Louis Sicking
University Lecturer
- Name
- Prof.dr. L.H.J. Sicking
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2717
- l.h.j.sicking@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9694-0536

Louis Sicking lectures medieval and early modern history at the Leiden University Institute for History and is Aemilius Papinianus professor of History of Public International Law, at VU University Amsterdam.
More information about Louis Sicking
PhD candidates
Spreekuur / Hours
By appointment only.
Fields of interest
Louis Sicking has a broad interest in history with a strong focus on the pre-modern period, including both the medieval and early modern periods, which he believes to be of more importance to understand present-day postmodern society than modern history (19th-20th centuries).
His interest in maritime, urban, colonial and global history is further stimulated since 2013 by the endowed Chair of History of Public International Law he holds at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is currently investigating the Europeanisation and Globalisation of Maritime Conflict Management between roughly 1000 and 2000, which has recently resulted in a so-called internationalisation project on MCM in late medieval and early modern Atlantic Europe funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and partners in France, Spain and Portugal.
He considers the archives as the laboratory of the historian and tries to encourage his students to do archival research.
Research in progress
- Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, 1200-1600 (2016-2019). Internationalisation project funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the following partners: Universidad de Cantabria in Santander, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Université de La Rochelle, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- Risk management, interest groups and legislation. Local, regional and international dynamics in the maritime transport sector of the Low Countries, c. 1550-1650.
- Information Management and Diplomatic Culture: Cornelis de Schepper (Scepperus) as ambassador of emperor Charles V.
- European expansion in the Indian Ocean and Pacific, 1450-1850’, in: D. Parrot and G. Ágoston eds., The Cambridge history of warfare III.
- ‘Le maritime, fondement de la prédominance commerciale et économique des Provinces Unies’ , Océanides.
Key publications
Sicking L.H.J. (2015), European Naval Warfare. In: Scott H. (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European History, 1350-1750. Volume II: Cultures and Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 591-611.
Louis Sicking La Naissance d’une thalassocratie. Les Pays-Bas et la mer à l’aube du Siècle d’or. (Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS) 2015) [Review]
Mario Damen en Louis Sicking eds. Bourgondië voorbij. De Nederlanden, 1250-1650 (Verloren 2010)
L.H.J. Sicking en C.H. van Rhee eds., Briève instruction en causes civiles. Filips Wielant verzameld werk II (Brussel, Koninklijke Vlaams Academie van Wetenschappen van België, 2009) 373 blz. b
Louis Sicking and Darlene Abreu-Ferreira (eds.), Beyond the Catch. Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900-1850, 900-1850 (Leiden and Boston: Brill 2009)
Colonial Borderlands. France and the Netherlands in the Atlantic in the 19th century (Leiden and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2008)
Frontières d'Outre-Mer. La France et les Pays-Bas dans le monde atlantique au XIXe siècle (Paris 2006) [ Review]
- Louis Sicking, Harry de Bles and Erlend des Bouvrie (eds.), Dutc
h Light in the ''Norwegian Light''. Maritime Relations and Migration across the North Sea in Early Modern Times (Hilversum 2004)
Neptune and the Netherlands. State, Economy and War at Sea in the Renaissance (Leiden and Boston 2004) [ Review]
- Zeemacht en onmacht. Maritieme politiek in de Nederlanden, 1488-1558. Bijdragen tot de Nederlandse marinegeschiedenis 7 (Amsterdam 1998).
Other activities
- Member scientific committee of Revue d’histoire maritime (Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne) (2017-)
- Member scientific committee of Réseau Franco-Néerlandais (Lille) (2017-)
- President of Faculty Committee for Education (2017-2018)
- Member scientific committee Itinéraires de Charles Quint (2017-)
- Member of the editorial board of Pro memorie. Bijdragen tot de rechtsgeschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2016-present.
- Member of the international editorial board of the Anales de Historica Medieval de la Europea Atlántica , 2006-present.
- Member of the scientific committee of Najera Medieval , 2006-present.
- Associated Member of the Revue du Nord, 2005-present.
- Member of the editorial board of Dutch Revolt (both Dutch and French versions), 2002-2012.
- Permanent co-worker of the Hansische Umschau of the Hansische Geschichtsblätter, 2001-2011.
- Member of the International Study Fund Committee of the Leiden University Fund (LUF), 2006-2008.
- President of the Committee for Dutch History and Antiquities of the Association of Dutch Literature ( Commissie voor Vaderlandse Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde), 2005-2006.
- Member of the editorial board of the Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis, 2003-2008.
- Member of the executive committee of the Dutch Association for Maritime History ( Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zeegeschiedenis), 1998-2003.
Scholarships and prizes
- Prix Descartes-Huygens 2016, Académie des Sciences de l’Institut de France (2017)
- Internationalisation project Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, Dutch Research Council (NWO) (2016)
- Cronefellowship National Maritime Museum, Amsterdam (2015)
- Habilité à diriger des recherches (HDR) by the Commission nationale des Universités (CNU) of France (2012)
- Contributor and co-organiser of the exhibition and catalogue La pêche, l’or de Flandre for the Musée de Gravelines, France (2010)
- Research fellow of Utrecht University (2009) for a contribution to the provincial history of Zeeland.
- Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar (2009)
- Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Military History, The Hague (2006-2008)
- Grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for the English translation of Frontières d’Outre-Mer. La France et les Pays-Bas dans le monde atlantique au XIXe siècle (Paris 2006).
- Grant of the Dutch Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Dutch Embassy in Oslo) for lectures in the Archaeological Museum of Bergen and the Centre for Medieval Studies in Trondheim on the occasion of the first centennial of the Norwegian independence (2005)
- Grant of the Research school Pallas of the Faculty of Arts of Leiden University for a stay at the Centre for Medieval Studies NTNU Trondheim (2004)
- Grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for the English translation of doctorate (2002)
- Norwegian government scholarship for a stay at the Centre for Medieval Studies NTNU Trondheim (2002)
- H.N. ter Veen prise for Flevoland, for the best article on the history of the Zuiderzee or Flevoland (1998)
- Fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW) (1997)
- Fellowship of the Niels Stensen foundation (1996-1997)
- Research fellow (WOM) of NWO (1992-1996)
Education: seminars in Medieval and Early Modern History
- Conflict Management in the North Sea, the Baltic and the Atlantic, 1200-1800 (2018-2019)
- MA Research seminar (2015-2016): The Global Framing of the Medieval Expansion of Europe, 1000-1500
- MA Research Seminar (2013-2014): ‘Diplomacy, war and peace, 1000-1600’
- MA Research Seminar (2012-2013): ‘Diplomacy, war and peace, 1400-1700’(with Maurits Ebben)
- MA Research Seminar 2009-2010 (together with R. Fagel): Mars and Mercury. The effect of violence and war on international trade, 1400-1650
- MA Research Seminar 2007-2008: Port Cities, Infrastructure and Connectivity in the Low Countries and Europe, 1300-1600
- MA Research Seminar 2005-2006 City and State. The Lobby of the cities of Holland in The Hague and Brussels (15th-16th c.)
- BA Seminar 2006-2007 Stad, staat en oorlog in de Nederlanden en Europa in de 15e en 16e eeuw
- BA Seminar 2004-2005 Sleutels tot de zee. Havens handel en infrastructuur in de Nederlanden en Europa in de late middeleeuwen
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis
- Sicking L.H.J. (2023), Warfare and European expansion in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, 1450-1660: the Portuguese, the Ottomans, and the Dutch. History of War Seminar at Oxford All Souls College. Oxford University, All Souls College, Oxford. [lecture].
- Sicking L.H.J. 9 June 2023 - 10 June 2023. La Hanse et l’Atlantique: commerce, acteurs, conflits (1300–1500) Colloque international. Université de La Rochelle. La Rochelle. [conference attendance].
- Sicking L.H.J. & Peeters G. 4 May 2023 - 6 May 2023. Workshop Island Studies Network: Water and Culture on Islands - Looking at the Balearic Islands, the Mediterranean and Beyond. Island Studies Network, Museu de Mallorca and Universität Tübingen. Palma de Mallorca. [conference attendance].
- Sicking L.H.J. 6 October 2023 - 8 October 2023. JapanJSPS Kakenhi International Symposium Water Networks, Islands, and Political Powers in the Global Middle Ages. Rikkyo University, Tokyo. Tokyo. [conference attendance].
- Sicking Louis 13 November 2023 - 13 November 2023. Workshop internacional Navegaciones en flotas y convoyes durante la Edad Moderna, Depto. Historio Moderna. UNED Madrid. Depto. Historio Moderna, Facultad de Geografia e Historia, UNED, Madrid. [conference attendance].
- Sicking Louis (10 September 2020), The Medieval Origin of the Factory (Seminar International Law). Law Faculty VU Amsterdam, Webinar. [lecture].
- Lambert B. & Sicking Louis (9 November 2020), Counts, Cities and Commerce in the Late Medieval Low Countries (HOST webinar). VU Brussel, Webinar. [lecture].
- Sicking L.H.J. (23 June 2016), Europeanisation and Globalisation of Maritime Conflict Management 1000-2015 [Universität Bremen, Germany, June 23, 2016]. [lecture].
- Sicking Louis. De piraat en de admiraal. Leiden. [inaugural address].
- Sicking L.H.J. (15 May 2014), Vergeten helden. for Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare. [interview].
- Sicking L.H.J. (3 December 2014), Piracy. for De Kennis van Nu (NTR). [interview].
- Sicking L.H.J. (11 March 2014), The Hansa in the Baltic states [Historical Study Association Leiden (HSVL), March 11, 2014]. [lecture].
- Sicking L.H.J. (1 June 2013), Veere: bakermat van de koninklijke marine [Admiralty lecture in honour of 525 year Royal Navy, Grote Kerk, Veere, June 1, 2013]. [lecture].
- bijzonder hoogleraar in de geschiedenis van het volkenrecht