging Histartes 1: 60-61.
- Müller L.F. (1998), De schoonste taal. Zwijndrecht: Walburg College press.
- Müller L.F. (1998), Wij mikken op de volgende regering, DEMO 15(2): 3-7.
- Müller L.F. (1997) Over de absurditeit van de filmwereld. Review of: Grunberg A. (1997), Figuranten: Nijgh en Van Ditmar 14(3): 9-11.
- Munnek E. van der & Müller L.F. (1997), Studenten zien allen dezelfde problemen, DEMO 14(3): 9-11.
- Müller L.F. (1997), Hoofddirecteur ANWB ziet graag een afname van groei in autoverkeer: interview met Nouen, 14(4): 3-5.