Logan Francis
Postdoctoral researcher
- Name
- Dr. L.K.S. Francis
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- francis@strw.leidenuniv.nl

Postdoctoral researcher
- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Chen Y., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Dishoeck E.F. van, Gelder M.L. van, Nazari P., Slavicinska K., Francis L.K.S., Tabone B., Ressler M.E., Klaassen P.D., Beuther H., Boogert A.C.A., Gieser C., Kavanagh P.J., Perotti G., Le Gouellec V.J.M., Majumdar L., Güdel M. & Henning T. (2024), JOYS+: The link between the ice and gas of complex organic molecules: comparing JWST and ALMA data of two low-mass protostars, Astronomy and Astrophysics 690: A205.
- Chen Y., Rocha W., Dishoeck E.F. van, Nazari P., Gelder M. van, Francis L., Slavicinska K., Ressler M. & Tabone B. (2024), Tracing complex organic molecules (COMs) from ice to gas with JWST and ALMA, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024. Padova, Italy 1013.
- Caratti o Garatti A., Ray T.P., Kavanagh P.J., McCaughrean M.J., Gieser C., Giannini T., Dishoeck E.F. van, Justtanont K., Gelder M.L. van, Francis L.K.S., Beuther H., Tychoniec Ł., Nisini B., Navarro M.G., Devaraj R., Reyes S., Nazari P., Klaassen P., Güdel M., Henning T., Lagage P.O., Östlin G., Vandenbussche B., Waelkens C. & Wright G. (2024), JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS): HH211: Textbook case of a protostellar jet and outflow, Astronomy and Astrophysics 691: A134.
- Francis L. (2024), The molecular and atomic component of outflows from protostars probed by JWST/MIRI, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024 1966.
- Francis L.K.S., Gelder M.L. van, Dishoeck E.F. van, Gieser C., Beuther H., Tychoniec L., Perotti G., Caratti o Garatti A., Kavanagh P.J., Ray T., Klaassen P., Justtanont K., Linnartz H.V.J., Rocha W.R.M., Slavicinska K., Güdel M., Henning T., Lagage P.-O. & Östlin G. (2024), JOYS: MIRI/MRS spectroscopy of gas-phase molecules from the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23385+6053, Astronomy and Astrophysics 683: A249.
- Gelder M.L. van, Francis L.K.S., Dishoeck E.F. van, Tychoniec L., Ray T.P., Beuther H., Caratti o Garatti A., Chen Y., Devaraj R., Gieser C., Justtanont K., Kavanagh P.J., Nazari P., Reyes S., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Slavicinska K., Güdel M., Henning T., Lagage P.-O. & Wright G. (2024), JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS): overview of gaseous molecular emission and absorption in low-mass protostars, Astronomy and Astrophysics 692: A197.
- Gelder M. van, Francis L., Tychoniec Ł. & Dishoeck E. van (2024), Unveiling the molecular gas composition in young protostellar systems with JWST/MIRI, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024 1704.
- Gelder M.L. van, Ressler M.E., Dishoeck E.F. van, Nazari P., Tabone B., Black J.H., Tychoniec Ł., Francis L.K.S., Barsony M., Beuther H., Caratti o Garatti A., Chen Y., Gieser C., le Gouellec V.J.M., Kavanagh P.J., Klaassen P.D., Lew B.W.P., Linnartz H.V.J., Majumdar L., Perotti G. & Monteiro Rocha W.R. (2024), JOYS+: Mid-infrared detection of gas-phase SO2 emission in a low-mass protostar: The case of NGC 1333 IRAS 2A: Hot core or accretion shock?, Astronomy and Astrophysics 682: A78.
- Rocha W., Dishoeck E. van, McClure M., Gelder M. van, Francis L., Brunken N., Slavicinska K., Tychoniec Ł. & Sturm A. (2024), Where it all begins: protostars contain the icy ingredients crucial for the genesis of habitable planets, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024. Padova, Italy.
- Rocha W.R.M., Dishoeck E.F. van, Ressler M.E., Gelder M.L. van, Slavicinska K., Brunken N.G.C., Linnartz H., Ray T.P., Beuther H., Caratti o Garatti A., Geers V., Kavanagh P.J., Klaassen P.D., Justtanont K., Chen Y., Francis L., Gieser C., Perotti G., Tychoniec Ł., Barsony M., Majumdar L., le Gouellec V.J.M., Chu L.E.U., Lew B.W.P., Henning T. & Wright G. (2024), JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS+): Detecting icy complex organic molecules and ions. I. CH4, SO2, HCOO−, OCN−, H2CO, HCOOH, CH3CH2OH, CH3CHO, CH3OCHO, and CH3COOH, Astronomy & Astrophysics 683: A124.
- Rota A.A., Meijerhof J.D., Marel N. van der, Francis L., Tak F.F.S. van der & Sellek A.D. (2024), A correlation between accretion rate and free-free emission in protoplanetary disks, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024. Padova, Italy 170.
- Rota A.A., Meijerhof J.D., Marel N. van der, Francis L.K.S., van der Tak F.F.S. & Sellek A.D. (2024), Correlation between accretion rate and free-free emission in protoplanetary disks: a multiwavelength analysis of central mm/cm emission in transition disks, Astronomy & Astrophysics 684: A134.
- Assani K.D., Harsono D., Ramsey J.P., Li Z.-Y., Bjerkeli P., Pontoppidan K.M., Tychoniec Ł., Calcutt H., Kristensen L.E., Jørgensen J.K., Plunkett A., Gelder M.L. van & Francis L. (2024), The asymmetric bipolar [Fe II] jet and H2 outflow of TMC1A resolved with the JWST NIRSpec Integral Field Unit, Astronomy & Astrophysics 688: A26.
- Tychoniec Ł., Gelder M.L. van, Dishoeck E.F. van, Francis L., Rocha W.R.M., Caratti o Garatti A., Beuther H., Gieser C., Justtanont K., Linnartz H., Le Gouellec V.J.M., Perotti G., Devaraj R., Tabone B., Ray T.P., Brunken N.G.C., Chen Y., Kavanagh P.J., Klaassen P., Slavicinska K., Güdel M. & Östlin G. (2024), JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS). Linked accretion and ejection in a Class I protobinary system, Astronomy & Astrophysics 687: A36.
- Brunken N.G.C., Dishoeck E.F. van, Slavicinska K., le Gouellec V.J.M., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Francis L.K.S., Tychoniec L., Gelder M.L. van, Navarro M.G., Boogert A.C.A., Kavanagh P.J., Nazari P., Greene T., Ressler M.E. & Majumdar L. (2024), JOYS+ study of solid-state 12C/13C isotope ratios in protostellar envelopes: observations of CO and CO2 ice with the James Webb Space Telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics 692: A163.
- Ray T.P., McCaughrean M.J., Caratti o Garatti A., Kavanagh P.J., Justtanont K., Dishoeck E.F. van, Reitsma M., Beuther H., Francis L.K.S., Gieser C., Klaassen P., Perotti G., Tychoniec L., Gelder M.L. van, Colina L., Greve T.R., Güdel M., Henning T., Lagage P.O., Östlin G., Vandenbussche B., Waelkens C. & Wright G. (2023), Author correction: outflows from the youngest stars are mostly molecular, Nature 623(7985): E3-E3.
- Gieser C., Beuther H., Dishoeck E.F. van, Francis L.K.S., Gelder M.L. van, Tychoniec L., Kavanagh P.J., Perotti G., Caratti o Garatti A., Ray T.P., Klaassen P., Justtanont K., Linnartz H.V.J., Rocha W.R.M., Slavicinska K., Colina L., Güdel M., Henning T., Lagage P.-O., Östlin G., Vandenbussche B., Waelkens C. & Wright G. (2023), JOYS: Disentangling the warm and cold material in the high-mass IRAS 23385+6053 cluster, Astronomy and Astrophysics 679: A108.
- Ray T.P., McCaughrean M.J., Caratti o Garatti A., Kavanagh R.D., Justtanont K., Dishoeck E.F. van, Reitsma M., Beuther H., Francis L.K.S., Gieser C., Klaassen P., Perotti G., Tychoniec L., Gelder M.L. van, Colina L., Greve T.R., Güdel M., Henning T., Lagage P.O., Östlin G., Vandenbussche B., Waelkens C. & Wright G. (2023), Outflows from the youngest stars are mostly molecular, Nature 622: 48-52.
- Beuther H., Dishoeck E.F. van, Tychoniec L., Gieser C., Kavanagh P.J., Perotti G., Gelder M.L. van, Klaassen P., Caratti o Garatti A., Francis L., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Slavicinska K., Ray T., Justtanont K., Linnartz H.V.J., Waelkens C., Colina L., Greve T., Güdel M., Henning T., Lagage P.-O., Vandenbussche B., Östlin G. & Wright G. (2023), JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS): outflows and accretion in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23385+6053, Astronomy and Astrophysics 673: A121.
- Dishoeck E.F. van, Grant S., Tabone B., Gelder M.L. van, Francis L.K.S., Tychoniec L., Bettoni G., Arabhavi A.M., Gasman D., Nazari P., Vlasblom M., Kavanagh P., Christiaens V., Klaassen P., Beuther H., Henning T. & Kamp I. (2023), The diverse chemistry of protoplanetary disks as revealed by JWST, Faraday Discussions 245: 52-79.