Leonard Blussé van Oud Alblas
Professor emeritus of History of European-Asian Relations
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2766
- j.l.blusse@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Leonard Blussé van Oud Alblas is Professor Emeritus in the History of European-Asian Relations at the Leiden University Institute for History (chair from 1998 to 2011).
More information about Leonard Blussé van Oud Alblas
Leonard Blussé van Oud Alblas is Professor Emeritus in the History of European-Asian Relations at the Leiden University Institute for History (chair from 1998 to 2011).
Fields of interest
Early Modern History of Southeast and East Asia; the History of Overseas Chinese; Global History
Major Publications
Visible Cities Canton, Nagasaki and Batavia and the Coming of the Americans. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 2008.
Shiba shiji-mo Badaweiya Tangrenshihui (The Chinese Community of Batavia at the End of the Eighteenth Century. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press 2002.
Bitter Bonds, A Colonial Divorce Drama of the Seventeenth Century. Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers 2002.
Retour Amoy, Anny Tan – Een vrouwenleven in Indonesië, Nederland en China. Amsterdam: Balans Publishers.
Ba-ta-wei-ya hua-jen yu Chung-ho maoyi (The Chinese of Batavia and Sino-Dutch trade). Guangxi People's Publishing Company, 1997.
Zhong-he jiaowang shi (A History of Sino-Dutch Relations), Amsterdam: Otto Cramwinckel, 1989,1999. (Dutch translation Tribuut aan China. 1989, 2008, Japanese Translation Ryu to Mitsubachi, Chugokukai-eki no orandajin yonhyakunenshi, Tokyo: Koyo Shobo, 2008).
Strange Company, Chinese Settlers, Mestizo Women and the Dutch in VOC Batavia, (Verhandelingen KITLV 122), Dordrecht: Foris 1986, 1988).
Nederlanders Overzee. (with Jaap de Moor) Wever, Franeker 1983.
Books published since 2000
- Leonard Blussé en Floris-Jan van Luyn, China en de Nederlanders, Geschiedenis van de Nederlands-Chinese betrekkingen 1600-2008, Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 255 pp.
- Leonard Blussé, Ryu to Mitsubachi, Chugokukai-eki no orandajin yonhyakunenshi, (The Dragon and the Honeybees, four hundred years of Dutch activities on the China Coast) transl. Fukami Sumio, Fujita Kayoko, Koike Makoto, Tokyo: Koyo Shobo, 235 pp.
- Leonard Blussé, Visible Cities Canton, Nagasaki and Batavia and the Coming of the Americans. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 114 pp.
- Leonard Blussé and Nie Dening, Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan (Gong An Bu – Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council). Vol. 7, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press. 422 pp.
- Leonard Blussé and Liu Yong, Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan (Gong An Bu –Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council).Vol. 6, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press. 355 pp.
- Leonard Blussé and E. van Veen eds, Rivalry and Conflict, European traders and Asiantrading networks in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Studies in Overseas History. vol. 7, Leiden: CNWS Publishers. 382 pp.
- Leonard Blussé & Cynthia Viallé, The Deshima Daghregisters, 1651-1660. Vol. 11, Intercontinenta Series XXIII, Leiden, 493 pp.
- Leonard Blussé, Cynthia Viallé & Willem Remmelink, Isabel van Dalen eds., TheDeshima Diaries, Marginalia 1740-1800. Tokyo: Japan Netherlands Institute 2004. 898 pp.
- Leonard Blussé, Chen Menghong eds, The Archives of the Kong Koan of Batavia. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 160 pp.
- L. Blussé ed, Around and About Formosa, Essays in honour of Professor Ts’ao Yung-ho. Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc. 339 pp.
- L .Blussé and F. Fernández-Armesto, eds, Shifting Communities and Identity Formation in Early Modern Asia. Studies in Overseas History Vol.3, Leiden: CNWS Publishers. 218 pp.
- L. Blussé and Wu Fengbin, Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan (Gong An Bu –Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council) Vol. 1, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press. 424 pp.
- L. Blussé and Wu Fengbin, Shiba shiji-mo Badaweiya Tangrenshihui (The Chinese Community of Batavia at the End of the Eighteenth Century. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press. 409 pp.
- Bitter Bonds, A Colonial Divorce Drama of the Seventeenth Century. Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers. 194 pp.
- L. Blussé and I. Ooms, Kennis en Compagnie, De Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie en de moderne wetenschap. Amsterdam: Balans Publishers. 191 pp.
- L. Blussé and C. Viallé, The Deshima Daghregisters, 1640-1650. Vol. 11, Intercontinenta Series XXII. Leiden.
- L.Blussé and N. Everts, The Formosan Encounter, Notes on Formosan Aboriginal Society 1636-1646. Vol. II, Taipei: Shung Ye Museum of Aborigines. 610 pp.
- Rosenkrieg, Ein Scheidungsdrama um Besitz, Macht und Freiheit im 17.Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. 219 pp. (German edition Bitters Bruid see 21)
- Retour Amoy, Anny Tan – Een vrouwenleven in Indonesië, Nederland en China. Amsterdam: Balans Publishers. 368 pp. (Herdruk in Rainbow Pockets , 2002.
- a) L. Blussé, W. Remmelink, I. Smits (eds), Bridging the Divide, 400 years of Dutch-Japanese Relations. Utrecht: TELEAC Publishers. 288 pp, b) (Dutch version) Bewogen Betrekkingen, TELEAC Publishers, c) Japanese version: Nichiran Koryu yonhyaku-nen no rekishi to tenbo , Tokyo: Nichiran Kyokai Publishers.
- L. Blussé, W. Milde and Ts'ao Ying-ho eds, De Dagregisters van het Kasteel Zeelandia, Taiwan. Vol. IV: 1655-1662 (RGP Grote Serie 241) 's-Gravenhage: Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis. 754 pp.
Supervision Doctoral Theses
- Co-promotor with Prof. Dr. K. Schipper: Dr. Cheng Shaogang, De VOC en Formosa, 1624-1662, 12 December 1995.
- Co-promotor with Prof. Dr. P.W. Klein: Dr. Remco Raben, Batavia and Colombo, The Ethnic and Spatial Order of Two Colonial Cities, 1600-1800, 28 March 1996.
- Promotor: Dr. Yuan Bingling, Chinese Democracies, a Study of the Kongsis of West Borneo (1776-1884), 1 December 1998.
- Promotor: Dr. M.T.H. Govaars-Tjia, Hollands onderwijs in een koloniale samenleving: de Chinese ervaring in Indonesië. 1900-1942, Uitgeverij de Vijver, 16 December 1999.
- Promotor: Dr. E. van Veen, Decay or Defeat?An inquiry into the Portuguese decline in Asia 1580-1645 , CNWS Leiden University Publishers, 6 December 2000.
- Promotor with Prof. Dr. A. E. Kersten: Dr. F.P. van der Putten, Corporate Behaviour and Political Risk, Dutch Companies in China, 1913-1941 , CNWS Leiden University Publishers, 23 May 2001.
- Promotor: Dr. B. de Prins, Voor Keizer en Koning, Leonard du Bus de Gisignies 1780-1849, Commissaris-Generaal van Nederlands-Indië, Uitgeverij Balans (Amsterdam), 24 april 2002.
- Promotor: Dr. A.G. de Roever, De jacht op Sandelhout, De VOC en de tweedeling van Timor in de zeventiende eeuw, Walburg Pers (Zutphen), 12 december 2002.
- Promotor with Prof. Dr. W.J. Boot: Dr. Martha Chaiklin, Cultural Commerce and Dutch Commercial Culture, The influence of European Material Culture on Japan, 1700-1850. Studies In Overseas History 5, CNWS Press, Leiden, 3 June 2003.
- Promotor with Prof. dr. H. Beukers: Dr. Herman Jan Moeshart, Een miskend geneesheer, Dr. J.K. van den Broek en de overdracht van kennis van westerse technologie in Japan, 1853-1857. De Bataafse Leeuw, Amsterdam, 3 juni 2003.
- Promotor with dr. R.J. Ross: Dr. Russel Viljoen, “Land of our Forefathers” – Jan Paerl: A Khoikhoi Prophet in Cape Colonial Society, 1761-1851., TANAP publications, Leiden , 4 December 2003.
- Promotor with Dr. J.Th.Lindblad: Ryuto Shimada, The Intra-Asian Trade in Japanese Copper by the Dutch East India Company during the Eighteenth Century, 14 December 2005.
- Promotor: Dr. Harry Knipschild, Ferdinand Hamer, 1840-1900.Missiepionier en martelaar in China. Een nieuwe kijk op de missiemethode van de Scheutisten in het noorden van China, en de reactie daarop van de Chinezen, 14 December 2005.
- Promotor with Prof. Dr. P. Boomgaard: Dr. Kwee Hui Kian, The Political Economy of Java’s Northeast Coast, c.1740-1800, Elite Synergy, 15 December 2005.
- Promotor with Dr. F. Colombijn: Dr. Atsushi Ota, Changes of Regime and Social Dynamics in West Java, Society, State and the Outer World of Banten, 1750-1830, 15 December 2005.
- Promotor with Dr. Lodewijk Wagenaar: Alicia Schrikker, Dutch and British colonial intervention in Sri Lanka, 1780-1815: Expansion and Reform. 30 November 2006. (cum laude)
- Promotor: Yong Liu, Golden Years: The Chinese Tea Trade of the Dutch East India Company, 1757-1781, 6 December 2006.
- Promotor with Prof. dr. F.S. Gaastra, Hoang Anh Tuan, The Dutch East India Company in Tonkin: Political and Commercial Relations, 1637-1700. 7 December 2006.
- Promotor with Prof. dr. Peter Rietbergen (Nijmegen): Bhawan Ruangsilp, Perception and Practice: The VOC and the Court Culture of Ayutthaya in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 7 March 2007.
- Promotor with Dr. Lodewijk Wagenaar: Nirmal Devasiri, Changes in the Peasant Agriculture in the Southern and Western Ceylon in the Mid-eighteenth century under the VOC rule, 4 April 2007.
- Promotor:: Chíu Hsin-hui, Entangled Encounters: ‘The Formosans’ and the Dutch Colonial Project (1624-1662), 10 May 2007.
- Promotor with Dr. Gerrit Knaap, Muridan Satrio Widjojo, Cross-Cultural Alliance-Making and Local Resistance in Maluku during the Revolt of Prince Nuku, c. 1780-1810, 12 September 2007.
- Promotor with Dr. J.J.L. Gommans: Binu John Parambil, The Ali Rajas of Cannanore: Status at the Interface of Commercial and Political Expansion (1663-1723), 12 December 2007.
- Promotor with Prof. dr. Peter Boomgaard,: Sri Margana, Java’s Last Frontier, The Struggle for Hegemonyof Blambangan,.1763–1813, 13 December 2007.
- Promotor with dr. A.A.P. Francken: A. Pos, Het paviljoen van porselein: Nederlandse literaire Chinoiserie en het westerse beeld van China, 1250-2007, 24 June 2008.
- Promotor: Kogure Minori, National Prestige and Economic Interest. Dutch Policy towards Japan 1850-1863, 25 September 2008.
- Promotor: W. Hugenholtz, De landrente belasting op Java 1812-1920, 25 September 2008.
- Promotor with Prof. dr. F.S. Gaastra: Chr. Nierstrasz, The Decline of the VOC; the relationship between Company and servant. 5 November 2008.
Professor emeritus of History of European-Asian Relations
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2021), Three Men in a Boat? How the Suminokura, Caron, and the Zheng Experienced the Regime Changes in East Asia (1600-1670): An Essay in Global Microhistory, Itinerario 45(2): 208-227.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2020), Qua Patet Orbis, The Dutch Seaborne Empire. In: C.A. Bayly and Walter Scheidel (Ed.) The Oxford World History of Empires. Oxford: Oxford UP.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2020), Riverscapes, Estuaries,and State Formation in Southeast Asia, Nusantara: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2(1): 138-154.
- Xu G. & Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2019), Land Reclamation in the Rhine and Yangzi Deltas: An Explorative Comparison, 1600–1800, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 12(3): 423–455.
- Blussé Leonard (2018), Dueling wills: Dutch administration and Formosan Power, 1624-68’. In: Swope Kenneth & Andrade Tonio (Eds.), Early Modern East Asia. War, Commerce and Cultural Exchange. London: Routledge. 65-82.
- Blussé Leonard (2018), Chasing Rumors: In Search of the Overseas News Communications in Early Modern Time. In: Liu Shiuhfeng (Ed.), Transmission of Information and Mutual Understanding across the Asian Waters. no. 2. Taipei: Academia Sinica Taiwan. 1-24.
- Blussé Leonard & Nie Dening (2018), The Chinese Annals of Batavia, The Kai Ba Lidai Shiji ( 开吧 历代史纪)and other stories (1610-1795). Leiden: Brill.
- Blussé Leonard (2017), Chinees Batavia of Gelaba, het land van de klapperboom. In: Westeijn Thijs & Jonker Menno (Eds.), Barbaren & Wijsgeren. Het beeld van China in de Gouden Eeuw. Haarlem: Van Tilt. 52-56.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2017), The Kaiba Lidai Shiji, an autonomous history of the Chinese community of Batavia/Jakarta in the VOC period, Wacana. Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya 18(2): 385-401.
- Blussé leonard (2017), It all began with a Cleveringa Lecture: The Kong Koan Archive of Batavia. In: Reeuwijk Alexander (Ed.), Voyage of Discovery, exploring the collections of the Asian Library at Leiden University. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 202-213.
- Blussé Leonard (2017), Ex Oriente Lux. Henk Wesseling en Azië. In: Spijkers Mai (Ed.), Een Tachtiger, Een hommage aan H.L.Wesseling. Amsterdam: Prometheus. 77-88.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2017), Oceanus Resartus: or, is Chinese Maritime History Coming of Age?, Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 25(December 2017): .
- Nie Dening, Wu Fengbin & Blussé Leonard (2017), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan公案簿, 吧城花 人公馆 档案(Gong An Bu – Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council). 1889-1913) no. 15. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2016), Het ware gezicht van een rare Chinees, Zeeuws Tijdschrift (2016): .
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2016), Scene uit de verovering van de Canarische eilanden, een re-interpretatie van Jan Jansz. Mostaerts schilderij 'Landschap met een episode uit de verovering van Amerika', Kunstschrift 60(3): 54-55.
- Blussé Leonard (2016), Shame and Scandal in the Family: Dutch Eavesdropping on the Zheng Lineage. In: Andrade Tonio & Xing Hang (Eds.), Sea Rovers, Silver and Samurai, Maritime Easty Asia in Global History, 1550-1700. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. 226-237.
- Blussé leonard & Moor Jaap de (2016), Een Zwitsers leven in de tropen. De lotgevallen van kapitein Elie Ripon in dienst van de VOC (1616-1626). Amstertdam: Prometheus.
- Blussé Leonard (2015), John Chinaman Abroad: Chinese sailors in the Service of the VOC. In: Schrikker Alicia & Touwen Jeroen (Eds.), Promises and Predicaments, Trade and Entrepreneurship in Colonial and Independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries.. Singapore: Singapore University Press. 101-112.
- Blussé Leonard (2015), Van tussenpersonen, tolken en trotse heersers. Inheemse stemmen uit het verre verleden van het eiland Formosa. In: Wagenaar Lodewijk (Ed.), Aan de overkant. Ontmoetingen in dienst van de VOC en WIC (1600-1800).. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 11-33.
- Blussé Leonard (2015), Nevenactiviteiten overzee, Valckenier en Van Imhoff en de Chinezenmoord van 1740. In: Dissel Anita van, Ebben Maurits & Fatah-Black Karwan (Eds.), Reizen door het maritieme verleden van Nederland.. Zutphen: Walburg Pers. 272-292.
- Blussé Leonard (2015), Northern European Empires in Asia, the VOC. In: Scott Hamish (Ed.), Early Modern European History, 1350-1750.. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 227-253.
- Blussé Leonard & 包乐史 (2015), 受雇于荷兰东印度公司的中国水’. In: You Feijun (Ed.), 杨帆海上丝绸之路. 烟台: 黄海数字出版社. 14-20.
- Blussé Leonard (2014), Peeking into the Empires: Dutch Embassies to the Courts of China and Japan, Itinerario 37(3): 14-29.
- Blussé leonard & Nie Dening (2014), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan公案簿, 吧城花 人公馆 档案(Gong An Bu – Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council). 1869-1873) no. 13. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé Leonard (2013), ‘Port Cities of Southeast Asia’. In: Clark Peter (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 346-363.
- Blussé Leonard (2013), Koning Willem I en de schepping van de koloniale staat’. In: Haan Ido de, Hoed Paul den & Velde Henk te (Eds.), Een nieuwe staat. Het begin van het koninkrijk der Nederlanden.. Amsterdam: Prometheus.
- Blussé Leonard (2013), Thee met een luchtje. Experimenten met vervoer van Chinese thee door Ezechiël Lombard. In: Doe Eric van der, Moree Perry & Tang Dirk J. (Eds.), Buitgemaakt en teruggevonden, Nederlandse brieven en scheepspieren in een Engels archief.. Zutphen: Walburg Pers. 154-165.
- Blussé Leonard & Nie Dening (2013), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan公案簿, 吧城花 人公馆 档案(Gong An Bu – Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council) no. 12. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé Leonard & Everts Natalie (2012), ‘The Kavalan people of the Lan Yang plain four hunderd years ago’ in 宜兰研究 Yilan yanjiu, 9(2012): 265-280.
- Lai Huiyun, Blussé Leonard, Zheng Weichung & Cai Xiangyu (2012), 利邦上尉东印度航海历险记. Taipei: Yüan-Liu Publishers (远流出版社).
- Blussé Leonard, Wu Fengbin & Nie Dening (2012), 公案簿, 吧城花 人公馆 档案 Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan no. 11. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. & Vialle C.R.M.K.L. (2011), The Deshima Daghregisters, 1661-1670. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2011), Jidu, Jealousy. In: Heemskerk G., Hoen W. 't & Valken M. (Eds.), Helan zhuojia yanjingzhong-di Helan meihua (Famous Dutch paintings in the eyes of Dutch writers. Amsterdam: Nederlands letterenfonds. 38-41.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2011), Driemaal is scheepsrecht, Batavia 1619, 1627-1629. In: Amersfoort H., Blom H., Bos D. & Es G. van (Eds.), Belaagd en belegerd. Amsterdam: Balans. 146-169.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2011), 'Junks to Java: Chinese shipping to the Nanyang in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century'. In: Tagliacozzo E. & Chang Wen-Chin (Eds.), Chinese Circulations , Capital. Commodities and Networks in Southeast Asia. Durham: Duke UP. 221-258.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L., Nie Dening, Wu Fenbin & Eds N. (Eds.) (2011), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2011), Driemaal is scheepsrecht. Batavia 1619, 1627-1629. In: Amersfoort H., Blom H., Bos D. & Es G. van (Eds.), Belaagd en belegerd. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans. 147-169.
- Blussé Leonard (2011), Aan de oevers van de grote rivieren: de Rijn en Yangzi delta’s 1350-1850. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2010), (Bao Leshi) Kandejiande Chengshi, Dongya san shanggang de shengshuai fuchenlu [Visible Cities],. Hangzhou: Hangzhou: Jejiang Daxue Chubanse.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2010), Ver sacrum, Hoe het ‘t Verzuymd Brazil en ‘t Verwaerloosde Formosa verloren gingen. In: Ebben Maurits & et al. (Eds.), Alle streken van het kompas, Maritime geschiedenis in Nederland. Zutphen: Walburg Pers. 147-174.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2010), Overzeese verkenningen op het grensvlak van geschiedenis en sociologie. In: Hoof Jacques van & et al. (Eds.), J.A.A. van Doorn en de Nederlandse sociologie, de erfenis, het debat en de toekomst. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications. 69-74.
- Stolte C.M. & Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2010), Studying Southeast Asia in Southeast Asia: an interview with Anthony Reid, Itinerario 34(2): 7-18.
- Blussé J.L. (2009), Kuse di jiehe, shigi shji helandongindu gongsi di yi chulihun xiju (Chinese translation of Bitter Bonds). Beijng: Renmin wenxue chubanshe.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. (2009), (Bao Leshi), Ku se de jiehe, shiqi shiji helan dongindu gongsi de yichu lihun xiju. [ Bitter Bonds, a seventeenth century divorce drama of the Dutch East India Company. Beijing: Beijing: renmin wenxue chubanshe.
- Blussé J.L., Laux Claire & Ruggiu Francois-Joseph (2009), 'From the STOEP to the Veranda. Colonial Life among the Elite in Ancien Régime Batavia'. In: , Au sommet de l'Empire, Les élites européennes dans les Colonies (XVIe-XXe siècle. At the top of Empire, European Elites in the Colonies (16th-20th Century). Bruxelles: Peter Lang.
- Blussé J.L. (2009), 'On the Waterfront: Life and Labour Around the Batavian Roadstead'. In: Haneda Masashi (Ed.), Asian Port Cities 1600-1800. Local and Foreign Cultural Interactions.. Singapore: NUS Press, in association with Kyoto University Press.
- Vialle C.R.M.K.L., Groenendijk E. & Blussé J.L. (Eds.) (2009), Canton and Nagasaki Compared 1730-1830: Dutch, Chinese, Japanese Relations. Transactions. Intercontinenta. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Blussé J.L., Hou Zhenping & et al (Eds.) (2009), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan (Gong An Bu - Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council). Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L. & Fenbin Wu (Eds.) (2009), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan Gong An Bu. Xiamen: Xiamen University press.
- Blussé J.L., Groenendijk Evert & Viallé Cynthia (Eds.) (2009), Canton-Nagasaki Compared 1780-1830 (Transactions of the first Canton-Nagasaki Conference, Guangzhou 2007). Leiden: Leiden University.
- Blussé van Oud Alblas J.L., Hou Zhenping, Dening Nie & et al (Eds.) (2009), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan. Xiamen: Xiamen Ubniversity Press.
- Blussé J.L. (2008), Ryu to Mitsubachi, Chugokukai-eki no orandajin yonhyakunenshi, (The Dragon and the Honeybees, four hundred years of Dutch activities on the China Coast), transl. Fukami Sumio, Fujita Kayako, Koike Makato. Tokyo: Koyo Shobo.
- Blussé J.L. (2008), Visible Cities: Canton, Nagasaki and Batavia and the Coming of the Americans. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Ptress.
- Blussé J.L. (2008), 'From a Plurality of Cultures towards Plural Societies: Changes of Regime and Colonial State Formation in the Malay Archipelago, 1780-1830'. In: Liao Shaolian (Ed.), Malaysia and Sino-Malaysian Relations in a Changing World. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé J.L. & Luyn Floris-Jan. van (Eds.) (2008), China en de Nederlanders, Geschiedenis van de Nederlands-Chinese Betrekkingen, 1600-2008. Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
- Blussé J.L., Nie Dening, Wu Fengbin & Hou Zhenping (2007), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan Gong An Bu. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé J.L. (2007), Chu Hai : China’s Real Pioneers in the Nanyang. In: Suryadinata L. (Ed.), Chinese Diaspora Since Admital Zheng He, with special reference to Maritime Asia. Singapore: Chinese heritage centre. 103-112.
- Blussé J.L. (2007), Ratu di antara para Raja, Ritual diplomatik di Batavia. Nas P. & Grijns K. (Eds.), Jakarta Batavia, Esai Socio-Kultural. . Jakarta: KITLV. 27-46.
- Blussé J.L. (2007), Tokugawa Japan and its lost Brethren in Southeast Asia. Makino N., Fujita K. & Matsumoto M. (Eds.), Dynamic Rim lands and Open Heartlands: Maritime Asia as a Site of Interactions. . Osaka: Osaka University. 100-114.
- Blussé J.L. & Viallé C.R.M.K.L. (Eds.) (2007), The Adaptable Peasant: Agrarian Society in Western Sri Lanka under Dutch Rule, 1740-1800, (by Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Blussé J.L. & Niemeijer H. (Eds.) (2007), The Dutch East India Company's Tea Trade with China, 1757-1781. (by Yong Liu). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Blussé J.L. & Viallé C.R.M.K.L. (Eds.) (2007), Dutch East India Company Merchants at the Court of Ayutthaya.(by Bhawan Ruangsilp). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Blussé J.L. & Niemeijer H. (Eds.) (2007), Dutch and British Colonial Intervention in Sri Lanka, 1780-1815. (by Alicia Schrikker). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Blussé J.L. & Viallé C.R.M.K.L. (Eds.) (2007), Silk for Silver: Dutch-Vietnamese Relations, 1637-1700 (by Hoang Ahn Tuan). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Blussé J.L., Liu Yong, Hou Zhenping, Nie Dening & Wu Fengbin (2006), Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan Gong An Bu. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
- Blussé J.L. & Everts N.C. (2006), The Formosan Encounter. Notes on Formosa's Aboriginal Society: A Selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources, Vol. III, 1646-1654. Taipei: Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines Monograph.
- Blussé J.L. (2006), Jakarata: Erberveld-monument, de nieuwe kleren van de koningin van het oosten. Prak M. (Ed.), Plaatsen van herinnering. Nederland in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. . Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 390-399.
- Blussé J.L. (2006), The Eclipse of the Inibs: the Dutch Orotestant Mission in the 17th Century Taiwan and its Persecution of Native Priestesses. Yeh Chuen-rong (Ed.), History, Culture and Ethnicity. Selected Papaers from the International Conference on the Formosan Indigenous Peoples. . Tapei: Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines. 71-88.
- Wu Fengbin, Chen M. & Blussé J.L. (2005), Gongan bu (Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council) Vol.V (1846-1848). Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
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