Universiteit Leiden

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Lotte van Dillen

Professor Social psychology

Prof.dr. L.F. van Dillen
+31 71 527 1362

Lotte van Dillen is professor of Social cognition and decision making at the unit of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology of Leiden University, researcher and advisor at the Knowledge Center for Psychology and Economic Behavior (KCPEG) and a member of the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC). As director of research, Lotte is a member of the executive board of the Psychology Institute. In addition, Lotte teaches about decision making at the individual and group level for the Academy for Legislators (Academie voor Wetgeving) and the Study Centre for the Judiciary (Studiecentrum voor Rechtspleging).

More information about Lotte van Dillen

Lotte van Dillen is professor of Social cognition and decision making at the unit of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology of Leiden University, researcher and advisor at the Knowledge Center for Psychology and Economic Behavior (KCPEG) and a member of the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC). As director of research, Lotte is a member of the executive board of the Psychology Institute. In addition, Lotte teaches about decision making at the individual and group level for the Academy for Legislators (Academie voor Wetgeving) and the Study Centre for the Judiciary (Studiecentrum voor Rechtspleging).

Research on affect and decision-making 

Lotte mainly studies the role of affect in decision-making. Our feelings color our thoughts, but our thoughts also shape our feelings. She examines how these interactions play out in various domains, such as health, legal decision-making, and financial behavior with the ultimate aim to improve decision-making in these areas. Some of the questions that Lotte studies are on how attention influences desire and pleasure, and how this affects consumption, how (and when) our feelings shape moral and punitive judgments, and under what conditions we make suboptimal financial decisions. A lot of the work that Lotte does builds on the central premise that our mental capacity is limited, and that this has consequences for what we perceive, feel and think.

Short CV

Lotte van Dillen obtained her Master's degree in social psychology (cum laude) and in cognitive psychology (cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam in 2004. From 2004 to 2008 she conducted her dissertation research at the ‘other’ university from Amsterdam: the VU University. At the end of 2008 she successfully defended her dissertation (cum laude), in which she examined the role of working memory in the experience of negative feelings. Since then, Lotte has worked as a post-doc at Utrecht University and New York University. She currently works at Leiden University as an associate professor. 


Supervisor Master thesis and intersnhip
Supervisor Master research apprenticeship
Lecturer Social Judgment and Decision Making (MSc)
Social and Organizational Psychology (BSc)
Social Psychology in Organizations (BSc)                                     


  • May 2023 ‘Distracted and disaffected. How daily distractions influence our dietary consumption habits and glucose dynamics’ (€400,000). NWO Open Competition SSH-M.

  • March 2021 'Beelden betwisten: het bevragen van camerabeelden in de politiepraktijk [Contesting images: questioning camera recordings in police practice]'. Awarded by Politie en Wetenschap [Police and Science Program] (€91,000). Together with Dr Gabry Vanderveen (Erasmus School of Law).

  • December 2020 'How we eat: an inventory of consumption settings and their effect on diet and health'.  ODISSEI-LISS 2020 call  (€10,000). Together with Dr Floor van Meer, Dr. Frank de Vos and Frederike Mensink.

  • December 2020 ''Poor benefits. The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare.'.  ODISSEI-LISS 2020 call  (€10,000). Together with Drs Olaf Simonse, Prof. Eric van Dijk and Prof. Wilco van Dijk.

  • ‘Work hard, play hard. Neuropsychological correlates and behavioral implications of hedonic compensation’ (€553,254). With Prof. Wilhelm Hofmann (Co-PI) & Dr Henk van Steenbergen (Co-I). Open Research Area (ORA). September 2018
  • ‘Conditioning of insulin responses. A high risk – high gain intervention for diabetes type-2’ (€100,000). With Prof. Andrea Evers (PI), Prof. Hanno Pijl, Dr Judy Veldhuizen, & Drs Alexandrina Skvortsova. Diabetesfonds & ZonMW. July 2018
  • December 2017 'Verbeelding in de verhoorkamer.' [visualisations during interrogations]. Awarded by Politie en Wetenschap (€103,000). Together with Dr. Verhoeven and Dr. Vanderveen (Erasmus School of Law).
  • May 2014  ‘Aandacht voor smaak. De neuropsychologische mechanismen van smaakbeleving.’ [paying attention to taste. The neuropsychological mechanisms of taste perception.] Awarded by the Gratama Stichting (€24,680).
  • December 2013    Teacher of the year. Institute of psychology, Leiden University.
  • February 2012      ‘Ire and Punishment. The Role of Negative Emotions and Attentional Control in Children's, Adolescents' and Adults' Punishment.’ Together with Dr. Michaela Gummerum (Developmental Psychology, Plymouth University, UK) and Prof. dr. Eric van Dijk (Social and Organizational Psychology, Leiden University, the Netherlands). Awarded by the ERSC (Economic and Social research Counsil; £209,00).

Other academic activities


Professor Social psychology

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 2A24


  • Studiecentrum Rechtspleging - SSR [Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary] Teaching
  • Academie voor Wetgeving [Academy for Legislation] teaching
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