Limin Teh
University Lecturer Modern Chinese History
- Name
- Dr. L.M. Teh
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5915
- 0000-0002-8661-047X

Limin Teh is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
More information about Limin Teh
Fields of interest
Social history of twentieth-century China; urban history; history of work; Japanese imperialism; co-evolution of states and markets
Ph.D. in Modern Chinese History, The University of Chicago (2014)
M.A. in International Relations, The University of Chicago (2005)
M.A. in Library Science, Rutgers University (2000)
A.B. in Growth and Structure of Cities, Bryn Mawr College (1998)
Lecturer in Modern Chinese History, Leiden University (since 2014)
Key publications
“Labor Control and Mobility in Japanese-controlled Fushun Coalmine, 1905-1932,” International Review of Social History (December 2015).
“From Company Town to Industrial City: The South Manchuria Railway Company in Fushun, China,” in Marcelo J. Borges and Susana B. Torres, ed., Company Towns: Historical Studies in Global Perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
BA1 Chinese Studies: Modern Chinese History
BA2 Chinese Studies: Work and Workers in Twentieth century China
BA3 Chinese Studies: Imperialism and Nationalism in Modern Chinese History
BAIS History: East Asia
MA Asian Studies: The State in Modern Chinese History
University Lecturer Modern Chinese History
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
- Teh L.M. (2023), Review of: Goodman B. (2021), The suicide of Miss Xi: democracy and disenchantment in the Chinese Republic. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 24(2): 334-337.
- Teh L.M. (2023), Enumerating fairness: wages and labour contractors in pre-1949 China. In: Asta M. & Pinto P. (Eds.), The value of work since the 18th century: custom, conflict, measurement and theory. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 145-162.
- Money D.J. & Teh L.M. (2022), Race at work: a comparative history of mining labor and empire on the Central African Copperbelt and the Fushun coalfields, ca. 1907-1945, International Labor and Working-Class History 101: 100-117.
- Teh L.M. (2022), Geopolitics, coal production, and labor processes in the Fushun coalmine, 1946-1948. In: Moll-Murata C. (Ed.), Northeast Asia in focus: life, work and industry between the Steppe and the Metropoles, 1900-2020: essays in commemoration of Flemming Christiansen's retirement: Festschrift. Working papers on East Asian Studies no. 131. Duisburg 45-52.
- Teh L.M. (2022), 1975 - Administrative Districts of China: The Everyday Nationalism of School Maps. In: Storms M., Richard A.I., Schrikker. A., Groesen M. van, Ommen K. van & Verhoeven G. (Eds.), Maps that Made History. Tielt: Lannoo. 383-385.
- Teh L.M. & Money D.J. (2021), The Global History of Race and Labor: Foundations and Key Concepts, JSTOR Daily : .
- Teh L.M. (2020), The International Labour Organization and the Labour Question in Republican China, 1919–1938. In: Bellucci S. & Weiss H. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of the Labour Question: Ideological Antagonism, Workers’ Movement and the ILO since 1919: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Teh L.M. (2020), Review of: Xiao Cong, Marriage, Law and Gender in Revolutionary China, 1940-1960 . Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 132: 695-697.
- Teh L.M. (2020) Love, marriage and revolution. Review of: Cong X. (2018), Marriage, law and gender in revolutionary China, 1940-1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 132(4).
- Teh L.M. (2017) Migrant Labor in China. Post-Socialist Transformations. Review of: Pun N. (2016), Migrant Labor in China. Post-Socialist Transformations. Cambridge: Polity. International Review of Social History 62(3): 561-564.
- Teh L.M. (2017), Review of: Ngai Pun (2016), Migrant Labor in China. Post-Socialist Transformations. China Today Series. Cambridge: Polity Press. International Review of Social History 62(3): 561-564.
- Teh L.M. (2016), “Gao Gang,” “Guandong Leased Territory,” “Rao Shushi,” and “Mining” . In: Dillon M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Chinese History: Routledge.
- Teh L.M. (2016), Review of: Gates H. (2015), Footbinding and Women’s Labor in Sichuan 18(1): 183-186.
- Teh L.M. (2016), Footbinding and Women's Labor in Sichuan, NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 18(1): 183-186.
- Teh L.M. (2015), Labor Control and Mobility in Japanese-Controlled Fushun Coalmine (China), 1907−1932, International Review of Social History 60(1): 95-119.
- Teh L.M. (2012), From Company Town to Industrial City: The South Manchuria Railway Company in Fushun, China. In: Borges M.J. & Torres S.B. (Eds.), Company Towns: Historical Studies in Global Perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 69-90.
- Teh L.M. (2012), From Colonial Company Town to Industrial City: The South Manchuria Railway Company in Fushun, China. In: Borges M.J & Torres S.B. (Eds.), Company Towns: Palgrave Macmillan. 69-90.