Liz Alden Wily
Guest Staff Member
- Name
- E. Alden Wily
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Liz Alden Wily (PhD) is an independent political economist specialising in land tenure, associated with the Van Vollenhoven Institute as an affiliated researcher. Liz works in Africa and less frequently in Central Asia and Asia. Since the 1980s Liz has provided land policy guidance (e.g. Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia, Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon, Nepal, Afghanistan), conducting research, and designing and technically guiding projects on a learning by doing basis to practically guide policy and law-land and forest law making. This work has been driven by urgent post-conflict requirements in Uganda, Sudan/South Sudan, Liberia, Nepal and Afghanistan. Liz is also closely engaged with the forest and climate change sector, playing an active role since the 1990s in the development of community owned protected forests, especially in Tanzania.
Liz’s research continues to arise directly from social change and governance requirements as affecting the majority rural land dependent sector. Her core focus is towards improved national law status of customary/indigenous land interests (‘community land rights’), as informally held by more than 2.5 million contemporary land and resource dependants around the world. Her principal interest in supporting legal recognition of the collective ownership of commons, the several billion hectares of forest/woodlands, arid/semi-arid rangelands and swamplands held in common by communities under customary, neo-customary, or increasingly, hybrid statutory-customary laws. Liz has worked directly towards policy and, forest and rangeland law reforms in 12 states, and contributed in as many others. Since 2021, her research and practitioner work has focuses upon on critiquing existing community conservation initiatives to remove legal and other impediments which limit the right and capacity of communities to establish and sustain Community Protected Areas. Liz is periodically requested to provide expert affidavits in litigation brought by communities seeking secure tenure over specific state/public resource lands.
Ancillary Activities
Liz is a Fellow of the Rights and Resources Initiative, a consortium of international bodies including major institutions such as CIFOR-ICRAF and 150 collaborator organizations; an Expert Associate for Katiba Institute, a body carries out research, facilitation and executes public interest litigation on constitutional issues in Kenya including related to indigenous and community land rights. She is also a co-founder and Steering Group Member of LandMark, an interactive online community lands mapping facility (
Contact details
Telephone number: + 254 (Kenya) 724317836
Office and Home Address: Box 1642-00621, Nairobi, Kenya
- Alden Wily, L. (Forthcoming 2024). ‘Has community forestry lost its way? An examination of legal paradigms and their delivery in five East and Southern Africa states’. Chapter 9 in The Forests of Eastern and Southern Africa: The State of the Forests 2023, CIFOR-ICRAF, Nairobi.
- Alden Wily, L. 2024, in S. Qin & 20 Others. ‘An inclusive, empirically grounded inventory facilitates recognition of diverse area-based conservation of nature’. One Earth (2024),
- Alden Wily, L. 2024. ‘Rethinking Expropriation to Establish Protected Areas in Community Lands in East and Central Africa’. In M. Habdas, B. Hoops, E. Marais, H. Mostert, J. Sluysmans & L. Verstappen (eds.) Rethinking Expropriation Law IV Takings for Climate Justice and Resilience; pp. 145-200. Eleven International publishers, The Hague.
- Alden Wily, L. 2023.’ Critical Next Step in the Decolonisation of Land Relations: Restitution of Protected Areas to Indigenous Communities’. No. 3 Brief of Transforming Conservation from Conflict to Justice. Forest Peoples Programme, Moreton-on-Marsh, UK. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2022. Transforming Legal Status of Customary Land Rights: What this Means for Women and Men in Rural Africa. Chapter 14 in U.E. Chigbu (ed.) Land Governance and Gender: The Tenure-Gender Nexus in Land Management and Land Policy, CAB International 2022; 169-181. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2021. The Tragedy of Public Lands in Africa: The Continuing struggle to challenge state landlordism and decolonise property relations in Africa. In H. Siphalla and J. Osogo Ambani (eds). Furthering constitutions, birthing peace: Liber amicorum Yash Pal Ghai. Strathmore University Press, Kenya. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2021. Challenging the State: Devolutionary Tenure Transitions for Saving and Expanding Forests. Human Ecology, 2021, 49 (3), 285-295. DOI: 10.1007/s10745-021-00231-2.
- D. Hayward and L. Alden Wily, 2021. Afghanistan: Context and Land Governance, Land Portal at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2020. Challenging Times for the New Kid on the Block – Collective Property Chapter 7 in This Land is Ours International Perspectives on the Community Land Trust, John Emmeus Davis, Line Algoed and Maria Hernandes Torrales (eds.) Vrije Universiteit in Brussels. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2020. Adjusting to New Era Agrarianism: Tackling the Troubled Interface of Public and Community Property. Chapter 5 in Land Reform and Economic Development in Africa: New Ideas, Opportunities and Challenges, African Development Bank, Abidjan: 57-69. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2019. Could collective title become a new norm? RICS Land Journal. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2018. A new era of land struggle on the horizon – holding governments to their commitments to collective tenure. Land Portal, 1 June 2018. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2018. Collective Land Ownership in the 21st Century: Overview of Global Trends. Land, 2018, 7(2), 68. DOI: or Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2018. Risks to the Sanctity of Community Lands in Kenya. A critical assessment of new legislation with reference to forestlands. Land Use Policy, Vol. 75 June 2018, pp. 661-672. DOI:
- Alden Wily, L. 2018. Compulsory Acquisition as a Constitutional Matter. Journal of African Law Vol. 62, February 2018, pp. 77-103. DOI: 10.1017/S0021855318000050
- Alden Wily, L. 2018. The Community Land Act in Kenya Opportunities and Challenges for Communities. Land 2018, 7(1), 12;
- Alden Wily, L. F. Dubertret, P. Veit, K. Reytar & N. Tagliarino, 2017. Water Rights on Community Lands: LandMark’s Findings from 100 Countries. Land 2017, 6, 77. DOI: doi:10.3390/land6040077
- Alden Wily, L. 2017. Community & Forests in Kenya Where Are the New Laws Taking Them? Briefing Note. FERN. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2017. Res Communis: Unfinished Business in Africa. In Kameri Obote P. & Collins Odote (eds.). The Gallant Academic: Essays in Honour of Professor Okoth-Ogendo, University of Nairobi Press (2017) pp 103-118
- Alden Wily, L. 2017. Customary Tenure: Remaking Property for the 21st Century. In Michele Graziadei & Lionel Smith (eds.) Comparative Property Law: Global Perspectives, Edgar Elgar, UK (2017) pp 458-478. DOI:
- Alden Wily, L. 2017. Grand Larceny in the Tropics: Patrick McAuslan’s Role in Limiting Legal Land Theft in Africa. In Thanos Zartaloudis (ed.) Land Policy and Urban Policy in Context - Essays on the Contributions of Patrick McAuslan, Routledge (2017) pages 110-128. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2016. Communities and the State Rethinking the relationship for a more progressive agrarian century. The Environmental Forum, Vol. 33 (4) 2016: 68-71, Environmental Law Institute, Washington D.C. At:
- Alden Wily, L., N. Tagliarino, Harvard Law and International Development Society (LIDS), A. Vidal, C. Salcedo-La Vina, S. Ibrahim, and B. Almeida. 2016. Indicators of the Legal Security of Indigenous and Community Lands. Data file from LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands. At: Go to Data, then Downloads
- Alden Wily, L. 2015. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for Africa’ (2015). LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands At:
- Dubertret, F. and L. Alden Wily. 2015. Percent of Indigenous and Community Lands. Data file from LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2015. The National Constitution and Forest Dweller Land Rights in Kenya. Forests Peoples Programme. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2015. Time to Rethink? A Critique of Rural Land Law in Cote d’Ivoire (2015) FERN, Brussels and Moreton-on-Marsh. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2015. Resolving natural resource conflicts to help prevent war: A case from Afghanistan, pages 115-137 in Livelihoods, Natural Resources, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Helen Young and Lisa Goldman (eds.) (2015). Routledge, Oxon. Environmental Law Institute and United Nations Environmental Programme.
- Alden Wily, L. 2014. The law and land grabbing: friend or foe? In The Law and Development Review. Yong-Shik Lee (ed.) 2014 (1); 207-242 De Gruyter. DOI: Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2013, Land, People and the State in Afghanistan: 2002-2012, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2013, Battle over the Pastures: The Hidden War in Afghanistan. In Guerre et Terre en Afghanistan, F. Adelkah (ed.) Vol. 133/ Juin 2013; pp. 95-113. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Mediterranee, Paris. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2012, From State to People's Law: Assessing Learning-By-Doing as a Basis of New Land Law. In Jan Michiel Otto and André Hoekema (eds.), Fair Land Governance: How to Legalise Land Rights for Rural Development, pp. 85-110. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Anseeuw, W., L. Alden Wily, L. Cotula & M. Taylor. 2012, Land Rights and the Rush for Land. Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land. A Research Project by IIED, CIRAD and International Land Coalition. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2012, Looking Back to See Forward: the legal niceties of land theft in land rushes. Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 39: 3-4, 751-775. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2012, Land Rights in Gabon. Facing Up to the Past – and the Present. FERN, Brussels. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2012, Enclosures Revisited. Putting the Global Land Rush in Historical Perspective. In T. Allan, M. Kerlertz, S. Sojami & D. Potts (eds.) Handbook on Land and Water Grabs in Africa. Routledge, London. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2012, The Global Land Grab: The New Enclosures, In David Bollier & Silke Helfrich (eds.) The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State, Levellers Press, Massachusetts. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2012, Land Governance at the Crossroads: A Review of Afghanistan’s Proposed New Land Management Law. Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2012, Rights to Resources in Crisis: Reviewing the Fate of Customary Tenure in Africa. Rights and Resources Initiative, (RRI) Washington, D.C. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2011, The Global Land Grab: The New Enclosures Chapter 18 in Commons. Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat. Silke Helfrich/Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hg.) (2011).
- Alden Wily, L., 2011, ‘The Law is to Blame’ Taking a Hard Look at the Vulnerable Status of Customary Land Rights in Africa Development and Change Vol. 42 (3). At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2011, The Tragedy of Public Lands: Understanding the Fate of the Commons under Global Commercial Pressure, International Land Coalition, Rome. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2011, Whose Land is It? The Status of Customary Land Tenure in Cameroon. CED, FERN & RFF, Yaoundé & London. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2011. ‘Accelerate legal recognition of commons as group-owned private property to limit involuntary land loss by the poor’. Policy Brief, March 2011, CIRAD and International Land Coalition, Rome. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2010, Fodder for War? Getting to the Crux of the Natural Resources Crisis. Policy Brief. Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), Washington, D.C. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2010. ‘Africa’s big question. Can the continent find solutions to its colonial land ownership legacy?’ In Special Newsletter, Tropical Forest Update, ITTO, 19/2:10-12, February 2010.
- Alden Wily, L., 2009, Summary of Land Reform in Nepal. Where is it coming from and where is it going? In Land First, Occasional Journal of Land Rights Vol. 8 March 2009. Community Self-Reliance Centre, Kathmandu.
- Alden Wily, L., 2009. It’s more than about going home … Tackling land tenure in the emergency to development transition in post-conflict states. In S. Pantuliano (ed.), Uncharted Territory, Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action (Cht. 2). Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, London. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2009. Recommended Strategy for Conflict Resolution of Competing High Pasture Claims of Settled and Nomadic Communities in Afghanistan. UNEP, October 2009. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. 2009. Are Sacred Forests Safe? An Examination of the Legal Status of Forests in Sub-Saharan Africa. In C. Nyamweru & M. Sheridan (eds.) African sacred groves: ecological dynamics and social change - June 2009, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 15(2):428-42. DOI:
- Alden Wily, & Others, 2008. Working Group on Property, UN Commission for the Legal Empowerment of the Poor. Empowering the Poor through Property Rights, Chapter II in Making the Law Work for Everyone, Volume II Working Group Reports. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2008. Custom and Commonage in Africa Rethinking the Orthodoxies. Land Use Policy Vol. 25 (2008): 43-52. DOI:
- Alden Wily, L. 2008. ‘No going back’ The Journal RICS Land, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, July/August 2008:18-21, London.
- Alden Wily, L. 2008. Whose Land is It? Commons and Conflicts States. Why ownership of the commons matters in making and keeping peace. Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), Washington D.C. At:
- Alden Wily, L. with D. Chapagain and S. Sharma, 2008. Land Reform in Nepal Where is it coming from and where is it going? Kathmandu. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2007. So Who Owns the Forest? An Investigation into Forest Ownership and Customary Land Tenure in Liberia. Sustainable Development Institute and FERN, UK.At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2006. The Commons and Customary Law in Modern Times: Rethinking the Orthodoxies. In From Knowledge to Action. E Mwangi (ed.), CaPri, Washington. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2006. Formalizing the Informal: Is There a Way to Secure Human Potential through Land Entitlement? A Review of Changing Land Administration in Africa. In B. Guha-khasnobis, R. Kunbur and E. Ostrom (eds.). Cht. 15. Oxford University Press. At:
- Alden Wily, L. 2006. Land Rights Reform and Governance in Africa How to Make it Work in the 21st Century? UNDP Drylands Development Centre and UNDP Oslo Governance Centre. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2005, From Meeting Needs to Honouring Rights: The Evolution of Community Forestry. In The Earthscan Reader in Forestry and Development (ed. Jeffrey Sayer); 388-394. Earthscan UK. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2004, Land Relations in Bamyan Province. Findings from a 15-village case study. Case Studies Series. Afghanistan Research & Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2004, Can We Own the Forest? Looking at the Changing Tenure Environment for Community Forestry in Africa. Forests, Trees and Livelihood, Vol. 14 (2 & 3). Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2004, Putting Rural Land Registration in Perspective: The Afghanistan Case. In Proceedings Land Administration in Post Conflict Areas; pp. 71-93. International Federation of Surveyors Commission 7 Cadastre and Land Management. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2004, Land Relations in Faryab Province. Findings from an 11-village case study. Case Study Series. Afghanistan Research & Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2004, Rural Land Relations in Conflict: A Way Forward. Policy Brief. Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2004, Looking for Peace on the Pastures: Rural Land Relations in Afghanistan. Synthesis Paper Series, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2003, Land Rights in Crisis: Restoring Tenure Security in Afghanistan. Afghanistan Research & Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2003, Land and the Constitution Current Land Issues in Afghanistan. Briefing Paper Series. Afghanistan Research & Evaluation Unit (AREU), Kabul. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2003, Participatory Forest Management in Africa. An Overview of Progress and Issues. In Defining the way forward: sustainable livelihoods and sustainable forest management through participatory forestry; 18-22 February 2002. Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania; pp. 31-58. FAO, Rome. At:;jsessionid=CB9176EAB14503D13FADBDCF0199C727?doi=
- Alden Wily, L., 2003, Implications of New Land Legislation for Community Roles in Protected Area Management in Africa. H. Jaireth and D. Smyth (eds) Innovative Governance: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and Protected Areas, pp.29-59. Ane Books, New Delhi. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2003, Community Based Land Tenure Management. Questions and Answers About Tanzania’s New Village Land Act, 1999. Issues Paper 120, International Institute for Environment and Development [IIED] London. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2003, Governance and Land Relations. A Review of Decentralization of Land Administration and Management in Africa. Land Tenure and Resources Series. International Institute for Environment and Development [IIED] London. At:
- Alden Wily, L., 2002, Sharing Products or Power? Intentions, meanings and approaches to community involvement in forest management in Eastern and Southern Africa. In Tor Arve Benjaminsen, Ben Cousins & Lisa Thompson (eds.). Contested Resources: Challenges to the Governance of Natural Resources in Southern Africa, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
- Alden Wily, L., 2002, The Political Economy of Community Forestry in Africa - Getting the Power Relations Right. Forest, Trees and People Newsletter No. 46 Sept. 2002; 4-12.
- Alden Wily, L., 2002, Getting the Process Right: Land Administration as Governance Discourse on the political economy of land tenure management. In Proceedings of The World Bank Land Policy Conference in Africa April 29-May 2 2002 in Kampala, Uganda.
- Alden Wily, L. & P. Dewees, 2001, From Users to Custodians: changing Relations Between People and the State in Forest Management in Tanzania. World Bank Policy Research Paper 2569. 2001. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2001, Democratising the Commonage: The changing legal framework for natural resource management in Eastern and Southern Africa with particular reference to forests. In Proceedings of Regional Conference on the CASS/PLASS Programme on CBNRM, Cape Town 16-17 October 2000. Summary in Commons Southern Africa Vol. 3 Part 1 April 2001. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L. and S. Mbaya, 2001. Land, people and forests in eastern & southern Africa at the beginning of the 21st Century. The impact of land relations of the role of communities in forest future. IUCN-EARO, Nairobi. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2001, Reconstructing the African Commons Africa Today Issue 48 (1) Spring 2001:76-99 Indiana University Press USA. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2001, Forest Laws Tanzania Gets it Right, EcoForum, Vol. 25 (2); 35-38 2001. Nairobi.
- Alden Wily, L., 2001, New Laws for a New Forest Future in Africa Democratization at Work in Forests A Changing Landscape Proceedings of the 16th Commonwealth Forestry Conference held in Fremantle, Western Australia April 2001, pp. 429-440.
- Alden Wily, L. and H. Gibbon, 2001, Changing Forest Management Relations Comparisons from South Asia and East Africa. In Forests in A Changing Landscape Proceedings of the 16th Commonwealth Forestry Conference held in Freemantle Western Australia, April 2001, pp. 429-440.
- Alden Wily, L., 2001, Forest Management and Democracy in East and Southern Africa: Lessons from Tanzania. Gatekeeper Series No. 95. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2000, The Evolution of Community-Based Forest Management in Tanzania. In Participatory Forest Management. A Strategy for Sustainable Forest Management in Africa. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Community Forestry in Africa 26-30 April, 1999. Banjul, The Gambia. FAO, Rome.
- Alden Wily, L., 2000, An End of Century Status Report. Community-Based Forest Management in Tanzania. CEESP Newsletter, No. 3, IUCN Gland.
- Alden Wily, L. with A. Akida, A. Rwiza, O. Haule, S. Mawe, H. Haulle, E. Massawe, S. Hozza, P. Mamkwe, C. Kavishe, M. Makiya, M. Minja, 2000. Community Management of Forests in Tanzania An end of century status report. Forest Trees and People Newsletter No. 42. Uppsala, Sweden.
- Alden Wily, L., 2000, Land Tenure Reform and the Balance of Power in Eastern and Southern Africa. Natural Resource Perspectives Number 58, Overseas Development Institute, London. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2000, Moving towards a Community-Based Forest Future? Unasylva 203:19-26 FAO, Rome. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 2000, The democratisation of forest management in eastern and southern Africa. International Forestry Review 2 (4): 287-294, Oxford.
- Alden Wily, L. 2000, Making Woodland Management More Democratic: Cases from Eastern and Southern Africa. Issue Paper No. 99, Drylands Programme Series International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London.
- Alden Wily, L., with B. Campbell, N. Byron, P. Hobane, E. Madzudzo, and F. Matose, 1999. Moving to Local Control of Woodland Resources – Can CAMPFIRE Go Beyond the Mega-Fauna? Society & Natural Resources Vol. 12: 501-509 Wisconsin.
- Alden Wily, L., 1999, Moving Forward in African Community Forestry: Trading Power not Use Rights. Society and Natural Resources, Vol. 12:49-61, Wisconsin. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 1999, Community-Based Forest Management in Tanzania. An Overview of the Process. Special Paper. Forest Trees and People Programme, Tanzania. Dodoma. Available at:
- Wily, L. 1998, The Political Economy of African Land Tenure A Case Study from Tanzania (416 pp). Issue 2 of Development, School of Development Studies, Norwich, UK.
- Alden Wily, L. with assistance from K. Kabananukye, 1997, Forest Pygmies in Uganda - Notes from the Field. Cultural Survival Quarterly, Spring Issue, Boston, USA. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 1997, Villagers as Forest Managers and Governments 'Learning to Let Go' The case of Duru-Haitemba & Mgori Forests in Tanzania Forest Participation Series No. 9, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 1997, Finding the Right Legal and Institutional Framework for Community-Based Natural Forest Management. The Tanzanian Case. CIFOR Special Publication, CIFOR, Bogor. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 1997, New Land Law and the Poor Implications of the Draft Uganda Land Bill with comparative reference to the Tanzanian Bill for The Land Act, Proceedings of the Workshop on The Uganda Land Bill and its Implications for Poverty Eradication in Uganda, September 1997, Economic and Policy Research Centre, Kampala.
- Alden Wily, L. and F. Matose, 1996, Institutional Arrangements Governing the Use of Miombo Woodlands Chapter 8 In: The Miombo in Transition: Woodlands and Welfare in Africa, ed. Bruce Campbell. Cht. 8, CIFOR, Indonesia. Available at:
- Alden Wily, L., 1996, Collaborative Forest Management Villagers & Government The Case of Mgori Forest, Tanzania. Working Paper Series Forests, Trees & People Programme, FAO, Rome.
- Alden Wily, L. with assistance from K. Kabananukye, 1996, Pygmies in South Western Uganda The End of the Road - and the Beginning. Indigenous Affairs, No. 4/96, 23, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWIGA), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Alden Wily, L. and H. Sjoholm, 1995, Finding a Way Forward in Natural Forest Management in Tanzania: The Emergence of Village Forest Reserves. IRDC Currents, International Rural Development Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
- Alden Wily, L. with assistance from O. Haule, 1995, Good News from Tanzania! The First Village Forest Reserves. Forest Trees and People Newsletter, Vol. 29, FAO, Rome.
- Alden Wily, L., 1994, Hunter-Gatherers in Botswana and the Land Issue. Indigenous Affairs. No 2 of 1994, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWIGA), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Wily, L. 1984, Tanzania, The Arusha Planning and Village Development Programme. In A Case Book. Gender Roles in Development Projects, C. Overholt, K. Anderson, K. Cloud and J. Austin (eds.), Kumarin Press Inc. Available at:
- Wily, L. 1982, A Strategy of Self-Determination for the Kalahari San: The Botswana Government's Programme of Action in the Ghanzi Farms. Development and Change. Vol. 13. Available at:
- Wily, L., 1980, The San in Botswana. In World Minorities of the Eighties, Quartermaine House Limited, London.
- Wily, L., 1980, Land Allocation and Hunter Gatherer Land Rights in Botswana: The Impact of the Tribal Grazing Land Policy, Human Rights and Society Report No. 4. Anti-Slavery Society, London. Available at:
1979 -1976
- Wily, L., 1979, Settlement as a Strategy for Securing Land for Nomads, Pastoral Network Paper 7c/1979 Overseas Development Institute, London.
- Wily, L., 1979, Official Policy Towards San (Bushmen) Hunter Gatherers in Botswana; 1966-1978. Working Paper No. 23 National Institute for Development and Cultural Research, Gaborone, Botswana. Available at:
- Wily, L. 1978, An Aspect of Warning Systems for Drought: Information Collection in the Districts. In M.T. Hinchey (ed.) Proceedings of the Symposium on Drought in Botswana. Worcester, Mass.: The Botswana Society and Clark University Press, 1979.
- Wily, L., 1976, The Situation of Basarwa (San) in Botswana Today. Survival International Quarterly Vol. 1 (16) 1976, Survival International, London.
Guest Staff Member
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut